Design Notes
September 28, 2018
TLaPD 2018: Curse of the Sea King WAR
Talk Like a Pirate 2018 Finale
Every September, Pirates around Lore ship out in search of one thing… TREASURE! Last week, Captain Rhubarb and his faithful trobble sought an ancient, powerful artifact. With your help, they found the Heart of the Sea… and a boatload of trouble! The Sea King doesn’t look kindly on those who steal his prizes, and now he’s declared war against you and your crew. This weekend, log in at and defend yourself from the wrath of the watery gods! Survive, and the prize is YOURS. Fail, and you’ll lose more than your loot.
- Talk to Captain Rhubarb to accept war quests
- Slay the war mobs and turn in war quests to rainse the war meter
- Unlock new quests (and the rewards they drop) at 20, 30, 50, 60, and 75%
- Unlock the boss fight and reward drops at 100%
War quest rewards include:
- Gilded Naval Commander Reavers and other accessories
- Guncraft Commander helms and flintlocks
- The Forgotten Cutlasses
- Gilded Hook Mace
- The Arachnid Commander's Sword
- Bloodborne Naval Commander Top Hats and helms
- Golden Monkey and Golden Parrot pets
- and more!

September 28, 2018
Become a Guardian of Time
Upgrade to unlock the exclusive gear sets until November 2nd!
Whether you ally with Good or Evil, one thing remains true... YOU are the only Hero that can save the universes!
Unlock the all-new Dark Guardian of Time set upgrade bonus gear starting Friday, September 28th at 6 PM EST! Buy any AC or membership package worth $10 USD or more to unlock the Dark Guardian of Time set and get both the Dark and Bright sets with the 12,000 AC or 12 month membership packs!
12000 AC or 12 month membership packages: ALL the Guardian of Time Gear
Get more gear and save more of your real-world gold with our largest upgrade packages! Unlock the Dark Guardian of Time armor set and the exclusive Bright Guardian variant with our 12000 AdventureCoin or 12 month membership packages:
- Dark Guardian of Time + Bright Guardian of Time armors
- 4 helms, 4 capes, 4 weapons
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts added straight to your inventory
2000 and 5000 AC or 3 and 6 month membership package: Dark Guardian of Time set
- Dark Guardian of Time armor
- 2 helms
- 3 capes
- 2 weapons
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts added straight to your inventory
All packages will also come with the Guardian of Time character page badge, so you can show all your friends how much faith and trust the people of Lore have in you!
Upgrade to become a 10th Upholder until November 2nd
AQW is coming up on another birthday... a very SPECIAL birthday! That means starting NOW, we are once again offering the chance to become an AQW Upholder!* Upgrade with any membership until November 2nd to unlock our 2018 Star Swords, the exclusive class, zone, and all our membership perks!
What is an Upholder?
Ten years ago, AdventureQuest Worlds went live and players jumped at the chance to become the first Members of AQW. These lucky, early supporters of the game became the game's Founders. Now, we are celebrating AQW's 10th birthday and offering YOU the chance to join the AQW Founders by becoming a 10th Upholder!
The first ten years have been crazy, insane, and awesome, but you have not seen anything yet. Our programmers' focus has been, and will continue, on the AQWorlds: Mobile port of the game. On the web version, Artix, Memet, and I met on the 2019 main story. It is Time that you unlocked one of the main Eternal Dragon of Time powers and take care of the Queen of Monsters once and for all. For Good, for Evil, and for Eternity!
What does a 10th Upholder get?
As a 10th Upholder, you'll receive:
Exclusive Upholder Class: Sentinel Class!*
Spiderking Star Sword (and classic variant)
Plasma Star Sword (and classic variant)
Gilded Star Sword (and classic variant)
Bloodborne Star Sword (and classic variant)
10th Upholder Character Page Badge
Infinite bragging rights
Access to the exclusive Star Sword: Origins zone
Once you become a 10th Upholder, you can easily access these Items in your Book of Lore by clicking your 10th Upholder Badge icon in the Badges tab.
* The Sentinel Class will be available for ALL previous Upholders and Founders as our way of saying thanks for supporting us in the past!
How do I become a 10th Upholder?
All that we ask is that you help support AQW the game undergoes its exciting rebirth!
Upgrade your AQW Membership with ANY membership between September 28th and November 2nd to become a legendary 10th Upholder.
If your account is ALREADY upgraded and your membership expires AFTER November 2nd, 2018, then you are automatically a 10th Upholder. Congratulations!
Please note that only Upgraded Legend Memberships count toward 10th Upholder.
Want to know if you're already an Upholder?
That's easy! Just click the Manage Account link on the left under the ACCOUNT section. As soon as you sign in you'll see when your membership expires. Here's mine:
Cool! When Do I Get My Upholder Gear?
10th Upholder badges, Star Swords, and Sentinel Class will be awarded starting September 28th! You will find your 10th Upholder Badge in your Book of Lore in the Other Badges tab.
Only Memberships Count?
Yes. You can use Artix Points on the Portal site or any method in AQW to upgrade, but it MUST be an AQW Membership. AdventureCoins DO NOT COUNT TOWARD 10th Upholder.
Your Support Makes AQWorlds Possible!
Thank you so much for helping us make AQWorlds! Without you, we couldn't make this game, or allow everyone the opportunity to enjoy it for free. We couldn't keep AQWorlds running without every single upgrade and AC that you buy. Nearly every penny you spend goes back into the game.
Though some people prefer buying AdventureCoins and others prefer upgrading, anyone who spends real money on this game deserves to get as much as we can give them, because without their support... there wouldn't BE an AQWorlds for everyone to play!
You may not know this but AQW (like all AE games) is ENTIRELY supported by the players. We have no financial backers and nobody owns stock in the company. Clicking on ads and doing AExtras offers does bring in some money, but not nearly enough to keep AQWorlds free for everyone to enjoy.
That's why we continue to reward the AQWorlds' Founders, who supported us in the very beginning. To make sure they know how much we appreciate that, we are continuing to give them free gear each year!
Thank you for battling alongside us, and for sharing your ideas and love of AQWorlds with us. You truly are the best gaming community on the internet, and I am genuinely grateful for all of you. /bow Thank you for the first 10 years of AQWorlds, and here's to another 5 years, 10 years, and beyond!

