Design Notes
December 31, 2019
Happy New Year's Eve
A New Year... and a New Decade Await!
It is December 31, 2019. We are about to begin a new year, a new decade, and a new series of EPIC adventures! But before we do, we need to give one last battle-cry for the bosses and events of 2019. Tonight, log in as our New Year's Eve maps and holiday seasonal items return and we extend our DOUBLE holiday server boost. Plus, at midnight as our January seasonal set becomes available once more. Then join us this Friday and take on our NEW New Year's Boss... the Chrono-Phoenix!
We hope you're having a fantastic holiday with your family and friends! Thank you for battling alongside us throughout 2019,and for supporting us with through purchasing Memberships and AdventureCoins! We've got plans for an amazing, crazy, and AWESOME 2020, and I can't wait to battle alongside you all as we build it together!
Tonight, /join newyear to replay all our holiday events and -- if you're impatient for 2020 to get here (like I am) take out your rage on the 2019 Ball monster. Head North from the Enter area and defeat it for a chance to get the pieces of the Glacial Knight armor set.
Return on Friday, January 3rd for all our 2020 rare items, our new upgrade bonus pack, and a holiday gift of 500 free AdventureCoins!
2019: The Chrono Phoenix Rises
The Chrono-Phoenix is a part-organic, part-mechanical creature created to track the cyclical death and re-birth of the year. But its gears are going haywire, and if you don't help Lucca the Chronomancer fix it, 2020 might NEVER arrive!
2018: A Chilling Tale
A new year dawns for the Yetis of EverFrost Valley, and a new generation of their warriors is ready to undergo an ancient rite to welcome the new year. You are the first human ever invited to join in the ritual slaying of the ice spirit Chillbite, Guardian of the Valley. On December 29th, celebrate the new year with your new tribe… if you survive!
2017: Archive of Time
Corruption will result in alteration of existing persons, places, and things in Lore. Correction required before countdown expires or changes will become per-pe- *static* SIGNAL LOST.
2016: Future of Fear
2016 is starting off with a bang.. and blasts… and an attack on Northpointe by the Queen of Monsters’ new Captain, Goregrim! The forces of Good, Evil, and Chaos will need to come together, or Northpointe WILL fall!
2015: A Monstrous Future
With the defeat of the Chanpion of Chaos last summer, the Queen of Monsters has been released from her prison... and she is ready to show our world how little we REALLY know about the nature of monsters! Tonight's release continues the Rise of the WorldBreaker trilogy in the /Northstar map.
Tonight: Battle to reach Karok the Fallen, but FIRST you'll need to face don a mysterious new monster... one HE did not create, but who has been commanded to follow him. Coming FRIDAY, you'll be able to face Karok the Fallen himself! (And have a VERY small chance to get the DarkIce version of his mage armor!)
If we don't want Karok's horde of monsters to join forces with the QUEEN of monsters, it's time to bare our blades and BATTLE ON... or the future will be MONSTROUS!
Old and New Gear for the New Year!
Talk to Quibble Coinbiter in Battleon to get The Fallen Mage Armor with a 15% Class Points bonus! You can also talk to Lim in the NewYear map to access all the returning seasonal rares PLUS find the 2015 New Year's Ball house item in the New Year house shop!
2014: Year of the Horse!
For the 2014 New Year's release, we wanted to take some inspiration from the Chinese zodiac. 2014 is the year of the horse, so naturally this is what we've come up with...
In Norse mythology, Hrimfaxi and Skinfaxi are the steeds of Night and Day, carrying the chariots of the sun and moon across the sky. Their equivalents in Lore are Frostmane and Embermane, and Ulfgar (remember him?) is worried that something is wrong with them. Embermane, the Steed of Day, has gone missing and her brother Frostmane is keeping the land in perpetual darkness. It's up to you to find her so she can bring back the sun - and bring in the new year.
So then, who's that nightmare steed, you ask? Is he what's keeping Embermane from returning to the sky? /Join frostmane to find out!
2013: A New Dawn for a New Year!
Save the sun, Hero, or tomorrow will never come! When a Werepyre petitions the Nocturan Creed, guardians of the night, to ensure he will never be harmed by the light again, you will need to work with the Lumina Votari to protect the sun and save the world! Journey across Lore to ensure that a new dawn - and a New Year - will begin!
2012: Time for Chaos
2012 was the Year of Chaos, and we started the year off with a BANG! Literally! But tonight, you'll go BACK in time to meet Professor Iadoa (Professor Yana, anyone?), a famous Chronomancer who has been missing for decades. He should have stayed gone, though, because now that he's back... it's time for Chaos!
The New Year's ball frozen in place. All clocks have stopped.
2011: The Chaos Continued
Lim has returned to the frozen north to help is close out 2010 with a BANG! Literally.
Well, that's what he INTENDED but once again he can't get his science all in one bucket and he needs your help to stop the ever hungry Icemaster Yeti from munching on this gizmos and doo-dads.
We hope you guys have all had a great holiday. We all took a little time out of insane production schedule to spend some time with our friends and travel hoe to see family, but we are SO READY to get moving on all our plans for 2015!
New Year, New Year!
On Monday, December 31st, we'll release our 2019 New Year's shop, with the 2019 weapons and a host of new wintery gear, PLUS Vesper's pink, purple, and prismatic birthday shop!

December 30, 2019
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Please do not send non-release bugs on Twitter. They will get lost. Make sure you send bug report forms!
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug Fixes:
- The seasonal tagged Festive Archer and IceStorm items are now in a shop with Blizzy in /cryostorm.
- Vampire Queen Safiria Surfboard has been as delagged as it can get.
Art Fixes:
- Prismatic Elf Hat ears are now CC.
Nothing to report for Leaving Soon or any extras for this week! Happy Holidays and see you next decade!

