Design Notes
April 30, 2014
Friday: Quest for the Cure
Darkness Falls as Undead Dragons Rise
As more and more dragons fall to this mysterious illness, a new horror is rising! Any dragons slain by the disease return to unlife…as zombies! Work with Artix and Galanoth to find a cure for those affected by the zombie plague, then partner with Warlic to hunt down the disease’s source, because what he’s learned spells destruction for the purity of elemental dragon magic… EVERYWHERE!
Here there be zombies!
Artix, Galanoth, and Warlic, OH MY!
Dragons are dying in Etherstorm... and the ones who haven't been returned to the DragonPlane for purification are rising again as zombies!
Dragon Physiology 101: Zombie Edition
That's not the worst of it - others have disappeared completely! But in the chaos caused by the infections and quarantines, no one has noticed. This is a very VERY bad thing! But before you can investigate THAT, you're going to have to travel around Lore with Artix, Galanoth, and Warlic to seek out the cause of the plague... and if Warlic is right, we are ALL going to be DOOMED!
Just remember, Heroes, when plague zombies rise in Etherstorm this Friday, just remember...
More LQS Previews are Here!
The first-ever Limited Quantity Sets arrive in AQWorlds this Friday night... and earlier today we released previews of more LQS gear! Read the Design Notes to see all the prices, timetables, and quantities!
Glacier and Lavastorm Lord armors

April 29, 2014
Limited Quantity Set Amounts
Sets Go Rare This Friday, May 9th!
The first-ever Limited Quantity Sets are almost all gone - only one set remains! Check out the Lavastorm Lord Limited Quantity Set on the LQS webpage HERE, but do not wait too long, because it will only be available for a few more days!
The Glacier Lord is a pretty cool guy.
When and Where to Get the Gear.
Not sure what time the shop opens or restocks? Use this timezone converter to find out what time it is in YOUR area!
Once 6:30 PM server time hits, head to this webpage and log in with your AQW account (this page is on the site, but will NOT be available until 6:30 PM)
Shop Update/Restock Times
- 6:30 PM Friday, May 2nd
- 4:30 AM Saturday, May 3rd
- 2:30 PM Saturday, May 3rd
- 12:30 AM Sunday, May 4th
- 10:30 AM Sunday, May 4th
- 8:30 AM, May 5th
- 6:30 PM, May 5th
Note 1: Based on player feedback and overwhelming demand, both May 5th restocks will take place as scheduled.
Note 2: The restock amount will always be added to the previous amount of gear. Gear not sold before a restock will remain in the shop.
Glacier Lord Set
Price: 1250 ACs, Quantity: 5000
- Glacier Lord Armor
- Glacial Horns
- Glacial Lord Hood
- Wrap of the Frostwyrm
- Fridge Edge Blade
- Great Blade of Frostclaw
- Glacial Daggers of Freezing
- Glacier Lord Cowl
- Initial quantity: 1000
- Restock amount: 1000
Lavastorm Lord Set
Price: 1250 ACs, Quantity: 5000
- Lavastorm Lord Armor
- Lavastorm Horns
- Lavastorm Hood
- Lavastorm Cowl
- Volcano's Embrace Cloak
- Molten Heartpiercer Scythe
- Dual Molten Heartpiercer Scythes
- Lavastorm's Reach Polearm
- Initial quantity: 1000
- Restock amount: 1000
Dragon's Salvation Set (Legend-Only)
Price: 50000 gold, Quantity: 15000
The Legend perks just keep coming: if you've EVER upgraded your account, you can buy this set for gold... then go in-game and unlock the 0 AC items. (The items will not require an upgrade to equip.)
Armor set is color-customizable!*
- Dragon's Salvation Armor
- Dragon's Guard
- Silken Cloak of Loyalty
- Flared Loyalty Wrap
- Bright Dragon Battlepet
- Initial quantity: 3000
- Restock amount: 3000
* A Dark version of this set will be available in next week's Rare shop.
ShadowDragon Gear (All Players)
Price: 75000 gold, Quantity: 30000
- Shadow Dragon Pet
- ShadowDragon Axe
- ShadowDragon Blade
- ShadowDragon Polearm
- Initial quantity: 6000
- Restock amount: 6000
How Do Limited Quantity Sets Work?
Limited Quantity Sets will work VERY differently from the way Limited Quantity Shops did in the past, though the core idea - a limited quantity of gear - will remain the same.
- Log into a special LQS webpage on (not into the game!)
- Purchase the set using either ACs or gold
- Log into AQW and find your set badge in the Book of Lore (no character page badge attached.)
- Get all the items in the badge shop for 0 ACs (yay free storage!)
Actual prices and quantities are listed above.
Amounts will restock throughout the weekend so that everyone gets a fair chance at the gear. (That means we will only release a fraction of the total amount at first.)
Where to Find the Sets
Check the Design Notes, hompage, and upgrade page for the webpage where you can buy the sets! You'll also be able to log into AQW and talk to Khuddar Khamundi, the Black Market Vendor, will return to Battleon with a link to the webpage.

April 29, 2014
BattleGems LIVE on Android
Get it now on the Google Play App Store for free
Be the first to play Battle Gems for the Android: the 1st major mobile game created by the same friendly (and crazy) team that creates AdventureQuest Worlds. Battle Gems is available right now for free on Google Play's App Store for your Android device!
The team and I are really proud to be releasing Battle Gems for you. As our first major mobile game, it took over 6 months to draw, animate, code and write the 450+ joke & pun filled levels for you. We think you will agree that it is our most crazy, addictive and fun game yet! Get Battle Gems and please help us spread the word. (P.S. We are working on the Android version as you read this.)
Battle Gems Features
- Over-the-top fantasy Puzzle/RPG
- 150+ monsters including BrutalCorn, Octobear and more!
- 450+ quests to Mount Death Dread Doom Skull
- 250+ items
- Every item you collect increases your total power!
- Fully customizable character
- Crazy monsters, epic battles, and… horrible puns (but get it anyway)
Limited Time Offer: Become a Founder!
Now is your only chance to become a Battle Gems Founder! Support the game during this launch and UNLOCK EVERYTHING with a one-time payment that is cheaper than a Pizza. …and our game comes with “extra-cheese” at no extra charge. Purchase the Founder Package during this limited time offer for $9.99, you shall receive:
- UNLIMITED turns! (Yeah. Unlimited. In your face Crushy Candy game!)
- Exclusive Dragon Knight Armor, Weapon, Wings & Helm
- Permanent Gold boost
- The Skeleton Key
- AdventureQuest Worlds MMO exclusive - Dragon Knight CLASS, Armor, 2 Helms, 3 Capes, & 2 Weapons
Battle Gems is already getting GREAT REVIEWS!
Thank you so much to everyone giving the game five stars to us on the app store. Battle Gems has been getting amazing feedback and reviews -- check out this KILLER game review from the game review site, Game Skinny! The humor is spot-on perfect "AE" and Battle Gems has the highest quality and most consistant art. I am really proud of the team, the testers, and our online community for all of the long and hard work that went into creating this amazing game. Thank you guys!!!
We are working hard on the Facebook version now! Even if you cannot play yet, please help us spread the word!
Do not forge to LIKE the BattleGems Facebook page!