September 28, 2018
October 2018 Event Calendar
This Month: 10th Anniversary + Mogloween
Log in all month long as we celebrate our 10th anniverday! Birthday gifts, free AdventureCoins, and new achievement tracker rewards, plus the two-part birthday story - battle as Sepulchure as you work with Noxus the Lich to create the evil, iconic flying dracolich fortress, ShadowFall.
September 28: 10th upholder begins + Guardians of Time upgrade bonus gear
October 1: ChronoStriker seasonal showcase set arrives
October 4: National Taco Day shop returns
October 5: Mogloween seasonal events return
October 12: 10th birthday event, part 1 feat. Sepulchure and Noxus
October 19: 10th birthday event, part 2
October 26: New Mogloween event for 2018
Also coming this month...
- 10th Birthday Class: ShadowScythe General
- Birthday gifts: free inventory/friend list spaces* + space caps increased
- Free AdventureCoins
- Achievement tracker rewards: adventure zones + class variants
- Unlock Noxus' armor, helm, and pet
- Unlock for Sepulchure's helm
- and more!
* The free inventory, bank, and friend list spaces are confirmed... and free house spaces if the gods of Lore are with us (planned, in testing now).
The number of free spaces will be announced next week, along with whether the free house inventory spaces will be possible. Keep an eye on the Design Notes!

September 25, 2018
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Please do not send non-release bugs on Twitter. They will get lost. Make sure you send bug report forms!
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug Fixes:
- Ada's Light Scythe, Legion Skull Mace and Mask of Laken are now officially rare.
- Guncraft Commander’s Tricorn added to the Pirate Collection 2018 shop.
- Spirit Enntropy Pet and Enntropy Pet names and descriptions fixed.
- Explorer Naval seasonal hats returned to Quibble’s shop.
- Items in Quibble missing descriptions have now been described.
Art Fixes:
- Male Vampire Naval Commander skin showing on run has been fixed.
- Fantasy Bard female broken arm has been realigned.
- Voltaire’s Baby Black Unicorn Pet has been taught to heel.
- Undead Warrior Judge glow on belt skull removed to match the rest of the skulls.
- Necromancer & variants have had the ears chopped off. RIGHT OFF!
- More places where Gravelyn was flirting have now been deemed “no flirting” zones.
- Paladin Helms in Doompally cutscenes colour fixed. We took their trainee helms away.
Not Fixed & Why:
- Vampire Naval Commander being “fatter” is exactly the way Lae intended it to be.
- Vampire Naval Commander weird highlight effect when clicked on is because of the transforming bits.
It’s that time again. We are getting a LOT of reports on two very basic issues which are not bugs.
The first is “my class won’t rank up”. This is not a bug. This is a case of you need to hit things that are big enough to give you class points. Right now, class points are awarded on a descending scale based on your level vs monster level. If the monster is your level, or higher, you get full points. If the monster is a lower level than you, each level it is lower than you deducts 5% of the points it can award. This means that once a monster is 20 levels smaller than you, it no longer awards class points. Please watch the monsters you are fighting!
The next is all the various things that are caused by not clearing your cache. For a list of the most common things that happen when you need to clear your cache, you can refer back to these Design Notes.
So please! Always Clear Your Cache before sending a bug report. This is not a game issue. It’s a browser thing. We can’t fix your browser. YOU CAN!

