Design Notes

December 30, 2022

2022 is... (almost) OVER!

A New Year... and New Gifts for You

It is December 30th, 2022. The Eternal Dragon of Time shifted the clock forward, and we're continuing our New Year's Eve celebration TONIGHT at! /join Newyear for returning events plus find new monsters + rewards in /timeretaliate!

Starting tonight, you'll also be able to re-play through all our previous New Year's events in...

  • newyears
  • newyearlab
  • darksun
  • frostmane
  • grimattack
  • cathedral
  • everfrost
  • chronophoenix
  • timeritual
  • timeretaliate

2023: Chronos in Retrograde

Au'eir, the rogue Chronomancer, has approached the Hero to rectify a problem that threatens the flow of time. A lifeform known as the Retrograde Maw has been born, seeking to eliminate Chronomancers and erase any trace of their existence. It must be defeated to keep the timeline stable. /join timeretaliate to begin your adventure!

If you're impatient for 2023 to get here (like I am) take out your rage on the 2023 Ball monster as you wait for it to drop and ring in the new year. And while you wait... It's TIME to REAP the rewards of our New Year's release!

Plus, if you have the original Jolly Frostval Attire armor, Santa Hunk helm, or Santa Cutie helm, you can /join northlandlights and head to the daytime version of the map (made by Despera). Click on the gift box to start quests to dye your gear a festive forest green!

New Year's Featured Armor Sets

Don't miss our "new for New Year's" armor sets! Find the rare Polychronic Magister and Pulsar Manipulator sets plus the seasonal Chronobound Manipulator set in your Featured Gear Shop now.

Holiday AdventureCoin Bonus: Get 50% More ACs

Get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any Adventure or Membership package for a limited time! So if you want to get a gift for that special someone (or yourself) this is a great time to do it! 

Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!

That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.

Get 60,000 ACs while our Holiday Bonus is on!

Get 40,000 ACs for $99.95 and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the new Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA). But while our 50% holiday bonus is on... get 60,000 ACs for $99.95!

Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!

The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.

How to Claim your MIoDA Prize

Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:

  1. Decide on the item you want
  2. Log into your Account Manager
  3. Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
  4. You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
  5. Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards  
  6. You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice

2022 Year in Review Video

The year went by so fast you may not even remember all of the updates, adventures, improvements, and more that have happened in AdventureQuest Worlds. AQW Hero Voidyest (on Twitter) has made rewind videos for the last few years... and this year's is the BEST yet! Check it out here:

Happy Holidays + Merry New Year

We hope you're having a fantastic holiday with your family and friends! Thank you for battling alongside us throughout 2022,and for supporting us with through purchasing Memberships and AdventureCoins! We've got plans for an amazing, crazy, and AWESOME 2023, and I can't wait to battle alongside you all as we build it together!


*Honorable Hero 2022 character page badge arrive next month.

Tags: Alina,

December 28, 2022

A Mid-Week Miscellany

A small mid-week update just rolled live!

The end of the year is here, and that means we're tying up a few loose ends, preparing for the start of the New Year AND getting ready for the Thursday and Friday releases this week! While we do, we rolled out a few updates that we needed to put live before 2022 ended. 

If you log in tonight, you'll see...

1) The Elvira NPC has been removed from the 20th Anniversary event. As much as we loved having this iconic Movie Horror Show host in-game, our agreement with her team is up in a few days.* Because we didn't want to pull the entire area, bosses, and rewards, we've replaced her with the Safiria NPC. 

Please note: Safiria's appearance in this event is 100% non-canon. Hosting a movie marathon and rocking WICKED makeup might not be something Safiria the Vampire Queen would do, but it IS something the team member behind the Safiria NPC totally would.

2) Lady Nialla's Hair Shop is open! (It only took her, what, 8 or 10 years to perfect her skills?!) You can check out all of her new styles when you /join Castle.

3) The 2023 Calendar character page badges are now live! The Battleon Enamel Pin + 20th Anniversary Bundle badges display, but the code redemption appears to be bugged, but Captain Rhubarb will fix those in the morning. 

4) The Event Calendar has a typo in the date. Our New Year's Eve maps + new reward gear return tomorrow night, Thursday December 29th (there is no Thursday, December 28th, as listed).

5) Saturday's daily gift was listed incorrectly in the calendar. The correct gift is the Dawn Bow, dropping from the 2023 Ball in /newyear.

Return tomorrow for as we bring back all our seasonal New Year's Eve maps and gear, plus new rewards!

(That's the same reason we could not include any items based on her NPC art -- contractual agreements)

Tags: Alina,

December 23, 2022

Celebrate Frostval Eve Now

Part 1 of this week's release is available now!

Part 1 of our Frostval Eve update went live last night, and even MORE reward gear arrives tonight! You can /join Caroling and talk to Serenity RIGHT NOW. Travel to players' houses caroling and battling monsters to collect crafting resources, then head to /carolinn to fight through frosty battleontown! Return tonight as we add even MORE reward drops + our Frostval 2022 Limited Quantity Sets arrive.

Wicked Cool Carolling Rewards

Defeat the Gift Delivery Guards + other monsters in /carolinn to get even more drops and merge resources. Return tomorrow when we add even MORE rewards! SURPRISE: new variants of the Armor + Cape of Awe with color-customizable fabric are now available.

Frostval 2022 Collection Chest Update

Quibble returned earlier this month with a chest FULL of wicked-cool holiday rare items and we just updated his shop tonight! Immediately unlock all 120 items for 10,000 ACs, including the new Frostval Fa set, Frostball Garb, and Holiday Courier gear, plus everything added earlier this month.

You can buy individual items from his rare gear shop in Battleon, or unlock everything + an exclusive character page badge when you get the collection chest.

Frostval 2022 Limited Quantity Sets Arrive Tonight

We've got a blindingly-brilliant set of gear for all you real-life rare collectors. Find details on tonight's Limited Quantity Sets on the Design Notes now, then head to your account manager starting tonight at 6 PM EST!

Our 2022 Holiday AdventureCoin Bonus is Happening Now

If you're excited for all of the Limited Quantity Sets that arrive tonight, this is the best time to top up during our Double AdventureCoins Holiday AC bonus! Get 50% more ACs with with any Adventure or Membership package until January 20th. 

Get 60,000 ACs while our Holiday Bonus is on!

During our 2021 Holiday AdventureCoin bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA). 

Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!

The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.

How to Claim your MIoDA Prize

Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:

  1. Decide on the item you want
  2. Log into your Account Manager
  3. Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
  4. You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
  5. Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards  
  6. You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice

Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!

That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers, where we'll increase the amount of ACs you get with each pack. (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.

Leaving Soon: mark your calendars

Don't miss out on your favorite limited time events, stories, and gear! 

