Design Notes
November 26, 2021
Now available: Dark Holiday 2021 Gear
The darkest gear of the year is here!
Our Dark Holiday 2021 Collection, featuring a backpack FULL of new Black Friday rares, is now available in Battleon! Find dark variants of your favorite gear arrive, plus all-new sets created just for this shop. The seasonal Black Friday gear also returns. Read on for more information about the gear you'll find in the shop this weekend!
Dark Holiday 2021 Collection Chest: Unlock 175+ items
Rare collectors, take note! The Dark Holiday 2021 Collection Chest -- with all of the new seasonal and rare event items -- will be available for 10,000 ACs and contains ALL of the Dark Holiday 2021 rare + new seasonal shop items (over 50,000 ACs worth of gear).
Dark Holiday 2021 Collection Chest contains:
- Dage the Obsidian armor, helm, cape, sword
- Cyber J6 armor + helm
- Dark Celestial Avenger armor, helms, capes, and weapons
- Shadowed Gothika armor
- Onyx Dragon of Time
- Rose Warrior Coif
- Enchanted Obsidian and Cyber Frostreaver blades
- Dark Gothic Casket Mace
- Dark Celestial Guardian armor
- Obsidian T-421 armor
- Dark Apocalyptic Conqueror's armor and helms
- Onyx Mage Robes and Cowl
- Onyx Vampire of Nulgath armor + helm
- Onyx ZombieSlayer armor
- Shadow's Costume
- Shadow Witch + Warlock armor + helms
- Royal Legion Vampire, Enchanted Shadow Vampire, Rosy Legion Vampire sets
- Onyx Drone Pet
- Dark Avenger's axes + Reaver
- Onyx Monarch of Monsters armor + helms
- Black Blood Fiend of Nulgath
- Obsidian Halo of Nulgath
- Onyx Wings of Nulgath
- Shadow Leeches of Nulgath
- Darkfiend Backblades of Nulgath
- Dark Fangs of Nulgath
- Obsidian Fury armor, helms, cape, and blade*
- Neon Sage and Void of Revontheus
- Onyx Shinobi armor, helms, capes, weapons
- Shadow Vordred Armor + Sword
- Shadowed Drow Helm
- Shadow Ripper + Miasma Blades
- Cyber Dread Paladin + Saw Variant
- Dark McLuck armor + helm
- Arata Gamer Gear armor, helms, capes, weapons
- DeathWealker and Cloaked DeathWalker armor, helms, capes, weapons
- plus more gear to come on Cyber Monday!
* If you purchased the Golden Fury upgrade pack, you will find these variants for free in your Book of Lore badge shop.
Undead Legion Token Merge:
- Shadowed Legion Vampire armor
- Shadowed Legion Vampire helm
- Shadowed Legion Vampire bats
These items are available for Legion Tokens in the Undead Legion Merge shop, and will go rare on December 10th, 2021.
Dark Holiday 2021 drops from the BOGO DRONE Prime in /blackfridaywar:
- Onyx Masquerade armor, helms, and fan (seasonal)
- Chocolate Cake Helm + Pink Cake Helm (rare)
- Rose Glasses and Rose Hunting Hood helms (seasonal)
- Shadow Demonhunter + Demonhuntress Horns (rare)
- Shadow Vordred Helm (seasonal)
Read on for important information
A few important tips to remember:
- All of this year's event rare items are available individually from the Black Friday Shop in your game menu until the event leaves December 10th.
- The Hollowborn Collection Chest is a seasonal item and will not be included in the Dark Holiday Collection Chest.
- In order to prevent shop abuse, the Dark Holiday 2021 Collection Chest and DeadM0g pet cannot be sold.
New HollowBorn Boss Battle
This weekend, /join hbchallenge and find Hel Fö, the Hollowborn Judge's disciple. She passes judgements handed down by the ShadowFiend. No matter the outcome of the judgment, it will always be fair... and the Hollowborn Judge's sentence is final. Complete her quests to collect Hollowborn Writs, then use them in the merge shop to an all-new set of gear.
Next week: the pieces of the Hollowborn DoomKnight set will arrive, but you can begin farming for them now!
Note: The /shadowharvest map has been renamed to /shadowcliff. The maps are now permanently available. Happy Hollowborn reward farming!
HollowBorn Collection Chest
The Hollowborn Evoker set, created for Black Friday by AQW Community artist, Yo Lae, is a Black Friday seasonal collection chest. Unlock a TON of dark, deadly items for 5,000 AdventureCoins when you get the Hollowborn Chest pet (items available in the pet's shop).
The Hollowborn Collection includes:
- Hollowborn Collection chest pet (has shop for all the gear)
- Hollowborn Lightning pet (with quest for character page badge)
The Hollowborn Chest is seasonal, and will return every Black Friday. (Please note, the Hollowborn Chest does not receive new items each year, and will not receive the 2021 Hollowborn Judge or DoomKnight farming items. You can battle the boss this weekend to unlock those.)
We’re very sorry, but we cannot offer exchanges or compensation or exchanges on IoDA choices when an item is recoloured and released for Black Friday or Cyber Monday anymore. The IoDA program allows you to access rare items you would not otherwise have access to. Due to this, and the fact that recolours are not the same as the original items, we can no longer give any additions bonus or compensation for these items.

