Design Notes
June 30, 2017
July Calendar of Events
Don't miss the hottest releases of the year!
Our new summer saga, the 7 Deadly Dragons, heats up our July release schedule as we battle alongside Galanoth, head of the Order of DragonSlayers, to take down 7 of the fiercest dragons our world has ever known!
July 4: Independence Shop + Fireworks + Double ALL Server Boosts
July 7: Dragon of Gluttony + July Upgrade Bonus
July 14: Dragon of Pride + 15% more XP and Gold
July 21: Battleunder Heats Up + Draconic Oracle set
July 28: Dragon of Greed + Limited Time Shop + 15% more CP and Rep

June 30, 2017
This Weekend: 7 Deadly Dragons
Our Summer of Dragons Saga Starts Now in Ashfall!
There are 7 deadly vices -- Wrath, Envy, Pride, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, and Greed -- and 7 Great Dragons that embody them. This Summer, Galanoth and the Order of DragonSlayers need your help to cleanse our world of their terror.
The adventure begins this weekend, as you travel to AshFall DragonSlayers' Camp. Talk to Galanoth, Senna, and Gibbs to train up and prepare yourself for the coming battles.
- Quest for QuarterMaster Senna to stock the camp
- Defend Ashfall with Gibbs
- Learn Draconic Lore with DragonSlayer Loremaster Dedara*
- and talk to Galanoth to slay three fiery dragons with Galanoth as you warm-up for the adventures ahead!
* In the future, you'll be able to unlock LoreMaster Dedara's DragonSlayer Loremaster armor
Over the coming weeks, you'll need to find, face, and defeat the...
- Fire Dragon of Gluttony
- Energy Dragon of Pride
- Ice Dragon of Greed
- Slime Dragon of Sloth
- Green Dragon of Lust
- Darkness Dragon of Envy
- and the undeadly... DRAGON OF WRATH!
Each of the 7 Deadly Dragons represents a major sin and element, and each poses his (or her!) own unique threat. Take them on, destroy them, and reap the rewards!
June Custom Weapon Winner: Ethan Obi
Earlier this month, we spoke with our most recent custom weapon winner, Ethan Obi. He chose to be incredibly generous -- he wanted a version of the Shield of Awe from AdventureQuest in-game, paired with the Sovereign Lance... and he wanted it available for ANYONE who had unlocked the Blade of Awe!
That weapon -- Awethur's Accoutrements -- is now available. If you encounter Ethan Obi ingame, give him a /cheer for his generosity.
PS: Reens, Yorumi, and the team will be adding in the updated levels for the Enhancements of Awe next week.
PPS: I am on vacation all next week. Reens, Memet, and the crew will be running the show. Have a GREAT time facing the first Deadly dragon... the Dragon of Gluttony!

June 23, 2017
Quibble Coinbiter is BACK!
And this time, he needs YOUR help!
Quibble Coinbiter, the rare item seller, brings you gear “liberated” from many different timelines, and he’s back in Battleon for a few weeks. There’s just one problem -- the time-traveling fairies who supply his gear have gone missing. This weekend, log in and travel through space and time to uncover and unlock all-new rare gear!
Travel across vast distances and timelines as you hunt for gear to fill Quibble's shop.
- The clans of Aerodu and Nautica from AdventureQuest
- DragonFable's Willowshire (it's under attack!)
- The OverSoul
- Battle through many miles of the Void
- And more
As you battle, you'll have a chance to get reward drops and resources to spend in Quibble's Private Stock merge shop. Alnd along the way, try to unravel the mysterious disappearance of the time-travel fairies, or Quibble might have to hire you to fill ALL his future shops!
Quibble's Elemental Rares Shop
It's elemental - rare hunters LOVE Quibble Coinbiter! And this week, he returns with air, water, and fire-themed gear from the past, present, and future. Find the Aerodux BattleMage, Nautican Knight, and more, only available for a limited time. And thanks to the magic of time-travel, you can access Quibble's rares shop even BEFORE you begin this weekend's release!
Nulgath's Void Monk Armor
Nothing says "Void" like gear from Nulgath the ArchFiend! This weekend, as you battle your way through the Void to help Quibble Coinbiter, keep your eyes peeled and your shield up because you may just run into his li'l friend... Skew. And Skew has some mighty valuable vouchers you can exchange for Nulgath's Void Monk armor (or a Skew pet, if that's more your fancy)!
Note 1: all of the gear in Quibble's Private Stock Shop will be permanently available.
Note 2: A color-custom version of the Void Monk will be available in Quibble's shop for a limited time.
Dage's Dricken Battle
Long-time AdventureQuest Worlds artist Dage the Evil has been working primarily with the AQ3D team for a while now. But this weekend, he's returned to AQW to bring you one of his most favorite monsters... the Dricken! Find this beast in the Void and battle it to unlock its full armor set!
Darkblood Civil War Rewards
Thanks to everyone who battled to help us finish the Darkblood Civil War by the deadline - we unlocked the summer surfboard war rewards! Find the 0 AC reward boards in the locations listed below. Then find the 4 other 2018 reward surfboards in the Summer Shop... a full year early! (Thanks for the time-travel, Quibble!) These boards WILL return next year, but after that, will go rare.
The rare Darkblood Paragon armor has also been added to the war merge shop, for AdventureCoins.