April 28, 2014
Friday: Limited Quantity Sets
Rare Collectors... Start Your Engine!
If you're a fan of EpicDuel, then you already know what about Limited Quantity Shops. Some people love them, some people (the ones who forget to set their alarms) hate them, but they give those who like collecting rare gear a chance to grab (and display) a shining trophy that only a select few will possess!
The Glacier Lord is a pretty cool guy.
How Do Limited Quantity Sets Work?
Limited Quantity Sets will work VERY differently from the way Limited Quantity Shops did in the past, though the core idea - a limited quantity of gear - will remain the same.
- Log into a special LQS webpage on (not into the game!)
- Purchase the set using either ACs or gold
- Log into AQW and find your set badge in the Book of Lore (no character page badge attached.)
Test page: actual prices/quantities not shown.
Amounts will restock throughout the weekend (look for a schedule tomorrow or Wednesday) so that everyone gets a fair chance at the gear. (That means we will only release a fraction of the total amount at first.)* The numbers in the picture above are NOT final.
* Example: if we have 20000 free player gold sets, 5000 would release Friday morning, 5000 Friday night, 5000 Saturday morning, and 5000 Saturday night.
Will the Sets Be Legend, Free Player, or AC?
We will have:
- Glacier Lord armor set for ACs from Dage
- Lava Lord armor set for ACs from Dage
- 1 Legend-only set with Battlepet for gold from Tyronius
- 1 free-player gold pet and weapons from Memet
You can buy the Legend-only and free-player gear with gold on the webpage, but inside the shop it will be 0 AC for free storage!
Will There Be Enough Items For Everyone?
No, but with the multiple restocks, your chances of getting an item are now much better! The number of items will vary depending on the item (the lowest quantity items being the most rare).
We are looking into some of our other Limited Time Items, AC items and Seasonal Rares, seeing how many were purchased, balancing that against server traffic at the time and coming up with what we believe to be a reasonable quantity for the LQS items in most cases.
Will Quantities Update Automatically?
No, but if you purchase an item from the shop or revisit the page, you will see the updated amounts. If you see only a few left, click quickly... the LQS might already be sold out!
You see the updated amount after you purchase.
When Will The First LQS Be Launched?
This Friday at 6:30 PM Server Time (Eastern Standard Time or GMT -5) Khuddar Khamundi, the Black Market Vendor, will return to Battleon with a link to the webpage. The URL will also be posted in the Design Notes, on the homepage, and on the upgrade page. This week's Etherstorm release might arrive before or after that.
I Thought LQS's Were Never Returning?
First off, thank you for staying with us since we made that announcement in 2012! We did not think they ever would, either**. But as we made server improvements and brainstormed ways to solve the biggest issues you guys had with the idea, we wanted to try again... with a twist.
Though there will always be a debate between rare lovers/haters (because that is a matter of personal preference), we've taken great pains to address the rest of your concerns:
- No logging into the game, so no login lag jams
- You're buying sets, not individual items, so people can't buy/sell items over and over to keep others from getting them
- The quantites will restock multiple times, so no "timezone favoritism"
A lot of you guys REALLY want limited quantity gear to return (about 70% based on the poll we did), but I did not want to do that if we didn't have solutions for the main issues from the past. So we have tried to solve them as best we could. (All credit for the new coding goes to Captain Rhubarb!)
** The leftover gear from previous Limited Quantity Shops will not return. New system, new gear.

April 25, 2014
A Plague of Dragons
Tonight: return to Etherstorm to save the dragons!
Darkness has fallen over Etherstorm. The elemental dragons are dying mysteriously, and no magic is able to save them! Search through the homecity of the Elemental Dragons to discover where this plague came from and how it infects them.
The Deadliest Plague the Dragons have ever seen!
Time is running out, and as the dragons die one by one, so does Lore’s future! Make sure you've finished the Desoloth the Final storyline that begins in /firestorm, then hurry to /join dragonhame. Once you're there, work with Drakor and the townspeople of Dragonhame to discover who - or what - is killing them before dragons outside of Etherstorm are infected, too!
Defend Dragonhame while Warlic is away!
Tonight:DragonFlight's Reach Blade
Coming tonight, talk to Aniya in Dragonhame to get your own DragonFlight's Reach blade for 1000 AdventureCoins from her weapon shop for a limited time. Within this blade dwells the spirit of an ancient dragonmaster... wield it well to save the dragons of Etherstorm!
The sword will evolve as the Dragon's Plague story continues. Next week: horns! 3rd week: OMG Dragon Buff! You can also find a TON of new gear (and your old favorites from the original storyline) in the Dragonhame shops! Run around town to meet the townspeople and find out about life serving dragons!
You'll find the Amethyst Dragon Wander set and more dropping from the boss in tonight's release! If you're going to save Etherstorm, you're going to need to fight hard and fast, because time and plague wait for no hero! (The set below, though, will be available for ALL players forever!)
- Il’Lar’s Armors
- Aniya’s Weapons
- Phelan’s Brews
- Sh’Ariel’s Helms
- Kl’ing’s Capes
New Wheel of Doom Drops and Merge Shop Gear!
Find the Dark Exosuit Binsuko set in the Wheel of Doom and Destiny merge shops! This set will be around for several months, so you've got time to save up the Fortune Potions to get it!
The armor costs 150 Fortune Potions, but because Legends get a free spin on the Wheel EVERY DAY, hundreds of Legendary Heroes already have the gear! The entire set will be around for several months, so if you don't have enought potions NOW, you can save up for them!
Also added tonight:
- Twig's Undead Fwish (will leave that the same time as the Dark ExoSuit Binsuko set)
- Treasure Chest Keys (drop from the Wheels, not in the merge shop)
The 1% drops in the Wheels of Doom and Destiny will change out NEXT Friday, so now's your last chance to get them for many months (they will return early next year)!
Don't miss this week's other releases:
- The "Design an AQW Release" contest has begun!
- New Legend-only gear now drops off the Tower of Doom bosses
- AQW is looking for more Artists and in-game Moderators!
- If you have Snowball Amberarms, the pet from Zoshi's birthday, you can now accept his quest by talking to Zoshi in the Tower of Doom!
- "Become an AQW NPC" and "Design an AQW release" contests are live!
- The Summer of Chaos: 13 Lords of Chaos Saga Finale begins June 6th!

