Design Notes
October 21, 2016
Don't Panic!
The Internet Went Kersplodey
Hey, guys. This morning, there was a massive DDOS attack against one of the DNS servers on east coast. This was not something that was done to us specifically, however it does seem to be affecting us - as well as Twitter, and a TON of other sites. If you're finding it hard to log into AQWorlds, this is probably the reason why.
For more information about this attack, just click here.
Hopefully this gets resolved soon! Battle on!
ETA: Apparently the website that the first link was posted on is also having issues. Oops! If you can't get to it, try this one instead.

February 26, 2016
BioBeast Prison Break!
Mayday! Mayday! Distress Signal Coming In From Delta V!
Tonight, get ready to leave Lore and travel to a distant planet: Delta V! The megalomaniacal scientist Alydriah Descarl has been collecting rare beasts from different worlds and performing cruel genetic experiements on them - her own personal BioBeast army! But the Beasts aren't having it, and the Lab's robotic assistant, Plink, wants to recuit YOU to help them escape!
Don't mess with that bunny.
This week's release is based on our newest mobile game, BioBeasts. This makes me incredibly excited and happy, because BioBeasts is my jam. I'm not even just saying that because I did a lot of art for the game, I swear! I've never really been a big mobile player, but BioBeasts has the kind of fast arcade-style gameplay I grew up with, and it managed to suck me in HARD. I play it in bed. I play it in the car. I play it in the shower with my phone in a plastic bag. (Don't try that last one yourself, I am setting a really bad example here.)
Anyway, point is, I love this game.
So, of course when I was asked to create a BioBeasts themed release for AQWorlds, I squealed like an otaku at a pocky factory, and set to work creating a fun dungeon crawl featuring all of our favorite Biobeasts (and enemies!) from the original game.
Be a Toxic Mantis! Or keep one as a pet.
The team has also put together a ton of cool BioBeasts-themed gear, including:
- Toxic Mantis armor with 3 capes and 3 helms
- Bionic Bunny armor and helm
- Monkakazi Bomb Cape
- Hovercraft Boss Cape
- Hatchling, Pillbug and Toxic Mantis pets
- Toxic Mantis battlepet
- Salamancer-themed sword
- Kartherax-themed scythe
Are you excited? I'm excited.
BioBeasts: Now Available for Android and iOS Devices
BioBeasts - from the creators of EpicDuel - is now available for Android and iOS mobile devices! Download it now and become as addicted as I am.

June 21, 2015
Featured Artist Limited Quantity Packages
Rare Collectors, You Won't Want to Miss This Gear!
Starting tonight, June 19th, at 11:00 PM server time, head to our Limited Quantity Set page to grab one of our newest Limited Quantity Package sets! Each item has been crafted by one of AQWorlds' most talented artists, and with the "Return of the Living Devs" summer event, this is the perfect time to release them!
Each package ties in with one of the first three event releases - Artix's Ebil Dreadspace zone (coming this Friday!), Cysero's Deadmoor Spirit story, and Beleen's Chaos Queen insanity. If you like collecting souvenirs from your favorite AQW events, then you will NOT want to miss your chance to get your gauntlets on this gear!
Dage’s DreadSpace Set
Includes an armor, helms, and weapons. Items give additional XP and Class Points when equipped.
Price: 2000 ACs
Quantity: 5000 sets
Initial stock: 3000 sets
Restock amount: 400 sets per restock
Nulgath’s Void Rider Armor
Includes motorcycle mount armor. gives 15% more Class Points when equipped.
Price: 1000 ACs
Quantity: 5000 sets
Initial stock: 3000 sets
Restock amount: 400 sets per restock
Nulgath’s Void Rider Armor and Pets
Includes motorcycle mount armor, Legend-only Battle Pet and regular pet. Armor 15% more Class Points when equipped.
Price: 150,000 gold
Quantity: 3000 sets
Initial stock: 2000 sets
Restock amount: 200 sets per restock
This package is available to anyone with an active or expired account membership.
Memet's Pet and Weapon Combo
Includes pet and two weapons. Items give bonus to Rep and Gold when equipped.
Price: 100,000 gold (available for all players)
Quantity: 20000 sets
Initial stock: 10000 sets
Restock amount: 2000 sets per restock
This package is available for all players.
