Design Notes
January 29, 2021
Holiday AC Bonus Extended!
Get 50% More AdventureCoins with any AC or membership pack
The holiday spirit is still going strong in AdventureQuest Worlds! By popular request, we’re extending the AdventureCoin bonus as we head into our February holiday events. Get 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins with any AdventureCoin or Membership package for a limited time!
Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!
That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.
Get 60,000 ACs while our Holiday Bonus is on!
For the first time in years, we are adding a new 40,000 AdventureCoin package! Get 40,000 ACs for $99.95 and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the new Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA). But while our 50% holiday bonus is on... get 60,000 ACs for $99.95!
Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!
The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.
And in the spirit of the holiday season... we will award an MIoDA for every $100 USD spent on AC and membership packages* between November 18th, 2020 and 6 PM EST on December 4th, 2020.
* Excluding the new 40k AC pack. If you bought that, you've already unlocked your MIoDA!
How to Claim your MIoDA Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice

January 29, 2021
This weekend: Frost SpiritReaver Class
A Chill Start to a New Year
Abel, the Champion of Ice, is calling for you again. A new class is yours for the taking, should you undertake the tasks to unlock it. The Frost SpiritReaver is a powerful class built for solo and PvP play, focusing on charging up with frost spirits and gaining stacks of Frozen Essence to unleash in battle.
How to Unlock the Class
You can only access the powers of the Frost SpiritReaver by attuning yourself to the Plane of Ice and completing Abel’s new tasks.
You will also need the Fallen Scythe of Vengeance (from /northstar), IceBreaker Mage armor and the FrostSlayer sword (from /iceplane), and the Envoy of Kyanos armor (from /icedungeon).
This class is permanent and non-seasonal. As long as you fulfill the requirements, you can always get this class.
Frost SpiritReaver Class Details
Description: Recommended enhancement: Wizard, Lucky
Granted a portion of the Champion of Ice’s power, Frost SpiritReavers are ice mages that battle by unleashing the power of the frost spirits that they gather.
Mana Regen: Frost SpiritReavers regain 10 Mana when using Spirit Ripper or Spirit Freeze.
Skill Breakdown
Spirit Ripper
Rank needed: Auto attack
Target: Enemy
Max targets: 1
Type: Physical
Range: Medium
Cooldown: 2 seconds
Use your ethereal Spirit to deal real damage and regain 10 Mana.
When able to gather Frozen Essence, gain 1 stack per auto attack.
A basic attack that always regenerates 10 MP. Fast, consistent damage that grants a steady flow of MP regen to power your skills.
Spirit Freeze
Rank needed: 1
Target: Enemy
Max targets: 1
Type: Physical
Range: Long
Cooldown: 4 seconds
Flash Freeze your foe’s Spirit, stunning them for 2 seconds and chilling them from the inside while gaining 10 Mana. Applies Spirit Chill, preventing Flash Frozen but reducing target Haste and Dodge by 15% for 12 seconds (doesn’t refresh).
When able to gather Frozen Essence, gain 2 stacks per cast.
This skill only stuns your foe if they don’t already have Spirit Chill. This is similar to Lord of Order’s ultimate skill, but more as a combo piece. Even then, using this at the start of battle gives you the time you need to charge up your other skills. Also regenerates 10 MP to use for your more costly skills.
Spirit Charge
Rank needed: 2
Target: Self
Max targets: 1
Type: Magical
MP Cost: 50
Cooldown: 14 seconds
Drain energy from the frigid environment to heal and protect yourself. Gain Spirit Vanishing for 6 seconds, reducing incoming damage by 30%.
If your Spirit is being Synchronized, Fully Synchronize for 3 seconds, increases Hit Chance by +100% and Outgoing Magical Damage by 150%.
When able to gather Frozen Essence, gain 5 stacks per cast.
A strong healing skill that grants you damage resistance. Fully Synchronized Spirit offers an enormous boost to magical damage that greatly empowers your final skill. Some of your other skills also rely on whether or not you have Spirit Vanishing, which means this isn’t always a skill you can use whenever it’s ready. When combined with the +100% Hit Chance from Spirit Synchronization, this class becomes a significant threat to dodge class!
Spirit Banishment
Rank needed: 3
Target: Enemy
Max targets: 1
Type: Physical
Range: Infinite
MP Cost: 20
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Attempt to banish your foe’s Spirit and gain Spirit Vanishing for 6 seconds, reducing incoming damage by 30%. If Spirit Vanishing was already active, reduces your foe’s defense by 30% for 4s and inflicts a large DoT for 8s. Otherwise, inflicts Spirit Damage, reducing their Hit Chance by 50% for 2 seconds. Can’t crit.
When able to gather Frozen Essence, gain 3 stacks per cast.
A skill that pretends to be two skills depending on whether or not you have Spirit Vanishing, this skill either gives your foe a Hit Chance debuff or a DoT + defense debuff. This skill also grants Spirit Vanishing, which means using this skill too often will prevent you from ever getting the defensive effect.
Spirit Synchronization
Rank needed: 5
Target: Enemy
Max targets: 1
Type: Magical
Range: Medium
MP Cost: 30
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Synchronize with the frost spirits you have gathered to gain +100% Hit Chance and the ability to gather Frozen Essence. Cast again to expend your stacks of Frozen Essence for massive damage that never misses and always crits.
If Spirit Vanishing is active, inflicts Spirit Shattering for 20 seconds, increasing foe’s damage taken by 20%.
If cast with Fully Synchronized Spirit active, removes all Synchronization effects and applies Spirit Cooldown.
This skill initially does very little damage, but for the next 20 seconds, allows you to gain Frozen Essence from your other skills. Build up stacks, and then use Spirit Synchronization again to deal big damage based off of your stack count.
Although you will always reset stacks of Frozen Essence by using this skill, you will only desynchronize (and lose Frozen Essence Gathering) if you had Fully Synchronized Spirit active. Otherwise, you can cast this skill while under Spirit Vanishing to whittle away your foe’s defense with Spirit Shattering before landing a stacked nuke.
Spirit Chill
Rank needed: 4
Type: Passive
Increases Outgoing Damage by +15%.
Spirit Blink
Rank needed: 4
Type: Passive
Caps Haste to maximum.
Spirit Reckoning
Rank needed: 10
Type: Passive
Crit Multiplier +30%
A set of fairly simple passives. The rank 4 granting +100% haste is why the skills have relatively long cooldowns. Although you will not benefit from further haste buffs, you’ll also find yourself unaffected by quite a few haste debuffs...
Frost SpiritReaver has a lot of interesting tools to use for several types of players. It offers enough defense to battle most bosses, enough damage boosting to be a group fight member without being a dedicated support class, and enough tricks to take on challengers in PvP.
This class has great potential by managing how you juggle Frozen Essence and Spirit Vanishing with your other skills. Similar to Dragon of Time, if you fulfill all the prerequisites, this class will not be particularly hard to obtain. If you aren’t familiar with the Plane of Ice and the journey that has led you and Abel thus far, it’s time to learn!