April 25, 2014
Plague Descends on Etherstorm
A Young Dragon's First Flight
Every dravix, dravir, human, and dragon gathered on the plains outside Dragonhame. It was always a grand day when a young dragon was ready to take its first flight alone. Once the dragonling landed safely, the celebrations would begin and go on for days.
The first rite of passage would be over, and the dragonling would begin learning the magics unique to its element. The exhilaration and rush of joy a dragonling feels on its first solo flight is something they never forget. It is a day they will remember for the rest of their lives.
An'Desi's First Flight
Run run run faster faster
Gotta push harder harder harder...
Go UP UP UP! Gotta FLY!
Higher... Higher... HIGHER!
Love it love it love it Big dragon is ME!!!
*cough cough wheeze* .......
Oh oh. I... dizzy. Head spins.
Tail spins.
World spins.
*COUGH* throat hurts lungs hurt wings hurt I hurts
shake it off gotta fly stay high ...
Do not like this too fast too fast
falling falling spin too much
oh no oh no do not feel good
Feel... BAD! So much hurt
Can't stop gotta stop i hurts can't fly
Falling too fast where is momma?
Momma? *whimper* I falling need catch!
*whimpercough* ... Mooooooooommaaaaaa!
As the crowd below watched, An'Desi climbed higher and higher, growing smaller against the vast expanse of sky. They townspeople laughed and cheered, congratulating An'Desi's teachers and kin... Until one young Dravir shouted, pointing skyward.
Silence fell as the crowd watched An'Desi begin to descend. It was too soon for him to return. As he fell faster, the dragons on the plain launched themselves into the air, straining to gain enough altitude to slow the fledgling's fall.
The crowd dispersed quickly, shocked into near-silence, save for the murmurs of fear and sadness. The healers crowded around, staring at the once-healthy dragonling. His scales were dull, and a rotten stench rose from his wings.
From celebration to quarantine
The healers gazed at each other in fear.
In a whisper, Ll'Lara, Dragonhame's Master Healer, announced the diagnosis: "... Plague has come to Dragonhame."

April 23, 2014
More Goodies in the Tower of Doom
Want to glow in the dark?
On Friday, you collected Monster Trophies in the Tower of Doom to trade for Zoshi's gorgeous Marrowfiend sets. But those sets were based around the look and feel of the top half of the tower. What about all of the people who liked the dark caves of the lower half, filled with glowing stones and fungus?
I got your glowing stones and fungus right here.
To fill this dark void, we've added these two new sets. The Bioluminous gear, worn by the gentleman on the right, can all be purchased from the Monster Hunter merge shop for Monster Trophies, and is available to all players. For those who prefer a fancier look, the glowier (and Legend-only) Bioluminous Amarita set, shown on the right, is available as drops from the bosses in the lower half of the tower.
In the Monster Hunter merge shop:
- Bioluminous Armor
- Bioluminous Cloak
- Bioluminous Hood
- Bioluminous Mask
Dropping from the bosses:
- Bioluminous Amarita Armor - drops from Slugbutter
- Bioluminous Amarita Cloak - drops from Dread Avatar
- Bioluminous Amarita Hood - drops from Dread Fang
- Bioluminous Amarita Blades - drops from Dread Warrior

April 23, 2014
AQW Mod and Artist Hunt
Do You Have What It Take To Create Art For AQW?
Do you dream in vectors? Is Flash your favorite program? Are your shading skills up to speed? If you think you've got the skill, talent, and drive to create art/animation for AQWorlds, we want to see YOUR portfolio!
With school and work having stolen much of our artists' time, we are looking for a few great AQW fans to become volunteer assistant developers, and hopefully, if things work out in the future, full time staff members of AE.
So we want to see what YOU can do!
Here is what we are looking for:
- Experienced Item artists and animators
- Experienced/Talented/Skilled Background / Environment Artists
- Artists who can mimic the AQW style
- Artists who have experience with Adobe Flash
Find more details on THIS PAGE!
New In-Game Moderators Needed!
We have always said that we make these games for and WITH you... and that's why so many of our team members began as regular players*! Now we need some of you to join Reens, Sora, and Stratos' in-game moderation team to make AQWorlds a safer, funner** game for everyone!
Reens, Sora, and Stratos want YOU to join the mod crew!
Interested in Joining the Mod Team?
Then read this letter from Reens, the lead in-game moderator!
Hi guys! Stratos, Sora, and I are looking for new mods for AQWorlds (and HeroSmash), and now is your chance to apply! One thing I have to stress - you MUST be over 18. If you are under 18, if you don't include your age, or if you start with "I'm not 18 yet, but..." the application will not be considered.
We are most in need of moderators who are bilingual (or more) in English and one of the following languages: Tagalog, Portuguese, Spanish.
Find more details on THIS PAGE!