November 24, 2021
Happy Harvest Fest, Heroes!
New Boss Battle, New Rewards, and New Rare Items
Greetings and good eatings, hero! The Harvest Queen has finally arrived to help you, Oishii, and all your friends celebrate! She is fresh off the vine and ready to dine… on you! JUST KIDDING! (That's the job of her royal spouse, the Great Pumpking.) She's here with sweet treats to reward you for surviving another year, and to give you an opportunity to reap what you sow.
We've got a bountiful release for you this weekend:
- /join harvestqueen to battle the boss + get reward drops
- /join stonewood to complete VORDRED'S new quest for the Skullbreaker Knight gear
- Return this Friday for our Black Friday Collection and seasonal event maps
Harvest Treats for Victorious Heroes
Talk to Gourdlin in /harvestqueen, then defeat his mistress to collect all of the pieces of this year's sweet new seasonal sets, the CandyCorn Sweater outfit, Pumpkin Magus set, and the Pumpkin House.
Featured Rare Gear Set: Vordred's Knight
Find the color-customizable rare Vordred's Knight armor, helms, DOOM Blade, spear, Reavers, and Vordred's Shadow Axe of Destiny in the Featured Gear Shop in your Game Menu until December 10th!
The shop contains:
- Vordred's Knight armor
- Hood, Shadow Hood, and Hooded Skull helms
- Spikes, Cloak, and Spiked Cloak capes
- Vordred's DOOM Blade
- Vordred's Knight Spear
- Vordred's Knight Reaver and Dual Reavers
- Vordred's Knight Dagger
- Vordred's Knight Axe + Blade
- Vordred's Shadow Axe of Destiny
We've also got a permanent (non-color customizable) farming version of the Vordred's Knight set! Talk to VORDRED in /stonewood. He's got two new quests for you to unlock the pieces of the SkullBreaker Knight set.
Learn his ways of TALKING IN ALL CAPS AND BREAKING SKULLS! (Members: you have an exclusive quest to get double the amount of merge resources)
Server + Client Updates
Log in now to check out all of the new features, fixes, and Advanced Options menu updates from Spider and Captain Rhubarb! Thanks to all of the team testers (and last night's late night player testers) who gave early feedback and bug reports.
OMG 3.001 - 11/17/2021
# Additions
- Added a "search" box to the house inventory, house bank, and regular bank
- Added a new "Character Select" screen (Must be turned on in Advanced Options) (Does not work for users who log in through the blue Facebook button)
- Added an "equip" button for houses in the house inventory (no unequip button)
- Max stack counter for temporary items
- New Gun Animations (for HandGun and Rifle)
- New Item Type: Gauntlet
- New Item Type: HandGun
- New Item Type: Misc
- New Item Type: Rifle
- New Item Type: Whip
- New Whip Animations
# Fixes
- Fixed "Hide Ads" from Death not properly saving
- Fixed DoT resistance showing a negative value when it should be positive in the "Stats Panel"
- Fixed a full item inventory preventing you from picking up house items
- Fixed an issue with house items bypassing the inventory limit after transferring from bank
- Fixed bank <-> inventory item transfer being interrupted when the player closes the bank interface too fast
- Fixed friends list still being capped at 125 when it should be 225
- Fixed mount armors
- Fixed non-working link in the "Currency Help" interface
- Fixed the "search" term persisting for the bank
- Fixed the "search" term persisting for the inventory
- Fixed the issue of the "Item Inventory" button showing at the bottom of the shop interface
- Fixed the issue with the bank scrolling to the top when making changes to the bank items
- Fixed the options interface opening at the same time as other interfaces
- Fixed wrong backhairs showing in cutscenes (?)
# Changes
- "Target Random Monster" is smarter and makes sure that the next random monster isn't one you're already targetting
- Buying an item from a shop when said item is in the bank is now allowed
- Chat warning text color is now a darker shade of red
- Friends list refreshes after 30 seconds (open and close to trigger) (does not work in combat)
- Item Block List is now alphabetized
- Lowered "Cancel Combat" cooldown to match your class's auto attack cooldown (Minimum of 2 seconds)
- Monsters now face the player correctly after a respawn
- Tweaked Chat UI's "Minimal Mode" functionality and made messages disappear after 45 seconds
# Removals
- Removed inaccurate hover tooltip text for stats in the inventory
OMG 3.002 - 11/23/2021
# Changes
- Changed "Character Select Screen" into an Advanced Option
- Change "Character Select Screen"'s password box to white color
- Removed stacking UIs in "Character Select Screen"
# Fixes
- Removed new house code that accidentally rolled out
- Fixed "Character Select Screen" not obeying "Hide Helm" and "Hide Cloak"
- Fixed "back" button in the "Character Select Screen" going to the server select screen
- Fixed Server List button in options redirecting straight to the "Character Select Screen"
- Fixed "Add New Character" button in the "Character Select Screen" going directly to the server select screen
- Fixed Misc items not being able to be previewed in the bank
OMG 3.003 - 11/24/2021
# Changes
- Censor Profanity setting is now account based (will not save until friday)
# Fixes
- Fixed NaN display in the "Battle Analyzer"
- Fixed "Battle Analyzer" clearing on stop
- Fixed "Character Select Screen" not properly deleting characters
Players will have their Character Select Screen reset once for this fix
Leaving Soon: mark your calendars
Don't miss out on your favorite limited time events, stories, and gear!
November 30:
- Daily gifts released between Nov 1 - 15
- Harvest Hunters seasonal set
December 10th:
- Black Friday 2021 Collection Chest
- Harvest Events and seasonal rewards
Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!
Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.
Download the Launcher at, then log in and get back to battling right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.

November 24, 2021
Get 50% more FREE ACs
Our 2021 Holiday AdventureCoin Bonus Starts Now
NOW AVAILABLE! Get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any Adventure or Membership package until January 10th! If you're excited about the upcoming Black Friday and Cyber Monday items, or are gearing up for all our December holiday items, now's the time to top up your ACs.
Note: If you purchased any AdventureCoins or Membership packs on November 18th, you'll ALSO get the bonus added to your account automatically.
Get 60,000 ACs while our Holiday Bonus is on!
During our 2021 Holiday AdventureCoin bonus, get 60,000 ACs for $99.95 (that's 20,000 ACs more than normal!) and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA).
Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!
The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.
How to Claim your MIoDA Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice
Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!
That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers, where we'll increase the amount of ACs you get with each pack. (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.