December 27, 2019
Battle the FrozenSoul Queen
SLAY Bells will ring this weekend!
Our Frostval celebration continues this Friday at with a bounty of new gear, an all-new boss monster + her minions, and a level-cap increase to... 100!
Heroes of all levels and class types are invited to /join frozensoul to take on Zastruga, a rival upstart aiming to wrest control of the Northlands away from Nythera. Take on her level 50 and 100 versions for a chance to get the new Northlands Monk CLASS as a boss drop, or complete Nythera's quests to create 3 new armor sets in the FrozenSoul merge shop.
This weekend:
- Level cap increases to 100
- Higher-level enhancements (including Awe Enhancements) added*
- FrozenSoul Queen boss monster + minions
- Northlands Monk CLASS and armor set as farming rewards, in Quibble's Shop, and collection chest
- Double XP, Gold, Rep, and Class Points boosts continue through Monday, December 30th
- Frozen Fury armor set available in the Wheel of Doom merge shop
The Level Cap Increases to 90!
You began your adventures in Lore as a level 1 Hero. But this weekend, you'll finally be able to reach the ultimate, supreme level -- 100! We're pushoing the cap ALL THE WAY to level 100 to help start 2020 off with a BANG.
The Double Gold, XP, Rep, and Class Points boost that began last week will continue until December 30th (just one more Frostval gift for you!).
- New Enhancements: level 50+ enhancement shops in your game menu
- Awe Enhancements: in the Awe Enhancements shops in /museum
A New Year (and Decade!) are Almost Here
Join us during the first week of January 2020 for...
- The return of our New Year's seasonal events
- Tinsel's Gift Boxes open
- The Chrono Phoenix boss monster + armor set
- New Year's AdventureCoin Gift... 500 AdventureCoins!*
- 2020 Honorable Hero award
- And more
* Traditionally, we give all active heroes in AdventureQuest Worlds a gift of free AdventureCoins during the holiday season. To celebrate a new decade and new year with even more cheer, we're shifting our 500 AC gift to the first week of January. (The gift will be available for at least a week before the Frostval rare gear leaves.)

December 27, 2019
'Tis the Season
This year we celebrate the time of giving and getting together with the seasonal Northlands Monk Class! Northlands Monks embody the holiday spirit with its arsenal of presents, harsh winter winds, and the ability to deliver a devastating attack upon its foes when fighting alongside allies.
How to Unlock the Class
There are four ways to obtain the Northlands Monk Class:
- Talk to Quibble Coinbiter in Battleon to find his shop. Immediately unlock the class for 2,000 AdventureCoins, or buy individual pieces of the Lord of Order set.
- Talk to Quibble Coinbiter in Battleon to find the Holiday collection chest for 10,000 AdventureCoins. Immediately unlock 75+ event items and rares, plus the Class and armor set
- Battle the Frozensoul Queen (level 50) in /frozensoul
- Battle the Challenge Frozensoul Queen (level 100) in /frozensoul (higher drop rate)
Mana Regeneration
Northlands Monks gain mana when they strike an enemy in combat (more effective on crits) or are struck by an enemy in combat. They also regenerate mana with each auto attack.
Max Targets: 1 enemy
Throw a magical present at your enemy and unwrap another for yourself. Applies a small, medium, or large DoT to one enemy and a small, medium, or large HoT to you. Each effect lasts 4 seconds.
Type: Magical
MP: 10
Cooldown 6 seconds
Winter Wind
Max Targets: 1 enemy
Blast your opponent with a gust of cold air, lowering their Haste by 15% and increasing their incoming damage by 15% for 10 seconds.
Type: Magical
Mana Cost: 15
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Northland Lights
Use the starlight from the Northlands to guide the paths of your allies, increasing the Hit Chance, Haste, and outgoing damage for yourself and up to 5 allies by 10% for 10 seconds. Every ally buffed by this skill gives you one stack of Frostval Spirit, which increases your outgoing damage by 5% per stack for 6 seconds.
Note: Additional teammates are required in order to utilize the full power of Frostval Spirit.
Max Targets: 6 players
Type: Magical
Mana Cost: 15
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Holiday Spirit Bomb
Channel the spirit of Frostval into a ball of magical energy and launch it at your opponent, dealing huge damage. Your allies give you strength-- damage increases with stacks of Frostval Spirit.
Max Targets: 1 enemy
Type: Magical
MP: 20
Cooldown: 14 seconds
Fortitude: Decreases incoming damage by 10%
Peacebringer: Increases Heal over Time and Damage over Time strength by 10%
Festive Fury: Increases outgoing damage, Critical Strike Chance, and Critical Strike Damage by 8%
Class Design and Use
As a class meant to be easily obtainable by heroes of all levels, Northlands Monk is a moderately powerful class with skills that are easy to understand and optimally use. Present’s Heal over Time gives Northlands Monk longevity while its Damage over Time whittles down enemy health-- this class doesn’t have significant damage mitigation, so Present’s heal will determine which monsters you can solo. Winter Wind deals moderate damage and increases enemy incoming damage, which compounds with the damage increasing effects of Northland Lights.
Northland Lights gives Northlands Monk utility in group settings-- not only does it buff the stats of party members, but it also increases your own maximum damage output by applying one stack of Frostval Spirit for every ally you buff (including yourself). In order to best use Northlands Monk, you should keep stacks of Frostval Spirit up as much as possible-- not only does it increase your outgoing damage by 5% per stack, each stack also directly increases the damage you deal with Holiday Spirit Bomb.

December 23, 2019
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Please do not send non-release bugs on Twitter. They will get lost. Make sure you send bug report forms!
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Art Fixes
- FrozenSoul Courtier male tweaked a bit so the arm is not over the armour.
- Skin shading fixes to multiple Naval Commanders - Obsidian, Galactic, Paragon, Doomknight, Mechanical, Chaos, Platinum and Gilded.
- Gargantuan Golem armour rebuilt to try to get rid of a loading issue.
Leaving Soon - December 27, 2019
From 4D Pyramid Rep
- Sabre of Serepthys
- Swords of Serepthys
- Lance of Serepthys
- Wand of Serepthys
- Reavers of Serepthys
Crossover Event Maps
We've gotten several reports about some maps which did not return for the Friday the 13th event, such as /ghostship and /merrowtrench.
There's a very good reason these maps do not return every year. They are special event crossover maps. Other maps like this include /necromance, /darkcarnival and /unluck, as well as the current event maps of /santy and /krampus.
These maps will only return in years where the crossovers happen. You can check out this list of Friday the 13th dates to see if your favourite crossover will return!