April 22, 2014
Summer of Chaos
13 Lords of Chaos Saga Finale Begins June 6th!
When you first arrive in the Land of Lore, you're hit by lightning and fall down a mountain. This is a sign that YOU are no ordinary Hero! You're strong, can withstand things that would kill an ordinary person and, beyond that, have been chosen by Fate for an extraordinary journey!
Artix has planned the end of the 13 Lords of Chaos storyline for YEARS... and the finale is about to begin! Over the coming weeks, the AQW team will be focusing on building the Chaos Saga finale, because once the sun sets on June 6th, CHAOS will erupt and the world as you know it... will be gone!
Prepare yourselves, heroes, because this summer you're not going to be fighting for your life... you'll be battling to save the world!
Summer of Chaos
June 6th: 13th Lord of Chaos Saga Finale BEGINS! Confront Drakath and discover the identity of the 13th Lord of Chaos. It's time to save the world, and it's all up to YOU!
June 13 - 27th: 13th Lord of Chaos attacks! How will YOU fight back? Live wars each day, story events every Friday!
July 3rd: Shadowfall Rises! EVERYONE on Lore needs to band together to battle Chaos... and Empress Gravelyn is NO exception! We are going to need everyone to work together if Shadowfall is going to fly again! (... Lore's Indepence day comes right before the USA's!)
July 11th: Drakath waits for you, Hero... Will you be ready?! The answer is YES!!!!!!
July 18 - 25th:
SPOILERS, Mortal! No one may know my plans! You will find out soon enough...
- Drakath, Champion of Chaos
"Calm" before the Summer of Chaos Storm
In the weeks leading up to the Summer of Chaos, we'll be focusing a LOT of our development time and energy on making this summer the BEST MOST CHAOTIC EVER! Check out what we've got planned for the month of May to keep your battle skills honed while we prepare!
May 2nd: Dragon's Rise
May 5th: Cinco de Mayo and Randor's Birthday Shop
May 9th: Dragon's Heart
May 11th: Mother's Day
May 16th: "The Fell Beast" Contest Winner's story and Dragon Emperor Tier Set
May 23rd: "The Chaorrupted Lab" Contest Winner's story and X-Treme Heroes shop
(I will be gone for a week again wrestling rattlesnakes and riding buffalo... WHAT is Memet going to DO?!!?!)
May 30th: "Calm Before the Storm" pre-Chaos AQW Cleanup!

April 21, 2014
Friday: Return to Etherstorm
Stop the Deadly Plague Killing Etherstorm's Dragons!
Darkness has fallen over Etherstorm. The elemental dragons are dying mysteriously, and no magic is able to save them! Search through the homecity of the Elemental Dragons to discover where this plague came from and how it infects them. Time is running out, and as the dragons die one by one, so does Lore’s future! Work with Warlic and Galanoth to discover who - or what - is killing them before dragons outside of Etherstorm are infected, or all of the dragons of Lore may die out… forever!
Here there be dead dragons!
Tuesday: "Design an AQW Release" Contest!
Look for Beleen's DNs on the new contest tomorrow! This is YOUR chance to design an AQWorlds release! You (and any friends you work with) will have your ideas turned into a release for ALL our players to enjoy! You'll also be featured in the Design Notes and Facebook, get some extra ACs, and know that you had a huge hand in building AQW!

April 21, 2014
Wheel Of Doom Gear Changes
Coming Soon: New 1% Drops in the Wheel of Doom
Deep in the forests near Doomwood, you'll find the Carnival of Fortune, a place of magic, mystery, mayhem... and luck! Spin the Wheel of Doom or the Wheel of Destiny for a chance to win exclusive prizes, Potions, gold, and a chance for the Ultimate Item of Donated Awesomeness!
Not sure how this all works? Check out our Wheel of Doom FAQ!
How to get to the Wheel of Doom/Destiny?
- Click on the Carnival of Fortune button in your Game Menu or
- Type /join doom in your chat bar to go to the Wheel of Doom or
- Type /join destiny in your chat bar to go to the Wheel of Destiny
How to spin the Wheel of Doom or Destiny:
- Get a free spin at the start of each month
- Get a free spin every day when you upgrade your account
What do I get when I spin?
EVERY time you spin, you will receive:
- 10,000 gold
- Fortune Potion
- 1 hour XP Boost
You can use the Fortune Potions and the XP Boosts you receive in the Wheel of Doom and Destiny merge shops to create exclusive gear! You may also win one of the bonus prizes that also drop from the Wheels!
Old 1% Drops Leaving and New Gear Arriving
With every spin, you get a chance to get a rare 1% drop - either the Ultimate Item of Donated Awesomeness OR a hard-to-get item OR gear that ONLY drops from the Wheel of Doom! The gear listed below will be leaving the Wheel of Doom NEXT WEEK... while the gear replacing it will become available for a while.
Before the items listed below leave, their drop rate will increase to let anyone still hunting have one final shot at getting the gear!
The MechaJouster Armor is ONLY available from the Wheels!
1% Gear leaving:
- Doom Chaos Symbiote Armor
- Doom Naval Commander set
- Doom Prismatic Composer Armor
- Doom Celestial Sandknight
- Doom Rotting Naval Commander set
- Doom Shiden Bardiche
- Doom Pirate Captain set
- Doom Red Star Sword
- Doom Toga
- Doom Pirate Captain's Elegant Hat
- Doom Open Celestia Sandwings
- Doom Celestial Sandsword
- Doom ExoKatana Binsoku
- Doom Souleater Warrior
- Doom Iced Jester
- Doom Iced Foule-Bordeau Helm
- Doom Soul Ripper
- Doom Star Slasher
- Doom Lycan Transformation
- Doom Vampire Transformation
- Doom Celestial Sandknight Helm
Dark Exosuit Binsoku
Gear arriving this Friday, May 2nd:*
- Exosuit Binsoku Armor, Dagger, and Helm
- Doom Shielded Centurion Armor and Helm
- Doom Centurion Armor and Helm
- Centurion Cape
Gear added to the Merge Shop LAST week:
- Dark Exosuit Binsoku Armor, Dagger, and Helm (based on the Exosuit Binsoku)
- Twig's Fishbones pet
* This Design Notes was originally posted on April 21st, but has been updated.
Why is the Gear Changing?
Good question! Back when we first introduced the Wheel of Doom, we added in old Quibble items that were NOT tagged rare (we will never return an item that has been tagged rare!) and gave them a 1% drop rate. MANY of you guys were very, very happy about that, but a lot of you had reservations.
As a compromise, we said we would swap out the 1% items every couple of months so... and that time has come. There are only a handful of Quibble items without rare tags left, which means there are only a small number of them that qualify for inclusion in the WoD. So, we are adding some of those items back in, but with some additional recolors for the merge shop.
We were going to stop cycling the items in and out, but based on player feedback, we decided not to do that. There will still be a small increase in the drop rates, however, before this latest batch leaves next week.