Wednesday, December 14: 20th Anniversary 500 Free AC gift leaves

Friday, December 16: Featured Rare Set, Immortalis Magus

Friday, December 30: Black Friday Nulgath Quest Drops + Elvira leaves the anniversary event

Saturday, December 31: Daily Gifts from 12/1 - 12/14

Monday, January 2: 
Frostval AC Gifting event end

Friday, January 6: Frostval Holiday maps + gear, Frostval Limited Quantity Sets 

Friday, January 13: Frostval 2022 Collection 

Friday, January 20: AC Bonus ends

Friday, January 27: New Year's zones + Rare Gear

Tags: Alina,

December 20, 2022

Frostval 2022 Limited Quantity Set

Frostval LQS Sets go on sale tonight at 6 PM EST

Meeeeeeeerry Frostval, Heroes! We've got a blindingly-brilliant set of gear for all you real-life rare collectors. Find the Eternal + Frost Cosmic Dragon pack, the Frostval Naval CommanDEER set, the Primal Frost Tiger pack, the Northlands Getaway House, and the Holiday 2022 Battle pack, plus final quantities of several additional sets. on the Limited Quantity Sets page inside your account manager starting this Friday, December 23rd, at 6 PM EST! Each package also comes with a unique badge in your Book of Lore and on your character page! 

Name Price Total Qty       Initial Stock      Restock     
Eternal Cosmic Dragon   3,000 AC  2,000  950  150
Frostval Naval Commander   1,500 AC  3,000  900  300
Primal Frost Tiger   2,000 AC  3,000  900  300
Northlands Getaway House        100,000g mem    15,000  4,500  1,500
Holiday 2022 Battle Pack   50,000g  15,000  4,500  1,500
Thorezek Worldbreaker   1,500 AC  40  40  NA
CryoMancer Knight   1,500 AC  2,136  2,136  NA
DoomKnight Mech   1,500 AC  549  549  NA
DoomKnight Mech   50,000g mem  5,790  5,790  NA
DoomKnight Titan   100,000 mem  12,144  12,144

Restock Schedule

  • 6:00 PM EST Friday night, 12/23 (initial stock)
  • 10:00 PM EST Friday night, 12/23
  • 2:00 AM EST Saturday, 12/24
  • 6:00 AM Saturday, 12/24
  • 10:00 AM Saturday, 12/24
  • 2:00 PM Saturday, 12/24
  • 6:00 PM Saturday, 12/24
  • 10:00 PM EST Saturday night, 12/24 (final restock)

Note: These are the final quantities for Thorezek WorldBreaker, Cryomancer Knight, the DoomKnight Mechs, and the DoomKnight Titan... once they are sold out, they'll never return!

Eternal + Frost Cosmic Dragons

Price: 3,000 AdventureCoins
Total # of sets: 2,000
Initial stock quantity: 950
Restock: 150

  • 2 armors*
  • 8 helms
  • 4 capes
  • 2 swords, 2 daggers
  • Character page badge

The looming threat that gazes down from the cosmos. There will always be a threat, which you can choose to become... but what you will do with that power remains to be seen.

Frostval Naval Commander

Price: 1,500 AdventureCoins
Total # of sets: 3,000
Initial stock quantity: 900
Restock: 300

  • 1 armor
  • 2 helms
  • 3 capes
  • 2 swords**
  • 1 staff
  • Character page badge

If the seven seas freeze over, it's not the end of the world... it just means celebrating Frostval out on the open waters. Dress to match the season.

Primal Frost Tiger

Price: 2,000 AdventureCoins
Total # of sets: 3,000
Initial stock quantity: 900
Restock: 300

  • 4 armors
  • 4 helms
  • 4 capes
  • 8 swords
  • 8 daggers
  • 2 axes
  • 2 gauntlet
  • 2 pets
  • Character page badge

The tiger is as mighty as it is majestic, but it does not forsake brains for brawn... not if it wants to survive its service to Nulgath. A warrior who fights alone, draped in a tiger's stripes, are cunning in their ways.

Northlands Getaway House

Price: 100,000 gold (available for current and former members)
Total # of sets: 15,000
Initial stock quantity: 4,500
Restock: 1,500

  • 1 House with armor/hair customization room
  • Character page badge

Check out that rooftop view, perfect for winter stargazing! The Northlands Getaway House is perfect for any hero who loves winter, the outdoors, or the Frostval holiday.

Holiday 2022 Battle Pack

Price: 50,000 gold (available for all heroes)
Total # of sets: 15,000
Initial stock quantity: 4,500
Restock: 1,500

  • 4 capes
  • 2 polearms
  • 1 sword
  • 1 dagger
  • Character page badge

A lonely light shines on a cold dawn. Protect yourself. 

What is a Limited Quantity Set?

The Limited Quantity Sets are just what they sounds like... each set has a certain quantity and once that number has sold out then that's it. The total number of sets is the same for everyone, everwhere, so if you see 300 items left on the web page, that's what we've got left in stock.

How Do Limited Quantity Sets Work?

  1. Log into a special LQS webpage on (not into the game!) 
  2. Purchase the set using either ACs or gold
  3. Log into AQW and find your set badge in the Book of Lore 
  4. Get all the items in the badge shop for 0 ACs (yay free storage!)

* The Frost Dragon variant is currently in progress and is expected to release tonight but may be delayed until tomorrow.

** If you unlocked the 13th Upholder badge this year, you will automatically see both Frostval Naval Star Swords added to your badge shop in the Book of Lore.

Tags: Alina,

December 20, 2022

Permafrost Holiday Collection Update

Unlock rare items in our Frostval 2022 Collection

Our very own time-traveling sales moglin is BACK with a shop full of super-cool event rares to help you /slay... and then sleigh! For all you holiday-loving heroes, our Frostval 2022 Collection chest is here at last. Get all of Quibble Coinbiter's holiday items plus an exclusive character page badge when you buy the full collection this month! 

  • Get the full collection for 10,000 ACs (over 36,000 ACs worth of gear) or
  • Buy individual items from Quibble's Rares shop in Battleon 

The Collection Chest unlocks all of the following items:

  • Frostval 2022 Collection pet to unlock the full collection shop
  • Auroran CryoMagus + CryoMagus armor sets (light + dark variants)
  • Rimeblossom Enchanter sets (battle + formal variants)
  • PermaFrost Enchanter sets (battle + formal variants)
  • Noel Maurader set
  • Frozen + CryoFrozen Arabesque sets
  • Fest-EBIL Terminator set
  • Auroran CryoMagus Grace ground rune
  • Dazzling CryoMagus Grace ground rune
  • Aurora CryoMagus Grace ground rune
  • Rimblossom ground rune
  • Ice Plane House (with armor/hair customization rooms)
  • Giftbearers of Darkness pet (with quest for exclusive character page badge)
  • Holiday Mort & Binky Bank Pet

Plus, this week we added:

  • Frostball Aristocrat set + Frostball Balcony ground rune
  • Holiday Courier set + Festive Frostval Friends ground rune
  • Frost Fox Spirits + Arctic Fox companions capes
  • Frostval Fa NPC armor 
  • SugarSweet Frostval weapons

The total collection includes:

  • 14 armors
  • 40+ Helms
  • 5 Swords
  • 9 Staves
  • 1 Polearm
  • 7 Maces
  • 7 Daggers
  • 2 Axes
  • 4 Gauntlets
  • 6 Ground Runes
  • 18 Capes
  • 2 bank pets
  • 1 pet (with quest for character page badge + Ice Plane House*)

Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive collection chest pet, all of the gear contained inside the collection chest shop will also be available to buy individually in Quibble's Frostval 2022 Rares shop.