December 23, 2019
New Doom Set This Friday: Frozen Fury
Available in the Wheel of Doom merge shop!
The Wheel of Doom spins round and round... and this weekend, as we release the final Frostval update of 2019, the team wanted to bring you an ice-cold killer - the Frozen Fury set arrives in the Wheel of Doom merge shop this weekend!
Find all of the set gear in the Wheel of Doom merge shop:
- Frozen Fury armor
- 5 helms
- 2 capes
- Frozen Force of Fury polearm
Get your Free Spins
Everyone loves to get prizes... and that's why we brought back back free spins for the Wheel of Doom!
- Members get one free spin a day while their upgrade is active
- All players get one free spin a week.
See the Free Spins Design Notes for more details.
Spin the Wheel, Collect your Treasures, and Choose Your Prize
The Wicked Item of Donated Awesomeness is here! Each time you spin the Wheel of Doom, you'll get a Treasure Potion to spend in the Doom Merge Shop. Save up 1,000 and you'll be able to buy a Wicked Item of Donated Awesomeness. Each WIoDA will let you choose a rare or valuable item, and a member of the Support Team will add it to your account.
Wicked Item of Donated Awesomeness Details
- The WIoDA will be a Wheel of Doom merge shop exclusive.
- Cost: 1,000 Treasure Potions.
- The WIoDA token will no longer be left in your inventory.
- With each prize awarded, it will be removed so you can obtain a new one. And another new one. And another new one.
- The stack limit shows as x1.
- At this time, the same rules as PIoDA will remain in place for what types of prizes you can ask for.
While we do have even more plans for the Wheel of Doom and the IoDA tokens, those are a subject for another day. (hint*hint*teaser)
* But since they are removed now with the placements of your prizes, you can get as many of them as you have Treasure Potions for. You just have to redeem them one by one.
** Exceptions include staff personal items, custom weapon contest prizes, HeroMart items, etc

December 20, 2019
Frostval 2019 Limited Quantity Sets
Holiday Sets go on sale this Friday!
Meeeeeeeerry Frostval, Heroes! We've got a blindingly-brilliant set of gear for all you real-life rare collectors. Find the Frost Dracolich Rider set, the final quantities of Nulgath's Festive ArchMage set, the Golden Royal Knight of Swordhaven set, and more at our Limited Quantity Sets page starting this Friday, December 21st, at 6 PM EST! Each package also comes with a unique badge in your Book of Lore and on your character page!
Restock Schedule
- 6:00 PM EST Friday night, 12/20 (initial stock)
- 6:00 AM Saturday, 12/21
- 12:00 PM (Noon) Saturday, 12/21
- 6:00 PM Saturday, 12/21
- 12:00 AM (Midnight) Sunday, 12/22 (final restock)
Note: Nulgath's Festive Warlic set pack will not restock. The quantities you see are the final ones... once they are sold out, they'll never return!
Frost Dracolich Rider Set
Price: 2000 AdventureCoins
Total # of sets: 3000
Initial stock quantity: 2000
Restock: 250
- 3 armors (Dark + Light Frost Dracolich Riders and Guard)
- 17 helms, capes, and weapons
- Character page badge
Winter Dracolich House
Price: 100,000 gold (for current and past members)
Total # of sets: 3000
Initial stock quantity: 2000
Restock: 250
- House includes 8 rooms
- Armor and hair customization room included
- Character page badge
Golden Royal Knight of Swordhaven
Price: 1000 AdventureCoins
Total # of sets: 2000
Initial stock quantity: 1000
Restock: 250
- Set includes armor, helm, cape, and hammer
- Metal is gold, fabric is color customizable
- Character page badge
Epic Frost Weapon Pack
Price: 12,020 gold (for all heroes)
Total # of sets: 25000
Initial stock quantity: 5000
Restock: 5000
- 5 exclusive weapons
- 20% bonus to gold, rep, XP, and Class Points
- Character page badge
Festive ArchMage Set
Price: 1000 AdventureCoins
Quantity: 2,248
- Armor
- Accessories
- Character page badge
These are the final quantities for the Festive ArchMage Set. Once the total reaches 0, it will NEVER be available again!
What is a Limited Quantity Set?
The Limited Quantity Sets are just what they sounds like... each set has a certain quantity and once that number has sold out then that's it. The total number of sets is the same for everyone, everwhere, so if you see 300 items left on the web page, that's what we've got left in stock.
How Do Limited Quantity Sets Work?
- Log into a special LQS webpage on (not into the game!)
- Purchase the set using either ACs or gold
- Log into AQW and find your set badge in the Book of Lore
- Get all the items in the badge shop for 0 ACs (yay free storage!)

December 20, 2019
Nightmare Before Frostval the 13th, Part 2
Part 2 of our 2019 Frostval + Friday the 13th Double Holiday Event is LIVE!
Log in now for Part 2 of our Frostval the 13th holiday event featuring special guest Aurelio Voltaire, his festive pet Candy Claws, and the Krampus, a monster who doesn't care if you've been naughty or nice... he's still going to... Make. You. PAY! All of Frostvale has turned into a nightmare, and Chilly needs your help to save his friends, his town, and Frostval itself!
If you've completed last week's adventure, /join krampus and talk to Aurelio Voltaire to begin your adventure:
- Clean out the Krampus' minions to protect the moglins
- Investigate the dark energy tainting the town
- Discover the truth about who the REAL monsters are in the Krampus' nightmare
- Break the Krampus' spell to save Frostvale and all its inhabitants!
Holiday Rare Drops + 2 Weeks of Server Boost + And More
Our Frostval 2019 holiday item drops continue... and so do our other holiday activities and gifts!
- Log in all weekend long for our DOUBLE Gold, Rep, XP, and Class Points boost
- Return Monday and Tuesday for more holiday rare item drops
- Log in next Friday for more server boosts, the Northlands Monk Class, and more
Frostval 2019 Gifts, Part 1: Free SPACES!
Log in this weekend and check your account, because we've given your hero...
- 10 free inventory spaces
- 10 free bank spaces
- 10 free house inventory spaces
- 10 free friendslist slots
- PLUS the ability to buy 10 more of each on top of the free ones
And to top it all off, by popular request from a flood of players on Twitter, we've added 100 more guild slots!
Frostval Gift Super-Quick Accidental Sneak Peek
A few wrong buttons were pushed before tonight's release and the new level cap rolled out a week too early. We reverted the level cap for now, but it will go live next Friday, December 27th along with the Northlands Monk Class and armor set. Return next week and battle the FrozenSoul Queen -- the medium and high-level versions of the boss monster have a chance to drop the 0 AC Northlands Monk CLASS and armor set! (It's been 3 years since the last time we had a class as a boss drop O_O)
PS: If you have the 2019 Frostval Collection Chest, you'll get the Northlands Monk class+armor set for free in your chest. And if you're too busy celebrating during the holidays to farm the boss for the 0 AC class drop, you can find it and the armor set in Quibble's shop, all starting on the 27th