September 24, 2018
Coming Soon to HeroMart: T-Shirt Preview
Nulgath's Navy and Stygian Legion Logo T-Shirts!
YARRRRR! Evil is back, and this time, it's taking over the high seas AND our online store at! Celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day Month with by joining the crew and showing your allegiance to either Nulgath's Navy or Dage's Stygian Legion. Shirts will go on sale later this week. Keep an eye on HeroMart's Twitter account and website for exact dates and times.
These shirts are dark, deadly, and tell the whold world which crew YOU belong to!
Exclusive In-Game Bonus Items
Each t-shirt comes with in-game bonus items in AdventureQuest Worlds.
Nulgath's Navy T-Shirt
- Nulgath's Navy Commander armor set
- Character page and Book of Lore badges
Stygian Legion T-Shirt
- Dage's Stygian Legion Pirate armor set
- Character page and Book of Lore badges
Get both t-shirts to unlock the Double Agent far0 pet!
Designed just for you by... Ferozakh
We love showcasing work by our talented community artists, and this month, we're featuring logos and in-game rewards designed by AQW Community artist, Ferozakh! When we asked him to tell us how he found AdventureQuest Worlds, this is the story he told...
"I started playing AQ when I was like 10, and then MechQuest. I started playing the original AQ initially due to peer pressure. Then, after my final exams in my primary school in 2008, I started creating my AQW account via an ad.
However, I started playing in February 2009, due to the difficulty in logging in that time.
I started drawing my personal armor when I was 11. Then when I played the game, I started drawing doodles of Nation sets in 2011, as they were my favourite that year.
At the time, I didn’t have much creativity in making sinister-looking art (I drew the concept art of the ArchFiend DoomLord for the first time ever, though it was lost.).
After that, I just drew AQW art, all over, even in my lessons... I was once even reprimanded by my tutor for drawing all over my worksheet.
This December will be my character's 10th anniversary!"
Ferozakh also draws AQW-themed comics featuring the cute little far0 NPC shown above. You can see his latest comic here!

September 21, 2018
Talk Like a Pirate Day LOOT
Quibble Coinbiter + the Sea King's Collection Chest
Talk Like a Pirate Day is one of the most popular holidays in AQWorlds. Every year, Quibble Coinbiter returns with new pirate-themed gear from the past, present, and future for heroes who don't ask too many questions about where their loot originated.
This year, the AQWorlds team has been featuring a selection of different community artists. To showcase their talent, the 2018 Talk Like a Pirate Day theme is "Artist's Choice" and man, have they really pulled out all the stops!
All of this year's Quibble's Talk Like a Pirate Day rare items will be available individually from his shop in Battleon until the event leaves on Monday, October 8th, or you can unlock all 60+ items from the Sea King's Collection Chest.
- 2018 TLaPD Quibble Bank Pet
- Crulon's Arachnid Naval Commander set
- Ghostly and Forgotten Naval Commander sets
- QuickDraw Naval Commander set
- Golden and Antique Naval Commander set
- Vampiric Naval Commander set
- Sea King Pirate Captain set
- Shipwrecked Pirate Captain set
- Tricorn helms and Captain's Hats
- Golden and Undead Parrot + and Vampire Bat capes
- Pirate King's Skull pet
- Cutlasses
- Rapiers
- Anchor maces
- Animated Revolving Revolvers
- and more!
Sea King's Collection Chest
Rare collectors, take note! The Sea King's Collection Chest will be available for 10,000 ACs and contains ALL of Quibble Coinbiter's 2018 Talk Like a Pirate Day rare items (over 20,000 ACs worth of gear). This magic chest comes from the very depths of the dark sea, and has over 60+ items from all 8 of Quibble's Naval Commander and Pirate Captain sets.
Sea King Treasure Chest pet: 10,000 ACs
- 7 Naval Commander armors
- 2 Pirate Captain armors
- 50+ accessories and weapons
- 2 Bank pets: Ghostly Quibble Bank Pet + Prince of the Sea far0 bank pet
- Sea King's Skull Pet w/ quest for exclusive character page badge
This is a BOATLOAD of loot, but for you collectors (and would-be rulers of the sea) out there, the Neptune's fabled treasure chests will overflow!
Note: In order to prevent shop abuse, the Sea King's Collection Chest and Skull Pet cannot be sold.

