Design Notes
April 30, 2015
Fyreborn Tigermaster Leaves Tomorrow
Last Chance for Fyreborn TigerMaster AC Tier Packages
Things are heating up in Embersea Isle as the Firestorm Onslaught begins its invasion of the Ring of Fires... and now YOU can get your gauntlets on the hottest mount armor yet: the Fyreborn TigerMaster! Starting this Friday, February 20th, at 6 PM server time, get your gauntlets on our first AC package of the year: the Fyreborn TigerMaster gear!
Fyreborn TigerMaster set comes with all 3 AC packages
We've got a lot of amazing gear coming up over the next couple months (Dage's birthday shop, Legion DoomKnight Class, Friday the 13th, and more), so if you need to restock your ACs, now's the time!*
Dark Fyreborn TigerMaster: 12000 AC Package
Get all 23 items with a 12,000 AC package - 7 items exclusive to the 12k AC package plus every item included in the other two AC packages.
Dark Fyreborn TigerMaster set comes with 12k AC package
- 4 armors (Fyreborn TigerMaster, Dark Fyreborn TigerMaster, Dark Fyreborn Guard, and the Fyreborn Guard)
- 10 weapons
- 4 helms
- 2 capes
- 3 pets
- and the TigerMaster character page badge!
Fyreborn TigerMaster: 5000 AC Package
Get 13 items with a 5,000 AC package and dominate Lore from the back of a ferocious tiger!
- 2 armors (Fyreborn TigerMaster and the Bright Fyreborn Guard)
- 6 weapons
- 2 helms
- 1 cape
- 2 pets
Fyreborn TigerMaster: 2000 AC Package
Get 6 items with a 5,000 AC package and battle through Lore from the back of your own tamed tiger mount!
- 1 armors (Fyreborn TigerMaster)
- 1 weapon
- 2 helms
- 1 cape
- 1 pets

April 30, 2015

Yulgar's Inn is getting a stage... bring on the bands!
Hiya guys! Thank you for cheering on the idea of putting a stage in Yulgars Inn. It is actually happening!!! I would like to introduce our "house band" THE NPCS! Lots more on this unique and crazy group of monsterous musicians later... because... we have just booked our first real-life musical guest, Synderes! Now this next bit of info is probably going to shock you... especially after you watch Synderes' music videos for Enemy Inside and Expendable (I really like Expendable because it prominently features a creepy Slenderman type figure.) Ok, ready? Brace yourself... the lead singer and guitarist of this band are truely, really, legit HUGE AQWorlds and DragonFable players. To prove it, I asked them to come to the Lab and film and episode of AdventureCouch for you! O_O <-- Face guide. Thank you all for helping put the "Yulgar's Inn Evolution" in motion. Check back tomorrow... because *TRIPLE DRUM SLAM* (You know... like "BAM BAM BAMMMMMM" to be all dramatic.) I am going to write you a design notes post every day for the next week. Because I miss you. Also, I want to cause lots more trouble! Want to join me?
Releasing Friday, May 29! CLICK HERE and read all about it!

April 29, 2015
Face Cinderclaw the Ravenous
Face Cinderclaw, Guardian of the Phoenixrise Gates!
Long before the Queen of Monsters was freed, Cinderclaw the Ravenous stalked the molten caverns beneath the Phoenixrise Gates. Mothers throughout the Firestorm Islands threatened to send their children to him if they misbehaved, and many foolhardy adventurers dared to enter his realm... and never returned.
Cinderclaw concept and Flash art by Laken
But that was before the Firestorm Onslaught... before Tyndarius was chosen by the Queen to serve as her Fire General in our world. Now, Cinderclaw has been tamed - barely - but will ONLY answer to those who have formally sworn to serve the Mother of Monsters.
This Friday, brave the deep, dark Fyreborn Caverns beneath the Phoenixrise Gates and face down Cinderclaw the Ravenous! Since the Firestorm Onslaught rose, he has gone without food - because all surplus personnel have been conscripted for a much more terrifying purpose - and he is VERY eager to feed - on YOU!