Limited Quantity Package Restock Schedule
The Featured Artist Limited Quantity Packages become available at 11:00 PM (that's midnight) this Friday, June 19th! Not sure when that is in your part of the world? Here's a timezone converter to make setting your alarm easier!
- 11:00 PM Friday, 6/19 (initial stock)
- 9:00 AM Saturday, 6/20
- 7:00 PM Saturday, 6/20
- 5:00 AM Sunday, 6/21
- 3:00 PM Sunday, 6/21
- 1:00 AM Monday, 6/22 (final restock)
How Do Limited Quantity Sets Work?
- Log into a special LQS webpage on
- Purchase the set using either ACs or gold (if you have EVER upgraded your account, you can purchase the Legend sets for gold!)
- Log into AQW and find your set badge in the Book of Lore (no character page badge attached.)
Note: Item quantities will restock throughout the weekend so that everyone gets a fair chance at the gear.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Will there be enough items for everyone? No, but with multiple restocks your chances of getting an item are pretty good... as long as you keep an eye on your clock and don't miss the restock!
- Will item quantities update automatically? No, but once you purchase an item from the shop or revisit the page, you'll see an updated amount.
- If a set doesn't sell out right away, will the restock amount roll over? Yes. The next restock amount will always be added to the previous amount of gear. Gear not sold before a restock will remain in the shop.
- Will the items be 0 ACs? All items in the Limited Quantity Packages will be 0 ACs, so you can keep them in your bank for free, forever!
- Do I have to have an active Membership to buy the Member-only sets? You do not need to have an active upgrade to purchase the Legend sets, as long as you have purchased a membership for your account at any time in the past!
- Can I return the package if I don't like it? The items from the Limited Quantity Packages are non-refundable, like our other item packages.
Find examples of the web page's layout on our Limited Quantity Set FAQ page.

April 16, 2015
Feed Your Fear This Weekend
Upgrade to Battle Through the Nightmare Realm!
Battle through the Land of Dreams and Nightmares in the ultimate test of courage! Face your fears, fight to stay alive, and learn who sent you on this deadly - and mysterious - quest. JUST as you arrive at the Phoenixrise Gate... Memet the Nightmare Moglin appears! She's got a terrifying test for Legends this weekend... all to satisfy a mysterious stranger and their need to know more about YOU!
Legends can /join nightmare to begin the Nightmare Gauntlet. Face some of the most horrifying fears Memet can through at you:
- Clowns
- Snakes
- Spiders
- Needles
- Heights
- and more!
Note: you'll need to have completed the Legend-only Brimstone release to begin Memet's trials. If you're all up to date, /join nightmare and talk to Memet, then watch the first cutscene to begin!
Find horrifyingly-cool gear in Memet's shop, plus some nightmarish item drops from monsters inside the Gauntlet!
The Vaderix Have Attacked the Guardiant Tower!
ALL heroes can /join comet tonight and battle the Vaderix! This invader (and its spawn) rode the comet that struck Battleon's Guardian Tower on Monday. Take on the Vaderix in this first encounter with a nightmarish new species of monster!
The Vaderix has a chance to drop its armor, helm, and cape for heroes brave enough to battle it!
Don't miss any of this weekend's other exciting releases:
- Happening now: Aria's Free Player Pet Daily Quest!
- Begin the quests for the Armor of Awe later tonight!
- Discover what lurked inside the comet that hit Battleon's Guardian Tower on Monday!
- The Earth Day seasonal event and rares shop returns!
- Buy the Twilight's Arcana dirk for a chance to win 1 of 100 exclusive Arcana weapons!
What are YOU most afraid to face in this weekend's release? Tell us on Facebook, on Twitter, on Reddit, and the forums!

March 17, 2015
Unlucky Leperchaun Class
Memet posting for Zereldo!
Unlucky Leperchaun Class Skills Writeup
Something Lucky Has Become Unlucky!
The Unlucky Leperchaun* class us a heavily modified version of the existing Evolved Leperchaun class, which has also returned for (Un)lucky Day. The first two skills have been completely replaced, while the last two skills have been modified. This class also has shorter cooldowns and better mana management than Evolved Leprechaun does.
- This class will be permanently rare. Once it leaves the game, it is gone forever!