January 29, 2021
Beleen's Pink Shop is BACK!
Available from your Featured Gear Shop until February 28th!
It's time to put on your rose colored glasses as we prepare to celebrate Beleen’s belated birthday. We've had a ton of requests asking for the return of our pink-themed gear shop... and this week, we are delivering!
After asking for your ideas on Twitter, we got FLOODED with requests! We couldn't create all of them for this weekend, but fortunately… Hero’s Heart Day is only a few weeks away, so we’ll get a second pink shop update out for you. In honor of Beleen the Pinkomancer's unbirthday, we’ve made a number of items permanently available in her shops, and the seasonal gear will be available until February 28th.
Beleen's Pink Merge Shop
Each of the items listed requires its base item + dyes. These items will be permanently available in Beleen's shop in the /tower map.
- Void Pink Dreadsaw
- Taro's Pretty Manslayer
- Pink Doomfire Warrior
- Pink Imp Tail
- Viole(n)t Unarmed
- Pretty Pink Scarbucks Drink
- Pretty Valor High Halo
- Doge the Pink
- Pretty Shimmering Flakes
- Pink Rose
- Void of NOOOO-Gasp!*
- Hex of NOOOO-Gasp!*
- Blood of NOOOO-Gasp!*
* Instead of their rare, base armors, the Void, Blood, and Hex armors require Nulgath Nation reagents, dyes, and a special potion and will go rare on February 28th, 2021.
Beleen's Pink Gear Shop
These items will be permanently available in Beleen's shop in the /tower map.
- Fierce Pink Pie-rate (AC/member gold versions)
- Kawaii Bongo Cat Hair/Locks
- Prismatic 7-Tailed Fox Tail
- Smitten Noble Morph (AC/member gold versions)
- Rose of the Fire Avatar
- Fuschia Flames of the Fire Avatar
- Gaze of a Queen's Dark Heart
- Kawaii School Uniform (AC/member gold versions)
- Cheery Hair'do
- Lovely Violaceous Wings
- Devolution Dye
Featured Gear Shop
The following items will go rare on February 28th, 2021.
- Burgundy Fairy Tale Wedding
- Burgundy Maul armor + helms
- Arcane LoveCaster Armor + helms
- Pink Formal Dark Caster armor + accessories
The following items will be seasonally available for Beleen's birthday.
- Pomegrante Twist armor, helms, and lollipop
- Violet Zealith Reaver
- Chibi Nulgath Surfboard
- Royal Doom Lords
- Safiria Rose Tribute armor
- Magical Kawaii Neko hairs
- Cheery Chibi Fox
- Cran-Orange Nubmuffin
- Strawberry Mochi Mochi pet