April 29, 2015
AQWeekly Newsletter: May 1, 2015
Wanna win 100,000 AdventureCoins? Here’s your chance!
Looks like you're gonna Battle On all weekend long! Thanks for playing AdventureQuest Worlds, and a special Thank You to all our wonderful Legends for supporting the game!
Battle On!
Alina, Dage & the AQWorlds Team

April 27, 2015
Log in to win 100000 ACs!
Log in until Friday for a chance to win 100,000 ACs or other prizes!
From now until 12 PM Friday, May 1st, log in for a chance to win 100,000 Adventure Coins! (That is over $500 worth of ACs!) That's enough to set a hero up for life... or unlife, for all you necromancers out there.
- Must be level 10 or higher
- Log in each day to increase your chances of winning
- DOUBLE your chances of winning if you have an active membership
Once the release goes live, our team of volunteers will run through all the AQW servers and find heroes level 10 or higher who are actively battling monsters. We'll choose MANY people from that list and award a free pet or weapon to those lucky winners!
Prizes will be awarded on Friday, May 1st... we hope to see you online so we can battle alongside you!

April 27, 2015
Friday: The Phoenix Rises
Battle through the Fyreborn Caverns this weekend!
Pass through the Pheonixrise Gates to enter a restricted area entirely controlled by the Firestorm Onslaught. Tread very carefully and keep your weapons close at hand, because each Firestorm Warrior has pyro-battle magic hotter than their tempers! Battle your way through the maze of corundum caverns and defeat the dread beast Cinderclaw the Ravenous! The fate of Embersea will rest in your hands... IF you survive!
Find the Cinderclaw Armor set, the Fyreborn Mauler, and the Firestorm Tempest General gear this Friday!
The story so far...
If you haven't played through the Firestorm Onslaught storyline yet, you're missing out on one of the hottest zones in AQWorlds! Read on to find out what you've missed, and how you begin your adventures to save the people of Embersea from the Queen of Monster's fieriest general!
Embersea Isle: Talk to Warlord Kyron in Embersea Islae as he and the townspeople of Embersea prepare for war against the Firestorm Onslaught and struggle to survive the deadly plague they've unleashed! /Join embersea to begin the adventure!
Pyrewatch Peak: Battle to reach Pyrewatch Peak, where the sick have gathered for protection. With attacks on the rise, your skill and courage are needed to help defend the weak and innocent! /Join pyrewatch to begin the adventure once you've completed quests in Embersea!
Mount ShadowFlame: Join Empress Gravelyn, ruler of the Shadowscythe, her newly-resurrected father, Sepulchure the DoomKnight, and Akriloth the Fire Dragon as they move to take Tyndarius and the Queen of Monsters down! /Join Shadowflame to take part in the ShadowDragon War!
Feverfew Falls: Fight to escape the Blazebinder’s trap in Feverfew Falls! Attacks by the Firestorm Onslaught are increasing, and when the temple is destroyed, a horrible fate befalls many of those who had escaped Tyndarius' army! /Join feverfew to begin the adventure once you've completed quests in Pyrewatch!

April 26, 2015
AQW Release Feedback Poll
Give us your feedback on what's most important to you!
We want to make the games and releases that you want to play, and getting your thoughts, ideas, and opinions is how we do that! Click on the image below or follow this link to vote in our poll! Then share more feedback with me on Twitter, Faceebook, Reddit, or the forum!

April 25, 2015
Don't Miss This Gear
Mark Your Calendars So You Don't Miss Out!
We've released a lot of amazing package sets over the last couple months, but it's time to swap them out for NEW gear!
- May 1st: Fyreborn Tiger AC package and Rares shop leave
- May 15th: Shadowflame AC package and Rares shop leave
- May 25th: Laken's Adherent armor/helm boss drops leave
- May 29th: Obsidia Necromancer Rares shop and AC package plus the Cinderclaw Rares shop leave