- You can buy Unlucky Leperchaun for gold if you are a Legend, or you can buy it for 2000 ACs.
Unlucky Leperchaun Breakdown
Mana regen: regenerate mana in the same way rogues do. Whenever you dodge or crit you willr egain some of your mana. Dodging also gives you some of your HP back.
For Stats and Enhancements: Unlucky Leperchauns are designed to use luck and will benefit from most luck enhancements.
Auto Attack
2 second cooldown.
A basic attack, taught to all adventurers.
You’ve seen this before on many classes. It needs no further explanation.
Rank 1: Unluck of the Irish
10 mana, 8 second cooldown.
Instantly cause 50% weapon damage and alter your damage. Because you are unlucky this will either Increase your damage output by 20% or decrease your damage output by 10%.
Although this skill has an element of risk, the positives far outweigh the negatives. Those of you with a keen eye will notice that with the high level of haste this class has, this skill is loopable. You might also notice that your rank 3 skill Luck Reserves can actually negate the 10% damage reduction, or just take your total damage boost up to 30%
Rank 2: Unlucky Strike
10 mana, 6 second cooldown.
This one is unlucky for your foe, not you. It does 125% weapon damage.
This skill gives you what Evolved Leprechaun did not have: a reliable damage dealing move. Although it has no effects, it has a huge damage number from all your other skills influencing it.
Rank 3: Luck Reserves
15 Mana, 20 second cooldown.
You dispel a portion of your bad luck and deal moderate damage, Also applies Stalic for 12 seconds which causes all attacks to do 110% damage, increases Crit Chance and Crit Damage by an additional 7% each. Also reduces all incoming damage by 40% for 6 seconds.
If your other moves have hit you with a little too much bad luck this is how you make it go away. Those of you who know evolved leprechaun well will be familiar with it. It increases your power but also has some damage resistance tagged on so it can counter the negative effects of Unluck of the Irish and Dark Side of the Rainbow.
Rank 4: Shed Dead Weight & Luck of the Undead
Increases Haste by 15% and Crit Chance by 10%
This increases your haste which means your longer cooldowns don't hurt you as much, and it increases your crit chance which helps with your mana regen.
Rank 5: Dark Side of the Rainbow
20 Mana, 30 second cooldown.
Increases your LUCK stat by 15%, haste, Crit Chance, and Crit Damage by 10%, and your dodge by 25% for 15 seconds. Also increases your damage taken by 25% for 15 seconds.
Once you unlock this skill, it is the core of your class. It has more dodge power the Evolved Leprechaun, but it also makes you take more damage. Taking 25% more damage in order to increase your dodge by 25% more may not seem like the best trade, but the key lies in your mana regen model. Dodging gives you more Mana and Health, so this does help you deal more damage. Because of your naturally high dodge rate, you won’t be getting hit very often anyway. When you opponents do hit through your dodge, it really will be an unlucky occurrence.
Rank 10: Eirinn Go Brasch
Rarely, your astounding luck allows you to do QUADRUPLE damage on all crits for 10 seconds.
Final Thoughts
As far as this goes, I think it fits the theme of “unlucky” without being detrimental to the class. The self harm effects don’t seem too harsh and are well worth the risk. Playing the class right can also nullify them. My best advice would be to use your 4th skill whenever possible, as it gives you a lot of power and Mana regen. You might want to watch out when using your attack skills. You don’t want to get your mana too low and be stuck for a while unable to use Dark Side of the Rainbow.
*This is not a Typo. It has been purposefully called “Leperchaun” rather than Leprechaun to better signify that it is zombielike.

July 07, 2014
Legendary Chaos Loot
3 Brand New Legend Only Storylines!
With Drakath’s chaos forces moving as an almost unstoppable force, the alliance is looking for anyway to come out on top. Last week, BattleOn’s Loremasters didn't find a way to defeat the chaos, but they DID locate artifacts to help in the final battle! It’s time to get dungeon crawling Heros, as these three releases are Legend…wait for it…dary!
Explore the Legend Only:
Dungeon of Doom
Killer Katacombs
Pyramids of Pain
Drafting New Troops
While Alina writes most of the releases (with occasional help from Artix, Beleen or me), I’m happy to say we've allowed 3 of our volunteers staff members - Optional Geek, Aster, and ACW0 - to take over this Legend Only release while she focuses on the ever-close Chaos Finale!