April 18, 2014
Double EXP Weekend
Get Double EXP on ALL SERVERS All Weekend Long!
This weekend, heroes and their families around the world celebrate Spring! New life, more sun, and LOTS of fun times ahead! That's why all weekend long we have a DOUBLE Exp Server Boost on all servers! (And on Legend servers, you'll see even MORE Exp from every battle!) The boost will last until Monday morning, so get farming! (And now that Spring's here... you can!)
Sunday: NEW Grenwog Boss Drops!
This Sunday, celebrate Spring by battling the Grenwog boss when you /join Grenwog! He'll drop the Legend-only Eternal Egg pet AND the Grenwog Dyes Blade for all players! The Spring egg hunt, Grenwog map, and rare gear leave next Friday!

April 18, 2014
Now Live - Tower of Doom
Battle through 100 Levels of Terror!
What dark and deadly creatures wait at the top and bottom of this death-trap? Battle increasingly-difficult monsters on your way to the top of the Tower of Doom. Then, take on more and more challengers as you fight your way to the lowest level of the Tower! You won't be able to skip any levels in the Tower of Doom, so the only way to reach the last boss is to fight through ALL 100 floors!
Even Creel Wants This Sword.
This dungeon crawl is epic. We've taken a giant spire and filled all 100 floors with every kind of monster we could think of, and then added a boss - all familiar faces to you old-timers! - every 10 levels. The monsters get increasingly difficult as you progress through the tower, so not only is completing this dungeon something to brag about, it's also a great place to farm gold and XP, no matter what level you are.
Hunt for the Eternity Blade - and other awesome loot!
Heroes level 30 or above will be able to unlock a special quest to hunt through the Tower of Doom for the fabulous Eternity Blade! You'll be able to get the quest from Zoshi in the /towerofdoom map. This awesome sword is available to Legends and free players alike, and switches between two looks when you click its hilt. Keep it - in the near future, it will give you a chance to experience the most brutal battle you've EVER seen!
You'll also collect Monster Trophies as you fight through the tower, which you can use to unlock exclusive gear in the Tower of Doom merge shop. To access the shop, just talk to Zoshi in /towerofdoom.
Made from all your monster trophies...
From Beleen To Tendou
As a special "thank you" to Tendou for helping her in such a huge way with contest judging, Beleen has released a special superdeformed "Tendurrr" pet! You can get this cute lil guy as a rare drop from Dark Makai from /nulgath and /tercessuinotlim.
Wolfhound Warrior Set & Fantasty Hero Pass
Unlock all 11 items in the Wolfhound Warrior set with the 12 month upgrade package or choose from the 6 month upgrade, 3 month upgrade, 5000 AdventureCoin, or 12000 AdventureCoin packages for selected items from the set! Or, get the Fantasy Hero Package Pass to unlock ALL the fantasy hero gear with one pass!
Also available now:

April 17, 2014
Wolfhound Warrior Set Details
The First of Three Fantasy Hero Sets!
Starting tonight at 12:01 AM, unlock all 11 items in the Wolfhound Warrior set with the 12 month upgrade package or choose from the 6 month upgrade, 3 month upgrade, 5000 AdventureCoin, or 12000 AdventureCoin packages for selected items from the set!
And because the Timedragon Warrior Package is ALSO running, when you buy a 3, 6, or 12 month upgrade or either the 5000 or 12000 AdventureCoin packages, you will ALSO get those items, too!
Wolfhound Warrior Tier Package!
In Lore, one thing is always true: When you play the game of Chaos, you win or you die. There is no middle ground. But we choose to defy fate, and know you will want to, as well! The Wolfhound Warrior is the first of three new tiered sets paying homage to the Game of Thrones book and television series. In the coming months, the Dragon Emperor and Dark Warlock sets will follow, too.
Unlock all 11 items in the Wolfhound Warrior set with the 12 month upgrade package starting this Friday, April 18th, at 12:01 AM server time, or choose from the 6 month upgrade, 3 month upgrade, 5000 AdventureCoin, or 12000 AdventureCoin packages for selected items from the set!
The 12 month upgrade comes with all 11 of the following Wolfhound items:
- Dire Wolfhound Warrior Armor
- Deadly Wolfhound Warrior Armor
- Wolfhound Warrior Armor
- The Wolves’ Fury Blade
- Wolfhound Fangs Daggers
- Wolfhound’s Pike
- Living Wolf’s Crown
- Glowing Wolf Crown
- Shaggy Wolf Hair
- Shaggy Wolf Beard
- The Wolf’s Pelt
6 month upgrade and 12k AC packages:
- Deadly Wolfhound Warrior Armor
- Wolfhound Warrior Armor
- The Wolves’ Fury Blade
- Wolfhound Fangs Daggers
- The Wolf’s Pelt
- Living Wolf’s Crown
- Glowing Wolf Crown
- TimeDragon’s Crest Helm
- Armored Faceplate of Eternity
- TimeDragon’s Defender Polearm
- Blade of Eternal Victory
- Dragon’s Victory Daggers
- TimeDragon’s Tail
- Character page badge
3 month upgrade and 5k AC packages:
- Wolfhound Warrior Armor
- The Wolves’ Fury Blade
- The Wolf’s Pelt
- Shaggy Wolf Hair
- Shaggy Wolf Beard
- TimeDragon Warrior Armor
- Armored Faceplate of Eternity
- Dragon’s Victory Daggers
- TimeDragon’s Tail
- Character page badge