April 24, 2015
Save the Seraphic Order
Root out Treason as the Undead Legion Advances!
Dage the Evil, Lord of the Undead Legion and ruler of the Underworld has many plans for this world... and one order of warriors - the Seraphic Paladins - is dedicated to stopping him! This weekend, continue your adventures in the "Dage's Betrayal" storyline when you /join seraph!
Help Darkon root out Dage's spies, defeat the Darkness infecting the Order, and discover just how deep betrayal can cut!
Battle the boss for a chance to get his weapons or a lost little draglin pet*
Dage the Evil: The First Betrayal
If you're just joining us, you'll want to /join darkfortress to begin Dage's storyline. Battle through Nulgath’s Shifting Planes cavern as Dage the Evil in the final tests to earn his Mark of Mastery and became one of Lore’s most feared Necromancers./Join darkfortress to take down Nulgath’s most loyal minions to prove that you are worthy of leading the Undead Legion… but be wary, because Nulgath the ArchFiend is deadly, and he will exploit any angle in order to stop his apprentice from ascending!
Play as Dage the Evil and begin the quest for your Mark of Mastery.... if you survive, NOTHING will be able to stop you from rising to rule the Underworld!
Unlock the Seraphic Paladin Gear
Created by Laken (the staff member), once you raise your personal victory meter to 100 and unlock the final boss fight, you'll also gain access to a shop full of reward gear! The Laken's Adherent Armor and helm drop from the release boss and will be available until May 25th!
Laken's Adherent, Bright Draglin, Cybernetic Assassin, and Cybernetic Acolyte
*Crafted by our own Eonaleth as a birthday gift from her to all of you! (There is a 2nd pet dropping off one of the most sluggish monsters in the entire game. Happy hunting!)

April 24, 2015
Obsidia Necromancer is Here!
Unlock the Obsidia Necromancer Set with a 12k AC Package
Starting at 6PM, become a bone-ified ruler of the underworld! Unlock the entire Obsidia Necromancer set plus a color-customizable version of the armor and helm with a 12000 AdventureCoin package.
And for a limited time, the Obsidia Necromancer set will also be available for individual purchase from your game menu.
The 12000 AC package comes with the full regular set plus a color-customizable version of each item:
- 2 armors
- 4 helms
- 2 capes
- 4 staves
The in-game Obsidia Necromancer Rares shop leaves May 29th, and includes:
- Obsidia Necromancer Armor
- Obsidia Hood
- Obsidia Skull
- Obsidia Necromancer Wrap
- Cernunecros Skull Staff
Origins of the Obsidia Necromancer
The name of the Obsidia Necromancer is an homage to the very first Necromancer in AE's games - Kaley Obsidia, from the original AdventureQuest! A powerful sorceress who can raise and control the dead, she seeks the answers that lie hidden behind the ordinary, everyday lives we live. The NPC is based on a real staff member, one of the first Artix Entertainment team members from 2003, but who fortunately does NOT go around raising the dead!
Dage, being the Evil-appreciating artist he is, has always enjoyed Necromancer classes, and was inspired by the art of the original AdventureQuest when he created this set. You'll also be able to find variants of it coming in two of our future games: AdventureQuest: Battleon (for mobile) and AdventureQuest 3D!

April 24, 2015
Good Vs Evil Weapon Poll
Update: The Gilded Champion's Blade WINS!
Earlier this week, we asked you to head over to the AQWorlds Facebook page now and share the picture of the weapon YOU like best! The picture with the most shares by tonight at 6 PM would release in-game this weekend for 0 ACs! With a 300-share difference (1644 > 1347) between the two, I present to you...
The Winner: Gilded Champion's Blade
Find this beautiiful blade by Memet in Cleric Joy's Battleon Assorted Shop for 0 ACs this weekend!
NOT The Winner: Crimson Shadow's Edge
Never fear, we won't throw this awesomely-dark art from Memet away. It'll just head into the Rainy Day reward pile... and will release at some point in the future.
The next time we do a weapon poll, if you don't want to see your favorite head into the reward limbo, better get out there and vote!