Deadly Dungeon of Dire Doom
Inside the Dungeon of Doom you will find the mysterious Staff of Mayhem. Optional Geek took great care in creating a suitable home for this weapon of mass destruction, and is thrilled to share the deadly overview with you:
Kittens are the deadliest creatures.
If the name isn't enough to scare you away, then I'm not sure what will. Journey to the bottom of the Deadly Dungeon of Dire Doom to find out who the mysterious voicebelongs to! Fight your way through Munchers, Draugr, and even a kitty to get to the bottom and quiet the voice! Get ready for a deadly dungeon crawl!
Killer Katacombs
Hidden away in the Killer Katacombs lies a weapon to last a lifetime. Aster created a map to make even the barest Hero’s skin crawl when housing the Gilded Blade of Eternity. Here’s what Aster has to say about this terrfying questline:
Dark days ahead for the Darkblood.
Along the border of Doomwood and Arcangrove there is a dungeon with no reputation. For years tomb robbers, rain-soaked adventurers and the occasional AWOL Mage have entered these catacombs never to return. Naturally, that HAS to mean there's some great treasure in it. Junior Loremaster Donovan knows that the Alliance needs all the help it can get. He figures "the more dangerous the dungeon, the more powerful the prize, right?" He's eagerly waiting for you to arrive at the Killer Katacombs.. Yes. He DID name it himself. Don't judge.
Pyramid of Pain
Finally ACW0 soared in making a peril-filled pyramid for the Call of Hope Cape. While this is deeper writing in comparison to his usually Throwbacks, ACW0 has given an overview of what you can find in this ancient relic -
Creepers be batty!
As the oracle of her tribe, Viridi has seen the dismal future that awaits the world if the hero fails. In order to save her tribe, she has disobeyed all orders to meet the hero at the pyramids of pain. She is the only one who can guide the hero to the Kalestri’s most scared treasure, The Call of Hope. With wings such as these, she hopes the hero will soar over any enemy chaos has to offer. Be warned, Heroes, this adventure will test your loyalty like no other.
Thank You Writers!
Optional, Aster, and ACW0 would like to wish you happy item hunting as you play through their First Ever AQW Release! Please remember to send them positive feedback, and after seeing this quality work, looks like their first release won’t be their last!

June 16, 2014
Chaos Slayer Class Breakdown
Chaos Slayer Breakdown
Memet posting for Mysterious Class Designer!
Guess who’s back again? The Mysterious Class Designer is here to give you the purple-y and juicy details of Chaos Slayer with this new skills breakdown. As you may already know, Chaos Slayer is separated into 4 classes that have the exact same abilities: Berserker, Thief, Mystic, and Cleric. Chaos Slayer is really a class above classes - or as I like to call it, a class to end classes.
So much chaos.
Chaos Slayer embodies the nature and power of Chaos in that you can’t predict what it will do next. However, one thing is certain; this class holds great power. Chaos Slayer is a Physical/Magical hybrid with a Mage’s mana regeneration model. This means that you get mana back based on how much damage you dish out relative to your own HP, especially on crits. Regaining mana won’t be too much trouble, and you’ll see why. The best stats to focus on are Intellect, Strength, and Luck. For this crazy and chaotic class, you have to focus on both your LUK stat and your luck in real life.
Autoattack: Chaos Blade
(2.3 second cooldown, 115% weapon damage)
The Chaos Slayer's weapon attacks are empowered by Chaos making any weapon strike hit like a blade made of pure chaos. Every strike draws in more Chaos blight. Hits up to 3 targets. If you are Chaorrupted, this becomes a single-target ability.
This autoattack is unique because it hits up to 3 nearby targets. For each successful hit, you gain a stack of Chaos Blight, which increases your damage slightly. This will increase the base power of all your other skills, too. The more targets you hit, the more mana you regain.
Rank1: Chaorruption
(5 second cooldown, 15 mana)
Let the Chaorruption take over and render your physical form. Deals moderate damage and Chaorrupts the Chaos Slayer, increasing crit and hit chance by 10% and focusing all attacks on a single target.