September 21, 2018
Talk Like a Pirate Day 2018 is LIVE
Part 1 of the Curse of the Sea King
YARRRR! Talk Like a Pirate Day is one of the most anticipated holiday events of the year. Log in this weekend for the first of our 2-part Curse of the Sea King adventure. Quest for the Heart of the Sea, a priceless gem that will make you LEGENDARY! (Just... try not to get caught. The Sea King is merciless to thieves.)
- Help Captain Rhubarb and Floyd the trouble-making Trobble on their quest
- Hunt through an underwater realm and battle through a sunken ship
- Take on a flotilla of angry mer-draconians guarding the Sea King’s treasure
One word of advice, me hearties... DO NOT -- I REPEAT -- NOT anger the Sea King. He is merciless to those who would steal from him.
Take on the monsters in the Sea King's realm for all-new monster drops, plus find J6's Pirate armor in his Bounty Hunter Shop!
Talk Like a Pirate Day Server Boost
YARRRRR! Make sure to log in and get DOUBLE GOLD on all servers during our Talk Like a Pirate Day server boost. The Sea King's Trident seasonal event item also drops. (The boost runs from September 19 - 23)
Naval Commander Class is BACK!
Here are a few basic things about the class that you defiitely want to know. Get all the details on the class skills in this Class Skills Guide post.
- This class is available for 2000 ACs OR if you have an upgraded account, you can buy it for gold.
- This class is only available for a limited time around Talk Like a Pirate Day, but will return each year as a seasonal rare.

September 19, 2018
TLaPD Quibble Poll
Help us choose this year's event bank pet!
Vote for the theme of this year's Talk Like a Pirate Day Quibble Bank Pet! The winner will be added to Quibble Coinbiter's rare gear shop for this year's "Curse of the Sea King" event at (Polls ends Thursday at 8:30 PM EST)
The votes from all 3 sites will be added together to find the final winner.

September 17, 2018
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Please do not send non-release bugs on Twitter. They will get lost. Make sure you send bug report forms!
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug Fixes:
- “Minotaur in the Mirror” quest now goes away once you complete it.
- Knave1 has been convinced to stop telling you he still has a rare shop. (button removed from apop)
- Hashi Hime’s “Return to Akiba” button now returns you to Akiba.
- Cutscene #3 “Teleporting Town” replay button now plays.
Art Fixes:
- Paladin’s Curse eye glow now glows the colour of the eyes.
- Ulric has been trained to heel.
- Ambassador Cape and Cape of Guiding no longer turn sideways when you move.
- Seraphic Commander has been Van Gogh’d. (ear on base model removed)
Not Fixed & Why:
Just A Reminder! When you send art reports, this is not a guarantee that things will change. Unless something is very obviously broken, it falls into the category of an opinion. When possible, the original artist is consulted and their opinion is the final opinion.
You can also read more about this on these Design Notes.

September 14, 2018
Return to the Celestial Realm
Help us celebrate Aranx's real-life birthday!
Log in this weekend for a bounty of Good gear and a great adventure as we celebrate Aranx the ArchAngel’s real-life birthday! Battle to help him locate the long-lost Lady of the Celestial Realm, Arthelyn. Whoever captured her holds the heart of an entire people in their hands… or claws. We MUST save her to secure the safety of the Realm!
Battle through a succession of pocket dimensions as you search for Arthelyn, the ruler of the Celestial Realm. Find her, and we save the Realm... for Good!
Battle this weekend's minibosses and event boss for all-new drops, then complete this week's reward quest for a chance to get the pieces of the Fallen DeathKnight set. Each of the 0 AC drops will stay forever... EXCEPT the Fallen DeathKnight Accoutrements (the dual wield light orb/darkness dagger), which leaves September 28th.