Our 2022 Holiday AdventureCoin Bonus is Happening Now

Our 2022 Holiday AdventureCoin bonus is available now! Get 50% more ACs with with any Adventure or Membership package until January 20th. Top up in time for next week's releases, including our Frostval story event, Collection Chest, and more.

Get 60,000 ACs while our Holiday Bonus is on!

During our 2021 Holiday AdventureCoin bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA). 

Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!

The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.

How to Claim your MIoDA Prize

Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:

  1. Decide on the item you want
  2. Log into your Account Manager
  3. Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
  4. You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
  5. Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards  
  6. You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice

Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!

That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers, where we'll increase the amount of ACs you get with each pack. (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.

Tags: Alina,

December 16, 2022

Item Drop / Buy Issue FIXED

Servers are BACK ONLINE 

Thank you all for your patience as Captain Rhubarb battled to update the servers earlier tonight. To help make up for the time you lost, we've changed tonight's server boost to be for Double Rep, Gold, EXP, and Class Points PLUS added a Void Aura Boost!*

Earlier tonight...

Captain Rhubarb was investigating anissue where heroes can't accept drops or buy items from shops. We hit the max cap of inventory ID numbers. O_O We had to completely shut down and restart servers to fix the issue. 

* Unfortunately, Player Support cannot return item drops or rewards lost while the issue was happening. We apologize for the time and rewards lost during this bug.

Tags: Alina,

December 16, 2022

Chilly's Frostval 2022 Gifting Event

Give the gift of holiday cheer by Donating ACs to your fellow Heroes

One of the best parts of our videogame community is seeing heroes helping each other. And Chilly wants to help everyone on Lore have the merriest Frostval EVER! That's why our AdventureCoin Gifting event is back* to give you a way to spread cheer to your fellow heroes and unlock rewards for your generosity. Our Frostval Gifting event will run from December 16th - January 9th. Prize packs will be awarded later that week.

Talk to Chilly in Battleon and complete his Event Participation quest. Once the event begins on December 16th, your character will be ready to give or receive AdventureCoins! Read on for more news about what the event is and what's changed since last year!

How to donate AdventureCoins to other heroes

Log in and talk to Chilly in Battleon. Choose to donate AdventureCoins, check out a list of all the generous Heroes who've donated, or see the items in the Generosity Coin Merge Shop. 

To donate:

  • Choose from a list of donation amounts. 
  • Confirm your choice.** 
  • Click the confirmation button and the game will choose a random hero to receive your gift! 

You can donate to a single random Hero in the following amounts:
250 / 500 / 1,000 / 1,500 / 2,000 / 5,000 / 10,000

You can donate to multiple individuals in the following amounts: 

  • 20,000 AC Multi-Gift: 10 heroes get 2,000 ACs each
  • 8,000 AC Multi-Gift: 8 heroes get 1,000 ACs each

Donation Details

  • You'll get one Generosity Coin the first time you donate each day (any donation amount qualifies).
  • Every donation you make counts toward unlocking additional rewards once the event ends.

Donation Rewards

  • Spend your Generosity coins or save them up to get gear from the seasonal merge shop.
  • All donators will unlock additional rewards just for donating. The more you donate, the more rewards you'll unlock!
  • You can see a list of the top 1,000 donators in your account manager here

The biggest change from last year's event is that instead of Leaderboard rank-based rewards, this year everyone that meets the reward tier goal will get the prize. Reward tiers are based on how much you donate, and there are no limits on how many people can get the reward.

* With a few changes and improvements. 

** Important note: we cannot refund your donation. The game will ask if you're sure you want to donate the amount you choose. Make sure you check and double-check before hitting the "confirm" button.

Frostval Gifting Rewards

Chilly always likes rewarding generosity. That's why he has exclusive rewards for heroes who donate to others. There are two types of rewards: Generosity Coin Merge Shop items + Donation Reward Packs.

Generosity Coins + Merge Shop

The first time you donate each day, you'll automatically get a Generosity Coin. Spend the Coins in the Merge Shop to get exclusive gear.

Generosity Coin Prices

  • Armors: 2 GC
  • Helms: 1 GC
  • Capes: 1 GC
  • Weapons: 1 GC
  • Pets: 2 GC
  • Fancy/Special: 2 GC

New Gear This Year:

  • Garaja Armor, Morph, Staff
  • Bright Oracle weapons
  • Derp Star Sword
  • Festive Silver Star Blade + Staff
  • Frigid Wolf Staff + Scythe
  • Frozen Dracolich Pet
  • Halcyon Bow of Blessings
  • Key of Eternal Joy (imported from DragonFable)
  • PermaFrost Lightning Staff
  • Mini Aurora Cape
  • GlitterFrost Fairy armor set
  • PandaPlush armor set

The shop gear is seasonal, so if you can't get everything you want this year, you'll have another chance next year! This year's Generosity Coin merge shop also has a wider selection + variety of items, based on your feedback after last year's event.

Donation Reward Packs

Every time you donate ACs to a random Hero, it will contribute to your donation total. The more you donate, the more rewards you'll unlock!

Tier 7: 100,000 ACs Donated

  • Frostval Brightrise Fortress House with: 
  • Holiday variants of NPC guests 
  • House Bank*
  • Hero-Sized Frostval Mirror Gravelyn Bank Buddy
  • Unique Moglin Giftbox pet w/ quest for House Item
  • All item rewards from Tiers 1 - 6 + Generosity Coin Merge gear
  • Frostval 2022 Gifting character page + Tier 7 Book of Lore badge

* These will not be locked to owner-only, so invite your friends + guildmates to your house!

Tier 6: 75,000 ACs Donated

  • Candyland Swordhaven Castle House with:
  • House Bank*
  • Armor / Hair Customizers*
  • Hero-sized Peppermint Queen Victoria Bank Buddy
  • Unique Moglin Giftbox pet w/ quest for House Item
  • All item rewards from Tiers 1 - 5 + Generosity Coin Merge gear
  • Frostval 2022 Gifting character page + Tier 6 Book of Lore badge

Tier 5: 50,000 ACs Donated

  • Royal Winter Paladin armor set
  • Unique Moglin Giftbox pet w/ quest for House Item
  • All item rewards from Tiers 1 - 4 + Generosity Coin Merge gear
  • Tier 5 Frostval 2022 Gifting character page + Book of Lore badge

Tier 4: 25,000 ACs Donated

  • BrightPyre + FrozenFlame armor sets
  • Unique Moglin Giftbox pet w/ quest for House Item
  • All item rewards from Tiers 1 - 3 + Generosity Coin Merge gear
  • Tier 4 Frostval 2022 Gifting character page + Book of Lore badge