November 19, 2021
New Set: Dark + Virtual Criminals
Now available in the Wheel of Doom merge shop!
Time to SPIN THE WHEEL OF DOOM! Then use your Treasure Potions to unlock a dark new set in the Wheel of Doom merge shop as we prepare for Black Friday next week! /join Doom to check out the Virtual Criminal + Dark Virtual Criminal sets tonight!
Find all of the set gear in the Wheel of Doom merge shop:
- Virtual Criminal armor, helms, cape, and weapons
- Dark Virtual Criminal armor, helms, and weapon
Get your Free Spins
Everyone loves to get prizes... and that's why everyone in AdventureQuest Worlds will get at least one free spin on the Wheel of Doom per week.
- Members get one free spin a day while their upgrade is active
- All players get one free spin a week.
Spin the Wheel, Collect Treasures, Choose Your Prize
Each time you spin the Wheel of Doom, you'll get a Treasure Potion to spend in the Doom Merge Shop. Save up 1,000 and you'll be able to buy a Wicked Item of Donated Awesomeness. Each WIoDA lets you choose a rare or valuable item* straight from your account manager.
How to Claim your Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice
Redeem IoDA tokens to get even MORE bonuses
For each of the first six eligible IoDA tokens you receive, you'll get a FREE Bonus IoDA. The eligible tokens are the Ultimate, Epic, Platinum, Wicked and Golden tokens. After that, you'll get a free Bonus IoDA for every 3 eligible IoDA you redeem, with no maximum stack. So if you have that dream set of gear you want to create... now you'll be able to.
After you redeem your...
- 1st IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
- 2nd IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
- 3rd IoDA, you'll unlock 1free bonus IoDA
- 4th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
- 5th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
- 6th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
Then, for every 3 IoDA you redeem, you'll unlock another free bonus IoDA.
After you redeem your...
- 7th, 8th, and 9th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
- 10th, 11th, and 12th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
And so on. The 3:1 bonus IoDA ratio starts after you get your first 6 free BIoDA, regardless of when you received them. (Example: if you've redeemed a total of 21 IoDA tokens, you'll unlock 11 BIoDA total. The first 6 BIoDA at a 1:1 ratio, and then 5 more at the 3:1 ratio.)
* Exceptions include staff personal items, custom weapon contest prizes, HeroMart items, etc

November 19, 2021
EbilCorp Returns... For GOOD
Trust Chairman Platinum. Really. Honest.
Chairman Platinum, our favorite corporate villain, is back with a new plot to take over *COUGH* I mean plan to become a force for good, and he's convinced a squad of NPCs to help him share his message with the world. /join ebiltower to suss out his scheme... because you KNOW there's more to this than meets the eye.
And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Ebil Employee Recognition Rewards
Chairman Platinum is a good, honest, GENEROUS employer. And if you do right by him, he'll make sure to reward you appropriately. Battle through /ebiltower to get the pieces of the Ebil Operative set, then merge them into color-custom variants
Leaving Soon: mark your calendars
Don't miss out on your favorite limited time events, stories, and gear!
Nov 15:
- Daily gifts released between Oct 18 - 31
- Mogloween events + rare gear
November 30:
- Daily gifts released between Nov 1 - 15
- Harvest Hunters seasonal set
Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!
Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.
Download the Launcher at, then log in and get back to battling right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.

November 19, 2021
November 19, 2021 Patch Notes
Check the List to see what's been fixed
Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at
Class Fixes
- Fixed a bug on Defender which caused its Shield's Blessing and Energizing Rally auras to not apply to other players.
- Fixed a bug on Troll Spellsmith's Frostflame skill that sometimes caused an aura to not apply.
- Updated Troll Spellsmith's Frostflame skill description for clarity.
- Fixed an inaccurate description on Blood Titan's Blood Volume Passive.
- Changed the magical damage on Drakel Warlord's Expertise passive to Crit Chance.
- Fixed a bug on Arcane Dark Caster's Arcane Overwhelming which caused it to apply an HoT.
- Fixed a bug on Grim Necromancer's Grim Speed passive which caused it to increase outgoing damage instead of Haste.
- Added missing rank 10 passive on Love Caster.
- Added missing rank 10 passive on Barber.
- Updated Dark Caster's descriptions for clarity.
- Updated Shaman's Hydrophobia description for clarity.
- Updated Warrior's On Guard description for clarity.
Item Fixes
- The Royal BattleMage Armor was renamed to Royal Magus