December 16, 2019
Don't Be Fooled!
Protect Your Account!
We’re aware of and currently investigating an issue concerning account security. Many of you may have seen other players advertising websites which are offering you free ACs for logging into the sites, or for various other reasons, like winning PvP matches and then going to Facebook.
These are scams! Do not be fooled by them!
Any awards AQW does of free ACs will NEVER require you to log into anything except the game itself to claim any AC gifts we are giving out. These are the links you should be using to log into the game with:
We will NEVER ask you for any information to award you gifts.
We DO NOT use players or staff to advertise any websites to log into in order to claim gifts.
We are aware that some of these scam sites are using templates which look VERY much like our official Manage Account pages. We are trying to get them taken down by the hosting servers.
Our official Manage Account address is Please do not ever enter your account information anywhere except here, or to log into the game itself.
Please, please, please! Review our Help Pages and Design Notes for how to keep your account secure:
- Keep your AQWorlds account secure!
- My AQWorlds account is hacked, stolen or lost!
- Confirm your AQWorlds email address.
If you see anyone posting these links in game, please /report them immediately!

December 16, 2019
AQWorlds Patch Notes
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Please do not send non-release bugs on Twitter. They will get lost. Make sure you send bug report forms!
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Introducing a new thing!! Starting this week, instead of just picking up items sent to us on bug reports as rare that are still in the game, we will be listing the items that are about to be picked up, and they will be removed the Friday of the same week at update time.
And now, your regularly scheduled bugs!!
Bug Fixes:
- Cryostorm Merge Shop has reopened for the season.
- Friday The 13th maps reopened to everyone.
Art Fixes:
- DragonSlaying Gunslinger Sword Shop has been given permanent art.
- Lighter spot on Shadow Legacy of Nulgath has been matched to the rest of the outfit.
- Dark ShadowSlayer Z red removed.
- Ebony VoidCaster Helm added to Collection chest and VoidCaster shops.
Leaving Soon: Friday, December 20th
From the 10th Birthday Event:
- Legion Wolf Sword
- Legion Wolf Scythe
- Legion Wolf
- Legion Wolf Hair
- Legion Wolf Morph
- Legion Wolf Runes
From Dage's Wedding:
- Formal Smiling' Paragon Helm
From Mogloween:
- Twisted Legion PumpinLord Blade
- Legion PumpkinLord
- Creeper Flame Legion Helm
- Creeper Legion Helm
- Evil Legion Helm
- Flaming Legion Helm
- Barbed Legion PumpkinLord Cape
- Barbed Legion PumpkinLord Shroud
- Barbed Legion PumpkinLord Vines
- Battered Legion PumpkinLord Shroud
- Luminous Legion PumpkinLord Cape
- Baby Dragon Dage
Various Others:
- VoidWarlord of Nulgath Axe
- Ascended VoidCaster’s Morph
- HullBreaker

December 13, 2019
Happening Now: our 2019 Holiday AC Bonus
Get up to 50% more FREE ACs!
NOW AVAILABLE: buy any Adventure package until January 6th and get up to 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins! If you're excited about the upcoming Black Friday and Cyber Monday items, or are gearing up for all our December holiday items, now's the time to top up your ACs.
The bigger the AC package you buy, the more free AdventureCoins you'll get!
12000 AC pack: 6000 extra ACs (50% more ACs)
5000 AC pack: 2000 extra ACs (40% more ACs)
2000 AC pack: 500 extra ACs (25% more ACs)
900 AC pack: 100 extra ACs (11% more ACs)
* Note: bonus AdventureCoins are only available with AdventureCoin packages. The special bonus offer does not apply to membership packages.

December 13, 2019
Frostval the 13th Featured Collection Chest
Friday the 13th + 2019 Frostval Collection + Quibble's Holiday Shop
Friday the 13th... AND FROSTVAL?! Two fan-favorite holidays converge into one this weekend! Our very own time-traveling sales moglin is BACK in Battleon with a shop full of dark, deadly, and ice-cold gear from the past, present, and future. And for all you holiday-loving heroes, our Frostval the 13th Featured Collection chest is here! Get all of Quibble's rare gear, including bank pets, the new Frostval Class, and a rare character page badge for 10,000 ACs! (30,000 ACs worth of gear)
This week, the Frostval the 13th Collection Chest unlocks over 45 items, including:
- 13th Holiday Quibble Pet (with a quest for the exclusive character page badge)
- 13th Holiday Quibble. 13th Horror-Day, and Paragon Bank Pets
- 13th Frostval Voltare ULTRAHAT
- Frostedge Fae armor set (color-custom) and Snowborn Fae set (non-CC)
- Festive Frostval Suit armor set (color-custom) and Gothic Frostval Suit armor set (non-CC)
- Boreal Cavalier Deer Rider armor + accessories*
- The 13th Claws Suit armor set (with click-to-transform armor)
Next week, the rest of our Frostval the 13th rare items will be added to your chest:
- the Winter Spirit armor set
- 13th Krampus armor + helm (designed by Dage the Evil)
- FrozenSoul Court armor (imported from our battlecard RPG, OverSoul)
- the seasonal Frostval Monk class + armor set
Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive pets, all of the gear contained inside the Frostval Collection chest will also be available to buy individually in Quibble's shop.
* These were originally created for the 2018 Frostval collection chest, but were not added last year. If you have the 2018 Frostval Collection chest, you will get these items for free!
Rare and Seasonal Gear Breakdown
Last year, we included several of our featured Frostval sets in the collection chest: the Festive Archer and the IceStorm Warlord. This year, those sets will be available directly in our seasonal Frostval shop next week, but will not be included in the collection chest.
Returning next week:
- Festive Archer armor
- 2 Festive Archer helms
- 3 Festive Archer capes (wrap, bow, quiver)
- Festive Archer bow
- IceStorm Warlord armor
- 3 Frostbreath helms
- 3 IceStorm Archer's capes (wrap, quiver, combo)
- Wings of Ice Wrap
- IceStorm Back Blade + Auxiliary Daggers
- IceStorm ShatterSpear
- IceStorm Archer's Bow
- IceStorm General's Blade
- IceStorm Daggers
- IceStorm Gryphon Pet