Tier 3: 10,000 ACs Donated

  • Frostval Yulgar's Inn House with:
  • Bank
  • Armor / Hair Customizer
  • Unique Moglin Giftbox pet w/ quest for House Item
  • All item rewards from Tiers 1 - 2 + Generosity Coin Merge gear
  • Tier 3 Frostval 2022 Gifting character page + Book of Lore badge

Tier 2: 5,000 ACs Donated

  • Barber Zorbak Hair Customizer pet
  • Weaponsmith Mort Armor Customizer pet
  • Unique Moglin Giftbox pet w/ quest for House Item
  • All item rewards from Tier 1 + Generosity Coin Merge gear
  • Tier 2 Frostval 2022 Gifting character page + Book of Lore badge

Tier 1: 1,000 ACs Donated

  • Hero-sized Frostval Gravelyn Bank Buddy
  • Unique Moglin Giftbox pet w/ quest for House Item
  • Frostval 2022 Gifting character page + Tier 2 Book of Lore badge

All donators: 250 ACs Donated

  • Frostval 2022 Gifting character page

In addition to their exclusive prize packs, any hero that donates at least 5,000 ACs will automatically unlock all of the merge shop items in their Book of Lore badge shop at the end of the gifting event.

List of Top Donators

To recognize their generosity, we've got a list of the Top 1,000 Heroes who've donated during this event on our Frostval 2022 AC Gifting Event page. You can see that inside your account manager here

New this year: We added the option to hide yourself from the top donators list. That way, those who prioritize their privacy can still be generous without calling attention to themselves.

Frostval AC Gifting Event Origin + Feedback

We saw a flood of happiness after last year's event from excited heroes. We also saw people who didn't have as good an experience, So we asked what you'd like to see different if we held the event again this year. We got a huge number of positive messages and a lot of great, constructive feedback. The team met after the event and then again a month ago to plan out how we could best implement the most requested changes. And that's how this year's event came to be.

We hope you enjoy it! We've done our best to make sure the event is a good one, and that you can get and give rewards to other heroes so everyone has a very happy holidays!

You can read more about all of the changes and the reasons behind them in this Design Notes post.

Frostval Gifting FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What are the requirements to donate a gift?

  • Complete opt-in quest (requires level 30+ and a confirmed email address)

What are the requirements to receive a gift?

  • Account at least 2 weeks old
  • Online in last 24 hours
  • Complete opt-in quest

How much can I donate per day? 
There is no limit to how many times you can donate each day. (There is a limit on how many upgrade packs an account can buy each day.)

How much can I win each day? 
There is no limit to how many times in a day you can receive a random AC gift.

Can I choose who gets my donation? 

Nope! In the spirit of the season, your gift will go to a random eligible hero. Make someone's day bright... even if you don't know who they are!

Can staff accounts get on the top donators list or give to players? 
Nope! Team members' staff accounts can only give to other staff accounts. They will not appear on the public list. Team members' normal (regular player/non-staff) accounts can give to other players and may appear on the top donators list.

How will I be notified if I get a gift? 
You'll see a message when you login if you've received a gift since your last login note

What are the reward tiers? Will they go rare?
Find more details on the reward tiers next week! Tier rewards will go rare, generosity shop gear is seasonal.

How long will this be available? 
Through January 9th, prizes to be awarded later on that week.

Does the amount of AC donated affect your merge coins received per donation? 
You can get a max of 1 Generosity Coin per day, awarded the first time you donate for the day. Every donation you make will contribute to your reward milestones total.

So, is this REALLY totally random? 
It really is! The game will look for any eligible account on any server and will randomly choose who to give your prize to. You cannot specify which character will get your ACs.

What if I'm offline? 
The game will look for any account that was logged in within the last 24 hours. If you aren't online when you get a gift, it will still be added to your account the next time you log in.

When do I get notified? 
There are currently a few ways of being notified you received a gift: when doing battles or switching maps in-game, or when you log in. 

What if I make a mistake and donate the wrong amount? 
The game will ask you each time if you’re sure you want to donate that amount. We cannot give refunds for incorrect donations, so please check and double-check before you hit the donate button and before you confirm the donation amount.

What if I pick the wrong item in the Generosity Shop? Can I get my Generosity Coin back? 
We cannot give refunds for Generosity Coin shop purchases, so please check and double-check before you spend a GC on an item in the merge shop. 

Can I see how much I've donated, or how much I've received? 
Yes! Log in to your account manager to see your gifts and what you've given.

Tags: Alina,

December 16, 2022

Mountain of Miracles

Now Available: Frostval 2022 Story, Part 2

Terrible things happen all the time in Lore, but so do amazing things. Miracles and magic are waiting in the moonlight this weekend as we continue Part 2 of our Frostval holiday event! Defeat the mysterious alien monsters that have descended the mountain, then return to the Inn to celebrate the holiday with your friends!

New Snowview Reward Gear

/Join snowviewrace to continue the adventure and defeat the malicious, otherworldly boss you find there for all-new reward drops. Then talk to Alina. Complete her quest for merge shop resources to craft more rewards!

Monster drops:

  • Snowview InnKeeper armor
  • 6 Snowview InnKeeper helms
  • Holiday Swordhaven Ally armor

Merge Shop:

  • Frigid Festive Wear armor
  • 6 Frigid Helms
  • Frigid Ice Halation cape
  • Frigid Ice Staff + Flail

And don't miss all the gear from last weekend! We've got more reward gear than Xanta Claws, and it's all yours... you'll just have to fight for it! Battle the monsters in /snowview to get drops, then craft the reward gear in Aina's merge shop!

Monster drops:

  • Spruce Sled Racer armor
  • Spruce Sled Racer Hat (male + female)
  • Spruce Sled Racer Cape
  • Festive Snowflake Staff
  • Festive Snowflakes Cape
  • Arctic Wolf Pup
  • Moonlit Wolf Pup
  • Midnight Wolf Pup
  • Bow of the Oracle
  • Blight Oracle Axe
  • Blight Oracle Axes

Merge Shop:

  • Festive Sled Racer Armor
  • Festive Sled Racer Hat (male + female)
  • Festive Sled Racer Champion Crown (male + female)
  • Festive Enamel Snowflakes Cape
  • Festive Sled Racer Cape
  • Festive Sled Racer Cape and Enamel Snowflakes
  • Golden Snowflake Sickle (single + dual wield)
  • Snowflake Sickle (single + dual wield)
  • Festive Golden Snowflake Bow
  • Mix n' Match Sickles

Beleen's Birthday Gear is Here

Yesterday was Beleen's birthday, and to celebrate her real-life level-up, we've created the pinkest gear of the year to help you stun (or terrify!) your enemies! Check out the Featured Gear Shop in your Game menu to find all her new and returning seasonal birthday items! 