January 29, 2021
The Crownsreach Librarium Opens
Battle to uncover more lore about Chaos
If we are going to save the world from Chaos, we are going to need to know MUCH more about its nature. The best way to do that is to get out into the chaorrupted wilds and take on the creatures that have succumbed to its taint. This weekend, talk to LoreMaster Anka in the Crownsreach Librarium; complete her quests to study different chaos beasts, then bring back the knowledge you learn to unlock scrolls, gear, and new lore!
/join chaoslibrarium and talk to Anka to begin here quests! Rank up your Chaos Militia and you'll be able to unlock items from her merge shop.
- Chaos Myconian + Greater Myconian set
- Chaos Cyclops armor set
- Chaos Strike Uniform set
- Chaos Loremaster set
And don't miss the rest of our upcoming releases. See the full event lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Bev's Hair + Wig Shop Updates
This weekend, talk to Bev the Battle Beautician in Battleontown for 12 new hairstyles + 4 new wigs. She'll make sure you look fantastic while you make every fight look easy!
Leaving Soon: mark your calendars
- Sunday, January 31: January seasonal set
- Friday, February 19th: Nulgath 2021 collection chest
Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!
Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, has stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.
Download the Artix Games Launcher at and you'll be able to continue playing all your favorite Artix games right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.

January 28, 2021
Final Weekend: ArchFiend OverLord
Available every year from January 1st - 31st
January is a month of new beginnings and birthdays in AQWorlds! To help ALL our heroes celebrate the new year and Nulgath's birthday, this month's seasonal set features the ArchFiend OverLord.
January Set: ArchFiend OverLord
Starting this Tuesday at 12:01 AM EST (that's server time), unlock the ArchFiend OverLord armor and all its accessories!
There are two ways to get the gear:
1) Total package: Buy the entire set directly through the website for $9.99 USD
2) Individually: Buy each of the individual pieces from Garek the Traveling Gear Merchant in Battleon.
The total cost to buy all of the gear individually is 5,400 ACs, so getting all the gear from the Northern Wanderers pack is a pretty sweet deal (you save 3,400 ACs).
The set includes:
- ArchFiend OverLord Armor
- 5 helms
- 7 capes
- 7 weapons
- character page badge
Seasonal Set Details
Each month, we'll feature a new set, available only during that month every year.
Seasonal Sets
January: ArchFiend OverLord
February: Obsidian Samurai
March: Legion Warseeker
April: Bio-War Cultist
May: Lord of the J-Sixth + Lightning Lich Lord
June: ShadowZard Mount + Rider
July: Flameborn + Underworld Summoner
August: Urban Assassins
September: Celestial Naval Commander
October: ChronoStriker
November: Harvest Hunters
December: Northern Wanderer
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this the same as the monthly upgrade bonus?
Monthly upgrade bonus gear is an extra reward for buying AdventureCoin or Membership packages. Seasonal set packs are bought separately. Just like the Flame Dragon Warrior pack, you can buy the entire set directly, for one price, on our site. You can ALSO buy the individual pieces in-game.
This set will return EVERY January, so if you can't get it now, you'll have another chance in 2019, or 2020, or 2021, etc.
What if I just want ONE of the items?
You're in luck! Talk to Garek in Battleon. He'll be selling the individual pieces of the set through January 31st.
Where do I get my gear if I buy the full set through the website?
You'll find it in your Book of Lore.

January 25, 2021
Log in for new gifts each day
Week of January 25 - 31th, 2021
We know a lot of you have had unexpected schedule changes and challenges over the last year. To help keep your spirits high as we enter the new year, we're making sure that when you log into AdventureQuest Worlds, you have even more to do. More rewards to hunt for, quests to complete, and battles to win.
That's why we've added daily login gifts. Log in each day for a new item, boost, buff, or surprise.
48 hour server boost, available until Wednesday at 11 AM EST.
Battle to unlock new reward item drops.
48 hour server boost, available until Friday at 11 AM EST.
Battle to unlock new reward item drops.
72 hour server boost, available until Monday at 11 AM EST.
Battle to unlock new reward item drops.
Battle to unlock new reward item drops.

January 22, 2021
Nulgath's Birthday Shop + Collection Update
Unlock 90+ rare items in Nulgath's Birthday Collection
Nulgath the ArchFiend’s birthday celebration continues this weekend! If you haven’t joined the /party yet, now’s the time because we’re adding two more sets to his birthday rares shop + 2021 collection chest. Get all of the event rare gear, including 11 armor sets, quest pet, and a rare character page badge for 10,000 ACs! (Over 25,000 ACs worth of gear)
This week, Nulgath's Collection Chest pet unlocks 90 items, including:
- New: Darkovian Hunger of Nulgath set
- New: Petrified Fiend set
- Adimogde Pet (with a quest for the exclusive character page badge)
- Thorn/Prismatic Thorn of Nulgath set
- Void Paladin Slayer set
- Black Knight of Nulgath set
- Werepyre of Nulgath set
- Void GateKeeper
- DoomKnight's SoulEater Blade pet
- Fiendish DoomKnight of Nulgath set
- DoomFiend Overlord of Nulgath set
- Fury Fiend of Nulgath set
Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive pets, all of the gear contained inside the Nulgath 2021 Collection chest will also be available to buy individually in Nulgath's birthday shop.
Read on for important information
A few important tips to remember:
- All of this year's event rare items will be available individually from the birthday rares shop in Battleon until February 12th, 2021.
- In order to prevent shop abuse, the Collection Chest pet and Adimogde Quest pet cannot be sold.