December 13, 2019
Nightmare Before Frostval the 13th, Part 1
Part 1 of our 2019 Frostval + Friday the 13th Double Holiday Event is LIVE!
'Twas the nightmare before Frostval, and all through the town
the moglins were hurrying to bed themselves down.
Then Aurelio Voltaire had a most festive plan ta
bring from OUR world, that jolly elf, SANTA!
This weekend, log in and battle through Part 1 of our Frostval + Friday the 13th double holiday event! Join special guest Aurelio Voltaire, his sweet little companion, Hargoyle, and the moglins of Frostvale as you prepare to celebrate! But be careful, Hero -- the magic of Frostval is very powerful, and if it's tainted by the darkness of Friday the 13th, this might turn out to be a deadly holiday, indeed!
/join santy and talk to Aurelio Voltaire to begin your adventure:
- Step 1: Gather the ingredients to help Aurelio Voltaire summon Santa Claus from the REAL world into Lore
- Step 2: Help the moglins of Frostvale prepare for his arrival
- Step 3: Find Santa Claus the warmest, reddest hat the Northlands has to offer so he feels at home
- Step 4: CELEBRATE! ... I mean... MINIBOSS FIGHT!
Then return next Friday as we continue our Frostval the 13th adventure!
Nightmare before Frostval the 13th Rewards
Log in and battle the monsters in /santy to find 22 event rare, 0 AC item drops, including:
- the Northland Slasher armor set + pet
- The Jailer's Shadow guard house items
- Snow Crow pet
- Select accessories from the 13th Claws Suit armor set
- Adorably terrifying chibi pets
A RARE Crossover event?!
All of the item drops in this weekend's map are exclusive to the 2019 Frostval / Friday the 13th holiday event. Make sure you log in and grab the gear you want before the map leaves in January.
PS: We could not wake up Baby Noda from his pre-Frostval nap, so he'll arrive next week when we begin our 2019 Holi-Daily item drops!

December 06, 2019
Frostval Returns for 2019
Battle through our returning seasonal events!
Frostval is a time of joy, hope, and... defending Lore from all the insane ice monsters that cannot stop attacking it?!?! Log in this weekend to battle through all our winter holiday events and unlock seasonal rewards!
/join Frostvale to begin battling through all the previous years of Frostval releases, then test your mettle (and metal!) against the biggest gifts of them all: Giefury and his darker, deadlier self, GieFURIOUS!
Giefurious appeared in Frostvale out of nowhere, slashing his ribbons about and muttering the number 13... 13... 13...
This year, in additional to Giefury's seasonal presents, Giefurious has NEW gifts for you:
- Frostval Nutcracker armor (red variant)**
- Giefurious armor set + pet
- Giefurious House Guard
- Festive Frostval Elf + Merry Frostvale Outfit armor set
- Festive Battle Elf armor (member-only)
- Blue Frosty-val Doge helm
FrostScythe also drops an version of his armor set, crafted by the incomparable Aranx just to help you celebrate Frostval!
* Giefury's name comes from the Old English noun "giefu" for "a giving, gift", which is related to the Old Norse word "gift, gipt" meaning "gift; good luck."
** Created just for you by AQW Community artist, Dominik!
ALL of the seasonal events from previous years will also return - that means you'll get to battle Kezeroth, Quetzal, and more... PLUS get all the holiday seasonal goodies that come with them!
Journey to Frostvale
Once again the Frost Moglins of Frostvale are opening the snow-covered gates of their town to all of Lore as they prepare for the merriest of all of Lore's holidays... Frostval! If this is your first year with AQW then you get to play through all of the previous adventures:
- Save Frostvale,
- Stop the Ice Symbiote infection
- Watch a young Empress Gravelyn experience her first Frostval
- Fight to survive as Kezeroth and Karok, ice giant brothers from another world, battle to take OURS
- Somebody PLEASE think of the children! An icy ancient horror has kidnapped them, and they need your help.
- and get SO MANY presents with the return of Tinsel's Seasonal Frostval Shop
Join us Next Week for... Frostval the 13th!
Aurelio Voltaire arrives in Frostvale as we begin our holiday celebration... but it wouldn't be Friday the 13th OR Frostval if something didn't go awry. In the coolest (hah, pun!) possible way so that YOU can save the day.
- Dual wield versions of the Black Friday Hollowborn weapons will become available (Monday)
- The Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Harvest seasonal event rares leave (Friday)
- Black Friday / Cyber Monday / WIoDA bonus choice period ends Friday
Late last month, we announced that if you used your WIoDA* to choose a rare item that was released during this year's Black Friday or Cyber Monday Shops**, you can write in to Player Support and choose to:
1) Keep your current prize, get the Black Friday variant for free, and get 100 free Treasure Potions OR
2) Keep your current prize, do not get the Black Friday variant for free, and get 500 free Treasure Potions
Contact Player Support at for more information or to make your selection by 11:59 PM on Friday the 13th.***
* Wicked item of donated awesomeness from the Wheel of Doom merge shop
** Like the Legion Flesh Ripper, Talons of Nulgath, etc
*** This only applies if you have already made your prize selection
Later this month...
- Countdown to Frostval Holi-daily Item Hunt
- The level cap raises
- New seasonal Frostval Class
- 2019 Holiday Gift!