Beleen Birthday pink items in online mmorpg Adventure Quest Worlds

Pretty pink gear crafted by Aranx to help you celebrate:

  • Derp Panda Helm
  • PinkGlitter Fairy armor
  • PinkGlitter Fairy hair + tiara
  • PinkGlitter Fairy wings + gold wings
  • PinkGlitter Fairy wand
  • PinkiePanda Outfit
  • PinkiePanda Hood / Hood + Locks
  • PinkiePanda on your back
  • PinkiePanda + Cutesy Bubble Cat pets
  • Strawberry Bamboo Panda Snacks
  • Cutesy PinkiePanda Bats

Leaving Soon: mark your calendars

Don't miss out on your favorite limited time events, stories, and gear! 

Wednesday, December 14: 20th Anniversary 500 Free AC gift leaves

Friday, December 16: Featured Rare Set, Immortalis Magus

Friday, December 30: Black Friday Nulgath Quest Drops + Elvira leaves the anniversary event

Saturday, December 31: Daily Gifts from 12/1 - 12/14

Monday, January 2: 
Frostval AC Gifting event end

Friday, January 6: Frostval Holiday maps + gear, Frostval Limited Quantity Sets 

Friday, January 13: Frostval 2022 Collection 

Friday, January 20: AC Bonus ends

Friday, January 27: New Year's zones + Rare Gear

Tags: Alina,

December 15, 2022

2023 Calendar Class: Paladin Chronomancer

Unlock the exclusive class when you get the 2023 Calendar

When you get the 2023 Calendar from HeroMart, you'll unlock in-game rewards inside AQ3D, AdventureQuest, DragonFable, EpicDuel, and the Paladin Chronomancer Class / Armor set in AQWorlds.

This year’s calendar class combines the damage mitigation themes of a Paladin with the classic Chronomancer Temporal Rift combo to create a defensive support class that can also output an occasional burst of damage!

Paladin Chronomancer Details

Description: Recommended enhancements: Healer, Wizard. With their mighty hammer and shield in hand, Paladin Chronomancers lead the charge into battle, vowing to protect all who fight alongside them.

Mana Regen: Paladin Chronomancers gain mana when they:
* Strike a enemy in combat (more effective on crits)
* Are struck by an enemy in combat
* Are under the effect of Spirits Within (restores 30 mana over 5 seconds)

Skill Breakdown

Hammer of Virtue

Rank needed: 1 / Auto Attack
Target: Enemy
Max Targets: 1
Type: Physical
Range: Melee
Cooldown: 2.5 seconds

Swing your hammer down on your target to deliver a mighty blow. Damage dealt is based on your current health. Can’t crit.

Radiant Rift

Rank needed: 1
Target: Enemy
Max Targets: 1
Type: Magical
Range: Melee
Mana Cost: 5
Cooldown: 3 seconds

Open a time portal that emits a wave of holy magic. Deals damage and applies Temporal Rift to yourself for 30 seconds, stacks to 4 and is used for your other abilities. Also applies Ascendancy and Reprisal to your target, reducing their Dodge, Crit Chance, outgoing damage, and defense by 10% for 10 seconds, stacks to 5. If Indomitable is active, applies Radiant Light, a DoT based on your current HP, lasts 8 seconds and doesn't refresh.

Holy Vow

Rank needed: 2
Target: Friendly
Max Targets: 6
Type: Magical
Range: Infinite
Mana Cost: 40
Cooldown: 5 seconds

Use your holy magic to conjure a protective ward. Heals you and your allies based on the number of Temporal Rift stacks you have while applying Holy Shield, increasing physical and magical defense by 25% for 10 seconds. If Guardian Angel is active, it is consumed to apply Intervention, a massive HoT for 5 seconds.

Divine Intervention

Rank needed: 3
Target: Friendly
Max Targets: 6
Type: Magical
Range: Infinite
Mana Cost: 20
Cooldown: 40 seconds

The light emanates from within you. Massively heals you and your allies while applying Indomitable, increasing your Endurance by 500% for 5 seconds. Applies Guardian Angel to you and your allies for 15 seconds. The next use of Holy Vow consumes it to apply Intervention for 5 seconds, a massive HoT. Always crits. 

Divine Retribution

Rank needed: 5
Target: Enemy
Max Targets: 1
Type: Magical
Range: Melee
Mana Cost: 10
Cooldown: 20 seconds

Unleash the full might of your holy magic. If Temporal Rift is active, deal damage to your target based on the amount you've dealt in up to the past 10 seconds while it was active. Damage scales with each stack of Temporal Rift and consumes those stacks. Applies Divine Reckoning for 10 seconds, a DoT that does more damage the lower your MP is. Also applies Spirits Within, restoring 30 mana over 5 seconds. Undead targets are also stunned for 3 seconds. Can’t crit.



Rank needed: 4
Type: Passive
Endurance increased by 50%.


Rank needed: 4
Type: Passive
Hit Chance increased by 10% and Defense increased by 20%. 

Sacred Blessing

Rank needed: 10
Type: Passive
Haste increased by 10% and Healing Power increased by 10%.


Paladin Chronomancer is a relatively simple to use class that brings some very unique properties to the table. While its damage output may not be as high as previous calendar classes, it makes up for it with its incredible survivability tools that are sure to get you and your teammates through the thick of battle.

The core gameplay of the class revolves around stacking Temporal Rift with Radiant Rift to eventually deliver a powerful blow with Divine Retribution. As Divine Retribution’s damage is based on the amount of damage dealt while under the effect of Temporal Rift, you’ll want to be outputting as much damage as possible before using it, that’s where Hammer of Virtue comes in.

Hammer of Virtue is a one of a kind auto attack as its damage is based on the amount of HP you have, rather than your weapon damage. This means that the more HP you have, the more damage the skill does, but the same goes the other way, so if you’re close to death, you’ll end up doing less damage. However, there are plenty of ways to keep your HP topped off. Holy Vow is a low cooldown heal that restores a good chunk of HP at the cost of using a lot of mana (more on this later), while Divine Intervention is a high cooldown, party-wide full heal that also grants you a whopping 500% Endurance buff, which as you may have guessed, significantly increases the damage of Hammer of Virtue for a short period of time while also causing Radiant Rift to apply an HP based DoT for even more damage!

On the support side of things, Radiant Rift applies some significant debuffs to your enemy to severely reduce their damage output, while Holy Vow heals your party members and applies a strong defense buff. But Divine Intervention is where the class really shines. Not only does it grant you a large Endurance buff, it also applies the Guardian Angel aura to you and your party members. While Guardian Angel is active, your next use of Holy Vow consumes it to apply one of the most POWERFUL HoT effects in the game to everyone, so powerful that it could be considered effective temporary invincibility (as long as you don’t get one shot).

How you decide to use Paladin Chronomancer is up to you. Will you use Divine Intervention on cooldown to maximize your Hammer of Virtue and Divine Retribution damage, or will you save it for when your party members are in dire need of healing? Will you continually use Holy Vow to reduce your mana to the point where Divine Retribution’s DoT reaches its strongest, or will you save it for when you’re at max stacks of Temporal Rift and you want to get the largest heals possible? Whether you choose to focus on dealing more damage or healing your teammates, Paladin Chronomancer will get the job done!