April 24, 2015
We Need Your Screenshots
Submit your best screenshot and we'll put it on!
If you've visited the homepage recently, you've seen the cool, super-clean new look it's got. But now we need new screenshots of the AQWorlds, to make sure they're as shiny as the site is! Send us your best screenshots of you and/or your friends battling, taking down bosses, looking awesome in cutscenes, chatting, and playing the game on Facebook or Twitter. We'll choose the most engaging shots and upload them to the screenshots page on!
- Screenshots should not be edited, just a straight, unaltered picture from the game.
- Minimize your in-game chat.
- Do not crop your screenshot; we'll do that if it's needed
- In battlescenes, try to show class skills or monster attacks going off.
- If you're taking a cutscene screenshot, appearance counts (so equip your best gear!)
Cysero's Secrets Of The Screenshotting Masters!
Taking a screenshot may seem like pretty simple stuff once you learn how to do it but we all hard to learn sometime.
Earlier this week Artix and I decided to spend a little time in AQW talking to you guys and it seemed to both of us that a lot of you had no idea how to take a screenshot and capture the moment you met your all-time very, very, VERY favorite AE Dev...
...Or Artix.
We decided to make a quick video explaining some fairly fast and easy methods, namely LightShot and the Snipping Tool. You can watch the video here.
We were amazed by how many people started using our methods and thaking us for teaching them how to do this, so we're putting it here for anyone else who might want to learn how to take screenies of their favorite gaming moments.
There are other methods, like just hitting the PRT SC (Print Screen) key on your keyboard which captures your whole display and Pasting into a new file in a basic art program like Paint, but using the Snipping tool is faster and using Lightshot is even faster still and also great for storing and sharing your files with your friends. And it's all FREE!
Happy Screenshotting!

April 23, 2015
Congratulations, J6!
Today is J6's 10 Year Anniversary with Artix Entertainment!
J6, aka The BountyHunter, has been creating art with Artix Krieger and the rest of the AE team for the last TEN years! In that amount of time, he could have traveled 58,784,998,170 miles away if he were moving at the speed of light... but we are glad he isn't, because he wouldn't have been here creating the amazing backgrounds, items, and character art we love so much.
Help us celebrate J6's anniversary with the free J6 Anniversary Helm, now available in the Hyperium shop! If you want to give him a shout-out directly, find him on Twitter!
Secret message only our robotic players (or anyone with the internet) can decode: 01001000 01100001 01110000 01110000 01111001 00100000 00110001 00110000 00100000 01111001 01100101 01100001 01110010 00100000 01100001 01101110 01101110 01101001 01110110 01100101 01110010 01110011 01100001 01110010 01111001 00101100 00100000 01001010 00110110 00100001

April 22, 2015
Yulgar's Inn Evolution?
Simple yet awesome ideas
Yulgar's Inn is the most fun place to hang out and talk to other players in AdventureQuest Worlds. When designing the 3D version of the Inn, we brainstormed a few ideas. They were good. Really good. So... why not do them in AQWorlds right now?
Add a stage in Yulgar's Inn and add a live band! But not just one band... bring in musical guests to perform at the Inn on a regular schedule. We could listen to and discover new bands there... and it would be cool to get bands to "come to Battleon" as part of their tours. In between special guest bands, we could have a regular house band "The NPCS." They could have quests to go out and find sheets of music across that game that would unlock songs. So you could manag eyoru music selection... or maybe, we could let you access that music no matter where you were in the game.
The cast of characters in Yulgar's Inn could change daily. For example: Galanoth shows up with a new list of DragonSlaying quests. The next day a cursed weapon merchant appears with a shop of items and odd enhancements. Then the next day, a DragonLord shows up offering to teach you how to fly a Dragon. We would build a huge number of possibilities, and then the game would randomly choose one each day. If there was an overaching quest which required doing a part of each one it would reward players who checked in every day.
One of my favorite parts of the game is the Museum. It starts off empty and you fill it up as you quest. We could have a few "Save Battleon" themed quests that would result in the Inn's appearance changing based on how yo udo the quests. Example: Slay the evil dragon and the Dragon's head gets mounted about the fireplace.
I love the dart board, but how about we take it to the next level? What if we added an idle game right into Yulgar's Inn. That is a game that runs automatically as long as you are in the Inn... it sorta plays for you, you just make decisions periodically. It would be the ultimate "other thing" to do while you hang out in the Inn. Think Cookie Clicker or our mobile game "AdventureQuest Dragons". I am completely open to game concept ideas... like sending moglins off to collect things for you. The concept should be ultra simple and get completely insano bonkers crazy as you get in the upper limits of it. (While we are at it, we should make a tamagotchi pet game for Aria's petshop.)
What do you think? Let me know on my Twitter of Facebook.
P.S. You know that star creature that fell from the sky crashing into the Inn? I think it was a scout for a larger force. Be careful.