September 14, 2018
Moglin Kickstarter Ends Sunday
Help us make our dream of moglin plush a reality!
This is the FINAL WEEKEND for the AdventureQuest:Moglins Kickstarter! You've had moglins at your side in our video games. Now, help us bring Moglins to the real world! Check out our KickStarter to see what's coming, and discover the stretch goals the community has unlocked.
Once the KickStarter has officially ended, we will extend pledges via BackerKit, an affiliate of KickStarter. If you've been waiting to pay via PayPal, this is your chance! All pledges through BackerKit will count towards reaching the final stretch goals.
Moglins like Twilly, Zorbak, Twig, & Quibble are magical forest creatures born in our video game worlds. Back our Moglin Kickstarter to help them escape and join you in the real one.
Of course, each Moglin also comes with a code to unlock an in-game pet of itself in multiple Artix Entertainment video games.
Unlock the Master of Moglins CLASS in AQWorlds with the $120 Ultimate Moglin Collection. The Class art shown above is a KickStarter exclusive. (You will still be able to get the class by purchasing all 12 moglins from HeroMart after the KickStarter ends, but the art will be different.)
Oh! Our new Artix Games Launcher lets you play our games (with your moglins) without needing a browser or the Flash plugin.
Put a Moglin on your desk to cheer you on. They’ll keep you company while writing, drawing, coding, and gaming. Moglins love to watch your favorite shows with you...even when no one else will. You can keep the joy for yourself, or give a Moglin to someone you love.
Moglins are the ultimate sidekicks for real life adventurers like you. Help us bring them from the fantasy world into the real one!
Check out all of the Moglins on our Kickstarter Page...

September 14, 2018
New Birthday Gear + LightCaster Class Returns
Limited Time Celestial-Themed Gear Shop Arrives Friday!
Find Aranx’s Celestial Birthday gear in the Featured Gear shop in your game menu! These are some of the best Good and Evil-themed items we’ll release this year, but they won't be available for long.
Limited Time Rare gear in this week's Featured Shop:
- The First Fallen armor
- The First Fallen helms, wings, and weapons
- The First Risen armor
- The First Risen helms, wings, and weapons
The above items will go permanently rare on September 28th. The following items will be available until September 28th, then will not return until 2019, during the next Celestial Realm zone update.
Returning gear in this week's Featured Shop:
- Evolved LightCaster
- Silken Hood of Light
- Glowing Halo and Locks of Light
- Glowing Halo of Light
- Shining Blade of Glory
- Shining Blade of Glory (member gold version)
Updates to LightCaster Class + LightMage Class
The Good news: the LightCaster Class is CRAZY strong and REALLY easy to get.
The Not-So-Good news: the LightCaster Class is CRAZY strong and REALLY easy to get.
If you do not have the LightCaster Class yet, starting this Friday, you'll need to obtain LightMage Class. LightMage is LightCaster’s younger sibling. It’s a less powerful but balanced version you'll unlock if you own the Evolved LightCaster or Enchanted LightCaster armors.
In the name of improving class diversity and healthier game balance moving forward, we're making some changes to the LightCaster Class requirements.
The Better news: If you already have the LightCaster Class, NOTHING changes for you. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Go on blasting bad guys like you always have.
The Best news: LightCaster Class is NOT CHANGING or being nerfed. (BUT Heroes who do not already have the class will need to hit level 80 before they can start to unlock it.)
If you don't have LightCaster Class yet, head to this Design Notes post to read more. You've unlocked a new quest!

September 12, 2018
Tonight: Live Moglin Puppet Show
Join us at 6 PM EST for the craziness!
Yup... this is actually happening! We will be streaming LIVE from the Artix Entertainment Secret Underground Lab tonight (Wednesday the 12th) at 6 PM EST, 3PM PST. You are invited to watch from your web browser or the new Artix Games Launcher. For the link to the livestream, simply check our Moglin Kickstarter page at on the day of the show for the link.
Hosted by the Moglins (voiced by Artix, Cysero, Vesper, Thyton & the AE Team) it will be about 30+ minutes of anything-goes Moglin mayhem and you'll want to watch LIVE because you can chat with us as the show goes on, and your choices will change how the puppet show plays out! It has a little something for everyone and, just between us, we went a little bit overboard on the props, scenes, and... well, you kinda need to come be a part of this. Also, we may never be stupid enough to do something like this again. *gulps*
P.S. When Kimberly from One-Eyed Doll heard we were doing the show she wrote, sang, and produced an original song for it! It will be premiered at the show.
P.P.S. There will be a live stream tab to our new Artix Games Launcher! So you can watch from there and also play all of our games without needing that soon-to-be-obsolete Flash plugin!