November 18, 2021
2021 Achievement Tracker Rewards
The more you play, the more rewards you'll unlock!
Every time you log into AQWorlds, you've got some goal: meeting up with friends, ranking your newest class, or farming for the Blinding Light of Destiny. The sense of satisfaction when you accomplish that goal is one of the best things about playing AQW! But we want to give you even MORE rewards for playing... and that's where the Achievement Tracker comes in.
Every achievement pack is a full item set; when you log in with this gear equipped, you'll have an immediate WOW factor.
Achievement Tracker Rewards for 2021
- Membership: Fusion Legends set + Golden Item of Donated Awesomeness
- AdventureCoins: color-customizable Archon Creationist set + Golden Item of Donated Awesomeness
- Time Played: color-customizable TimeWalker set + CC Eternal Flame capes + weapons
The Membership and Adventurecoins achievements each come with a cape that contains a quest for your Golden Item of Donated Awesomeness. Follow the instructions on the item to claim your prize!
The color-customizable Fusion Legends set contains:
- Fusion Hero armor
- Fusion Summoner armor
- Fusion Rider armor
- Fusion Summoner helms
- Fusion Creation + Fusion Destruction Battle Pets*
- Elemental Creation, Destruction, and Equilibrium weapons
- Fusion Avatar's Lady cape (with quest)
- Golden Item of Donated Awesomeness
*in honor of your years of membership, these battle-pets are 0 AC only, and can be used even without an active membership.
The Archon Creationist set contains:
- Archon Creationist armor color-custom
- Legendary Creationist armor color-custom
- Creator's Vision Morph helms (click to change the expression to one of 6 options)
- Creator's Masks and Hood helms
- Creator's sword, polearm, and daggers
- Creator's Arsenal cape (with quest)
- Golden Item of Donated Awesomeness
The TimeWalker set contains:
- Super-Charged TimeWalker armor color-custom
- TimeWalker armor color-custom
- TimeWalker helms
- TimeWalker capes
- Enchanted Eternal Flame cape color-custom
- Enchanted Eternal Flame Arch cape color-custom
- Enchanted Eternal Flame mace + daggers color-custom
What IS the Achievement Tracker?
If you're just hearing about the Achievement Tracker, it is one of the ways we reward you for staying, playing, and supporting AdventureQuest Worlds!
- Time Played Badges track how old your account is (1 week, 1 year, 5 years, etc)
- Sagas Completed Badges track which of the main storyline sagas you've finished
- Loyalty Badges tracks the support our Legends and AC buyers have contributed
Some of these rewards may take a while to unlock, but don't worry... they will never leave, so you can keep battling towards your goal!
- 3 different achievement categories: Sagas completed, Time Played, Loyalty
- 60+ badges and 250+ items
- 250+ permanent reward items for you to unlock, including the NEW gear below!
And the best news: ALL of the progress you've ever made count towards the Achievement Tracker!
How to unlock your rewards:
- Once you see an achievement unlocked on your Tracker, head in-game
- Open up your Book of Lore and go into the Achievements tab
- Scroll through your badges until you find your new badge and its shop
- Open the shop and get all the gear (0 ACs for free storage!)
Sagas Completed
Keep track of the main sagas in the 13 Lords of Chaos that you've completed! Grey badges mean you have yet to unlock the shop. Colored badges mean you can head in-game and find the reward shop in your Book of Lore!
- Prologue: Ascended Avatar's Blade
- Shadowfall: Shadow's Fang Gear
- Chiral Valley: Phoenix Hunter Set
- Dwarfhold: Mountain's Heart Gear
- Yokai: Amethyst Enchantment Gear
- Darkovia: Sapphire Enchantment Gear
- Mythsong: Rockstar Armor
- Arcangrove: Arcana Invoker
- Sandsea: Sun's Tear Gear
- Bloodtusk: Horcs Master Phoenix Hunter Set
- Bloodtusk: TrollsElite Phoenix Hunter Set
- The Span: Ruler of the Deep Set
- Thunderforge: Blood Summoner Set
- Swordhaven: Cyber Ruler Set
- Mirror Realm: Mirror Daimyo Pet
- Chaos Realm: Lore's Champion Set
Time Played
Keep track of how old your account is... the longer you've been with us, the more rewards you get! Grey badges mean you have yet to unlock the shop. Colored badges mean you can head in-game and find the reward shop in your Book of Lore!
Time Played
- 1 week: Ornate Blade of Light
- 1 month: Hunter's Gear
- 3 months: Vasalkar's Champion Set
- 6 months: Emerald Emperor's General Set
- 12 months: Beastmaster Ravager
- 15 months: DoomKnight Battlemage Set
- 2 years: Doomknight Shadowmage Set
- 3 years: Prismatic Laser Set
- 4 years: Bright Amadis Set
- 5 years: Cyber Dreadhaven General Set
- 6 years: Gravelyn's Champion Set
- 7 years: Light Mage armor set
- 8 years: NostalgiaQuest zone
- 9 years: Shadowfall Fortress House
- 10 years: Color-Custom Pirate class variant + set
- 11 years: 1,000 AdventureCoins + Blades of Honor items
- 12 years: Death Alive armor set + Death's NPC armor/helm
- 13 years: TimeWalker set + CC Eternal Flame capes + weapons
The heroes who support the game by purchasing memberships and AdventureCoins are the lifeblood of AQWorlds! Without them, we could not keep the servers running or so much of the game available to anyone who wants to sign up and play. To thank them, we have several inventories' full of exclusive gear!
Each of the items in the Loyalty Achievement category come with a bonus, special item animation... or both as our way of saying THANKS!
What counts for the totals?
- Each month of membership you've purchased (total time purchased, not used)
- ACs included in membership packages you've purchased
- The 5k bonus AC add-on you can choose to add to membership packages
- Any regular AC packages you've purchased
- ACs earned through doing AExtras offers
- 1 month: Gandolphin Pet
- 2 months: Ultimate Flame Katana
- 3 months: Celestial Paladin Set
- 6 months: Illusionist Set
- 9 months: Phoenix Armor
- 12 months: Elite Asgardian Set
- 15 months: Bitterblade Rogue Set
- 2 years: Chaos Watcher Armor
- 3 years: DragonSlayer Inquisitor Set
- 4 years: Jade Dragon Mage Set
- 5 years: Toxic Flame Biker Morph and house item
- 6 years: Nulgath Evolution set
- 7 years: Light Mage armor set
- 8 years: Swordhaven Castle house
- 9 years: Evolved Grenadier class variant + set
- 10 years: Bonus item of Donated Awesomeness
- 11 years: Lion's Pride Paladin sets + Bonus item of Donated Awesomeness
- 12 years: Fusion Legends set + Golden Item of Donated Awesomeness
- 500 ACs: Floating Matrix Conduit Katana pet
- 2000 ACs: Blazing Chaos Gear
- 12000 ACs: Overclocked Techsuit Set
- 25000 ACs: Noxious Symbiote Armor
- 50000 ACs: Toxic Symbiote Armor
- 100,000 ACs: Necromancer Rising Set
- 200,000 ACs: Platinum GryphonRider Set
- 300,000 ACs: Swordhaven Mansion house
- 500,000 ACs: Brightfall Fortress House
- 750,000 ACs: Bonus Item of Donated Awesomeness
- 1,000,000 ACs: Yokai Shadow sets + Bonus Item of Donated Awesomeness
- 1,100,000 ACs: Archon Creationist set + Golden Item of Donated Awesomeness
Achievement Tracker Rewards: The Whys and Whats
A "reward" is, by definition, something that must be earned. It's given in return for service, merit, hardship, etc.
- For players who unlock the "Time Played" badges, the achievement tracker gear is a reward for their dedication and stamina, for staying with our community.
- For players who unlock the "Sagas Completed" badges, the achievement tracker gear is a reward for their skill and drive to complete the many in-game sagas.
- For players who unlock the "Loyalty" badges, the achievement tracker gear is a reward for having the desire and ability to financially support the development of the game.
Achievement tracker gear is a bonus, an extra bit of "oomph" to make the act of reaching the goals even more awesome!
For those of you unlocking new achievements this year, I hope you enjoy your bonuses! For those of you who are SO CLOSE to beating that saga or reaching that anniversary, keep at it! For those of you who have helped allow us to continue updating each week, thank you for your support!
Remember: none of the achievement tracker rewards go rare. If you can't get the thing you want today, it will still be here tomorrow, next month, and next year!