Tags: Alina, HeroMart, Class,

December 13, 2022

Last Call for 500 Free ACs Gift

20th Anniversary Gift Leaves Wednesday

TWO DAYS LEFT! This is the last call to get the 500 free AdventureCoins gift we started giving during our 20th anniversary event in October.  Complete the quest in /AFKQuest to get your "YOU DID NOTHING" badge and free AdventureCoins by the end of the day on Wednesday, December 14th.

Thursday, December 1: October + November seasonal sets

Friday, December 9: Black Friday Collection + Harvest Fest 

Wednesday, December 14: 20th Anniversary 500 Free AC gift leaves

Friday, December 16: Featured Rare Set, Immortalis Magus

Friday, December 30: Black Friday Nulgath Quest Drops + Elvira leaves the anniversary event

Saturday, December 31: Daily Gifts from 12/1 - 12/14

Monday, January 2: 
Frostval AC Gifting event end

Friday, January 6: Frostval Holiday maps + gear, Frostval Limited Quantity Sets 

Friday, January 13: Frostval 2022 Collection 

Friday, January 20: AC Bonus ends

Friday, January 27: New Year's zones + Rare Gear

Tags: Alina,

December 09, 2022

Permafrost Holiday Collection Chest

Unlock rare items in our Frostval 2022 Collection

Our very own time-traveling sales moglin is BACK with a shop full of super-cool event rares to help you /slay... and then sleigh! For all you holiday-loving heroes, our Frostval 2022 Collection chest is here at last. Get all of Quibble Coinbiter's holiday items plus an exclusive character page badge when you buy the full collection this month! 

  • Get the full collection for 10,000 ACs (over 36,000 ACs worth of gear) or
  • Buy individual items from Quibble's Rares shop in Battleon 

The Collection Chest unlocks new items, including:

  • Frostval 2022 Collection pet to unlock the full collection shop
  • Auroran CryoMagus + CryoMagus armor sets (light + dark variants)
  • Rimeblossom Enchanter sets (battle + formal variants)
  • PermaFrost Enchanter sets (battle + formal variants)
  • Noel Maurader set
  • Frozen + CryoFrozen Arabesque sets
  • Fest-EBIL Terminator set
  • Auroran CryoMagus Grace ground rune
  • Dazzling CryoMagus Grace ground rune
  • Aurora CryoMagus Grace ground rune
  • Rimblossom ground rune
  • Ice Plane House (with armor/hair customization rooms)
  • Giftbearers of Darkness pet (with quest for exclusive character page badge)
  • Holiday Mort & Binky Bank Pet
  • And more!

This week's collection includes: 

  • 10 armors
  • 29 Helms
  • 4 Swords
  • 6 Staves
  • 1 Polearm
  • 1 Mace
  • 5 Daggers
  • 2 Axes
  • 4 Gauntlets
  • 4 Ground Runes
  • 12 Capes
  • 1 bank pet
  • 1 pet (with quest for character page badge + Ice Plane House*)

And even more items will be added on December 22nd:

  • Frostball Aristocrat set + Frostball Balcony ground rune
  • Festive Wanderer set + Festive Frostval Friends ground rune
  • Frost Fox Spirits + Arctic Fox companions capes
  • Holiday Scale NPC armor (featuring festive NPC art from Darkon's Madness Saga)
  • SugarSweet Frostval weapons

* The IcePlane House includes a hair/armor customization room.

Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive collection chest pet, all of the gear contained inside the collection chest shop will also be available to buy individually in Quibble's Frostval 2022 Rares shop.

Our 2022 Holiday AdventureCoin Bonus is Happening Now

Our 2022 Holiday AdventureCoin bonus is available now! Get 50% more ACs with with any Adventure or Membership package until January 20th. Top up in time for next week's releases, including our Frostval story event, Collection Chest, and more.

Get 60,000 ACs while our Holiday Bonus is on!

During our 2021 Holiday AdventureCoin bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA). 

Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!

The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.

How to Claim your MIoDA Prize

Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:

  1. Decide on the item you want
  2. Log into your Account Manager
  3. Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
  4. You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
  5. Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards  
  6. You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice

Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!

That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers, where we'll increase the amount of ACs you get with each pack. (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.

Tags: Alina,

December 09, 2022

Seek the Flame, Survive the Frost

Now Available: Frostval 2022 Story, Part 1

The Snowview DogSled race is about to begin, and we ALL got invited. It would have been the perfect getaway... until you saw something lurking in the shadows. Log in this weekend and /join snowview. Talk to Aina and prepare to FIGHT for your RIGHT to CELEBRATE as magic, monsters, and conspiracy threaten to ruin this year's new Frostval event!

New Reward Gear

We've got more reward gear than Xanta Claws, and it's all yours this weekend... you'll just have to fight for it! Battle the monsters in /snowview to get drops, then craft the reward gear in Aina's merge shop!

Monster drops:

  • Spruce Sled Racer armor
  • Spruce Sled Racer Hat (male + female)
  • Spruce Sled Racer Cape
  • Festive Snowflake Staff
  • Festive Snowflakes Cape
  • Arctic Wolf Pup
  • Moonlit Wolf Pup
  • Midnight Wolf Pup
  • Bow of the Oracle
  • Blight Oracle Axe
  • Blight Oracle Axes

Merge Shop:

  • Festive Sled Racer Armor
  • Festive Sled Racer Hat (male + female)
  • Festive Sled Racer Champion Crown (male + female)
  • Festive Enamel Snowflakes Cape
  • Festive Sled Racer Cape
  • Festive Sled Racer Cape and Enamel Snowflakes
  • Golden Snowflake Sickle (single + dual wield)
  • Snowflake Sickle (single + dual wield)
  • Festive Golden Snowflake Bow
  • Mix n' Match Sickles

Leaving Soon: mark your calendars

Don't miss out on your favorite limited time events, stories, and gear! 

Thursday, December 1: October + November seasonal sets

Friday, December 9: Black Friday Collection + Harvest Fest 

Wednesday, December 14: 20th Anniversary 500 Free AC gift leaves

Friday, December 16: Featured Rare Set, Immortalis Magus

Friday, December 30: Black Friday Nulgath Quest Drops + Elvira leaves the anniversary event

Saturday, December 31: Daily Gifts from 12/1 - 12/14

Monday, January 2: 
Frostval AC Gifting event end

Friday, January 6: Frostval Holiday maps + gear, Frostval Limited Quantity Sets 

Friday, January 13: Frostval 2022 Collection 

Friday, January 20: AC Bonus ends

Friday, January 27: New Year's zones + Rare Gear

Tags: Alina,

December 08, 2022

Aurelio Voltaire's New Album

"The Black Labyrinth" is now available for pre-order!

Aurelio Voltaire is legitimately one of the most creative people we know. He is the maker of music, films, books, comics, toys and... mayhem. He first appeared in AdventureQuest Worlds back in 2009, during our first-ever in-game Friday the 13th UNLIVE event! Since then, he's appeared in all of our Friday the 13th events, and this year he made his first appearance in AdventureQuest 3D's "Return to Skullpunch Island."