April 17, 2014
Lost Knight's Eternity Blade
Tower of Doom: the Lost Knight's Tale
It is known as the Tower of Doom.
It grew from the ground over the course of a hundred years, a dark, twisting spire of rancid flesh that reached 50 stories into the sky. At first it was merely a curiously which cast a shadow over the land (and a widening blanket of morbid odors). But soon it was apparent that the Tower was poisoning the land around it. Brave axe-wielders were sent to dismantle the Tower, but for every gash they rendered upon its surface, another layer of fetid matter grew to heal it.
An opening was discovered in the Tower at ground level, and it was decided that it may need to be destroyed from the inside out. Many warriors and mages entered, and found the bowels of the Tower to contain vast collections of the world's most terrible beasts. The Tower defended itself by raising its own army within it, and rarely did an adventurer escape with their life.
At last there arrived the legendary knight Sir Tendeth, whose expoits included defeating three dracoliches at once and saving one of King Alteon's daughters from a band of cannibalistic highwaymen. He was the most admired fighter in the realm at the time, and if anyone could make their way to the top of the Tower and find its source of power, it was Sir Tendeth.
He carried with him the fabled Eternity Blade, an ancient sword said to be forged using the metal from the heart of a falling star. With this blade, Sir Tendeth chopped, sliced, and gashed his way to the top of the Tower of Doom, with his Moglin squire Ingvald following close behind. But at the top of the Tower, Sir Tendeth discovered a terrifying creature that called itself Creel. The honorable knight fought bravely, but succumbed to Creel's attacks, and the Eternity Blade was lost in the bowels of the Tower.
Only Ingvald made it out alive, a shuddering, blubbering mess. All he could say at first was, "The Tower is Creel, and Creel is the Tower!".
The Tower of Doom extends 50 stories up, and 50 stories below the ground. Somewhere within, the Eternity Blade waits to be found. And the at the top of the Tower, Creel awaits his... or her... or its next victim.
All Adventurers of Lore must enter the Tower of Doom and take on this challenge, before the evil spreads further and can no longer be held in check. Find the Eternity Blade, destroy Creel, or do both, and go down in history like Sir Tendeth! (Just be sure to stay alive!)
Conquer the 100 Levels of the Tower of Doom!
As the sun sets tonight, unsheathe your blades and speak to Zoshi the Monster-Hunter in the /towerofdoom. Prepare yourselves, because once you enter the beast, you'll find:
- 50 levels of increasingly-difficult monsters and minibosses as you climb towards:
- The Dread boss, Creel the All-Knowing
- 50 MORE levels of increasingly-difficult monsters and minibosses as you descend towards:
- Slugbutter the All-Consuming
- Unlock the Quest for the Eternity Blade* at level 30 and slay bosses until you recover it
- Slay monsters and bosses to gather resources to craft your rewards

April 17, 2014
Fantasy Hero Package Pass
Unlock ALL the Fantasy Hero Gear With One Pass!
In Lore, one thing is always true: When you play the game of Chaos, you win or you die. Everyone on the AQW team is a HUGE Game of Thrones fan, and we know so many of you are, too!
That's why we asked two of our best artists, Dage and Tyronius, to make the three Fantasy Hero sets as a way to pay homage to the Game of Thrones book and television series.
Turn your fantasy into reality with the Fantasy Heroes Package Pass! Get everything listed below for only $59.95—a value of $180.00!
11 items in the Wolfhound Warrior Set
- 3 Armors
- 3 Weapons
- 4 Helms
- 1 Cape
12 items in the Dragon Emperor Set
- 3 Armors
- 4 Weapons
- 4 Helms
- 1 Cape
14 items in the Forsaken Warlock Set
- 4 Armors
- 3 Weapons
- 5 Helms
- 2 Capes
Exclusive Character Page Badge
Serious bragging rights, free of charge
Where To Find the Gear
You can find the Fantasy Hero pass in the "Special Offers" section on the upgrade page or on the Portal site. Then head in-game and open your Book of Lore! Find the "Fantasy Hero Badge and open to shop to get all the gear!

April 17, 2014
Wolfhound Warrior Package
Wolfhound Warrior Tier Package!
In Lore, one thing is always true: When you play the game of Chaos, you win or you die. There is no middle ground. But we choose to defy fate, and know you will want to, as well! Starting this Friday, April 18th, at 12:01 AM server time, Unlock the Wolfhound Warrior gear with select upgrade and AC pacakges!
The Wolfhound Warrior is the first of three new tiered sets paying homage to the Game of Thrones book and television series. And because the Timedragon Warrior Package is ALSO running, when you buy a 3, 6, or 12 month upgrade or either the 5000 or 12000 AdventureCoin packages, you will ALSO get those items, too!
Wolfhound Warrior Limited Time Upgrade Bonus
Unlock the Wolfhound Warrior gear when you upgrade or buy AdventureCoins!
- Get all 11 Wolfhound Warrior items AND 11 Timedragon items with a 12 month upgrade
- Get 7 Wolfhound Warrior items AND 7 Timedragon items with a 6 month upgrade or 12000 ACs
- Get 5 Wolfhound Warrior items AND 4 Timedragon items with a 3 month upgrade or 5000 ACs
Why Become a Wolfhound Warrior?
When you choose one of the Wolfhound Warrior tiers, you're supporting AQWorlds directly, and letting us continue to create new releases, write more storylines, and making sure anyone who wants to can join in the battles alongside you!
Fantasy Hero Package
Turn your fantasy into reality with the Fantasy Heroes Package Pass! Get everything listed below for only $59.95—a value of $180.00!
11 items in the Wolfhound Warrior Set
- 3 Armors
- 3 Weapons
- 4 Helms
- 1 Cape
12 items in the Dragon Emperor Set
- 3 Armors
- 4 Weapons
- 4 Helms
- 1 Cape
14 items in the Forsaken Warlock Set
- 4 Armors
- 3 Weapons
- 5 Helms
- 2 Capes
Exclusive Character Page Badge
Serious bragging rights, free of charge
1,5000 bonus AdventureCoins will also be awarded at the end of June to ANYONE who buys the Fantasy Hero Pass!