November 18, 2021
Darkon's Birthday Art Contest
Darkon Saga Fan Art Contest
With Darkon’s Saga reaching its halfway point, we decided to hold a Darkon fan art contest to celebrate! Can you channel your nightmares into creating something truly dark for him? Just make sure your tribute features the lord of nightmares himself, or at least one member of The Scale!
November 18th 2021 - December 22nd 2021
- Create one piece of art featuring Darkon, and/or at least one member of the Scale.Note: The Scale is a group of individuals who help Darkon to achieve his goal.
- Include your in game name in your submission post
- Use the hashtag #HappyBDayDarkon
- You have ONE chance to enter! So make your art and then come back here!
ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOTE: To reward the members of The Scale, Darkon has generously decided to create 2 items for the winners, based on the 2 most popular members of The Scale, so make sure you vote!
1 Grand Prize Winner
- Artix Points
- Character Page Badge
- An in-game item based on Darkon
- In-game items from the other winning tiers.
Winner’s Circle
- Artix Points
- Character Page Badge
- An in-game item based on the Scale member with the most votes
- An in-game item from Runner Up tier.
Runner Up
- Artix Points
- Character Page Badge
- An in-game item based on the Scale member with the second most votes
Darkon, The Scale, and the whole team at Artix Entertainment wish you luck!
Darkon's Birthday Fanart Contest
You can check out all the entries, and also enter your own fan art RIGHT HERE

November 12, 2021
New Darkon's Saga Rare Gear
Available from your Featured Gear Shop until November 30!
To help you bring the pain to any enemies you encounter in battle, Darkon and Rare crafted a series of incredibly wicked new reward and shop items for you to collect and equip! Find these limited time rares for AdventureCoins in your Featured Gear Shop, available in your Game Menu until November 30th.
Check out the Featured Gear Shop to find:
- Astravian Court Alchemist armor, weapons, and helms
- La's Brawling armors + helm
- La's Bat
- Juror's Head morph helm
- Trumpeter's Wings cape
Gear with 25% damage boost to Human monsters:
- Astravian Alchemist's Holy Light cape
- Astravian Alchemist's Gate cape
- Transmuted Pet

November 12, 2021
Darkon's Saga V: Song of Judgement
This weekend: Darkon's Elegy of Madness continues
Screams of madness, cries of pain, sing out judgement's sweet refrain. Log in this weekend as we continue Darkon’s Saga with an all-new chapter! Darkon has successfully summoned the Primordial Judgement. But now, YOU must battle through the unrecognizable city to rescue whatever survivors you can find... IF the members of The Scale don't stop you. A reckoning awaits you in... /astraviajudge!
To help you bring the pain to any enemies you encounter in battle, Darkon and Rare crafted a series of incredibly wicked new reward and shop items for you to collect and equip!
Monster drops:
- La's Armor
- La's Eyepatch & Morph helms
- La's Coat cape & Trumpet mace
- Liquified Life-Force & Juror house items
- Astravia Castle house
Merge shop:
- Mi's Attire armor
- Mi's Sleeveless Attire armor
- Mi's Morph, Hair, & Antennae helms
And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
New Weekly Challenge Boss: King Drago
What if the Hero met Re instead of La during the attack on Astravia Castle? If you survive Astravia's Judgement and are at least level 80, talk to redacted at the end of /astraviajudge to take on King Drago himself!
In this scenario, Re has just finished leading the charge through Astravia Castle, slaughtering most of Drago’s army in her wake. All that remains is King Drago and his 2 top generals, but Drago is empowering them through his magic. Can The Hero defeat Drago before Judgement arrives and liquifies everyone? That's for you to decide.
King Drago can be defeated once a week* for 5 of his Insignias, which can be used to unlock new Astravian themed items!
- Prince Darkon's Poleaxe: Requires level 80. Deals 75% more damage to Humans when equipped
- Dene's Axe: Requires level 80. Deals 40% more damage to Humans when equipped
- Algie's Bow: Requires level 80. Deals 40% more damage to Humans when equipped
- Drago's Royal Guard: Requires level 80. Gives 35% more Experience and Class Points when equipped
- Drago's Royal Guard's Helmet: Requires level 80.
- Drago's Royal Guard's Cloak: Requires level 80.
King Drago battle tips:
- King Drago is being protected by his two top generals, Executioner Dene and Bowmaster Algie. As long as they are alive, no harm can befall Drago.
- Being the lazy King he is, Drago does nothing throughout the entire fight. Your real battle is with his generals.
- The more Executioner Dene attacks, the more defense he gains, and the more defense you lose!
- The more Bowmaster Algie attacks, the more damage he gains, and the more damage you lose!
- Bowmaster Algie has positioned himself strategically.
- You have about 3 minutes to defeat Drago before Judgement arrives.
*Weekly quests reset every Friday at 12:01 AM EST. If you complete a weekly quest on a Thursday, it will be available again on Friday!
Leaving Soon: mark your calendars
Don't miss out on your favorite limited time events, stories, and gear!
Nov 15:
- Daily gifts released between Oct 18 - 31
- Mogloween events + rare gear
November 30:
- Daily gifts released between Nov 1 - 15
- Harvest Hunters seasonal set
Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!
Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.
Download the Launcher at, then log in and get back to battling right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.

November 12, 2021
MoonLight Hunter Treasure Chest Set
Now Available in Twilly's Treasure Chest!
Twilly's got treasure for you: the all-new MoonLight Hunter set! Farm for Treasure Chests as you fight through the game, then open them with his Treasure Chest Keys for a chance to get the gear inside.
If you have found a Treasure Chest on a monster, you will need a Magic Treasure Chest Key to open it! If you need a key, Twilly is selling some for 200 ACs. If you have everything you need, just click Open My Chest, complete the quest and see what you got!
Open a Treasure Chest for a chance to get 1 of...
- 50+ armors
- 70+ weapons
- 90+ helms
- 15+ capes
- or 3 house items (including the Altar of Caladbolg)
- Plus the pieces of the new Midnight Hunter armor set (with color-custom tail + helm variants)
Member Perk: Upgrade your account with any membership to get 2 free Treasure Chest Keys a month! Complete Twiilly's quest on or after the 1st of every month to get your free keys, but don't forget to come back or you'll miss out!
Treasure Chests?
There is a small chance to get a mysterious Treasure Chest as a reward drop when you battle ANY monster in-game. Have you found one yet?
Treasure chests are a fun - but completely optional - way to get exclusive items in AdventureQuest Worlds. The chests have a less than 1% chance of dropping from ANY monster in the entire game. Each one contains one of over 215 epic items that you can't get anywhere else (and the number will keep growing)!
- All of the items are 0 AC so you can store them for free
- All of the items are non-member so you can use them forever
There's just one problem. You can't open the Treasure Chests without a Magic Key. The good news is that Twilly (the little red Moglin in Battleon) has a few extras and will happily sell you one for 200 ACs and open your chest for you.
Monthly Membership Perk Arrives Wednesday, December 1st
Members, log in and talk to Twilly this Sunday to claim your two FREE treasure chest keys! Collect treasure chests as you battle through Lore, then use the keys to open them for new free items.
Want to get in on this?
Upgrade your AdventureQuest Worlds character with any membership package to unlock two free Treasure Chest Keys for each month the membership is active.
* We will begin updating the treasure chest rewards again on a regular basis, so if you've already collected all the gear... get ready to unlock more in the near future!