December 06, 2019
Unlock the GlacialFrost Royalty Sets
Upgrade to unlock our newest exclusive gear sets!
Winter is here, and the elven tribes in the Northlands are ready to celebrate! Unlock all 28 items in the GlacialFrost Royalty armor set when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more.
Pack Details
Choose the GlacialFrost Royalty pack to unlock all 28 pieces of the set, including:
- Brightfrost Elf armor set
- Nightfrost Elf armor set
- 12 helms
- 4 capes
- 8 weapons
- 2 wyvern pets
- Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts added straight to your inventory
- and a character page badge
Once you've chosen the GlacialFrost Royalty bonus set on the Account Manager page, log in and find the set's shop in the Other Achievements tab in your Book of Lore.
12000 AC or 12 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the GlacialFrost Royalty gear
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
- and a character page badge
Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.
2k and 5k AC or 1, 3, or 6 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the GlacialFrost Royalty gear
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- and a character page badge
Upgrade to unlock your choice of exclusive bonuses
When you buy any AC or membership pack worth $10 USD or more, you'll be able to choose one of the following bonus sets:
- GlacialFrost Royalty
- Apocalyptic Werepyre armor sets
- ShadowFlame DragonMage and Enchanged DragonMage
- Galactic and Solar Pirate Commanders
- Yami no Akuma / Hikari no Akuma and floating Guardians
- Infernal Invoker / Enchanted Invoker / Legion Pyromancer
- DoomDragon's Master mount/rider armors
- Infinity Titan Class / Throne / House
- Galactic Captain / Galactic Battle Pilot
- Paragon Fiend / Legion Paragon Fiend Rider
- Akiban Defender
- Copper Void ChronoKnight
- Golden Northlands Royalty
With our upgrade pack bonuses, you get even more options and choices in your rewards. Plus, each time you upgrade, you get to choose a new reward!
Important Details
- ALL of the upgrade bonus gear for a set will be available when you buy an AC or membership pack worth $10 USD.
- Each time you upgrade, you'll be able to choose another bonus set. If you've already unlocked all the available sets, once a new one releases, you'll be able to choose it immediately.
If you buy a 12,000 AC or 12 month membership pack, in addition to choosing an upgrade bonus set, you'll also get 7x Game Boosts, a character page badge, plus 10 Wheel of Doom Fortune Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs).
2019 Holiday AC Bonus: Get up to 50% More Free ACs
Get up to 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins when you buy any Adventure package until January 6th! If you're excited about all our 2019 holiday items, new gear in the Wheel of Doom, or our 2020 New Year's rare gear, now's the time to top up your ACs and get even more for free.
The bigger the AC package you buy, the more free AdventureCoins you'll get!
12000 AC pack: 6000 extra ACs (50% more ACs)
5000 AC pack: 2000 extra ACs (40% more ACs)
2000 AC pack: 500 extra ACs (25% more ACs)
900 AC pack: 100 extra ACs (11% more ACs)
* Note: bonus AdventureCoins are only available with AdventureCoin packages. The special bonus offer does not apply to membership packages.