January 22, 2021
Doom Set: ArchFiend's BladeMaster
Available in the Wheel of Doom merge shop!
The Wheel of Doom spins round and round... and this week, as we continue celebrating Nulgath the ArchFiend's birthday, we've added the ArchFiend BladeMaster set in the Wheel of Doom merge shop!
Find all of the set gear in the Wheel of Doom merge shop:
- ArchFiend's BladeMaster armor
- 3 ArchFiend's BladeMaster helms
- Fiend's BladeMaster Katana cape
- Painsaw of Nulgath
- Fiend's BladeMaster Katana (single + dual wield)
Get your Free Spins
Everyone loves to get prizes... and that's why everyone in AdventureQuest Worlds will get at least one free spin on the Wheel of Doom per week.
- Members get one free spin a day while their upgrade is active
- All players get one free spin a week.
Spin the Wheel, Collect Treasures, Choose Your Prize
Each time you spin the Wheel of Doom, you'll get a Treasure Potion to spend in the Doom Merge Shop. Save up 1,000 and you'll be able to buy a Wicked Item of Donated Awesomeness. Each WIoDA lets you choose a rare or valuable item* straight from your account manager.
How to Claim your Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice
Redeem IoDA tokens to get even MORE bonuses
For each of the first six eligible IoDA tokens you receive , you'll get a FREE Bonus IoDA. The eligible tokens are the Ultimate, Epic, Platinum, Wicked and Golden tokens. After that, you'll get a free Bonus IoDA for every 3 eligible IoDA you redeem, with no maximum stack. So if you have that dream set of gear you want to create... now you'll be able to.
After you redeem your...
- 1st IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
- 2nd IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
- 3rd IoDA, you'll unlock 1free bonus IoDA
- 4th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
- 5th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
- 6th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
Then, for every 3 IoDA you redeem, you'll unlock another free bonus IoDA.
After you redeem your...
- 7th, 8th, and 9th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
- 10th, 11th, and 12th IoDA, you'll unlock 1 free bonus IoDA
And so on. The 3:1 bonus IoDA ratio starts after you get your first 6 free BIoDA, regardless of when you received them. (Example: if you've redeemed a total of 21 IoDA tokens, you'll unlock 11 BIoDA total. The first 6 BIoDA at a 1:1 ratio, and then 5 more at the 3:1 ratio.)
* Exceptions include staff personal items, custom weapon contest prizes, HeroMart items, etc

January 22, 2021
Nulgath's Birthday, Pt 2: The Fiend Shard
New Birthday Rares, Farming Rewards, and Story
Our celebration of Nulgath the ArchFiend's birthday continues! Last weekend, you began the adventure to discover Nulgath’s origin story and meet his master, Adimonde. This weekend, log in and take on the ArchFiend’s forces as you battle through his fortress. Your mission: destroy the Fiend Shard and save the OverSoul!

This weekend, /join fiendshard to continue the adventure:
- Scout through Nulgath's fortress and battle fiendish guards
- Locate the Key Fragments to progress
- Defeat a filthy, fiendish miniboss
- Destroy the Fiend Shard
And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Fiendish Rewards
Good (and evil!) things come to those who work for them! Battle to earn even MORE dark and deadly rewards this weekend as you battle through part 2 of Nulgath's birthday event.
Farming quests
- ArchFiend DeathLord armor, Champion Ender of Nulgath, FiendLord's Claymore and more
- ArchFiend DeathLord helms + capes
Monster drops
- Void General armor + accessories
Merge shop
- Dirt Void of Nulgath
- Crystal Guard of Nulgath
- Fiendish Gem Pet
BONUS: ArchFiend DoomLord Armor Update
ArchFiend DoomLord's damage boost has been underwhelming when compared to some of the more recent damage boosting items, so we're bumping it up! Damage to all monsters boost increased from 15% to 35%. (Other DoomLord items will remain unchanged.)
Nulgath's Birthday, Part 1: the Origi-Nul
Nulgath the ArchFiend, lord of the OverSoul, has conquered many worlds and slaughtered millions, ruling over a a Nation of deadly fiends and warriors. But he was not ALWAYS one of our world's supreme Evil Overlords. Nulgath was human once... until he met his Master, Adimonde. This weekend, log in and battle as Nulgath and discover how he became the ArchFiend he is today.
Begin the birthday adventure when you /join originul:
- Discover how Nulgath unlocks the power he wields today
- Fight to escape Inquisitors
- Enter a realm of darkness and energy... and survive your training
- Battle fiends to prove your skill and leadership
- Defeat the Fiend Champion of Adimonde to become his heir
Adimonde's Reward Merge Shop
Master Adimonde taught Nulgath many things... and was prepared to reward hard work and sacrifice. This weekend, battle to create the sets in his merge shop.
- Fiend Champion of Adimonde
- Evolved Worshipper of Nulgath
- Arcane Warfiend of Nulgath
Nulgath's Seasonal Birthday Shop
Find Nulgath's seasonal birthday shop is full of dark and deadly gear. These sets will return every year for his birthday, as our way of helping all his fans celebrate! Find the shop in your Game Menu until February 12th.
Nulgath's seasonal Birthday Shop features:
- Void Rebirth armor set
- Void Awakening armor set
- Shielded variants of both armors
- Nulgath's Bounty Hunter Drone Pet (with two quests)
- Nulgath's Birthday Gift Pet (with one quest)
Not sure who Nulgath is? Read on!
Nulgath the ArchFiend is the in-game persona for Nulgath-the-team-member, one of AQWorlds' original artists. Though he no longer works regularly for Artix Entertainment, his art style (prevalent in early AQW and featured in Oversoul) and the character itself remain hugely popular with many of our long-time heroes. To recognize their dedication and enjoyment, we hold an event in-game each year to celebrate the character and give them a hefty dose of the gear they love.
Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!
Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, has stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.
Download the Artix Games Launcher at and you'll be able to continue playing all your favorite Artix games right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.