November 12, 2021
Frostval Boss Design Winners
Design a Frostval Holiday Boss Monster Contest
Last month, we challenged the artistic, creative, crazy monster hunters, beast masters, and mad scientists in our player community to design a Frostval-themed boss monster and WOW did you all come through! Originally, we planned to put the the Grand Prize winning design into the game next month... but there were SO MANY amazing entries that we couldn't choose just one. So our winner categories expanded to include...
- 3 Grand Prize Winners: Design added in-game, 2000 AdventureCoins, 2 free Frostval Collection Chests, character page badge
- 1st Place Holly Wreath Winners: 2000 AdventureCoins, 2 free Frostval Collection Chests, character page badge
- Winner's Circle: 1000 AdventureCoins, character page badge
- Above & Beyond: 1000 AdventureCoins, character page badge
Check out ALL of the contest entries on the gallery page.
DOUBLE Grand Prize Winners
Prize: Design added in-game, 2000 AdventureCoins, 2 free Frostval Collection Chests, character page badge
Holly Wreath Winners (1st Place)
Prize: 2000 AdventureCoins, 2 free Frostval Collection Chests, character page badge
Winner's Circle
Prize: 1000 AdventureCoins, character page badge
drawingunit Somethingnewev2 Alexyzer1 GD_DaggerMouth RaymondEternal Jobim__ reflet_aq3d irryeris ItsMi99 Udinson7 NAO baoeung |
Tomo vennetrix Meisai_A EzemirV doowmood ReinesAQW ZachArtstation Akkiles_AE JnCerteza lrommelkawaii Maicompdr_AE Queen_Lizlyn |
JaseLuminary ArletteAQW hearthholm Archangel_AE Soulss_Weaver Josezeeee ChaosRipjaw JustHandeo Nimzi11 Idek6161 Marshall Bleezed shikoruyasu |
BassigClint YohanesPradhana BDPRafsanjani rruurruu77 tegarwic berwaldfranz Harumirae Karaleri_Arxin plumy09 AdeoLucifer almi_mac AlvaroAQW |
Above & Beyond Winners
Prize: 1000 AdventureCoins, character page badge
Character page badges and ACs will be awarded next week. (If you do not see your badge by next Friday, please contact Player Support with your game account name)

November 12, 2021
Happy Birthday, J6!
DING! You've leveled up in real life!
Today is J6's birthday! /cheer for him as you make your way to the Hyperium to grab the best bountyhunting birthday presents in AQWorlds! Find it in the Bounty Hunter shop, then gear up and get a move on... because adventures await across the galaxy!
His birthday shop in the Hyperium includes:
- J6's Birthday Suit
- J6's Birthday Helm
- J6's Birthday Guns
- J6's Gatling Gun cape
- J6's Gunslinger Helm
- J6's Anti-Matter Helm*
The shop will be available until at least next Friday, so get your engines in gear and start celebratin'! Want to wish J6 a Happy Birthday? Feel free to spam his Twitter with joy, happiness, and muffins.
* Made by AQW Artist Yo_Lae to match the Hollowborn items.

November 10, 2021
Server Issues Update
Server Instability Being Investigated
Over the last couple of weeks, we've been experiencing some server instability, where they are lagging or unresponsive. Captain Rhubarb is tracking down the cause and has several potential fixes in testing. Servers are still online, and we will get return to normal levels of stability as soon as humanly possible.
The server hamsters have been re-enrolled in an intensive boot camp to improve endurance and performance. I'm happy to say, they have passed with flying colors and are now rolling in their hamster balls faster than ever!
Follow Alina_AE, YoshinoAE, and Artix Support on Twitter for more real-time updates.

November 09, 2021
Server & Client Dev Blog #1
Thar She Blows!
Welcome to the first of many dev blogs for the server & client team up with Captain Rhubarb and 133spider! These dev blogs will keep you, the player, up to date with what’s coming up next for the many functional changes coming to AQWorlds! We are aware of the overwhelming suggestions being provided to us from the hardcore and loving fans, but in order to fufill those wishes, we must take it on with one big update at a time! Sit back, relax, and HEAVE-HO!
To address the overwhelming requests for the following features:
- Outfit Sets
- Cosmetic Slots
- Multi-buy, sell, turn-in, merge, enhance, etc.
- ...and many more!
We will at the very least let you know that we plan to implement ALL of these features in “update batches” called the Inventory Rework Update! The update is currently still in the brainstorming phase.
Once more, please be aware that we must focus on one big update at a time to ensure the quality of the update.
House Updates on the Horizon!
A few weeks back, we showcased the potential to own more than one house item! Last week, we sneaked in an early release at a new house feature where players were able to equip different houses without resetting any of the house items! There was also a small increase to the amount of house items players were able to place down.
In the upcoming house update, we will release the following:
- MASSIVELY large boost to house item placement space!
- More house inventory slots
- More buyable house item slots
- Stackable house items (Own more than one house item!)
- Option to horizontally flip a house item
- Better UI
Got a suggestion you want implemented into the game? Join the AE Discord and make your suggestion in the #aqw-feature-suggestions channel!