September 10, 2018
How to Get LightCaster Class: Update
If you've already got the Class, this does not apply to you
The Good news: the LightCaster Class is CRAZY strong and REALLY easy to get.
The Not-So-Good news: the LightCaster Class is CRAZY strong and REALLY easy to get.
In the name of improving class diversity and healthier game balance moving forward, we're making some changes to the LightCaster Class requirements.
The Better news: If you already have the LightCaster Class, NOTHING changes for you. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Go on blasting bad guys like you always have.
The Best news: LightCaster Class is NOT CHANGING or being nerfed. (BUT Heroes who do not already have the class will need to hit level 80 before they can start to unlock it.)
If you don't have LightCaster Class yet, pull up a notepad and read on. You've unlocked a new quest!
LightMage Class: the Precursor to LightCaster
If you do not have the LightCaster Class yet, starting this Friday, you'll need to obtain LightMage Class. LightMage is LightCaster’s younger sibling. It’s a less powerful but balanced version you'll unlock if you own the Evolved LightCaster or Enchanted LightCaster armors.
To get LightMage Class:
- Talk to Aranx in the /celestialrealm map (click "Shops")
- Buy the Evolved LightCaster armor from the Evolved LightCaster Armor shop.*
- Get the Evolved LightCaster Token from its shop.
- Use this token to purchase the LightMage Class.**
Rank up your LightMage Class and enjoy!
*If you already have the LightCaster Class you can get LightMage for free by buying a free LightCaster Token C from the same shop.
**The LightMage Class Shop will only appear if you own Evolved LightCaster (or the Rare Enchanted LightCaster). If you have Enchanted LightCaster, then you will use that Token to purchase the LightMage Class.
To get LightCaster Class:
- Talk to Aranx in the /celestialrealm map
- Get the Evolved LightCaster Armor. Buy the Evolved LightCaster armor from Aranx’s shop shop to get the LightMage Token.
- Get LightMage Class. Click “LightMage Class” in Aranx’s apop once you have the LightMage Token to get the Class.
- Complete Aranx's Celestial Realm quests. You’ll need to do all the quests in /celestialrealm and /lostruinswar to access the farming quest
- Get LightMage to at least Rank 1 and gather all the items required to start the quest, then begin the LightCaster Quest. Accept Aranx’s LightCaster Class quest to begin (Level 80+ required, at least 1 rank in LightMage required and the items listed below)**
- Complete the quest to unlock the LightCaster Class.
Rank up your LightCaster Class and enjoy!
** The LightCaster Class quest can be found by clicking ‘Shops’ and then ‘LightCaster Class’ on Aranx in /celestialrealm.
LightCaster Class Quest
Requires LightMage (rank 1)
Items required to start the quest are:
- Guardian of Spirits’ Blade
- Avatar Of Death’s Scythe
- Lance of Time
- Burning Blade
- Burning Blade of Abezeth
Guardian of Spirits’ Blade
Defeat Infernal Knights or Fallen Knights in /celestialrealm, /lostruinswar or /lostruins
Turn in Trapped Spirits to Aranx in /celestialrealm by clicking ‘Farming Quests’
Avatar Of Death’s Scythe
Defeat Undead Hounds in /lostruinswar or /lostruins
Turn in Energy of Death to Aranx in /celestialrealm by clicking ‘Farming Quests’.
Lance of Time
Defeat Infernal Imps in /celestialrealm, /lostruins or /lostruinswar
Turn in Captured Time to Aranx in /celestialrealm by clicking ‘Farming Quests’.
Burning Blade
Defeat Diabolic Warlord in /lostruinswar for a 1% chance to get a Burning Blade.
Burning Blade of Abezeth
Defeat Aranx in /celestialarenad for a 5% chance to get a Burning Blade of Abezeth
You'll need Aranx’s Pure Light to complete the quest, which has a 10% chance to drop from Aranx in /celestialarenad starting this Friday!
Now that the how is out of the way, here is the what!
LightMage Class
(Armor art and skill animations match LightCaster)
Auto Attack (1)
Double click a monster to start Auto Attacking it. This is a basic attack, taught to all adventurers. Damage dealt is based on your weapon damage.
Light Beacon (2)
Cast down an elemental light beacon upon the target. Does lite damage and applies In The Beacon increasing the amount of damage your opponent takes by 2% per stack and lasts 10 seconds if not re-stacked. (Stacks up to 50 times)
Light Beam (3)
Beam your opponent with a ball of pure light. Deals significant damage that is guaranteed to hit but cannot crit. Each hit applies a stack of Blinding Light which decreases your opponent's chance to hit by 5% per stack and lasts 12 seconds if not restacked. Maxes out at 2 stacks.
Lumenator (4)
Casts a net of light upon your allies. Heals for 300% spell damage to up to 6 allies and applies Lumen which increases damage, crit damage, crit chance, hit chance, dodge chance, haste and damage resistance all by 8% for 12 seconds. Cannot stack.
Seared by the Light (5)
You focus the power of the entire sun on a single point. Does a large amount of damage on hit then deals 400% damage over 10 seconds.
Bright Mind (p1)
Increases Intellect by 8%
Light Speed (p2)
Increases Haste by 8%
Power of the Light (p3)
Increases all damage done by 10%
All in all, this is a solid single target mixed healing/dps class with a decent group buff. It doesn’t have that absolutely busted well rounded good-at-everything-ness that LightCaster has but it will hold you over for pretty much any non-major boss fight in the game. Also, pro-tip, LightMage and LightCaster's auras are different so you can stack LightMage's Lumen with LightCaster's Illuminated!