This ability turns you Chaorrupted and is best used for fighting a single enemy because all of your attacks – including your autoattack – will be aimed at one target only, like when you’re fighting a boss monster. The hit chance and critical strike chance buff are there to help you with mana control. It will ensure that you hit your target more often because you’ll lose your stacks of Chaos Blight if you miss consecutively. The critical strike chance buff will increase your chances to crit and gain more mana back.
Rank 2: Enigma
(4 second cooldown, 13 mana)
Chaos is the unpredictable power shrouded in mystery. What effects will be inflicted onto your targets? Deals no damage and randomly applies up to 4 effects. Hits up to 6 targets, but will become a single-target ability if you are Chaorrupted.
True to the nature of chaos, this ability can apply as many as 4, or as few as zero, effects to your target. The effects it can potentially trigger are:
Anguished - increases your targets’ vulnerability, making them take 50% more damage for 10 seconds.
Delusion - blinds your targets and lowers their hit chance for 10 seconds.
Impasse - traps your targets and greatly reduces their chance to dodge.
Courageous - buff your targets’ defenses, making them take 50% less damage. Yes, that's right – it buffs your enemy. Luckily, this effect has a much lower chance to activate than the others.
When you are Chaorrupted, Enigma becomes a single-target ability.
Rank 3: Surge
(17 second cooldown, 24 mana)
Summon Chaotic forces to mend your wounds or protect your physical form. Either heals you for a moderate amount over 6 seconds or places a defensive buff significantly reducing all incoming damage for 8 seconds.
This skill will either give you a heal-over time or reduce all damage you take by more than half. The heal-over-time gets stronger with each stack of Chaos Blight you currently have.
Rank 4: Passives
Enmity – endurance increased by 25%.
Ultimate Power – Chaos, the power within, consumes you.
Who doesn't want more HP? Enmity gives you more survivability, which makes Chaos Slayer even tougher to beat. As for Ultimate Power, chaos has not yet shown us the true effect of this skill. The outcome of the Doomwood war will affect the rank 4 passive's Ultimate Power skill – if the Alliance wins, it will become a 15% crit damage buff. If chaos wins, it will become a 10% attack buff. The fate of this class is in your hands!
Rank 5: Pandemonium
(15 second cooldown, 30 mana)
Create even more Chaos with a massive explosion, hitting up to 6 targets and evolving all effects from Enigma into more powerful effects. If you are Chaorrupted, this becomes a single-target ability.
In addition to its high damage burst, Pandemonium also amplifies all of the effects from Enigma.
If your target is Anguished, it will apply Atrophy which will cut your target’s damage by 50% for 10 seconds.
If your targets have Delusion, it will apply Ataxia which will sharply cut their chances to critically strike for seconds.
If your targets have Impasse, it will apply Numbing which will significantly drop their haste for 10 seconds.
If your targets are Courageous, it will apply Paragon which will increase their outgoing damage by 500%.
Needless to say, if your target already has the Courageous buff, you may want to avoid activating this skill.
Rank 10: Passive
Spell Disruption – All spell damage taken is reduced by 35%.
You won’t find many monsters in AQW that deal spell damage to you, but this can be useful in PvP. If you combine Spell Disruption with Surge, you’ll take very little damage from spell attacks.
Final Thoughts
There you have it, a breakdown of all the effects of Chaos Slayer. This class is fun to use and wild in battle. Chaos Blade is the best autoattack I have seen since it gets stronger as the battle progresses. I really enjoy having the option to switch between AoE and single-target mode with Chaorruption. You really have to watch out what Enigma will apply – since it has a short cooldown and uses little mana, you can keep spamming that skill until you get the effect you want. Then you can finish it off with Pandemonium. Always watch your HP because Surge might not give you the effect you want. With its several buffs and debuffs, Chaos Slayer is awesome for farming, soloing, PvP, group battles, and support – you could even say it's the ultimate class.

June 06, 2014
Chaos Slayer Class
Unleash Your Inner Chaos!
Tonight, you'll battle up to the top of Mount DoomSkull and face Drakath to unlock the Chaos Slayer class shop. Once unlocked, you'll be able to get Chaos Slayer for 2000 ACs, or for 100,000 gold if you have reached rank 10 Chaos Rep.
Like a chaorrupted superhero team.
Choose Your Form!