November 05, 2021
Harvest a Feast of MORE SKULLS O_O
Harvest Fest, Team Birthdays, and Vordred's Armor Quest
WOAH. We are starting November off with a CRAZY celebration with food, friends, and MORE SKULLS! *cough* I mean, a quest to unlock Vordred the PaladinSlayer's armor set! Log in, gear up, and get ready to feast upon a cornucopia of new reward gear this weekend!
Harvest Fest Returns: Are You Hungry for Adventure?!
Every year, the Harvest Fest is a time to relax and celebrate another year of prosperity with your loved ones. A time to forget about the horrors of Mogloween and look forward to another happy Frostval in the coming weeks as you digest the giant feast that Oishii the Troll Chef has prepared for you.
This year, after taste-testing all of Oishii's treats, four of our friendly game devs celebrate their birthdays by giving gifts to you! /join BirthdayFeast to begin their quests to unlock all-new armor set rewards.
Sample the tastiest battles AQW has to offer when you /join Feast, and don't miss adventures in:
- Harvest - Help Oishii, the Craziest Chef around!
- Turdraken - Take on the Turdraken for a deadly AND delicious battle!
- Float - Help Scott the Pilgrim save the Harvest Parade!
- FoulFarm - Something's foul in the Farmlands!
See all the Harvest events in our Lorepedia Guide!
PREPARE FOR EXCITED NPC SHOUTING!* Ahem. Sorry about that. Got carried away. But to the point... your quest! At long last, Vordred the PaladinSlayer's armor set will be available! This fan-favorite NPC's armor has been requested for YEARS, and now, during AQWorlds' 13th birthday year, we're finally making those dreams a reality.
/join stonewood and talk to Vordred's Skull (O_O;;) to begin the adventure... Help him get his body back, he'll make sure to give you the proper reward:
Wait for it...
* Try not to be overwhelmed by all the CAPSLOCK SHOUTING. Vordred's got no ears, so he's not a great judge of volume levels.
Leaving Soon: mark your calendars
Don't miss out on your favorite limited time events, stories, and gear!
Nov 15:
- Daily gifts released between Oct 18 - 31
November 30:
- Daily gifts released between Nov 1 - 15
- Harvest Hunters seasonal set
Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!
Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.
Download the Launcher at, then log in and get back to battling right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.

November 05, 2021
Become an Apocalyptic Dracolich
Upgrade to unlock the exclusive armor sets
An ancient prophecy foretells: when the dracoliches rise, the end of the world is near... Which side you will battle on when hordes of undead dragons fall upon Lore? Get the Apocalyptic Dracolich upgrade bonus pack when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more and unlock all the set items, a house, and a character page badge.
After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager.
Pack Details
Choose the Apocalyptic Dracolich upgrade bonus pack to unlock the full armor set.
- 2 armors
- Helms
- Capes
- Weapons
- House with customization room
- and a character page badge
Once you've chosen the Apocalyptic Dracolich upgrade bonus pack on the Account Manager page, log in and find the set's shop in the Other Achievements tab in your Book of Lore.
40000 AC package rewards:
- ALL the Apocalyptic Dracolich gear
- Mythic Item of Donated Awesomeness (redeem for almost any rare item in the game!)
- 15 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
- and a character page badge
Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.
12000 AC or 12 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the Apocalyptic Dracolich gear
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
- and a character page badge
Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.
2k and 5k AC or 1, 3, or 6 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the Apocalyptic Dracolich gear
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- and a character page badge
Don't miss our other Apocalyptic upgrade bonus sets
It has become a tradition... every November, we release a new upgrade bonus pack in the Apocalyptic series. This year, it is the Apocalyptic Dracolich. But in previous years, we launched these sets, still available through the Account Manager!
Apocalyptic LichKing Upgrade Bonus
With an army of the undead, you can destroy the world... all you need to do is create it! Unlock over 30 items in the Apocalyptic LichKing armor set when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more.
After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager.
Pack Details
Choose the Apocalyptic LichKing Upgrade Bonus Set to unlock the full armor set.
- Arcane Apocalyptic LichKing armor
- Apocalyptic LichKing armor
- Arcane Apocalyptic Necromancer armor
- Apocalyptic Necromancer armor
- 10 Helms
- 5 Capes
- 6 Weapons
- 2 Pets
- 1 Quest Pet (with a quest for 3 house items)
- and a character page badge
Once you've chosen the Apocalyptic LichKing Upgrade Bonus Set bonus on the Account Manager page, log in and find the set's shop in the Other Achievements tab in your Book of Lore.
12000 AC or 12 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the Apocalyptic LichKing Upgrade Bonus Set gear
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
- and a character page badge
Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.
2k and 5k AC or 1, 3, or 6 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the Apocalyptic LichKing Upgrade Bonus Set gear
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- and a character page badge
Apocalyptic WerePyre Upgrade Bonus
Werepyres are the ULTIMATE predators, combining the the strengths of both vampires and lycans. The time has come for a new world to rise... and the Werepyres shall will rule them all! Unlock all 16 items in the Apocalyptic WerePyre armor set when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more.
After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager.
Pack Details
Choose the Apocalyptic WerePyre pack to unlock all 16 pieces of the set, including:
- Apocalyptic Werepyre armor
- Werepyre's Shadow armor
- Malevolent Werepyre armor (upraised back-hand)
- 6 helms
- 2 capes
- 3 weapons
- 2 sword pets
- Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts added straight to your inventory
- and a character page badge

