Design Notes
April 14, 2015
New Mobile Game Announced!
A free single-player arcade-survival game coming soon
The creative minds behind the PvP MMO EpicDuel have teased about a "big, exciting announcement" for the past few weeks. But today is a very special day, because that well-kept secret is finally being revealed…
Titan, Nightwraith, Charfade and Rabblefroth have been secretly developing a new mobile game entitled “BioBeasts” while also working on EpicDuel (woah, they must drink A LOT of coffee!). Today we’re excited to showcase the progress the EpicDuel team has made so far!
BioBeasts Bio
BioBeasts will be a free, single-player arcade-survival game for mobile devices (Android and iOS) where you control a mutating beast fighting to escape from a robot-controlled laboratory. You will control a variety of beasts as they try to escape from a lab run by the sadistic Alydriah. Defend yourself against a horde of robot guards, laboratory defenses, and hulking bosses as you claw, bite, blast, and bash your way to freedom! Unlock new beasts with special powers and obtain potent mutations to experiment with as the game progresses.
The team is already well into development and have a number of screenshots posted on their shiny new website:!
Be sure to post your questions and suggestions on the new site! The team will respond to your questions in a post on Friday (April 17). You can also follow all the exciting new announcements for BioBeasts on Twitter, Facebook.
Bring on the BioBeasts!

October 22, 2014
AQWednesday Newsletter
Prepare for Battle in the Blood & Blades Finale happening this Friday, October 24th!
Are YOU ready to decide who will take the Darkovian Throne?
- Choose between Lady Solani, Gravefang, Baron Luca, or Elder Rapaxi
- Fight for your chosen leader to cast your votes
- Solani currently in the lead—but Gravefang and Luca are not far behind!
This is browser RPG history in the making—and the Darkovian Vampire Throne is ready for the taking!
Sink your teeth (and fangs) into more details by clicking here.
Special Offer: Dark DragonMaster
Gold is good, but AdventureCoins are so much better! And when you stock up on ACs in the best RPG, you can become the Dark DragonMaster, too!
- Exclusive Dark DragonMaster Set
- Buy either a 12,000 or 5,000 AC package to unlock Set
- Offer begins Friday Oct 24th @ 12:01 AM EST
Spoiler alert: next month, the world will find out more about DragonMasters, but this is your 1st chance to become a Dark DragonMaster!
Become a Dark DragonMaster this Friday by clicking here!
DING! Level Cap Increased!
You have all been asking for it—and finally here it is!
- The best Adventure MMORPG just got better with the Level Cap Raised to 65
- Show off your newfound powers and strength
- No beast is foolish enough to stand in you way!
- Will you be the 1st Hero in all of Lore to reach level 65?
Well that sounds like a challenge to me. So brandish your blade, conjure your spells, and witness the massive power that Level 65 brings!
Next Week: Edgar Allan Poe Special Event
Friday the 31st is next week, and you know what that means: it’s Mogloween, full of brand new tricks and treats!
- Voice acted by Voltaire, famous Goth Musician
- Unique AQW twists on Edgar Allan Poe’s stores: The Fall of the House of Usher, The Cask of Amontillado, & The Raven
- Don’t just read through… fight through these 3 classic tales of terror!
- Tons of new items, monsters, maps, cutscenes, and more!
- Event begins Friday, October 31, at sundown at
Check back here tomorrow for spooktacular spoilers about this Edgar Allan Poe video game event!