January 21, 2021
Diabolical Tome Sellback Fix
The AC Exploit, Fix, and Moving Forward
Greetings, heroes! Earlier this month, we released the Diabolical Tome pet as a quest reward and because of an oversight, we inadvertently released an abusable AC sellback exploit into the game. In general, our policy is not to punish players for our errors unless they excessively abuse those mistakes.
Some players abused the sellback error (accumulating up to hundreds of thousands of ACs by selling the pet over and over). We ran a query to remove the free ACs from those accounts (which sets them to negative ACs, for example: -25,000 ACs).
There were also a number of players who weren't intentionally abusing it, but who may have gotten the pet and sold it without paying attention. Those players were included in the query when we were fixing the issue. For those players were set to -900 ACs or less due to the Tome sellback issue... we have fixed your account by giving you 900 ACs to make up the difference.
How did this happen? The story.
Most of the time, we give quest and monster rewards a 1,000g value. If you sold that item in the first 24 hours, you would get 900 gold for it.
Because this item was created by Hikari, one of our artists, as a birthday present, I changed the price from 1,000g to 0 AC. Unfortunately, when I added the AC tag to the item, I did not change the price from 1,000 to 0. That means... the item was dropping and could be sold back for 900 ACs. That was my mistake, and because it was a last minute change... it did not get caught in testing.
We realized many players were getting the drop and selling it over and over in order to gain a lot of free ACs very quickly. Because players pay real money for ACs, this is something we had to fix, and quickly.
What happens next?
Though this was a developer mistake... we ask that everyone agree not to abuse exploits or glitches. In this case, a small oversight caused a big headache. So we've updated our admin site to show more information more easily in order to avoid this specific issue in the future.
If you were impacted by our sellback fix through no fault of your own, I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for not abusing a glitch. If you previously had -900 ACs because of our query, you should see that 900 ACs have already been applied to your account.
If you have a negative AC amount higher than -900 ACs due to selling the Diabolical Tome repeatedly, you'll need to pay back those ACs to reset your AC amount. If you have questions, you can contact Player Support via our Help Site.

January 18, 2021
Log in for new gifts each day
Week of January 18 - 24th, 2021
We know a lot of you have had unexpected schedule changes and challenges over the last year. To help keep your spirits high as we enter the new year, we're making sure that when you log into AdventureQuest Worlds, you have even more to do. More rewards to hunt for, quests to complete, and battles to win.
That's why we've added daily login gifts. Log in each day for a new item, boost, buff, or surprise.
48 hour server boost, available until Wednesday at 11 AM EST.
Battle to unlock new reward item drops.
48 hour server boost, available until Friday at 11 AM EST.
Battle to unlock new reward item drops.
72 hour server boost, available until Monday at 11 AM EST.
Farming resource boost available until Monday.
New seasonal reward item drop, available until January 31st.

January 15, 2021
Log in for new gifts each day
Week of January 11 - 15th, 2021
We know a lot of you have had unexpected schedule changes and challenges over the last year. To help keep your spirits high as we enter the new year, we're making sure that when you log into AdventureQuest Worlds, you have even more to do. More rewards to hunt for, quests to complete, and battles to win.
That's why we've added daily login gifts. Log in each day for a new item, boost, buff, or surprise.
48 hour server boost, available until Wednesday at 11 AM EST.
New reward item drop, permanently available from the boss.
48 hour server boost, available until Friday at 11 AM EST.
New reward item drops, permanently available from the boss.
72 hour server boost, available until Monday at 11 AM EST.
Farming resource boost available until Monday.
New reward item drop, available until January 31st.