April 21, 2015
This Friday: Undead Legion Treason
Battle to Save the Seraphic Paladins from the Undead Legion!
The Saga of Dage's Betrayl continues this Friday with the "Laken's Rise: Undead Legion Infiltration" story release! Battle to save the Seraphic Paladins from the treason, betrayal, and murder lurking in the shadows of their Fortress! Aid Darkon, commander of the Order, as you seek out spies sent by the Undead Legion, then help purge the Order of Dage’s dark influence.
The Order of Seraphic Paladins are charged with keeping Lore safe from Evil... specifically the kind Dage and Nulgath spread thoughout our world! But something is amiss...
Talk to Darkon when you /join Seraph this weekend and answer the call of the Seraphic Paladins as they seek out the spies sent by the Undead Legion! Then use your personal victory tracker to make sure you've purged every member of the Legion... or Dage's dark influence will continue to grow!
Make sure you're up to date!
Battle through Nulgath’s Shifting Planes cavern as Dage the Evil in the final tests to earn his Mark of Mastery and became one of Lore’s most feared Necromancers./Join darkfortress to take down Nulgath’s most loyal minions to prove that you are worthy of leading the Undead Legion… but be wary, because Nulgath the ArchFiend is deadly, and he will exploit any angle in order to stop his apprentice from ascending!
Play AS Dage the Evil and begin the quest for your Mark of Mastery. Once you have that, your time as Nulgath's apprentice will be over! But beware: the Shifting Planes caverns are NOT for the unwary. You never know from one step to another where you'll end up. Oh.
There are only two rules in the Caverns:
- DON'T touch the skull with red glowing eyes.
- Sometimes, to survive, you have to break the rules.

April 20, 2015
Player Choice Weapon Poll
Vote on Facebook to decide which weapon we release!
Starting this Wednesday, April 22nd, vote to decide which of the two weapons below we'll release this week! We'll reveal the final weapon art on Facebook, then YOU get to vote for which we'll release by sharing the picture of your favorite!
This Friday, the 0 AC weapon will be release in-game!

April 20, 2015
Friday: Dage's Obsidia Necromancer
Unlock the Obsidia Necromancer Set with a 12k AC Package
Starting this Friday, April 24th, at 6PM, become a bone-ified ruler of the underworld!* Unlock the entire Obsidia Necromancer set plus a color-customizable version of the armor and helm with a 12000 AdventureCoin package.
And for a limited time, the Obsidia Necromancer set will also be available for individual purchase from your game menu. Find more details about this Friday's package, limited time rares shop, and a full item breakdown in this week's Design Notes!
* Credit for this day's punniest necro joke goes to King Brentan, one of our long-time heroes and Twitter folloers!

April 17, 2015
Save the World with Captain Lore
The Earth Day 2015 Seasonal Event is Live!
Be a hero, join the clean-up crew to save the world from the evils of pollution! Captain Lore is back and he needs your help again! /Join pollution to help Captain Lore battle General Pollution, the foulest villain around, free his eco-friendly energy platform from the chaotic clutches of General Pollution! Reduce, reuse, and recycle as many elementals as you can to unlock Captain Lore's shop and gain access to the greenest gear in the game!
He also needs your help fighting on the side of nature to keep a smog-spewing factory closed for good. Once the largest source of pollution in Lore, the long-abandoned Totengeld Factory has been consumed by nature and has become a habitat to many forms of life.
But now, the CEO of Totengeld Industries has been released from jail and intends to reopen the factory’s doors. It’s up to you to stop him before he destroys Lore with his toxic waste - and dominates it with his mind-controlling energy drinks! Tonight, /join totengeld to start the battle!
Need help battling through the Earth Day seasonal event? Check out the event guide in the Lorepedia!

April 17, 2015
New AQWorld's Website!
Now responsive and mobile friendly
Hiya guys! We really hope you like AdventureQuest World's new webside design. It is now responsive and mobile friendly. May favorite part is that you can access the Play button from every single page. It is in the upper right corner. The navigation is really easy to use too... especially on phones and tablets. I would like to thank Miko for all of her hard work on this update. There are still a lot more pages to convert to this new format, so you will see things continually improving over the next few weeks. If you find any bugs or problems please send Miko and I a bug report at!