August 25, 2014
Bring on the DragonCon
2014 DragonCon Information
Artix Panel Date & Time
WHEN: Saturday, Aug 30th @ 2:30 PM
WHERE: DragonCon : Grand Salon D room @ the Hilton Atlanta hotel
WHY: To launch the 13 Lords of Chaos poster, to talk about our new Mobile game AQ Dragons, to showcase a new secret Mobile game, and to meet and greet our biggest fans—like you!
Launching: 13 Lords of Chaos Poster!
To commemorate the epic finale of the current AdventureQuest Worlds storyline, we are releasing this AMAZING 13 Lords of Chaos Poster, featuring all 13 Chaos Lords drawn & painted by Diozz and Dage the Evil. The entire Artix team will sign these posters at the lab before they are taken to DragonCon. Anyone attending our panel on Saturday, August 30 at DragonCon will be able to buy these posters before ANYONE ELSE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!
New Mobile Game: AQ Dragons
So you want to know more about AQ Dragons? So OF COURSE DragonCon is the best place to do so! The Artix team will reveal everything we know about the upcoming mobile game, AQ Dragons, at our panel. This is so much better than piecing together tidbits of information via our Twitters =)
Ah yes, a new secret mobile game. Well… it won’t be much of a secret for those who attend our DragonCon panel! And I cannot say much more about it… because it’s been kept a secret from me, too! >…..<
How to Survive DragonCon
Cysero is your best bet for surviving DragonCon. And he’s posted a full length survival guide here.
On behalf of the entire Artix Entertainment team, we hope to see you at the Artix Panel @ DragonCon this Saturday, August 30th, in the Hilton’s Grand Salon D room!
xoxo Beleen =D
Ps... IDK what that drawing up there is for. Cysero drew it... so maybe you can ask him about it on his Twitter?

July 23, 2014
New Release on Friday, July 25!
Drakath's Story: Embrace Chaos
Check out all the new NEW happening this Friday, July 25, in the best free MMO, AdventureQuest Worlds!
Drakath’s Story, Part 2
Who is ready to embrace Chaos?!
- Discover Drakath’s past... through his own eyes!
- Witness Drakath’s journey to becoming the Champion of Chaos
- Battle through Falconreach’s Tower and the Dracolich Fortress
- Chaos Rares Shop
- Chaos Rep Shop
If you hope to save the future of Lore, you must first understand the past of the Champion of Chaos himself!
Monthly Member Shop
Speak with Ragnar in Battleon to access the Monthly Member Shop:
- BitterHeart and FlameBlade Assassin Sets
- 28 items currently available
- New exclusive set(s) added each month!
Only upgraded Legends can harness these elite items, so if you want to get the best loot in the game, consider becoming a Legend today!
Chaos Paragon Set Going Rare
This is your last chance to get the Chaos Paragon Set, because it’s leaving the Limited Quantity Shop on August 1st!
- Go to
- “Buy Now” under the Chaos Paragon set
- Enter your AQW account info (of course it’s safe!)
- Click “Buy Chaos Paragon” for 2,000 ACs
- Become the Chaos Paragon in AQWorlds!
Get more AdventureCoins here if you need a refill, and prepare to dominate the battlefield as a Chaos Paragon!
Pure Pandemonium
Get your paws on the Panda Hoodie, arriving this Friday at HeroMart!
- Zip-up Panda Hoodie with Ears on hood
- Made from 100% fabric softener teddy bear
- 6 exclusive in-game AQW items included
- Unlocks SnugglePanda Helm in DragonFable & Pandah Head Weapon in MechQuest
No one can resist the Panda Hoodie—it’s im-paws-ible! Order yours this Friday from to keep your cool in any grizzly situation.

July 16, 2014
New Release on Friday, July 18!
True Story Bro: Drakath’s Path towards becoming the Champion of Chaos
Check out all the new NEW happening this Friday, July 18, in the best MMO, AdventureQuest Worlds!
Drakath’s Story
How did Drakath become the Champion of Chaos? Find out this week!
- Single player adventure: you ARE Drakath!
- Play through Drakath’s past and meet young Princess Victoria
- Witness how Drakath became the Champion of Chaos through his own eyes
- Spoiler alert: your 1st look at the Queen of All Monsters!
Uncover Drakath’s past. Understand the present. And foresee the future in this week’s newest release!
Hot New Armor Type!
Summer is here—and so is the Summer Token Shop!
- NEW Armor Type: Fire Elemental Morph (yes, now you really ARE a monster!)
- Special Animation + Bonuses
- +4 weapons in Summer Token Shop
- +4 helms AND the Coolest Swimsuit Armor
Seize the day (and some loot) in the Summer Token Shop!
!! Wheels of Doom & Destiny !!
Important update from the Carnival of Fortune:
- EbilCorp forges contract, buys Wheels of Doom & Destiny
- Both WoD to be repossessed from AQWorlds
- Chairman Platinum to use WoDs for his diabolical schemes
On August 23, the Carnival of Fortune will close its gates and the Wheel of Doom & the Wheel of Destiny will be gone FOREVER! Spin Now by typing /join doom in the in-game chat bar!
NEW: PvP in BG!
Player vs Player combat is now live in Battle Gems!
- Gut-stomping battles against your friends!
- Climb the leaderboard & win trophies!
- 20 new items in PvP Shop!
- 216 obtainable PvP Titles!
Battle Gems now offers Gold Packages, so even more exclamation points are totally necessary!!!