January 15, 2021
Nulgath's 2021 Birthday Shop + Collection
Unlock 90+ rare items in Nulgath's Birthday Collection
Nulgath the ArchFiend’s birthday celebration is this weekend, and we want everyone to get in on the /party! Join us as we bring back his seasonal birthday gear and a new shop FULL of wicked rare items! And for all you real-life rare hunters, the Nulgath 2021 Collection Chest is here! Get all of the event rare gear, including 11 armor sets, quest pet, and a rare character page badge for 10,000 ACs! (Over 25,000 ACs worth of gear)
This week, Nulgath's Collection Chest pet unlocks 90 items, including:
- Adimogde Pet (with a quest for the exclusive character page badge)
- Thorn/Prismatic Thorn of Nulgath set
- Void Paladin Slayer set
- Black Knight of Nulgath set
- Werepyre of Nulgath set
- Void GateKeeper
- DoomKnight's SoulEater Blade pet
- Fiendish DoomKnight of Nulgath set
- DoomFiend Overlord of Nulgath set
- Fury Fiend of Nulgath set
Next week, the rest of Nulgath's Birthday rare gear will be added to your chest:
- Darkovian Hunger of Nulgath set
- Petrified Fiend set
Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive pets, all of the gear contained inside the Nulgath 2021 Collection chest will also be available to buy individually in Nulgath's birthday shop.
Read on for important information
A few important tips to remember:
- All of this year's event rare items will be available individually from the birthday rares shop in Battleon until February 12th, 2021.
- In order to prevent shop abuse, the Collection Chest pet and Adimogde Quest pet cannot be sold.

January 15, 2021
Nulgath the ArchFiend: the Origi-nul
New Birthday Rares, Farming Rewards, and Story!
Nulgath the ArchFiend, lord of the OverSoul, has conquered many worlds and slaughtered millions, ruling over a a Nation of deadly fiends and warriors. But he was not ALWAYS one of our world's supreme Evil Overlords. Nulgath was human once... until he met his Master, Adimonde. This weekend, log in and battle as Nulgath and discover how he became the ArchFiend he is today.
This weekend, /join originul to begin your adventure:
- Discover how Nulgath unlocks the power he wields today
- Fight to escape Inquisitors
- Enter a realm of darkness and energy... and survive your training
- Battle fiends to prove your skill and leadership
- Defeat the Fiend Champion of Adimonde to become his heir
And don't miss the rest of this month's update. See the full release lineup here: AdventureQuest Worlds calendar.
Adimonde's Reward Merge Shop
Master Adimonde taught Nulgath many things... and was prepared to reward hard work and sacrifice. This weekend, battle to create the sets in his merge shop.
- Fiend Champion of Adimonde
- Evolved Worshipper of Nulgath
- Arcane Warfiend of Nulgath
Nulgath's Seasonal Birthday Shop Returns
Find Nulgath's seasonal birthday shop is full of dark and deadly gear. These sets will return every year for his birthday, as our way of helping all his fans celebrate! Find the shop in your Game Menu until February 12th.
Nulgath's seasonal Birthday Shop features:
- Void Rebirth armor set
- Void Awakening armor set
- Shielded variants of both armors
- Nulgath's Bounty Hunter Drone Pet (with two quests)
- Nulgath's Birthday Gift Pet (with one quest)
Not sure who Nulgath is? Read on!
Nulgath the ArchFiend is the in-game persona for Nulgath-the-team-member, one of AQWorlds' original artists. Though he no longer works regularly for Artix Entertainment, his art style (prevalent in early AQW and featured in Oversoul) and the character itself remain hugely popular with many of our long-time heroes. To recognize their dedication and enjoyment, we hold an event in-game each year to celebrate the character and give them a hefty dose of the gear they love.
Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!
Adobe, the maker of the Flash Player plug-in, has stopped supporting Flash. But never fear! We built the Artix Games Launcher so you can continue playing AdventureQuest Worlds and your other favorite Artix Entertainment games.
Download the Artix Games Launcher at and you'll be able to continue playing all your favorite Artix games right from your computer. No Flash Player or web browser needed.