You'll be able to choose what appearance your personal Chaos Slayer takes - mage, healer, rogue or berzerker. Your class skills will remain the same no matter what choice you make. For Slayers who prefer a different skill set, each of these looks will also be available as an armor. (Healer will not be available as an option until next week - Dage is still working his magic on the art!)
A full class writeup is coming next week, but here's a quick and dirty preview of the skills:
- Chaos Blade (auto attack): The Chaos Slayer's weapon attacks are empowered by Chaos making any weapon strike hit like a blade made of pure chaos. Every strike draws in more Chaos blight. Hits up to 3 targets. If you are Chaorrupted, this becomes a single-target ability.
- Chaorruption (rank 1): Let the Chaorruption take over and render your physical form. Deals moderate damage and Chaorrupts the Chaos Slayer, increasing crit and hit chance by 10% and focusing all attacks on a single target.
- Enigma (rank 2): Chaos is the unpredictable power shrouded in mystery. What effects will be inflicted onto your targets? Deals no damage and randomly applies up to 4 effects. Hits up to 6 targets, but will become a single-target ability if you are Chaorrupted.
- Surge (rank 3): Summon Chaotic forces to mend your wounds or protect your physical form. Either heals you for a moderate amount over 6 seconds or places a defensive buff significantly reducing all incoming damage for 8 seconds.
- Enmity (rank 4 passive): Endurance increased by 25%.
- Ultimate Power (rank 4 passive): Chaos, the power within, consumes you.
- Pandemonium (rank 5): Create even more Chaos with a massive explosion, hitting up to 6 targets and evolving all effects from Enigma into more powerful effects. If you are Chaorrupted, this becomes a single-target ability.
- Spell Disruption (rank 10 passive): Spell damage taken is reduced by 35%.

May 29, 2014
Gear Up for Adventure
Get Ready for a Crash Landing
Back in the outskirts of Greenguard Forest at /join dwakel, an age old battle of alien invaders vs natural resources is taking place. After crash landing their experimental ship, a dwakel colony made its mission to rebuild their craft, using any and ALL resources necessary. Unless you want the wrath of Captain Lore’s army of tree-huggers upon you, it’s time to make sure these invaders leave the land with its resources intact.
Inspector or Collector
With the forest on the verge of environmental collapse, it’s time for a radioactive, machinery filled scavenger hunt. Taravya has a grocery list full of items that might turn this overcooked situation sunny side up:
- 8 Chunks Quadrolithium
- 4 Dam Balloons
- 6 Bumper Bolts
- 1 Alien Butt-Kicking Attitude
Mix all these ingredients together and this forest may be safe from toxic cesspool-dom yet.
What’s All This For?
- Quadrolithium like Crystallized Dragon’s Breath is an essential, nearly inexhaustible component for powering spacecraft. While inexhaustible, it’s far from clean energy. One shard of radioactive Quadroithium is enough to poison a horc if handled improperly.
- Dwakels often replenish their mana from pure water. Environmentalists be wary, however, as every mana point replenished is another water drop lost. To keep the streams from running dry, dam balloons are a must to block dwakels from their favorite water sources.
- After the environment is saved, it’s time for some sabotage. By taking the bumper bolts from Dwakel suits, their armor will collapse in on themselves, effectively turning a killing machine into a toy tricycle.
Fully Charged Situation
Now that the scavenger hunt has come to a close, it’s time to get a good look at the crashed craft. After obstructing their resources, this dwakel colony should be all but surrendering. However, the mighty Mithril Man is still standing. As their ship’s last line of defense, this monster keeps going and going, having the strength of a hardcore-hare on steroids. Better drum up all your courage hero, this battle will be a shocking experience for all involved. If you can power down this monster in a two round brawl, then the Piston-Driven Polearm and spacecraft secrets are yours.
Silicon DIE-Oxide
Seems like these dwakels still have one more trick up their mechanical sleeves. Hidden behind a set of broilers, this monster would be a Stark naked wimp, if not for its iron plated suit that’s dying to make you feel like a puny god.This is the last threat to face before the dwakels can be beaten to the peace table. If you can take this machine down, then a multitude of mechanical riches await.
A Class Act
Beyond steampunk-era alien tech, defeating the ProtoSarium will earn you the Legend’s only ProtoSarium Class. Taravya will also trade you the Rustbucket Class, for a few spare ProtoSarium parts if you aren’t yet Legend level. As a jack of all trades, a Rustbucket or ProtoSarium needs a bit of every stat to get going in a fight. Will you equip these classes and be a lightning level force on the battlefield or just left in the junkyard?