April 17, 2014
A Big Step Back
This is One Tall Tale!
Sorry to have missed the last few throwbacks everyone, between New York City for choir and bronchitis, I’ve had my hands pretty full.
Sidenote: When going to NYC to sing with your favorite composer, always stalk his twitter for his favorite hot sauce. ALWAYS.
Speaking of Stalking
It’s story time! Besides monster slaying and quest looting, finding time to entertain BattleOn’s youth with daring stories of past adventures is still a priority. If you haven’t already, check in with Yulgar over at his Inn and click Giant’s Tale to begin your biggest retelling yet!
Jack and the Bean-NOT
Living as a bean farmer on the outskirts of town, Jack never had the easy life, especially with this year’s bean crop producing only a few handfuls. A stranger sensing Jack’s troubles, decided to take pity on him and trade his lowly crop for not just a regular Chickencow, but a MAGICAL CHICKENCOW!
Just when things seemed almost normal. BOOM CYSERO
Has Cy been sitting there the whole time? Who knows, but either way he’s here now to interrupt your wicked storytelling whenever possible. After attempting to calm Cysero, you tell the children how Jack decided to well... um… plant the Chickencow in his field? Never said Jack was a normal child. Following fairytale fable, isn’t this the point where the magic beanstalk should appear. NOPE! I hope a spotted ladder rising from the grounds rungs a bell, because that’s definitely what happened.
Don’t Look Down
This ladder didn’t just steal the show, it stole the whole town! Turns out the giant really likes his own personal entourage, especially when that group is no bigger than his fist. Make your way through a lawn bigger than a forest in order to rescue the stolen citizens and right Jack’s wrongs. Watch out though, after you claw your up to the townsfolk holding cell, your cage guard encounter will be far from purr-fect.
Feeling Blue
Beating up the giant’s cat is looking in the wrong neck of the woods for the key to the cage. Turns out that the true location is where else, but resting around the giant’s neck!
How does one take on the gigantic task of key stealing? Why by a visit to smuurvilest village around of course! It’s funny though, turns out the Smuurvilans don’t like it when you slap them black and blue for their potion ingredients, so be careful when gathering regents, as these villagers pack a punch!
Roach Racers
After only a mild brawl with the citizens of Smuurvil, it looks like you have all the ingredients necessary for mixing. Finally an easy task, all you have to do is scuttle your way to the giant’s soup across the dinner table. Sorry hero, but swat that idea out of easy out of your head! There’s another gang that rules this dinner table, and the Roach Racers mean business. Don’t bug the Racing Roaches Gang for safe the passage though, the only way across this table is though a crazy-crafted kart race!
Soup Sadness
If you can beat the bugs at their own game, it’s time for a stealthy soup drop off. If all goes correctly, a giant sized soup faceplant and key are in your sights. SPLASH! That sounded like a soup bowl to the face, but wait, WHERE’S THE KEY?
The real master of the house has revealed himself, get ready for the fight to save the town and yourself! Don’t stop now hero, the key is within your sights! Who know’s what will happen when the dust clears, but I guarantee it won’t be something you’d suspect!
Who Needs a Golden Harp?
What’s any giant house raid without equally giant rewards? Beyond monster drops that make a golden goose go green with envy, you have an entire roach rubbish pile to raid. Happy reward rummaging!
Only a Small Summary
The hardest part of these posts is condensing such an amazing storyline into only a few paragraphs. Reading a release may be fun, but is nothing like playing it, so get out there heros and good luck conquering or reconquering the Giant’s Domain! As always post on the forums or tweet me @ACWOAE with comments or ideas for the next Throwback!

April 16, 2014
Guild Launch just launched!
Prepare to take your Guild to the next level!
I have exciting news to report: Guild Launch has just launched inside AdventureQuest Worlds!
You can log in now and speak with Elise in Battleon Town (north of Battleon, by the Guardian Tower) to begin your Guild Launch adventures.
BUUUT since knowledge is power, I suggest you continue reading to buff your Guild Launch INT stats. Or you can watch my goofy video tutorial showing you how to create your free Guild Launch Account and sync it with your AQW account =D
Watch the Guild Launch Tutorial Video
Click here to watch the full-sized Video Tutorial on YouTube
What is Guild Launch?
Imagine if Paladins, Elves, Wizards, and Dragons ruled Facebook… the end result would be Guild Launch! Guild Launch is an epic social networking and website hosting tool that will take you and your Guild to the next level.
Guild Launch lets you connect with your Guildmates in the real world, and offers new ways to come together & battle harder in game. With Guild Launch, you can create and customize your own Guild forum, set challenges and achievements, chat across AQW servers, enable voice chat, and more (translation: endless possibilities here, folks).
Oh yeah… and it’s FREE to create your own Guild Launch account! It seems the best things in life ARE free, after all =)
Guild Launch Features
- Always available, use wherever you can use a web browser
- Custom forums and layouts
- Recruitment and Guild search tools
- Guild news
- Customizable challenges and achievements
- Guild calendar
- Voice and cross-server chat (coming soon!)
Guild Leaders, listen up!
If you are the Guild Leader of your AQW Guild, it’s up to you to create your very own Guild Launch Hub to make communicating, recruiting, expanding, sharing adventures, and battling with your Guildmates easier than ever before. Here's an AWESOME example of the Tercessuinotlim Guild page!
Spoiler Alert: in the near future, AQWorlds and Guild Launch will be showcasing the BEST Guilds (major shout outs to you and your Guildmates), hosting our 1st ever Guild Contest, and releasing exclusive Guild Launch quests and item rewards. So be proactive and create your free Guild Launch account now!
Got Guild Launch Bugs, Probelms, or Issues?
Never fear, the Bug Tracker is here!
We hope that you have a flawless victory with Guild Launch, but should you encounter any problems, please send the AQW team a bug report and we will fix it as soon as we can!
Guilds 101
Need some help with your Guild inside AQWorlds? Check out the Guilds Chapter in the Lorepedia here!
As soon as time allows, I will post a video tutorial on how to create a new guild, how to invite Guildmates, show you all the perks of being in a Guild, and delve deeper into Guild Launch goodies =)
Some features in /guild not working
For now /join guild cities and halls has been removed as we revamp the system and make it all shiny and better. More on that to come.
So what are you still doing reading this? Log in to AQWorlds now and prepare to take your game to the next level with Guild Launch!
Battle On!
xoxo Beleen =D

April 15, 2014
Wolfhound Warrior Tier Set
The First of Three Fantasy Hero Sets!
In Lore, one thing is always true: When you play the game of Chaos, you win or you die. There is no middle ground. But we choose to defy fate, and know you will want to, as well! The Wolfhound Warrior is the first of three new tiered sets paying homage to the Game of Thrones book and television series. In the coming months, the Dragon Emperor and Dark Warlock sets will follow, too.
Unlock all 11 items in the Wolfhound Warrior set with the 12 month upgrade package starting this Friday, April 18th, at 12:01 AM server time, or choose from the 6 month upgrade, 3 month upgrade, 5000 AdventureCoin, or 12000 AdventureCoin packages for selected items from the set!
The 12 month upgrade comes with all 11 of the following:
- Dire Wolfhound Warrior Armor
- Deadly Wolfhound Warrior Armor
- Wolfhound Warrior Armor
- The Wolves’ Fury Blade
- Wolfhound Fangs Daggers
- Wolfhound’s Pike
- Wolfhound’s Crown
- Glowing Wolf Crown
- Shaggy Wolf Hair
- Shaggy Wolf Beard
- Wolfhound’s Pelt
6 month upgrade and 12k AC packages:
- Deadly Wolfhound Warrior Armor
- Wolfhound Warrior Armor
- The Wolves’ Fury Blade
- Wolfhound Fangs Daggers
- Wolfhound’s Pelt
- Wolfhound’s Crown
- Glowing Wolf Crown
3 month upgrade and 5k AC packages:
- Wolfhound Warrior Armor
- The Wolves’ Fury Blade
- Wolfhound’s Pelt
- Shaggy Wolf Hair
- Shaggy Wolf Beard
NEW: Special Package Pass!
We have been getting a lot of emails and tweets from players who are maxed out on ACs, have years worth of membership, or simply want to buy the gear that comes with our special packages. In response to that request, we are trying a new package: the special package pass.
Buying a special package pass for $60 USD will unlock ALL of the gear from the Wolfhound Warrior AND the other two packages in the series once they are released. Once those packages go live in the near future, anyone who bought the pass would automatically get them in their badge shop in the book of Lore.
You would have to buy 3 years worth of membership to get all of this gear with the set-up above, but if you're a gear collector (or just a HUGE Game of Thrones fan, like me... #TeamTyrion) or maxed out on upgrades, then this is going to be the way you want to go.