September 10, 2018
Artix Games Official Discord Server is OPEN!
Chat with your fellow heroes outside the games
After battling fire-breathing dragons, hordes of undead, and the odd orc or seven, sometimes all a hero wants to do is accept the quest to kick back and talk with their friends. Join us on the Artix Games official Discord Server! Chat about your favorite AE games, heromart, or just hangout with your fellow heroes.
Check out the server guidelines:
Get a server invite link: join us on Discord
This is a pretty big step for our community, as we seek to bring everyone together in a real-time chat environment. A couple important points to remember:
- Site alignment: Lawful Good. The main goal of our Discord server is to bring players together and let everyone have fun!
- Fan Discord servers are still allowed and encouraged. Our official server is run by Artix Entertainment, but we welcome anyone who wants to create their own "home server" and discuss AE games with their friends.
- The server follows AQ3D's "T for Teen" chat rating. You may see moderate profanity, but harassing and attacking other players is still not allowed.
- Our moderators are there to help keep the server a friendly and fun hangout. It is a more casual place to hang out and chat, and we hope you'll help us keep it that way!

September 10, 2018
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Please do not send non-release bugs on Twitter. They will get lost. Make sure you send bug report forms!
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug Fixes:
- Serenity in /yulgar and Cinazool in /ontherun have had the buttons with the dead links removed from their apops.
- Cutscene “I Will Do My Best” had a bit of animation lag. De-lagged. Un-lagged? Fixed!
- Some apop changes on Prime Dominus to help with returning to Final and Prime for farming purposes.
Art Fixes:
- Arrow in /pirates that leads to /fotia or /frozenfotia changed to silver to indicate map change instead of room change.
Not Fixed & Why:
Referring back to the ProtoParagon 3017 fix for not holding weapons from last week:
The ProtoParagon 3017 arm not being long enough last week was significantly more involved than just repositioning the armour piece. The arms (male & female) had to be almost entirely rebuilt. Due to this, the bit that transformed on the hand were removed.

September 09, 2018
Talk Like a Pirate Day 2018 Preview
Yarrrr! Th' Best Booty of th' Year is Almost Here
Talk Like a Pirate Day is one of the most popular holidays in AQWorlds. Every year, Quibble Coinbiter returns with new pirate-themed gear from the past, present, and future for heroes who don't ask too many questions about where their loot originated.
This year, the AQWorlds team has been featuring a selection of different community artists. To showcase their talent, the 2018 Talk Like a Pirate Day theme is "Artist's Choice" and man, have they really pulled out all the stops! Read on for a sneak peek at some of the gear available starting next Friday, September 21st!
All of this year's Quibble's Talk Like a Pirate Day rare items will be available individually from his shop in Battleon until the event leaves at the end of September.
- 2018 TLaPD Quibble Bank Pet
- Crulon's ??? Naval Commander set
- Ghostly Naval Commander set
- QuickDraw Naval Commander set
- Golden and Antique Naval Commander set
- Vampiric Naval Commander set
- ...Plus the Sea King and Shipwrecked Pirate Captain sets
- Tricorn helms and Captain's Hats
- Golden and Undead Parrot + and Vampire Bat capes
- Pirate King's Skull pet
- Cutlasses
- Rapiers
- Anchor maces
- Animated Revolving Revolvers
- and more!
Sea King's Collection Chest
Rare collectors, take note! The Sea King's Collection Chest will be available for 10,000 ACs and contains ALL of Quibble Coinbiter's 2018 Talk Like a Pirate Day rare items (over 20,000 ACs worth of gear). This magic chest comes from the very depths of the dark sea, and has over 60+ items from all 8 of Quibble's Naval Commander and Pirate Captain sets.
Sea King Treasure Chest pet: 10,000 ACs
- 6 Naval Commander armors
- 2 Pirate Captain armors
- 50+ accessories and weapons
- 2 Bank pets
- Sea King's Skull Pet w/ quest for exclusive character page badge
This is a BOATLOAD of loot, but for you collectors (and would-be rulers of the sea) out there, the Neptune's fabled treasure chests will overflow!
Note: In order to prevent shop abuse, the Sea King's Collection Chest and Skull Pet cannot be sold.