January 08, 2021
Double Artist Birthdays
Log in and celebrate Crulon and Hikari's Birthdays!
This month, we're celebrating the new year and a host of AE team member and guest artist birthdays! We kick off the gift-off with new quests and gear from Crulon and Hikari. The adventures will continue all month long, so gear up and get ready to /SLAY!
Whether you are a fan of light gear, dark, or in between, this week we've got something for you! Check out the Featured Gear Shop in your game menu to find the Djinn Lich and Diabolical Illusionist sets, available until February 5th.
Plus, log in this weekend and find…
- The Aurora Caller armor daily login gift drop arrives Saturday
- Our Holiday AdventureCoin bonus has been extended!
Guardian of the Djinn Realm: Dream Palace
Crulon is one of the guardians of the Djinn Realm... and also one of AQWorlds top item artists. He celebrated his real-life birthday earlier this month, and to share in the joy he felt, he’s created a host of new treasures for you! This weekend, a fabulous palace has appeared in the Djinn Realm, as if from someone’s dream. Log in and explore it to see what treasures it holds!
Great ready to...
- /join dreampalace and take down a series of all-new minibosses
- Continue battling until you their unique weapon drops then quest to level them up into even more mystical versions
- Create versions of the boss armor sets in Crulon's Dream Palace merge shop
Real Life Quest: Wish him a happy birthday on Twitter!
More Adventures in the Djinn Realm
Being a Djinn Guardian, you come across a LOT of mystical chests. Last year, Crulon found one locked with three magical seals. Decipher his riddles, locate the monsters, and fight to get the seals you need.
Talk to him in /djinn to begin his quests. Complete his Seal of Approval quest and to collect the pieces of the Serpent Knight gear. Find his Sandsea Enchanter set in his birthday shop or the Featured Gear shop in your game menu.
Meet Hikari the ShadowHunter
This weekend, /join banished and explore until you encounter a mysterious new NPC... Hikari! In the real world, Hikari is one of our contract artists, regularly contributing reward items, monster art, and more for our weekly releases. And this weekend, to celebrate his birthday, he's crafted a host of gear for you to hunt for!
Great ready to...
- /join banishede and solve his riddles to recover valuable artifacts
- Battle to earn his Diabolical Witch and Ectomancer armor sets
Real Life Quest: Wish him a happy birthday on Twitter!
Leaving Soon: mark your calendars
- Friday, January 15: Our Frostval holiday maps, bosses, and rewards
- Friday, January 15: Frostval Collection Chest
- Friday, January 29: Our New Year holiday maps, bosses, and rewards
- Sunday, January 31: January seasonal set
EXTENDED: Holiday AdventureCoin Bonus is still available!
Good news! We know a lot of people were asking for the Holiday AdventureCoin bonus to be extended after the holidays... and we agree! We don't want anyone to miss out, so for a limited time, get 50% more ACs with any Membership or AC pack.
Wait...AdventureCoin Bonus?!
That's right! Several times each year, we have bonus AdventureCoin offers (example: Summer, Back to School, and during the holidays). Bonus amounts and dates may change from year to year, so keep an eye on the Design Notes and social media for more news of future bonuses.
Get 60,000 ACs while our Holiday Bonus is on!
For the first time in years, we are adding a new 40,000 AdventureCoin package! Get 40,000 ACs for $99.95 and unlock your choice of upgrade bonus pack, 15x Rep, Gold, Class Points, and XP server boosts, and the new Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (IoDA). But while our 50% holiday bonus is on... get 60,000 ACs for $99.95!
Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness?!
The Mythic Item of Digital Awesomeness (or MIoDA for short) is a miscellaneous item you will get by purchasing the 40k AdventureCoin pakage. Like the other IoDA items, it allows you to choose any item in the game when you redeem it through your Account Manager.
And in the spirit of the holiday season... we will award an MIoDA for every $100 USD spent on AC and membership packages* between November 18th, 2020 and 6 PM EST on December 4th, 2020.
* Excluding the new 40k AC pack. If you bought that, you've already unlocked your MIoDA!
How to Claim your MIoDA Prize
Make sure you have a confirmed email address attached to your game account, and then follow these steps:
- Decide on the item you want
- Log into your Account Manager
- Click on the "Awesome Prizes" link on the sidebar
- You'll see a list of the IoDA tokens you have available
- Choose from a list of ALL the eligible item rewards
- You'll be taken to a verification page to confirm your choice
Flash is Dead. AQWorlds lives on with the Artix Games Launcher!

January 04, 2021
Log in for new gifts each day
Week of January 4th, 2021
We know a lot of you have had unexpected schedule changes and challenges over the last year. To help keep your spirits high as we enter the new year, we're making sure that when you log into AdventureQuest Worlds, you have even more to do. More rewards to hunt for, quests to complete, and battles to win.
That's why we've added daily login gifts. Log in each day for a new item, boost, buff, or surprise.
Monday: 48 Hour Server Boost
Get double EXP from battles and quests until Wednesday!
Tuesday: New Reward Items
New year holi-daily login gifts: battle the 2021 Ball in the /newyear map for a chance to get the 0 AC Aurora Caller capes! More set pieces arriving on Thursday and Saturday.
Wednesday: Double Rep Boost
Get double EXP from quests until Friday!
Thursday: New Reward Items
New year holi-daily login gifts: battle the 2021 Ball in the /newyear map for a chance to get the 0 AC Aurora Caller armor! The full set is now available.
Friday: Double Gold Boost
Get double EXP from battles and quests until Monday!