The Black Labyrinth album is an homage to the film Labyrinth, in which David Bowie played the Goblin King, and was recorded with members of David Bowie's band. Pre-order and you will get 5 tracks to listen to now - including "Kill the Beast," which premiered in the Artix Entertainment 20th Anniversary Event in both AdventureQuest Worlds and AdventureQuest 3D.

Aurelio Voltaire has been a fan-favorite guest in our videogame events for years, and he's been a friend of Artix and our crew of devs for just as long. That’s why we’re excited to announce that his long-awaited 13th studio album is available for pre-order!

The full album releases on December 16th, 2022.

Don’t wait. Pre-order The Black Labyrinth ~ A Requiem for the Goblin King now!

Battle on!

Tags: Alina,

December 05, 2022

Chilly's 2022 Frostval Gifting Event

The Event begins December 16th. Signup Quest Now Available.

Chilly wants to help you and ALL the heroes of Lore have the merriest Frostval EVER! That's why we're bringing back last year's AdventureCoin Gifting event... with a few changes and improvements.

Talk to Chilly in Battleon and complete his Event Participation quest. Once the event begins on December 16th, your character will be ready to give or receive AdventureCoins! Read on for more news about what the event is and what's changed since last year!

Frostval AC Gifting Event Origin + Feedback

One of the best parts of our videogame community is seeing heroes helping each other. Last year, we wanted to help bring that spirit of giving in-game. So for the first time ever, we held an AdventureCoin Gifting event.

Heroes could donate ACs to other random players, unlock rewards in a Generosity Merge Shop, and climb the Donation Leaderboard where those in the top spots unlocked exclusive prizes.

We saw a flood of happiness from excited heroes who were surprised with random gifts of ACs. We also saw people who didn't have as good an experience, So we asked what you'd like to see different if we held the event again this year.

We got a huge number of messages; many were 100% positive, but just as many contained very helpful, constructive ideas and feedback on how we could make this year's event even better. We held a team debrief shortly after the event ended to discuss your thoughts last year, and then began discussions again last month to finalize plans for the changes.

You can read more about last year's Gifting event in the Design Notes (here and here)

AC Frostval Gifting Event Changes

Accounts must complete Chilly's quest to participate in the event
We heard from many people that their 2nd / 3rd / 4th alt accounts were getting ACs, rather than their main account. Now you can choose which of your accounts can receive donations by having them complete Chilly's Quest (or not). 

Participation Quest Requirements:

  • Account is level 30+
  • Confirm your email address 

Need help confirming your email address? Check out the Support Page for more exact steps.

Reward Tier milestones are based on the amount you give, not your ranking
Every time you donate ACs to a random Hero, it will contribute to your Donation Gift total. At the end of the event, we'll award prizes based on how much you gave to other heroes.

Last year, only a certain number of heroes could unlock each reward tier. This year, we're removing those limits and anyone who meets the AC Gift milestone will unlock the tier rewards.

Splitting up large AC gifts
You can only give so many gifts in a short period of time, and that frustrated some people. You asked us to be able to "split" AC gifts, so one gift could be sent to many people... and now that's possible.

This year, we've added the following gift options:

  • 20,000 AC Multi-Gift: 10 heroes get 2,000 ACs each
  • 8,000 AC Multi-Gift: 8 heroes get 1,000 ACs each

Frostval Gifting FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What are the requirements to donate a gift?

  • Complete opt-in quest

What are the requirements to receive a gift?

  • Account at least 2 weeks old OR donate ACs
  • Online in last 24 hours
  • Verified email
  • Complete opt-in quest

How much can I donate per day? 
There is no limit to how many times you can donate each day. (There is a limit on how many upgrade packs an account can buy each day.)

How much can I win each day? 
There is no limit to how many times in a day you can receive a random AC gift.

Can I choose who gets my donation? 

Nope! In the spirit of the season, your gift will go to a random eligible hero. Make someone's day bright... even if you don't know who they are!

Can staff accounts get on the leaderboard or give to players? 
Nope! Team members' staff accounts can only give to other staff accounts. They will not appear on the public leaderboard. Team members' normal (regular player) accounts can give to other players and may appear on the leaderboard.

How will I be notified if I get a gift? 
You'll see a message when you login if you've received a gift since your last login note

What are the reward tiers? Will they go rare?
Find more details on the reward tiers next week! Tier rewards will go rare, generosity shop gear is seasonal.

How long will this be available? 
Through January 2nd, prizes to be awarded on Jan 3rd.

Does the amount of AC donated affect your merge coins received per donation? 
You can get a max of 1 Generosity Coin per day, awarded the first time you donate for the day. Every donation you make will contribute to your reward milestones total.

So, is this REALLY totally random? 
It really is! The game will look for any eligible account on any server and will randomly choose who to give your prize to. You cannot specify which character will get your ACs.

What if I'm offline? 
The game will look for any account that was logged in within the last 24 hours. If you aren't online when you get a gift, it will still be added to your account the next time you log in.

When do I get notified? 
There are currently a few ways of being notified you received a gift: when doing battles or switching maps in-game, or when you log in. 

What if I make a mistake and donate the wrong amount? 
The game will ask you each time if you’re sure you want to donate that amount. We cannot give refunds for incorrect donations, so please check and double-check before you hit the donate button and before you confirm the donation amount.

What if I pick the wrong item in the Generosity Shop? Can I get my Generosity Coin back? 
We cannot give refunds for Generosity Coin shop purchases, so please check and double-check before you spend a GC on an item in the merge shop. 

Can I see how much I've donated, or how much I've received? 
Yes! Log in to your account manager to see your gifts and what you've given.

Tags: Alina,

December 02, 2022

Our Winter Holiday Lineup Begins!

This weekend: Frostval Returns, HollowDeep expansion, and more

Frostval is a time of joy, hope, and... defending Lore from all the cold-hearted monsters determined to wreck the halls!  Log in this weekend to being the Season's Beatings as you battle through all our winter holiday events, unlock holiday rewards, and more!

We've got a host of holiday (and hollowborn) adventures for you happening now:

  • /join frostvale to battle through all our returning holiday seasonal zones
  • Take on this weekend's new reward boss, Kitty Yu Yule, in /yulecat
  • Head to /hollowdeep and talk to Lae for an all-new endgame reward set
  • Balance updates on two boosted weapons. See morein the Balance Team's Design Notes!

Journey to Frostvale

Once again the Frost Moglins of Frostvale are opening the snow-covered gates of their town to all of Lore to help you celebrate. If this is your first year with AQW then you get to play through all of the previous adventures. If you've battled alongside us for a while, then return to the Northlands and relive those super-cool memories.