September 07, 2018
Shogun of Shadows Saga Finale
Help Princess Miko Secure Her Throne
This is it, hero... you and Princess Miko have finally reached Jaaku - the Shogun of Shadows - fortress. Miko's chance to avenge her father's death is almost here. But she needs your help and, more than that, your confidence and faith in her abilities. To rule a country, she must stand strong. To face down her demons and move forward, she needs to know those with her are ready to support her in the battles ahead.
Will you be that hero for her?
This weekend at ... Battle alongside Princess Miko and confront the Shogun of Shadows in a battle for the throne of Yokai Isle! But before you can reach him, you'll need to plow through all 8 heads of Orochi, his Shadow Dragon!
- Slay the restless spirits and Shadow Samurai guarding the fortress
- Take down the 8 heads of Jaaku's shadow dragon, Orochi, once and for all
- Confront Jaaku and discover the TRUE power behind his attacks.
Battle the 8 heads of Orochi the Shadow Dragon, Jaaku's gift from a darker, higher power to unlock the pieces of the ShadowBlade Samurai set!
Battle in PVP to earn Combat Trophies. Save them up to buy the 0 AC pieces of the Urban Samurai armor set.

September 06, 2018
Become an Infernal Naval Commander
Upgrade to unlock the exclusive gear sets until September 28th!
Unlock the all-new Infernal Naval Commander set upgrade bonus gear starting Friday, September 7th at 6 PM EST! Buy any AC or membership package worth $10 USD or more to unlock the Infernal Naval Commander set. Get the bonus Infernal Pirate Captain armor and accessories with the 12,000 AC or 12 month membership packs!
12000 AC or 12 month membership packages: ALL the Infernal Gear
Get more gear and save more of your real-world gold with our largest upgrade packages! Unlock the Infernal Naval Commander armor set and the exclusive Pirate Captain variant with our 12000 AdventureCoin or 12 month membership packages:
- Infernal Naval Commander + Infernal Pirate Captain armors
- 4 helms, 2 capes, 5 weapons
- 1 pet
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts added straight to your inventory
2000 and 5000 AC or 3 and 6 month membership package: Infernal Naval Commander
- Infernal Naval Commander armor
- 2 helms
- 2 capes
- 1 weapon
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts added straight to your inventory
All packages will also come with the Infernal Naval Commander character page badge, so you can show all your friends who REALLY rules the Undead Seas!
AC Bonus Extended Until September 10th
If you're excited about our upcoming Talk Like a Pirate Day and 10th anniversary events - or the rare gear they'll bring - this is the best time to stock up! If you top up your account with any of the AC packs below before September 10th, you'll unlock the bonus ACs and the new upgrade bonus gear.

September 05, 2018
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Please do not send non-release bugs on Twitter. They will get lost. Make sure you send bug report forms!
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug Fixes:
- Battle Swimwear for males has an eye blink now.
- Jacon Balloon Dragon now animates all the time.
- Doom Top Hat (non mem) placed in Barnacle's Bandanas.
- Shadow Void Shogun Banner no long confuses itself for Void Shogun Banner when you move.
- An Obsidian ArchPaladin Cape has been placed in the Mysterious Dungeon Rep to match the Obsidian ArchPaladin.
- First cutscene in /doomwar lag & crash issue fixed.
- Extra music toggle button in /beehive removed.
- Logash has been given an apop makeover.
- “You Cannot Resist Kathool” cutscene has lost the @s.
- Book of Lore 12 Month Anniversary badge description fixed.
- Nulgath Armor T-Shirt badge description fixed.
Art Fixes:
- Shadowed Dark Caster shoulder skulls were not supposed to have eyes. Now they do not.
- Spire of Power and Spire of Power Cloak repositioned when running.
- ProtoParagon 3017 arms adjusted for weapon placement.
- All armours from the Death Pit Arena Rep Shop now have proper feets.
- All versions of Axe of the EbilCorp Knight now have red pommels.
Not Fixed & Why:
- Crypt Keeper hairs having a dark base. This is how they were intended by the artist.
- Dungeon Destroyer hand is how the artist meant it to be.

September 01, 2018
Get the Artix Game Launcher
Play Artix Entertainment Games without a Browser!
Help us test our new Artix Entertainment Games launcher. We built this to future proof our existing games. Using this launcher removes the need for a browser or the Flash Plugin.
- Yes, this is an early access Alpha Test
- Help Test
- Hunt for Bugs
- Suggest Features
- AdventureQuest Worlds
- EpicDuel
- AdventureQuest
- DragonFable
- MechQuest
- Oversoul
- AdventureQuest 3D (Sorta - the button will open the game in STEAM)