January 01, 2021
January Seasonal Set: ArchFiend OverLord
Available every year from January 1st - 31st
January is a month of new beginnings and birthdays in AQWorlds! To help ALL our heroes celebrate the new year and Nulgath's birthday, this month's seasonal set features the ArchFiend OverLord.
January Set: ArchFiend OverLord
Starting this Tuesday at 12:01 AM EST (that's server time), unlock the ArchFiend OverLord armor and all its accessories!
There are two ways to get the gear:
1) Total package: Buy the entire set directly through the website for $9.99 USD
2) Individually: Buy each of the individual pieces from Garek the Traveling Gear Merchant in Battleon.
The total cost to buy all of the gear individually is 5,400 ACs, so getting all the gear from the Northern Wanderers pack is a pretty sweet deal (you save 3,400 ACs).
The set includes:
- ArchFiend OverLord Armor
- 5 helms
- 7 capes
- 7 weapons
- character page badge
Seasonal Set Details
Each month, we'll feature a new set, available only during that month every year.
Seasonal Sets
January: ArchFiend OverLord
February: Obsidian Samurai
March: Legion Warseeker
April: Bio-War Cultist
May: Lord of the J-Sixth + Lightning Lich Lord
June: ShadowZard Mount + Rider
July: Flameborn + Underworld Summoner
August: Urban Assassins
September: Celestial Naval Commander
October: ChronoStriker
November: Harvest Hunters
December: Northern Wanderer
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this the same as the monthly upgrade bonus?
Monthly upgrade bonus gear is an extra reward for buying AdventureCoin or Membership packages. Seasonal set packs are bought separately. Just like the Flame Dragon Warrior pack, you can buy the entire set directly, for one price, on our site. You can ALSO buy the individual pieces in-game.
This set will return EVERY January, so if you can't get it now, you'll have another chance in 2019, or 2020, or 2021, etc.
What if I just want ONE of the items?
You're in luck! Talk to Garek in Battleon. He'll be selling the individual pieces of the set through January 31st.
Where do I get my gear if I buy the full set through the website?
You'll find it in your Book of Lore.

January 01, 2021
Unlock the ContractKeeper of Nulgath
Upgrade to unlock the exclusive armor sets
Once you sign Nulgath the ArchFiend's contract, you become a part of his Nation. FOREVER. The ContractKeepers are the warriors who enforce that rule. Get the ContractKeeper of Nulgath upgrade bonus pack when you buy any AdventureCoin or Membership package of $10 USD or more and unlock the full set and character page badge.
After you purchase an account upgrade, select a bonus set of your choice from a list of options in your Account Manager.
Pack Details
Choose the ContractKeeper of Nulgath pack to unlock the full armor set.
- ContractKeeper of Nulgath armor
- ContractReaper of Nulgath armor
- Blood Leech of Nulgath helm
- ContractKeeper Hood of Nulgath
- Nulgatharian Knight Hair
- Zealot Hood of Nulgath
- ContractKeeper Cape
- Contract Wings of Nulgath
- Butcher BackBlades of Nulgath
- Nulgatharian Knight
- Unidentified 13 of Nulgath Staff
- Contract Butchers of Nulgath daggers
- Excalibur of Nulgath blade
- and a character page badge
Once you've chosen the ContractKeeper of Nulgath bonus on the Account Manager page, log in and find the set's shop in the Other Achievements tab in your Book of Lore.
40000 AC package rewards:
- ALL the ContractKeeper of Nulgath gear
- Mythic Item of Donated Awesomeness (redeem for almost any rare item in the game!)
- 15 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
- and a character page badge
Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.
12000 AC or 12 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the ContractKeeper of Nulgath gear
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- 10 Wheel of Doom Tickets (worth 2,000 ACs!)
- and a character page badge
Boosts and Doom Tickets will be added directly to your inventory.
2k and 5k AC or 1, 3, or 6 month membership package rewards:
- ALL the Upgrade Bonus Set gear
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts
- and a character page badge
Don't miss our other upgrade bonus sets
Maybe you prefer a more... thematic Nulgath set, since January is the start of the New Year. We've got you covered. Check out the Void ChronoKnight Upgrade Bonus Set bonus set! You'll find it now in your Account Manager.
Copper Void ChronoKnight set!
Command space and time when you become a Void ChronoKnight! Buy any AC or membership package worth $10 USD or more to unlock one of our upgrade bonus packs, then log in to your Account Manager and choose the Copper Void ChronoKnight set.
Pack Details
Choose the Copper Void ChronoKnight pack to unlock:
- Copper Void ChronoKnight armor
- 5 helms
- 2 capes
- 10 weapons
- 3 pets
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts added straight to your inventory
- and a character page badge
Once you've chosen the Copper Void ChronoKnight set on the Account Manager page, log in and find the set's shop in the Other Achievements tab in your Book of Lore.
Chromium Void ChronoKnight Add-On
Permanently unlock the color customizable Chromium Void Knight set when you buy the Chromium Canister for 6,000 ACs.
- Buy any membership or AdventureCoin pack worth $10 USD or more.
- Choose the Copper Void ChronoKnight upgrade bonus in your Account Manager.
- Log in at and find your Copper Void ChronoKnight badge shop.
- Buy the Chromium Canister item.
- /join battleontown and head to Vinara's Curio Shop. Click on the Chromium VoidKnight to unlock your gear.
The Chromium Void ChronoKnight set includes:
- Chromium Void ChronoKnight armor (Chromium armor is color-customizable)
- 5 helms
- 4 capes
- 10 weapons
- 3 pets
*During January 2019, the Chromium Void Knight set was available for players who purchased a 12,000 AC pack or 12 month membership. The Chromium Canister is priced to keep the total cost of the Chromium Void Knight set equivalent under our new system. This set will not be purchasable as a separate upgrade bonus.