June 21, 2017
War: What is it Good For?
Destroying all your Enemies! HOOOOO!
In AQWorlds, we fight wars for a few reasons -- usually because there's a conflict and the choices you make determine the outcome one way or the other. Sometimes, like with the Darkblood Civil War, we use wars to replace the regular quests, and have a pretty good idea of what the end result will be.
We have had some insanely successful wars (like the Future Dage War earlier this year) and less engaging wars. Whether a war is "successful" or not is due to a number of variables, but mainly:
- your enthusiasm
- the plot
- the reward gear
- how you get war tokens
- mid-war incentives
- and the war meter total
Building Better Wars
Reens, Memet, the team and I have spent a great deal of time this week reviewing your feedback on this war and previous, successful wars. We'll be modifying our war formula after this war to remove some options we've used previously, and to focus on the things that have made previous wars more successful.
Based on your feedback, this is what we're seeing you ask for in wars:
- Drop War medals from quests, not monsters
- Avoid "quest replacement" wars, focus on wars that DECIDE plot direction
- Add in more war challenges and mid-war incentives
Do you agree with that list? Want to add to it? If so, tweet to @Memet_AE, @Reens_AE, and @Alina_AE to share your thoughts, or post on this forum thread.
For the Darkblood Civil War, though, we want to help you all reach the 100% goal that will advance the story. To that end...
*Madra casts Primarch's Defense, renewing the strength and energy of her allies and making her enemies weaker -- Battle on my friends!*
(The war quest turn-in requirements have been reduced to help you reach your goal!)

June 20, 2017
Timed War Challenge + Changes
Finish the Darkblood War by Friday to unlock 8 new surfboards!
This week's theme is time-travel (see the Quibble Coinbiter design notes post below), and since we want to help motivate you all to finish the war, what better way than with... summer rewards from the future?!
Our 2018 Surfboards could be yours THIS WEEKEND
Now, I was planning to save these weapon-themed surfboards for our 2018 Summer Shop, but if we hit 100% on the war meter by 6 PM EST this Friday, we'll add these surfboards into the Summer Shop THIS year and you'll be able to get...
- The Legion Surfboard for Legion Tokens
- The Nulgath Surfboard for Diamonds
- And at least one other board will be available for all players, for 0 ACs
Player Feedback: War Changes
We always appreciate hearing how you guys like our releases... and when you don't, we want to know what you'd like done differently. Based on feedback from the war this weekend, we've made the following changes:
- War Medals will now only drop from the War Quests
- Get 5 War Medals from the regular quest, and 10 from the Mega quest
- The Mega Medals quest now gives 750 XP per turn in

June 16, 2017
Class Buffs and Improvements: June 16
Log in and Battle with Buffed Classes
Arklen, Yorumi, and the Class designers/testers have been hard at work making improvements to the classes for you! Read on to see what the newest buffs are, then log in and test them on the live (not PTR) servers!
Void Highlord
Animations has been updated to be less framerate intensive on older machines
Troll SpellSmith
‘Weakness Sigil’ now also reduces incoming damage by 7% with every stack.
‘Death’s Strength’ damage increased by 15%, (Originally at 10%)
‘Death’s Speed’ haste increased to 20%, (Originally at 10%)
‘Necrotic Resistance’ NEW rank 10 passive - reduce spell damage taken by 30%
‘Summon Minion’ descriptions updated to reflect original boost of 150% (it was never double damage) Self damage has been lowered
‘Weaken’ increased damage and heal by 30%, increased mana cost to 20, from 15
‘Infect’ Self damage has been lowered
‘Command Undead’ increased damage boost by 25%
NEW Doomknight skills
‘Soul Steal’ DoT damage doubled, damage on hit increased to 200%, up from 30%. Now applies ‘Cracked Soul’ which increases the target's damage taken by 10% for 8 seconds and stacks 5 times.
‘Soul Crush’ is guaranteed to hit but will never crit. Now applies either Feared or Despaired. Feared reduces the target's dodge by 50% and Despaired reduces their crit rate by 50%.
‘Void Strike’ changed to deal damage based on HP. The lower your HP, the more damage you’ll do. Previously, it was bugged to be based off only MP.
‘Blood Offering’ increased Blood Rite self buff and self damage by 70%
‘Aggression’ passive damage output increased to 15% (Originally at 10%)
‘Resolute’ passive damage taken reduced to -15%, (Originally at -10%)
Classic Doomknight
Old Doomknight skills before can be found on this item.
Obtained from Shadowfall only if you are BOTH evil (received by talking to Gravelyn in Shadowfall, evil rank does not apply) AND you have one of the Doomknight classes.
‘Noble Mark’ endurance passive reduced to 20% (Originally at 25%)
Legion Paladin
‘Shadow Plate’ endurance passive buff to 20% (Originally at 15%)
‘Soul Steal’ description updated
Fixed on the PTR server
- Chrono Assassin: Relapse no longer applies Deadlock (Works on Testing Servers!)