Flying to Freedom
Before you go saying Deja Moo, thinking you’ve heard this bull before, it may be in the forest’s best interest to fix the dwakel colony’s ship. If you can get these invaders out of Greenguard environmentaly unschathed, maybe the enivornmentals will leaf all this alone. Good luck fixing that technology though, as who knows what some of it does?
Old Ain’t Always Bad
While this release is one of AQW’s oldest, doesn’t mean it isn’t worth checking out. Get to it heros and keep Greenguard Forest safe from dwakel destruction! As always post any comments on the forums and tweet me @ACWOAE with future throwback suggestions. Now that schools out, hopefully I’ll be able to focus on AQW and the terrors of Drakath, rather than the terrors of homework!
Huge thank you to Lafbael, Akeem, Rock Lea, and Odin Fatalis for sending in rocking screenshots for this throwback! Who knows, maybe you’ll be featured in the next one? Watch twitter to see when it’s time for the next set of photos!

May 25, 2014
A Surprise Memorial Day Gift...
...For Memorial Day 2014
For those of us living in the US, this coming Monday is Memorial Day - a day to remember those who have died while serving in our armed forces. As a token of our rememberance - and a gift to you - Dage has created a special, limited-time flag symbolizing our fallen warriors.
Only Available Monday, May 26
The Memorial Flag 2014 cape will be available on Monday only (starting at midnight server time) in the OMGZilla shop in the game menu for 0 gold - he may be a monster but he's also a protector, so he loves soldiers as much as we do. Login tomorrow to get it - on Tuesday it'll be gone. Available for Legends and free players alike.

May 22, 2014
The Best Monsters Have Laser Breath
What's That Thundering, Stomping Noise?
We just got the OMGZilla file back from guest animator Korin, and I really wanted to show you guys how cool it is! For those of you who are thinking of getting the battle pet version, here's one of his attacks:
Stand BEHIND OMGZilla. Not in front.
Even if you're not getting the battlepet version of this big guy, you can still enjoy the look of blue, glowing, radioactive monster spines by completing his quests. The Kaiju Slayer sword, designed by Blade and pictured below, has a chance to drop as a reward from one of OMGZilla's quests:
- Don't forget! The Hyperspace Mutant merge gear also went live yesterday!

May 20, 2014
Big Monsters Crush Cities
Of Giant Monsters and Animated Armors
We've mentioned a few times that we're working on a new "animated items" system, which Yorumi is currently testing. Cysero also mentioned yesterday that this new system might not be ready in time for Friday's release, and as much as we really want you guys to be able to play with these things as soon as possible... it is looking like that might indeed happen a little bit later than Friday. But never fear! We are going to make it up to you!
OMG, That's One Big Lizard.
Here's a special sneak peek at OMGZilla! Designed by Dage, OMGZilla is the biggest pet you've ever seen. Standing even taller than you do, this big guy isn't here to destroy Lore, but to help protect it from other giant monsters. Once you buy him, he'll give you quests to join in him defeating some of the most dangerous nasties around. And if you're lucky, you might be rewarded with some exclusive kaiju-slaying gear!
- Everyone will be able to buy the OMGZilla quest pet for 2000AC
- We'll also release a special battlepet version for Legends at the same price!
Speaking of Things With Huge Eyes
We've also been working up a nice collection of chaos-themed gear for Runester333's Chaorrupted Lab release. If you've ever wanted to wear the chaos portal on your back, now's your chance:
It's watching you.
Chaos Lab gear includes:
- Chaorrupted Artix/Beleen armor
- Chaorrupted Cysero/Alina armor
- Chaos Portal cape (shown above)
- Purple Potion Pack cape
- Chaorrupted Chinchilla Hat
- Eye Am Chaos helm
- Chaorruped Blade of Awe
- Chaorrupted Light of Destiny
- Cysero's Chaos Hammer (shown above)
- Chaorrupted Hamster Pet
- Chaorrupted Memet Pet

April 23, 2014
More Goodies in the Tower of Doom
Want to glow in the dark?