December 03, 2019
Underworld Chronomancer Class
The 2020 Calendar is here, and will remain forever epic!
It’s that TIME of year again... a new Calendar Class is here! When you get the 2020 Calendar from HeroMart, you'll unlock in-game rewards inside AQ3D, AdventureQuest, DragonFable, EpicDuel, and the Underworld Chronomancer Class / Armor set in AQWorlds.
The Underworld Chronomancer Class combines the core skills and hourglasses of the Timeless Chronomancer Class with three new, 2020 exclusive consumables:
- the Timepiece of Inevitability
- the Timepiece of Madness
- the Timepiece of Pestilence
Currently, the Underworld Chronomancer has the same icons and animations as Corrupted Chronomancer (which were intended to be a part of the Timeless Chronomancer theme. Based on your feedback, we will update the icons and animations to be unique to the Underworld Chrono class.
Timeless Chronomancer Class?!
Last year's Corrupted Chronomancer Class and this year's UnderWorld Chronomancer Class showcase our new style of releasing Calendar/Chronomancer classes. Each of these classes, and future calendar classes, will have:
- a core base of skills will return each year
- a set of gameplay-altering items which will return from year to year
- a set of unique gameplay-altering items (exclusive to that year's class) that affect your play style according to what you equip
- All-new art and a new name
We call the core base of skills the Timeless Chronomancer Class. With the addition of the year-exclusive items, we can make an almost-endless array of variants, each with its own feel: the Corrupted Chronomancer, the Underworld Chronomancer, and many more to come!
The Timepieces that come with the 2020 UnderWorld Chronomancer Class can be used in conjunction with the returning Hourglass consumable items to alter the way the class plays.
Calendar Class Gameplay Recap
The new calendar classes are built around 6 unique class-only consumable items. These act as a (pseudo) sixth skill you can use to customize the class to your own style and needs. There are...
3 Hourglasses
These provide a base to your class. They either buff you in specific ways or provide complicated interactions to your skills. (These or other class items like them will return each year.)
3 Timepieces
These alter your skills with different gameplay elements.
Top off your stacks of Hourglasses and Timepieces by grabbing the pet in your Book of Lore 2020 Calendar badge shop.
Gameplay example:
- Prepare before a fight by equipping and using an Hourglass. (Hourglasses last up to 2 hours or until you log out or die.)
- Then, switch to a Timepiece to use during fights.
- The Hourglass aura will remain, meaning you can mix and match any one Hourglass with any one Timepiece.**
Note: You can only have one Hourglass and one Timepiece active at a time. (Changing to a new one will end the affect from the previous Hourglass or Timepiece.)
Underworld Chronomancer Details
Recommended Enhancements: Lucky, Hybrid.
Underworld Chronomancers rely on Hourglasses and Timepieces they create using their Hourglass Pet (equipable items found in the Book of Lore) to manipulate and distort time itself.
Stats: Strength, Dexterity and Intellect.
Mana Regen: Gain mana from all hits landed in combat, and especially on critical hits. The amount depends on damage relative to *your own* HP total.
Timeless Strike
Deals damage based on your weapon damage. Each of your skills gets an additional benefit from Hourglasses and Timepieces you equip in your consumables slot. Hourglasses and Timepieces can be obtained from the Hourglass pet in the Book of Lore.
Type: Physical
Mana Cost: 0
Cooldown: 2 seconds
Rank 1: Timeless Rift
Deals damage to your target and applies Temporal Rift to you. Temporal Rift stacks 4 times and is used by your other abilities.
Type: Physical/Magical
Mana Cost: 15
Cooldown: 4 seconds
Rank 2: Hourglass Reversal
Reverses time to heal you and up to 4 allies. Heal on you is increased by stacks of Temporal Rift and consumes those stacks.
Type: Physical/Magical
Mana Cost: 30
Cooldown: 16 seconds
Rank 3: Distortion Through Time
Applies Corruption Through Time. Corruption Through Time increases all damage you do by 20% for 10 seconds. Doesn’t stack.
Type: Physical/Magical
Mana Cost: 20
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Rank 4 Passive: SandskinDodge chance increased by 10%
Rank 4 Passive: Cosmic Energy Critical strike chance, Hit chance, and Haste increased by 7%
Rank 5: Temporal Collapse
Deals damage to your target based on the damage you've recently dealt while under the effects of Temporal Rift (in the past 10 seconds). Consumes Temporal Rift stacks.
Type: Magical
Mana Cost: 35
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Rank 10 Passive: Hands of FateStarting from Rank 1, you can equip Hourglasses and Timepieces as a consumable to enhance your other skills.
The Returning Hourglasses
Hourglass of Power
[Timeless Chronomancer Class]
For the next 2hrs your Hourglass Inversion skill now also increases most of your secondary stats a further 10% for 30 seconds. Doesn’t stack. This includes Damage Done, Haste, Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Hit Chance, Dodge Chance and Damage Reduction.
Note: This one is as straightforward as you can get. It’s a broad buff on everything you want. It doesn’t complicate things or add strategy. You just smash it and go.
Hourglass of Paradise
[Timeless Chronomancer Class]
For the next 2hrs, your Corruption Through Time skill now also toggles between several new buffs. You get a mana and heal over time, a reduction in damage taken by 40% and increased haste by 30%. Also, your crit chance and damage are reduced by 40%. These auras last 2hrs and toggle on and off each time you use Hourglass Inversion.
Note: Mix this with an offensive Timepiece to mitigate some of the Timepiece’s defensive weakness. Turn Paradise off right before your nuke for great sustain AND damage!
Hourglass of Transience
[Timeless Chronomancer Class]
For the next 2hrs, Corruption Through Time makes you Transient for 10s. Applies a growing DoT to you. Using it again applies Ephemeral for 5s. Buffs dodge & damage by 50%. Using Hourglass Inversion while Transient gives you Incorporeal for 10s. Increases END & Haste by 50% & removes Transient & Ephemeral. While Transient, Sand Rift applies Flow. Increases enemy damage taken by 8% for 5s, stacks to 3. While Stable, it instead applies Ebb for 8s. Gives a growing DoT
Note: This Hourglass lives up to its namesake- your life is quite temporary and chaotic. But, balance your resources, and you'll find it paying off handsomely.
Get Ephemeral and you'll be dishing out huge damage while being nearly invincible- but your stay will be quite temporary.
Stabilize yourself out and you'll act faster and gain health- but you'll lose your Temporal Rift stacks.
Try to strike a balance alternating between these two skills, and you'll be able to extract the item's full power- but don't get too greedy!
The Underworld Chronomancer Timepieces
Timepiece of Madness
[Underworld Chronomancer Class]
For the next 30 seconds, Timeless Strike applies Mad, increasing your outgoing damage by 5% for 3 seconds, stacks to 5. Upon reaching 5 stacks of Mad your next Timeless Strike consumes them and you become Eternal, increasing your Critical Strike Chance by 80% and reducing your outgoing damage by 30% for 2 seconds. Your Distortion Through Time Skill also applies Potential, increasing your Hit Chance by 20% for 20 seconds. Cooldown: 12 seconds
Note: A simple Timepiece that rewards you for consecutively hitting your opponent to ramp up your damage. As soon as you have Eternal, your chances of seeing those big orange numbers appear on Temporal Collapse are almost guaranteed. On top of that, Distortion Through Time now grants increased hit chance, allowing this to be more successful.
Timepiece of Inevitability
[Underworld Chronomancer Class]
For the next 10 seconds, Distortion Through Time also applies Inevitable Corruption, increasing your outgoing damage and Haste by 12% for 20 seconds. Using the Timepiece of Inevitability while Inevitable Corruption is active applies Snap to your opponent, dealing significant damage to them after a short delay. Cooldown: 20 seconds
Note: Another straightforward option, this Timepiece focuses on seamlessly adding extra damage so long as you can keep it refreshed often. In between your decimation-inducing finger-snaps, you get to enjoy a notable buff to both your outgoing damage and your haste, boosting the rest of your skills. This all culminates in an inevitable nuke from Temporal Collapse.
Timepiece of Pestilence
[Underworld Chronomancer Class]
For the next 10 seconds, Distortion Through Time also applies Infectious Air, increasing the amount of damage the enemy takes by 20% for 10 seconds, stacking to 3 but is consumed by Temporal Collapse. As you recover from the contaminating air, your incoming damage is increased by 100% for 10 seconds. Also applies a light DoT and Decay to your target for 10 seconds, preventing them from healing. Cooldown: 10 seconds
Note: Lastly a Timepiece that makes you and others gain damage exponentially through lowering your enemy’s defenses until you tear them down with your utter prowess. This Timepiece requires a bit of timing alone however benefits greatly when given haste buffs allowing you to stack your Infectious Air aura with ease. Make your enemy rot and make the world of Lore witness the true power of The Undead Legion!

December 02, 2019
Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Please do not send non-release bugs on Twitter. They will get lost. Make sure you send bug report forms!
Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed. Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.
If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:
Bug Fixes:
- Guardian Shadow Cape now opens the Guardian Shadow shop to obtain the Cyber Guardian Shadow. (Yes, we know it targets you, but that's how it had to be to keep the cape's original looks.)
- Ascended Overfiend Blade of Nulgath, Ascended Overfiend Backblades, Bright Warlord of Nulgath Polearm removed from the Diamond Shop now.
- Sublimated T-shirt Combo will now show in the BOL, with default baby red dragon art for now.
Art Fixes:
- Fiend Face of Nulgath (and Rare) and Dark Fiend Face of Nulgath will stop pretending to be each other now.
- FairyTale Royalty (Female) leg is now CC to the top.
- Dual Cyber Hanzamune Blades are now actually dual.