June 16, 2017
Reshaper Finale: Blood and Monsters
War is coming to the Darkblood, Hero!
Dark days are upon us, Hero. Kolyaban the Reshaper grows stronger every day. Her newest protege has the power to turn every beast and plant on Lore against us. The people and creatures we know and loved are... not the same. They will never be the same again.
This weekend, battle to fight Eremon and the army of Darkblood Loyalists! Work with Madra to drive them back and save our world from being broken and rebuilt into something darker, deadlier, and much more monstrous!
Darkblood Civil War Rewards
Slay your opponents in the war for a chance to get war medals. Turn those in to unlock exclusive war rewards! Once the war meter hits 100%, you'll be able to battle for a chance to get the Darkblood Zealot armor set, too.
Hit the Beach to Battle On with Summer Gear!
The Summer Shop will have all the returning seasonal rares you guys love to battle in, plus our Father's Day and Graduation celebration gear!
... And introducing this year's Limited Edition 2017 Surfboards! Last year's 2016 Designs are gone for good but this year's really rival them in style!
- Nulgath's Metamophosis surfboard
- Queen of Monsters surfboard (seasonal)
- Dynamic Duo (Warlic + Cysero) surfboard
- Legendary Twilly surfboard
- and more!
Like summer, the Summer Shop won't be around forever and once these rares are gone they won't be returning so take advantage of them while you can!

June 09, 2017
This Weekend: Kill or Cure?
The Book of Monsters, Chapter 2 continues on June 9th!
Kolyaban the Reshaper is the long-lost Goddess of the Darkblood. With her blessing, the Darkblood could become the strongest race on Lore. And as for the others she's touched... well. Her powers are mighty. And terrifying! Can the Reshapen be cured? Or is their fate already sealed? This weekend, work with Cleric Joy to discover answers to some very harsh questions:
Battle tonight's boss to get one of 8 different reward items, including the:
- Acolyte of Kolyaban armor, helm, and staff
- Hive head capes and helm
Molten Mayhem Limited Time Shop
This weekend, find the Molten Mayhem limited time shop in your game menu! Crafted by Crulon, the Igneus Assassin set will let you look SUPER hot while heating up the battlefield! Find the armor, helms, and weapons in the shop until June 23rd!
Even MORE release news
The Book of Monsters and Molten Mayhem shop aren't all you'll find tonight! Check out the following...
- 6 new hair styles (3 male, 3 female) in Bev's Hair Shop in /battleontown
- Battle the Reaper in /thevoid for a chance to get new level 85 member and non-member PVP amulets
- The BroodFiend talons (available in our June upgrade package bonus) have been fixed.

June 08, 2017
Artix at Anime Orlando
AdventureQuest 3D at Anime Festival Orlando 2017
Come see us and our snazzy, spectacular, deadly, doom-filled AdventureQuest 3D booth and panel at the convention this weekend.
WHAT: Anime Festival Orlando
WHY: AdventureQuest 3D Booth and Panel!
WHERE: Wyndham Orlando Resort
WHEN: This weekend: Friday June 9th through Sunday June 11th
WHO: AdventureQuest 3D, Artix, & Stryche from
AdventureQuest 3D Panel!
Saturday at 10:30am (OMG, who wakes up this early!?) in Lime (a.k.a. Panel Room 1). And yes, I will attempt to live-host a 100-ish person room dungeon :D All of you who are unable to make it are welcome to join us.