April 16, 2015
Feed Your Fear This Weekend
Upgrade to Battle Through the Nightmare Realm!
Battle through the Land of Dreams and Nightmares in the ultimate test of courage! Face your fears, fight to stay alive, and learn who sent you on this deadly - and mysterious - quest. JUST as you arrive at the Phoenixrise Gate... Memet the Nightmare Moglin appears! She's got a terrifying test for Legends this weekend... all to satisfy a mysterious stranger and their need to know more about YOU!
Legends can /join nightmare to begin the Nightmare Gauntlet. Face some of the most horrifying fears Memet can through at you:
- Clowns
- Snakes
- Spiders
- Needles
- Heights
- and more!
Note: you'll need to have completed the Legend-only Brimstone release to begin Memet's trials. If you're all up to date, /join nightmare and talk to Memet, then watch the first cutscene to begin!
Find horrifyingly-cool gear in Memet's shop, plus some nightmarish item drops from monsters inside the Gauntlet!
The Vaderix Have Attacked the Guardiant Tower!
ALL heroes can /join comet tonight and battle the Vaderix! This invader (and its spawn) rode the comet that struck Battleon's Guardian Tower on Monday. Take on the Vaderix in this first encounter with a nightmarish new species of monster!
The Vaderix has a chance to drop its armor, helm, and cape for heroes brave enough to battle it!
Don't miss any of this weekend's other exciting releases:
- Happening now: Aria's Free Player Pet Daily Quest!
- Begin the quests for the Armor of Awe later tonight!
- Discover what lurked inside the comet that hit Battleon's Guardian Tower on Monday!
- The Earth Day seasonal event and rares shop returns!
- Buy the Twilight's Arcana dirk for a chance to win 1 of 100 exclusive Arcana weapons!
What are YOU most afraid to face in this weekend's release? Tell us on Facebook, on Twitter, on Reddit, and the forums!

April 16, 2015
AQWeekly News: April 17
New Game Releases on Friday!
Brandish your blade, conjure your spells, and join over 17 million players in the ever-expanding world full of quests and adventure! That’s why we call it... AdventureQuest Worlds! This week’s newest game release features our first-ever free player Pets, the Armor of Awe, and much more.

April 15, 2015
The Armor of Awe
Begin the quest to create the set this Friday!
The Blade of Awe is one of the most iconic weapons in Artix Entertainment's game arsenal... but it's not the ONLY Awe-some equipment in the series! This Friday, begin your quest to unlock one of the brightest and most noble armors in AdventureQuest Worlds: the Armor of Awe!
Dangerous quests lead to great rewards!
Three Ways to Unlock the Armor of Awe Quests
Talk to Valencia in the Museum and head to the crossroads to begin your quest for glory, fame, and AWE!
AQW Legends:
- Buy the Legendary Awe Pass from Valencia to begin the quests immediately!
AQ Guardians:
- Have rank 5 Blade of Awe reputation
- Be at least level 35
- Buy the Guardian Awe Map from Valencia to begin the quests!
Everyone else:
- Have rank 10 Blade of Awe reputation
- Be at least level 55
- Buy the Armor of Awe Map to begin the quests!
Once you have unlocked the Armor of Awe quests, prepare to BATTLE! You'll need to complete a quest to gather each of the following armor pieces:
- Breastplate
- Pauldron
- Vambrace
- Gauntlets
- Greaves
- Helm
Each of the above quests will reward you with one "Piece of Awe Armor" merge item. Once you have all six pieces, you can create the Armor of Awe set in Valencia's merge shop!
History of the Armor of Awe
In the original AdventureQuest, the Armor of Awe was first worn by King Awethur; after he turned evil, the guardians of the old kingdoms trapped him in a tomb, then broke his weapon, the Blade of Awe and had hidden the pieces.
In DragonFable, the Armor of Awe has not yet been found, but Valencia and the Hero work with Trey Surehunter to find the Blade of Awe during the Earth Orb Saga. Once they do, some pretty wicked events take place (you should play them here!). Ultimately, they find and BREAK the Blade of Awe, mirroring the actions in AdventureQuest, their alternate timeline.
Dage the Evil, our lead item artist, has been a fan of the original AdventureQuest for years, and is still really inspired by the art and stories from those early years. He's created an updated look for the Armor of Awe in AQWorlds so that all of you can enjoy it, too!