December 02, 2019
Cyber Monday 2019 is here!
Gear up and get your glow on!
Congratulations on FINALLY getting to sit down and enjoy Oishii's Harvest Fest dessert! But with the feast done and aliens on the run, the time for battling is over. Now heroes across the game (and America) are fighting for... NEW GEAR! Our Cyber Monday gear is LIVE!
Starting Monday, December 2nd, log in and check out the Black Friday Shop in your game menu to find...
- M4tr1x Naval Commander set (color customizable)
- Cyber Grimlord armor
- Cyber Spear of Nulgath (color customizable)
- Overclocked Blade of Azebeth
- Techno ArchFiend Doomlord armor/helm
- the M4tr1x of ShadowFall houses
- and more!
Dark Holiday Item Updates
- If you purchased the Dark Holiday 2019 Collection, you'll find all 10 of the 0 AC M4tr1x of Swordhaven and ShadowFall houses dropping from the Midnight Mochi Pet's quest.
- The Galactic OmniBlade 1.0 and Cyber Unarmed have been added into the Black Friday Shop
- Get the Galactic OmniBlade 1.0 to unlock its quest, then complete it to choose either the Galactic OmniBlade 2.0 or 3.0 (return each year to choose another blade!)
- Find the Cyber Monday 2019 Rares listed above in the Black Friday rares shop in your game menu
- If you have the Guardian Shadow Cape, return later tonight and head to Vinara's Curio Shop in Battleon to find your free Cyber Guardian Shadow cape
- The OverClocked Blade of Abezeth and the Cyber Necrotic Blade of Doom in the collection and rares shop do not include the end-game stat bonuses. (Those remain exclusive to the farming versions of the weapons.)
- If you have the original Ultra OmniKnight CLASS, you'll find your free version of the Dark OmniNight class in Vinara's shop, too
- If you have the ArchFiend DoomLord armor, tomorrow you'll find the free color-customizable Digital DoomLord armor + helm in Vinara's Curio Shop.
Join us later today for the FINAL Dark Holiday Daily Item Hunt, as the Techno Spear of Nulgath drops from one of our Dark Holiday event monsters.

December 02, 2019
Countdown to Dark Holiday Rewards
Happening Now: Our Thanksgiving Week Item Hunt
Log in every day for a chance to get all-new gear in our Countdown to Black Friday/Cyver Monday rare bonus item hunt! Log in from Monday through Friday this week and take on monsters throughout the game for a chance to get event rare item drops. They are only available for a limited time, so get in there and get battling!
Our final Dark Holiday Daily Item Drop is LIVE at! Log in now and battle the Feegrix Queen for a chance to get the rare, 0 AC Techno Spear of Nulgath. (The color custom Cyber Spear is now available in the Black Friday Shop + Collection Chest.)

December 01, 2019
December 2019 Event Calendar
This Month: Tis the Season for FROSTVAL!
Winter is coming (for many of you, it's already here!), and so are all our snow-covered, ice-laden, gift-bearing holiday events! To help everyone celebrate, we've got a list of all our holiday events so you don't miss a single moment of cheer.
December 1: December Seasonal Set: Northern Wanderer arrives for 2019
December 2: Cyber Monday Shop releases
December 6: Frostval Hub Town returns + December Upgrade Bonus set
December 13: Frostval the 13th + Quibble's Frostval Collection Chest
December 20: Nightmare on Frostvale St + Holiday Limited Quantity Set
December 20 - 25: Double XP, Gold, Class Points, and Rep boosts + holiday boss drops
December 27: Dark Gifts Boss Battle + Holiday gear in the Wheel of Doom merge shop
December 31: New Year's Eve celebration + 2020 rare gear
Also happening this month...
- Level Cap increase
- New seasonal Frostval Class
- Holiday 2019 free AdventureCoins Gift

December 01, 2019
December Seasonal Set: Northern Wanderer
Available every year from December 1st - 31st
Winter is coming (for many of you, it's already here!), and so are all our snow-covered, ice-laden, gift-bearing holiday events! To help ALL our heroes celebrate, this month's seasonal set features the Northern Wanderers - the Northern Wanderer and Fallen Wanderer armors.
December Set: The Northern Wanderer
Starting this Saturday at 12:01 AM EST (that's server time), unlock the Northern Wanderer and Fallen Wanderer armors and all their accessories!
There are two ways to get the gear:
1) Total package: Buy the entire set directly through the website for $9.99 USD
2) Individually: Buy each of the individual pieces from Garek the Traveling Gear Merchant in Battleon.
The total cost to buy all of the gear individually is 4,000 ACs, so getting all the gear from the Northern Wanderers pack is a pretty sweet deal (you save 2,000 ACs).
The set includes:
- Northern Wanderer Armor
- Fallen Wanderer Armor
- 5 helms
- 6 capes
- 3 weapons
- character page badge
Seasonal Set Details
Each month, we'll feature a new set, available only during that month every year.
Seasonal Sets
January: ArchFiend OverLord
February: Obsidian Samurai
March: Legion Warseeker
April: Bio-War Cultist
May: Lord of the J-Sixth + Lightning Lich Lord
June: ShadowZard Mount + Rider
July: Flameborn + Underworld Summoner
August: Urban Assassins
September: Celestial Naval Commander
October: ChronoStriker
November: Harvest Hunters
December: Northern Wanderer
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this the same as the monthly upgrade bonus?
Monthly upgrade bonus gear is an extra reward for buying AdventureCoin or Membership packages. Seasonal set packs are bought separately. Just like the Flame Dragon Warrior pack, you can buy the entire set directly, for one price, on our site. You can ALSO buy the individual pieces in-game.
This set will return EVERY December, so if you can't get it now, you'll have another chance in 2019, or 2020, or 2021, etc.
If this isn't the monthly upgrade bonus, what IS the bonus in December?
The next upgrade bonus will be available from December 7th - January 4th, and are the golden and platinum color-custom Northern Royalty armors.
What if I just want ONE of the items?
You're in luck! Talk to Garek in Battleon. He'll be selling the individual pieces of the set through November 30th.
Where do I get my gear if I buy the full set through the website?
You'll find it in your Book of Lore.