June 05, 2017
This weekend: Kill or Cure?
The Book of Monsters, Chapter 2 continues on June 9th!
Kolyaban the Reshaper is the long-lost Goddess of the Darkblood. With her blessing, the Darkblood could become the strongest race on Lore. And as for the others she's touched... well. Her powers are mighty. And terrifying! Can the Reshapen be cured? Or is their fate already sealed? This weekend, work with Cleric Joy to discover answers to some very harsh questions:
If you are not up to date on our Book of Monsters: The Reshaper storyline, now's the time to log in and get battling! The story so far...
The Reshaper 1: Rumors of a Goddess?!
Your journey begins with Aria as the two of you travel from the Neverglades Battlecamp to /pilgrimage. Aria senses a disturbance in Lore's "spirit" and it's coming from the area surrouding a camp of Darkblood Pilgrims.
You'll also meet Eremon and his group of travelers, Darkblood who have journeyed in search of Kolyaban, daugher of the Queen of Monsters, and their legendary ancestor! Rumors of her appearance filtered back to Thunderforge, and a contingent was sent to discover more information.
The Rehaper: Element of Change
Seasons change from spring to summer, fall to winter. Stars fade, and children grow. For almost 15 years, we’ve watched Aria blossom into a remarkable young girl. But nothing stays the same forever. Now, the time has come for her and the Darkblood race to branch out. Aria's ready to make her mark on the world... you and Eremon just need to find her first!
RIGHT NOW, log in and battle alongside Eremon, leader of the band of Darkblood Pilgrims, as you attempt to rescue the kidnapped Aria AND search for any sign of his goddess, Kolyaban, first daughter of the Queen of Monsters!
Find the Darkblood LoreKeeper armor in the Rep shop and 6 new monster and boss drops as you battle the creatures in the /twistedcavern!
Oh. And we don't want to spoil anything for you but... OMG YOU GUYS, a THING HAPPENED! When you hit the big surprise, tweet me your reaction!

June 02, 2017
June Upgrade Bonus: Legendary Broodfiend
This Friday, upgrade to unlock the Legendary Broodfiend gear!
This weekend, Nulgath the ArchFiend returns to create a very special set for our June upgrade bonus: the Legendary BroodFiend armor set! Unlock this fiendishly-awesome gear when you buy any membership or AdventureCoin package worth $10 USD or more starting this Friday, June 2nd, at 6 PM EST. This upgrade bonus leaves July 7th, 2017. Full package details will be released later this week!
Unlock the Arch Broodfiend armor set with exclusive weapons when you get a 12 month membership or 12000 AdventureCoin package. Sections of the Arch Broodfiend gear are color customizable, as shown below:
Tier 1: Legendary Broodfiend of Nulgath
Shown on the left in the image above
Get the Gear with a
Tier 2: ArchBroodfiend of Nulgath
Shown on the right in the image above
Get the gear for both tiers with a
Unlock the rewards
The AQ3D team is also planning to release the Legendary Broodfiend gear in the future, but based on the extensive modelling changes the outfit will require, we do not have a set date. Keep an eye on their Design Notes for an announcement and more details in the future!

June 02, 2017
This Weekend: Elements of Change
The Reshaper's Story continues on June 2nd!
Seasons change from spring to summer, fall to winter. Stars fade, and children grow. For almost 15 years, we’ve watched Aria blossom into a remarkable young girl. But nothing stays the same forever. This weekend, the time has come for her and the Darkblood race to branch out. Aria's ready to make her mark on the world... you and Eremon just need to find her first!
RIGHT NOW, log in and battle alongside Eremon, leader of the band of Darkblood Pilgrims, as you attempt to rescue the kidnapped Aria AND search for any sign of his goddess, Kolyaban, first daughter of the Queen of Monsters!
Find the Darkblood LoreKeeper armor in the Rep shop and 6 new monster and boss drops as you battle the creatures in the /twistedcavern!
Oh. And we don't want to spoil anything for you but... OMG YOU GUYS, a THING HAPPENED! When you hit the big surprise, tweet me your reaction!

June 01, 2017
Honoring Daimyo the BattlePuppy
The Heart of Battleontown just got bigger
Thank you to all of you on Twitter and Facebook and our forums who were so passionate about having the statue in Battleon change to honor Daimyo.
Equal thanks to whichever of you sneaky staff members went and actually made the change! It was heartwarming to see that the fountain in town now has a statue of our very own symbol of loyalty, hope… and extreme moonlight undead-slaying.
So today is the start of a brand-new holiday… Wishing Day. We are going to add a series of quests onto the fountain, which will be a story that people can enjoy year-round. And on this day next year, a very special thing will happen, just as, today, and today only, everyone can get the Daimyo statue to place in your in-game house and members can get the Daimyo member pet.

June 01, 2017
June 2017 Event Schedule
Don't miss the hottest releases of the year!
The Queen of Monsters' new saga, the Book of Monsters, heats up our June release schedule as we delve deep into the tale of Kolyaban the Reshaper! Her goal: to break our world down and rebuild it - better, stronger, darker, deadlier!
June 2
- Book of Monsters: Element of Change
- June Upgrade bonus gear from Nulgath
- 15% Gold + XP boost
June 9
- Book of Monsters: Kill or Cure?
- Molten Mayhelm Limited Time Set
June 16:
- Book of Monsters: Blood and Monsters
- Event Rares + Summer Shop + Father's Day shop
June 23
- Quibble's Hunt through Time
- Quibble's Elemental Rares Shop
June 30
- The Great Dragon Raids
- 25% Gold, XP, CP, Rep boost