July 01, 2014
Red, Fight, and Blue!
All the new NEW happening this 4th of July!
Want a sneak-peek at all the fun taking place this Friday, July 4th?
Uhh... DUH! They say a picture is worth a thousand words… so here’s 4,000 more to feast your eyes on!
Behold: Legendary Dungeons!
Calling all Legends! 3 new Legend-only Dungeons have just opened up!
- Pyramid of Pain
- Killer Katacombs
- Dungeon of Deadly Doom
Can you reach the end of each dungeon and claim the legendary prize within?
- Call of Hope cape
- Gilded Blade of Eternity
- Staff of Mayhem
In addition to looking AWESOME, these items will give you a boost during the Chaos finale too.
New: Limited Quantity Sets
Arriving Friday, July 4, at 12:30pm server time:
- Chaos Paragon Set: 1 armor, 1 helm, 1 cape
- Eternal Warrior Set: 1 armor, 4 helms, 1 cape, 2 weapons
- Chaos Conqueror Set: 1 armor, 1 helm, 1 cape, 1 weapon
- Blazing Chaos Pet; only 15,000 created
- Nine Tentails Set: 1 pet, 1 cape
Check out Alina’s post here for more info—and more photos!
Special Offer @ HeroMart knows how to put the FREE in freedom, and during this holiday weekend at HeroMart…
- Orders over $100 get a free $10 Artix Gift Certificate
- Orders over $200 get a free $25 Artix Gift Certificate
- Going Rare: Captain America T-Shirt and in-game items
When you celebrate Freedom Day with red, white, and blue… you’ll save green at!
Red, FIGHT, and Blue Seasonal Rares!
Attention Chaos Lords: let’s put aside our differences and celebrate Freedom Day the right way—with Seasonal Rare items OMG yes way!
- Liberty Blade; 4 animated versions
- Explosive Rocket Backpack
- Iron Maple Leaf Axe
- Cannon of Chaos: 2014 RARE
- and of course there's more =)
Find the Freedom Day Shop in Battleon on this 4th of July, and then battle on all holiday weekend long!
Beleen Nominated @ Dragon Slayer Awards
Hey… that’s ME! Please help me win the legendary Dragon Slayer Awards Trophy by nominating me at the 3rd Annual Dragon Slayer Awards, presented by Guild Launch and hosted on GameSkinny!
Nominate Beleen and AdventureQuest Worlds at
xoxo Beleen! =D