April 15, 2014
What's Going Rare This Friday?
Last Chance For Dage's Birthday Items
Dage's 2014 birthday events, shops and items are leaving this Friday, April 18. So if there's anything you want but haven't had the chance to pick up, now's the time!
Last chance to look this gorgeous.
Shops leaving this Friday:
- Dage's Dark Birthday Shop
Maps leaving this Friday:
- /undervoid (Undead Apocalypse event)
Items leaving this Friday:
- BladeMaster Class & set items
- Legion Dreadmarch set
- Legion Dreadrider items
- Hardcore Paragon Pet
- War, Famine, Conquest and Death sets
- Purchaseable Altar of Caladbolg (seasonally rare)
- Evolved Dark Caster
Other stuff that will be leaving
Dage's 2014 birthday events, shops and items are leaving this Friday, April 18. So if there's anything you want but haven't had the chance to pick up, now's the time!
- Beleen's Hero's Heart Rares shop, including Bluddron and Paragon of Love sets
- Seasonal Carnaval items and quests (though the /carnaval map will stay!)
- Lucky Day maps and rare/seasonal items

April 14, 2014
Tower of Doom Dungeon Crawl
Can you fight your way to the top?
Monster Hunter Zoshi has found the mother lode - a giant tower filled with every kind of monster imaginable! This Friday, battle your way to the top - and the bottom! - of this colossal column to prove to the world that you are a champion monster hunter!
Doomie, doomie, doomie!
When you enter the tower, you'll be able to climb your way to the top - or tunnel far into the ground to the bottom - for a pair of ultra-disgusting, high-level boss fights. As you fight your way toward them, you'll encountertons of different monster types, and even old bosses from your past.
Hunt for the Eternity Blade
Players level 30 and up will also be able to accept a quest for the fabled Eternity Blade. Anyone who manages to obtain this very special sword will be entered into a really awesome contest - we'll be posting the details about this later!
- Design notes about the Wolfhound Warrior tiered special package* will be coming tomorrow!
- We'll also be talking about the new Special Package Pass!
* Earlier DNs said this was a Class, but that was an error. It is an armor set with 3 variants.

April 12, 2014
AQW: Chaos in a Comic 2
13 Lords of Chaos comic: Alteon Vs Sepulchure!
Blade's been hard at work on this comic series and part 2 is done! If you missed part 1 don't worry, you can find it right here!
The 13 Lords of Chaos storyline all started with an invasion, so that is where our comic begins! Created by one of AQWorlds' newest - and funniest - artists, Blade will be recreating the 13 Lords of Chaos in comic form one panel at a time! Wish him well, and enjoy!

April 11, 2014
Dark Dracomancer Gear
Dark Dracomancer Limited Time Shop!
Drakor the Dark Dracomancer* is pushing Quibble out of Battleon this Friday to display his Etherstorm wares.** He's got a set of draconic morph gear that will make your enemies fear and your friends /cheer! Click on the different armor parts to turn from human warrior into a draconic death-dealer!
Weyr do you find it? Battleon!
The shop will be available for a week hours... and the countdown begins this tonight!
* Loves alliteration
** You'll be returning to Etherstorm later this month in the Dragon's Descent mini-arc!

April 11, 2014
Save the Princess
Battle-testing in Breakstone's New Tutorial
The quest to create a new and improved tutorial continues! Earlier this week, we released the first version of our new Breakstone tutorial for you guys so we could hear your thoughts. We need you to help us make the tutorial as easy to understand, helpful, and engaging for new players as possible!
Thank you for helping us test!
We've made a lot of changes based on your feedback, including:
- Have Zorbak mention blue arrows pointing to clickies
- Add “A Hero is Born” achievement for completing tutorial
- Add a Cape and a Helm to Zorbak’s shop to showcase shops
- Change info text to “Double click a monster to begin attacking”
- Give Galanoth better directional text
- Rework Zorbak's quest
- Explain story better (bring back part where Princess explains Ring of Dragon Control)
- Change Enhancement shop
That is not all of the changes you suggested that we are going to make, though! We've got a running list, and we will keep adding improvements.
How-To Cutscenes Added
One of the best pieces of feedback we received over the last couple days was that you REALLY want knew players to learn how to chat, use the interface, and learn how to report people breaking the rules. We agree!
Yara explains the User Interface
After you finish the last battle, walk past Artix and Robina onto the Slime Road. You'll meet Yara the Paladin. She's got some helpful tutorial cutscenes for you to watch:
- How to chat
- How to use the User Interface
- How to report other users
- Links to the Design Notes
- A list of game commands
We are also planning to add how-to tutorial cutscenes for the following:
- How to use the Enhancement system
- How to use the Book of Lore
- How to use shops and your bank
Do you like these tutorial cutscenes? Would you like to see us do more? If so, let us know! These cutscenes will also be added to Battleon AND in the Book of Lore, as well.
High-Level Boss Battles in Breakstone
We REALLY appreciate that you guys are helping us test... but we know that most of you are higher than level 3-6. That's why we added high level versions of the Dread Dragon. If you are a high-enough level, you'll see a button to take you to level 30, 45, or 60 versions of the boss.
Each version drops exclusive items: the Mystical or Warriors' Beast Master armor and helms!