April 14, 2015
Face Your Fears This Friday
Legend-only Nightmare Realm Story Release!
JUST as you arrive at the Phoenixrise Gate... Memet the Nightmare Moglin appears! She's got a terrifying test for Legends this Friday... all to satisfy a mysterious stranger and their need to know more about YOU!
This Friday, Legends can /join nightmare to begin the Nightmare Gauntlet. Face some of the most horrifying fears Memet can through at you:
- Clowns
- Snakes
- Spiders
- Needles
- Heights
- and more!
We asked you guys and the other AE team members what their worst fears were, then we worked those into this release!
Our Fears and yours... O_O
Everyone's afraid of something. Failure, germs, their mother... whatever it is, it takes a strong person to face their fear and trample over it until it can't hurt them anymore.
- Dolls: When I was little, I used to have this recurring nightmare about an army of dolls with weapons marching into my room. I would always wake up right before they attacked, so in THIS week's release, if you beat the dolls, something wicked-awesome happens. Take THAT, you porcelein horror-beasts!
- Tiny holes: We WERE going to have you battle Trypophobia: the fear of small holes. Memet (the staff member) wanted a room FILLED with small holes, lotus blossoms, and eyes where eyes should not be. But yesterday, when I was checking in on J6 (our lead background artist) and his progress on the map art... he made a request he's NEVER asked for before: "Can we get someone else to tackle Trypophobia? It genuinely grosses me out. I stopped at the research phase. Couldn't even continue."
So I got revenge against my nightmare of the past, J6 learned he's afraid of tiny little holes, and we have a NEW plan for the 6th fear: needles. This is probably for the best, as the the picures of lotus seeds on skin are REALLY gross.
What are YOU most afraid to face in this week's release? Tell us on Facebook, on Twitter, on Reddit, and the forums!

April 14, 2015
New Mobile Game Announced!
A free single-player arcade-survival game coming soon
The creative minds behind the PvP MMO EpicDuel have teased about a "big, exciting announcement" for the past few weeks. But today is a very special day, because that well-kept secret is finally being revealed…
Titan, Nightwraith, Charfade and Rabblefroth have been secretly developing a new mobile game entitled “BioBeasts” while also working on EpicDuel (woah, they must drink A LOT of coffee!). Today we’re excited to showcase the progress the EpicDuel team has made so far!
BioBeasts Bio
BioBeasts will be a free, single-player arcade-survival game for mobile devices (Android and iOS) where you control a mutating beast fighting to escape from a robot-controlled laboratory. You will control a variety of beasts as they try to escape from a lab run by the sadistic Alydriah. Defend yourself against a horde of robot guards, laboratory defenses, and hulking bosses as you claw, bite, blast, and bash your way to freedom! Unlock new beasts with special powers and obtain potent mutations to experiment with as the game progresses.
The team is already well into development and have a number of screenshots posted on their shiny new website:!
Be sure to post your questions and suggestions on the new site! The team will respond to your questions in a post on Friday (April 17). You can also follow all the exciting new announcements for BioBeasts on Twitter, Facebook.
Bring on the BioBeasts!

April 14, 2015
FREE Pets to Good Home
Aria's new Daily Pet Quest is for ALL Heroes!
CALLING ALL HEROES! Talk to Aria in the Pet Shop in Battleon to begin her daily quests to bring Twilly, Zorbak, or Twig pets along with you as your adventure through Lore!
Most of the time, you can only unlock pets in AdventureQuest Worlds when you upgrade your account with a membership*, but these three moglins see something special in you, and don't want to miss a moment of the action!
It will take 30 days to gather all of the resources needed to bring one of these awesome pets with you... but you'll be able to collect all three in just 90 days!
* Battlepet versions of these three pets will be added next week, so your battle companions can do damage for you! (After the server rewrite, the goal is to let your battlepets do EXTRA damage for you!)