November 03, 2021
November Class Changes
Class Changes for November 5, 2021
The purpose of this week’s class changes is to balance the performance of several late-game classes by adjusting their performance levels so that they are appropriate for their respective progression points. This means that classes that are supposed to be at certain tiers still perform at a level intended for them, may no longer be as large a leap from the previous stages. Classes that have been disproportionately buffed or nerfed by changes have been adjusted back to their intended performance levels.
We have also made adjustments to the Focus aura on some of the classes that utilize it for challenge boss fights, with the intent to create more interactive mechanics in the future.
Chaos Slayer
Chaos Slayer's farming performance has greatly benefited from the respawn time and aura-on-kill changes, so we're reducing its damage output while in AoE mode, but making its heal more consistent for both modes, placing it back where it used to be, while affording it some quality of life improvements.
Chaos Blade:
- Now applies Chaos Blight only when Chaorrupted is active
- If Chaorrupted is not active, instead applies Chaos Affliction, which increases outgoing damage by 1%, stacks to 30 and lasts 5 seconds
- Surge: Heal now always activates
- Surge: Barrier can now activate alongside Surge: Heal at a 50% chance
- Reduced power of Surge: Heal proportionally
Chrono Assassin
The fix to Haste stacking and changes to Awe Enhancements have caused Chrono Assassin's damage output to far exceed what was intended for it. To address this, we have reduced the damage of its Relapse skill and corrected the values on its Condense Time aura to match the amounts that are stated in its skill description.
- Damage reduced
- Mana cost: 12 > 6
- Condense Time now increases Crit Chance and Crit Damage by the intended amount
Legion Revenant
Legion Revenant has been underperforming as of late, so we're increasing the range of all its skills and giving its Wicked Purgatory skill a couple more targets to hit, to better spotlight its performance as a farmer, and keep it competitive as one of the best farmers.
All Skills:
- Range changed to infinite
Atramentous Shade:
- Mana cost: 25 > 10
Wicked Purgatory:
- Max targets: 1 > 3 (damage distribution method still the same as the other skills)
- Mana cost: 30 > 15
Depraved Empowerment:
- Mana cost: 30 > 15
- Cooldown: 10 seconds > 6 seconds
- No longer applies Ars Arcanum
- Mana cost: 45 > 20
Vampire Lord
The changes to the Health Vamp Awe Enhancement have allowed Vampire Lord to match, and in certain situations exceed endgame farming classes, so we're reducing the frequency at which it can auto attack. The class now performs closer to what it was intended to, and what it used to.
- Cooldown: 2 seconds > 2.5 seconds
Void Highlord
A lot of recent changes made Void Highlord overwhelmingly strong in every category, so much that it was overtaking niches of numerous other classes. This is due in part to VHL-specific buffs, game engine updates such as the recent aura-on-kill change, as well as other changes before it (including HP cost skills not causing disconnections). Therefore, its performance has been adjusted accordingly -- we intend for it to remain one of the best classes in its category, just not necessarily THE best class in nearly every situation.
- No longer applies Abyssal Sacrifice (see Armageddon)
- Soul Breach DoT damage reduced
- Range changed to melee
Highlord's Gaze:
- Congealed now applies a flat -20% reduction to Haste, Hit, and Dodge (was previously only increasing by 5% per stack)
- Mana Cost: 30 > 20
- Range changed to melee
- Now applies Abyssal Sacrifice
- Mana Cost: 60 > 50
Relentless Onslaught:
- Crit Chance and Hit Chance: 15% > 20%
Undying Highlord:
- Abyssal Sacrifice now increases all damage taken instead of physical damage taken
- Abyssal Sacrifice max stacks: 20 > 10
- Abyssal Sacrifice duration: 8 seconds > 20 seconds
Yami no Ronin
Giving Yami no Ronin an overall damage boost in both its dodge and damage modes and adjusting the durations of its Ichi, Ni, and San auras to improve the flow of its skill rotations.
Additionally, some skills on the class have been renamed to better reflect the design concept, and sound more realistic.
- Some skills have been renamed
Batto and Kettou (formerly Dakuaktto and Kyuketsu):
- Flash outgoing damage, incoming damage, Hit Chance, and Crit Chance per stack: 5% > 4%
Tachi (formerly Sutoraiku):
- Ichi duration: 7 seconds > 9 seconds
- San duration: 7 seconds > 5 seconds
- San Crit Damage: 50% > 150%
Hisome (formerly Suteresu):
- Dodge: 75% > 80%
Gouyuu (formerly Sokudo):
- No longer increases incoming damage
- Now increases outgoing damage by 35
Chaos Avenger
As stated in our Dev Blog, Chaos Avenger was balanced around Void Highlord's previous performance levels, so we have reduced the damage output of Chaos Avenger accordingly. Additionally, we have moved the Focus aura from the Fury Unleashed skill to the Flux skill so that damage no longer has to be sacrificed in order to taunt.
The durations of several other skills have been adjusted to compensate for how the class will play, forming a better core skill rotation.
Chaos Greatsword:
- Damage reduced
- Mana restored: 50 > 60
Chaos Siphon:
- Defense Chaorrupted incoming damage per stack: 8% > 5%
- Defense Chaorrupted max stacks: 5 > 8
- Cooldown: 8 seconds > 6 seconds
- Now applies Focus for 4 seconds
- Chaorrupted debuff durations: 15 seconds > 20 seconds
- Cooldown: 8 seconds > 15 seconds
Chaos Bulwark:
- Cooldown: 8 seconds > 6 seconds
Fury Unleashed:
- No longer applies Focus
Dragon of Time
Dragon of Time has been falling behind its fellow late-game classes, so we're giving it a boost in farming and bossing performance, based on feedback from you all. We intend it, along with other late-game classes, to be a link between midgame and endgame.
All Skills:
- Rend max stacks: 10 > 5, DoT damage per stack increased
Rend Time:
- Damage increased
Dragon's Will:
- Mana cost: 20 > 15
- Cooldown: 4 seconds > 3 seconds
Burning Fates:
- Now always hits
- Searing Timeline DoT Resistance: -50% > -150%
- Searing Timeline duration: 5 seconds > 7 seconds
Hero's Heartbeat:
- Cooldown: 10 seconds > 8 seconds
Convergence of Destiny:
- Discordance DoT Boost per stack: 10% > 25%
- Discordance max stacks: 25 > 10
- Discordance duration: 7 seconds > 9 seconds
Divergent Providence:
- Endurance reduction: -50% > -40%
Split Timelines:
- Principles of Gravitation activation chance: 20% > 50%
Changes to Focus
We have begun to evaluate loopable taunts as they remove the need to plan around the threat of multi-target attacks from challenge monsters. With that in mind, the following classes have had adjustments made to their Focus auras. Please note that we may continue to make more changes to Focus auras in the future.
Time Rift:
- No longer applies Focus (see Severed Rift)
Severed Rift:
- Now applies Focus for 4 seconds
Naval Commander
- No longer applies Focus (see Flintlock Fury)
Flintlock Fury:
- Now applies Focus for 4 seconds

November 01, 2021
November 2021 Daily Gift Schedule
November Daily Login Gift Schedule
We know a lot of you have had unexpected schedule changes and challenges over the last year. To help keep your spirits high as we enter the new year, we're making sure that when you log into AdventureQuest Worlds, you have even more to do. More rewards to hunt for, quests to complete, and battles to win.
That's why we've added daily login gifts. Log in each day for a new item, boost, buff, or surprise. Follow AQWorldsGame on Twitter for more details and to see the newest daily gifts available for you at!