Battle through fifteen years of holiday adventures in:

  • Frostvale Adventures: /frostvale, /icecave, /snowpath, /factory, /frost, /snowglobe
  • Into the Northlands: /northlands, /mountfrost, /kingcoal, /northlandlight
  • Garaja's Ice Palace: /goldenruins
  • Frozen Heart: /icevolcano, /icecavern
  • The WorldEnder: /icerise, /battlefield, /frostdeep, /snowyvale, /icewindpass, 
  • Frostval the Evil: /darkwinter, /ultrafrostfang
  • The Cryomancer: /frozenruins, /icerisepast, /northstar, /wintersheart, /frozentower
  • Cryostorm: /frostspectre, /cryostorm, /cryowar 
  • Coldwind Valley: /coldwindvalley
  • Frozen in Time: /frostvalpast, /frostvalpresent, /frostvalfuture, /frostvalnext, /frostvalperil
  • Conflagration: /icedungeon, /howardshill, /winterhorror
  • Frostval Treasures: /mountotzi, /otziwar

New Holiday Reward Boss: Kitty Yu Yule

If you played the Throne of Darkness Saga, you may recognize Ziri's pet, Kitty Boo Boo! She's been possessed by the Yu Yule Cat, a spirit of Frostval that steals children who didn't receive any presents or treats. Now YULE need to stop this holiday horror before she decides to make YOU a Frostval snack!

Battle Kitty Yu Yule in the /yulecat map to collect new reward drops:

  • Northlands BeastHunter armor
  • 2 Northlands Hunter helms
  • Furred Hunter's Cape
  • Northlands Hunter Blade (single and dual-wield)
  • Kitty's Last Lunch polearm
  • Festive Wand mace
  • Kitty Yu Yule + Ziri's Holiday Horror house guards
  • Festive Flying Piggy + Holiday Party Piggy house guards

Defeat Helsdottir the Ancient

Head to /helsgrove to take on Helsdottir the Ancient, a holiday boss monster designed by Despera, one of the winners of our 2021 Frostval Boss Monster Design contest. His boss art and rewards were so popular, we began working with Despera regularly, and he's created some of the most well-loved new armor sets of 2022. 

Defeat Helsdottir in /helsgrove for a chance to get the following items:

  • Helsgrove Guardian Armor
  • Chibi Krampus Queen hairs
  • Antler and Scarf helms
  • Guardian Baton weapons
  • and more!

Gear up for GIANT Gift Grab

Test your mettle (and metal!) against the biggest gifts of them all: Giefury* and his darker, deadlier self, GieFURIOUS! 

Both Giefury and GIE-FURIOUS have seasonal gifts for you:

  • Frostval Nutcracker armor (red variant)**
  • Giefurious armor set + pet
  • Giefurious House Guard
  • Festive Frostval Elf + Merry Frostvale Outfit armor set
  • Festive Battle Elf armor (member-only)
  • Blue Frosty-val Doge helm

FrostScythe also drops an version of his armor set, crafted by the incomparable Aranx just to help you celebrate Frostval!

Let the SLAY bells ring! Head to the /Gifthulu map to battle an all-new boss monster stocked with gifts galore. 

Tinsel Arrives Tomorrow in Battleon!

A snowstorm is hurling rapidly towards Battleon and Battleontown! I expect snow to blanket all of Battleon tomorrow. Until then, Major Moglin's quests in Frostvale will not be available. 

All RPG-talk aside, the team ran into a bit of delay. One of our main devs has been out sick for two weeks. And because Battleontown got a significant update to some of its art, we need a little more time to finish the winter version of town. You should  see wintery battleon -- and Tinsel's Seasonal Frostval Gift Shop  -- tomorrow. My apologies for the delay!

Hollowborn Bonus Release!

This weekend, head to /hollowdeep and talk to Lae. Complete his new quests to unlock the Hollowborn Envoy of Chaos character page badge and a bounty of wicked reward gear!

Once you talk to him, accept the Stirring Discord quest to begin. (Quest requires level 75 + Lae's Hardcore Contract.) 

OMG Those floating Hollowborn Chaos Twins! O_O

Later this month...

  • New two-part holiday adventure
  • Generosity is rewarded again
  • Frostval 2022 Collection Chest
  • Limited Quantity Sets

Make sure you confirm your email! Several of our Frostval Holiday gifts will require you confirm your email in order to unlock the reward. Check out the help page here for a step-by-step guide on how to confirm it.

Daily Login Gifts

Log in each day for a new server-wide reward item, boost, or drop rate increase. Bookmark the Daily Gift page to keep up to date with all of daily gifts! And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.

Leaving Soon: mark your calendars

Don't miss out on your favorite limited time events, stories, and gear! 

Thursday, December 1: October + November seasonal sets

Friday, December 9: Black Friday Collection + Harvest Fest 

Friday, December 16: Featured Rare Set, Immortalis Magus

Friday, December 30: Black Friday Nulgath Quest Drops + Elvira leaves the anniversary event

Saturday, December 31: Daily Gifts from 12/1 - 12/14

Monday, January 2: 
Frostval AC Gifting event end

Friday, January 6: Frostval Holiday maps + gear, Frostval Limited Quantity Sets 

Friday, January 13: Frostval 2022 Collection 

Friday, January 20: AC Bonus ends

Friday, January 27: New Year's zones + Rare Gear

Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!

Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.

Download the Launcher at, then log in and get back to battling right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.

Tags: Alina,

December 02, 2022

Unlock the Frostborn Wolf Pack

Upgrade to unlock exclusive mount + color-custom armor sets

There are no lone Frostborn Wolves. The only thing deadlier than facing one in battle... is turning your back on a member of the pack. Get the Frostborn Wolf Pack upgrade bonus when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more and unlock all the gear and a character page badge. 

After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager

Pack Details

Choose the Frostborn Wolf Pack Upgrade Bonus Set to unlock the Frostborn Wolf Warrior and Frostborn Wolf Rider* armor sets:

  • 2 Frostborn Wolf armors (regular Warrior + mounted Rider)
  • 2 Enchanted Wolf armors (regular Warrior + mounted Rider)
  • 2 Axes
  • 2 Daggers
  • 2 Swords
  • 2 Gauntlets
  • 2 Wings
  • 2 Spirit of the FrostWolf capes 
  • 1 SnowFlake ground rune
  • 1 Frostborn Wolf pet
  • 7 helms
  • and a character page badge

Once you've chosen the Frostborn Wolf Pack Upgrade bonus on the Account Manager page, log in and find the set's shop in the Other Achievements tab in your Book of Lore. 

* There are regular and color-custom variants of most items.

Package Boosts Include:

  • 1 Hour Reputation Boosts
  • 1 Hour Gold Boosts
  • 1 Hour EXP Boosts 
  • 1 Hour Class Points Boosts

Holiday AdventureCoin Bonus: Get 50% More ACs

Get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any Adventure or Membership package for a limited time! So if you want to get a gift for that special someone (or yourself) this is a great time to do it! 

Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!

That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.

Get 60,000 ACs while our Holiday Bonus is on!

Get 40,000 ACs for $99.95 and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the new Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA). But while our 50% holiday bonus is on... get 60,000 ACs for $99.95!

Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!

The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.

How to Claim your MIoDA Prize

Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:

  1. Decide on the item you want
  2. Log into your Account Manager
  3. Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
  4. You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
  5. Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards  
  6. You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice
Tags: Alina,
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