On Friday, you collected Monster Trophies in the Tower of Doom to trade for Zoshi's gorgeous Marrowfiend sets. But those sets were based around the look and feel of the top half of the tower. What about all of the people who liked the dark caves of the lower half, filled with glowing stones and fungus?
I got your glowing stones and fungus right here.
To fill this dark void, we've added these two new sets. The Bioluminous gear, worn by the gentleman on the right, can all be purchased from the Monster Hunter merge shop for Monster Trophies, and is available to all players. For those who prefer a fancier look, the glowier (and Legend-only) Bioluminous Amarita set, shown on the right, is available as drops from the bosses in the lower half of the tower.
In the Monster Hunter merge shop:
- Bioluminous Armor
- Bioluminous Cloak
- Bioluminous Hood
- Bioluminous Mask
Dropping from the bosses:
- Bioluminous Amarita Armor - drops from Slugbutter
- Bioluminous Amarita Cloak - drops from Dread Avatar
- Bioluminous Amarita Hood - drops from Dread Fang
- Bioluminous Amarita Blades - drops from Dread Warrior

April 18, 2014
Now Live - Tower of Doom
Battle through 100 Levels of Terror!
What dark and deadly creatures wait at the top and bottom of this death-trap? Battle increasingly-difficult monsters on your way to the top of the Tower of Doom. Then, take on more and more challengers as you fight your way to the lowest level of the Tower! You won't be able to skip any levels in the Tower of Doom, so the only way to reach the last boss is to fight through ALL 100 floors!
Even Creel Wants This Sword.
This dungeon crawl is epic. We've taken a giant spire and filled all 100 floors with every kind of monster we could think of, and then added a boss - all familiar faces to you old-timers! - every 10 levels. The monsters get increasingly difficult as you progress through the tower, so not only is completing this dungeon something to brag about, it's also a great place to farm gold and XP, no matter what level you are.
Hunt for the Eternity Blade - and other awesome loot!
Heroes level 30 or above will be able to unlock a special quest to hunt through the Tower of Doom for the fabulous Eternity Blade! You'll be able to get the quest from Zoshi in the /towerofdoom map. This awesome sword is available to Legends and free players alike, and switches between two looks when you click its hilt. Keep it - in the near future, it will give you a chance to experience the most brutal battle you've EVER seen!
You'll also collect Monster Trophies as you fight through the tower, which you can use to unlock exclusive gear in the Tower of Doom merge shop. To access the shop, just talk to Zoshi in /towerofdoom.
Made from all your monster trophies...
From Beleen To Tendou
As a special "thank you" to Tendou for helping her in such a huge way with contest judging, Beleen has released a special superdeformed "Tendurrr" pet! You can get this cute lil guy as a rare drop from Dark Makai from /nulgath and /tercessuinotlim.
Wolfhound Warrior Set & Fantasty Hero Pass
Unlock all 11 items in the Wolfhound Warrior set with the 12 month upgrade package or choose from the 6 month upgrade, 3 month upgrade, 5000 AdventureCoin, or 12000 AdventureCoin packages for selected items from the set! Or, get the Fantasy Hero Package Pass to unlock ALL the fantasy hero gear with one pass!
Also available now:

April 15, 2014
What's Going Rare This Friday?
Last Chance For Dage's Birthday Items
Dage's 2014 birthday events, shops and items are leaving this Friday, April 18. So if there's anything you want but haven't had the chance to pick up, now's the time!
Last chance to look this gorgeous.
Shops leaving this Friday:
- Dage's Dark Birthday Shop
Maps leaving this Friday:
- /undervoid (Undead Apocalypse event)
Items leaving this Friday:
- BladeMaster Class & set items
- Legion Dreadmarch set
- Legion Dreadrider items
- Hardcore Paragon Pet
- War, Famine, Conquest and Death sets
- Purchaseable Altar of Caladbolg (seasonally rare)
- Evolved Dark Caster
Other stuff that will be leaving
Dage's 2014 birthday events, shops and items are leaving this Friday, April 18. So if there's anything you want but haven't had the chance to pick up, now's the time!
- Beleen's Hero's Heart Rares shop, including Bluddron and Paragon of Love sets
- Seasonal Carnaval items and quests (though the /carnaval map will stay!)
- Lucky Day maps and rare/seasonal items