January 22, 2014
Spoiler Alert: Fable Forest
Introducing Elements & Shapeshifting
This Friday, January 24, 2014, marks the day that your favorite MMORPG introduces Elements into the world of Lore. DragonFable’s famous Shapeshifting NPC, Fae, will guide Legendary Heroes into a new elemental zone: Fable Forest.
Fable Forest is home to the Guardian Tree and the 4 fundamental Elements: Water, Fire, Nature, and Wind. Due to Fae’s unique—yet uncontrollable—Shapeshifting abilities, she will randomly change into a DragonFable-inspired Elemental creature during your quests, which will buff your Attack power, decrease your Attack power, or remain neutral.
If you’re fighting Fire Elementals, and Fae changes into a Water Elemental, you will do an Attack Damage increase!
But… if you’re fighting Water Elementals, and Fae sneezes and changes into a Fire Elemental, then you will do less Attack Damage.
Same thing with Nature and Wind: Wind Element is strong against Nature Elementals, and Nature Elementals will do less damage against Wind Elements.
And if Fae changes into an element that’s neither strong nor weak against the Elementals you’re fighting, you’ll do normal Attack Damage. So if Fae turns into a Fire Elemental, and you’re fighting Wind or Nature Elementals, you’ll do normal Attack Damage.
After you help Fae retrieve the 4 fundamental Elements stones, the portal in the Guardian Tree will open, granting you an acquaintance with the Forest Guardian. Here you will uncover Fae’s mysterious past and how she got her Shapeshifting powers!
It’s Elemental, My Dear Watson
This is only the beginning of Elements in AQWorlds. One of the best features in AdventureQuest & DragonFable is Elemental strengths and weaknesses, which we will slowly and carefully implement into AQWorlds. Only 4 Elements are being introduced this week, but if you wanna get a head start at understanding Elements, then keep on reading!
There are 8 Elements total. Moving clockwise, the Elements are STRONG against the next, so Fire beats Ice, Ice beats Wind, Wind beats Nature, etc.
If you move counterclockwise, Elements are WEAK against the previous, so Fire is weak against Water, Water is weak against Energy, Energy is weak against Nature, etc.
There are 2 Unique Elements not contained within the Elemental wheel: Light and Darkness. Light is strong against Darkness, and Darkness is strong against Light.
REMEMBER! In Friday’s release, the only Elemental strengths and weaknesses you need to know are:
- Water is STRONG against Fire
- Fire is WEAK against Water
- Wind is STRONG against Nature
- Nature is WEAK against Wind
Elemental Awesomeness!
Thousands of your fellow Heroes on Twitter and Facebook are teeming with excitement about Elementals. We know the feeling, too! YAAY!
But we also understand that some of you might be worried about Elementals “changing the game too much.” Do not worry, my friend! As stated earlier, we will slowly and carefully implement Elements into the game. And with your help and suggestions, we will take AQWorlds to a whole new (gaming) level!
Defeating Drakath and the Lord of Chaos is still our Number 1 priority, but we wanted to give you a little sneak-peek at what the Team is planning for you. Elements are AWESOME in AQ and DF, and we hope to bask in that awesomeness in the upcoming future with you =)
Feel free to share your thoughts on my Twitter or on the AQWorlds Facebook page, and I look forward to mastering the Elements with you!
Battle on my loves!
xoxo Beleen =D

January 14, 2014
Spoiler Alert: Ultra Elemental Class
Sneak Peek at the newest Class arriving Friday
Normal is good… Evolved is better… and Ultra is the BEST! The Ultra Elemental Class is arriving this Friday, January 17, 2014. It is the first new class of the New Year, and it is probably the last Class you will EVER want to master!
The Ultra Elemental Class is unlike any other. You must harness each Elemental Orb Cape to prove yourself worthy of becoming the Ultra Elemental. Each Orb Cape offers special boosts when equipped:
- Water Orb: Class Points boost
extra damage against Chaos and Elemental monsters - Fire Orb: XP boost
extra damage against Chaos and Elemental monsters - Wind Orb: Gold boost, extra damage against Chaos and Elemental monsters
- Earth Orb: Reputation boost
extra damage against Chaos and Elemental monsters - Energy Orb: Class Points boost
extra damage against Chaos and Dragon monsters - Ice Orb: XP boost
extra damage against Chaos and Dragon monsters - Light Orb: Reputation boost
extra damage against Chaos and Undead monsters - Dark Orb: Gold boost
extra damage against Chaos and Human monsters
AC versions of the capes will be available from Draven Stormbringer in Battleon for AdventureCoins. Legends can quest for some of the Orb Capes (certain levels of Faction Rep will be required) and buy others with gold.
Once all Capes are in your possession, you shall turn them into Draven Stormbringer in Battleon who will grant you access to the Ultra Elemental Class Shop. This shop contains:
- Ultra Elemental Class: 0 AdventureCoins
- ALL Elemental Orb Capes: 0 AdventureCoins
- Exclusive Chaos Orb: ????????
The Ultra Elemental Class is undergoing hardcore skill training at the moment (HA, and I thought CrossFit was challenging!). Due to my sneaky-sneak abilities (and not knowing what "keep this a secret" means), I managed to catch a glimpse of the Ultra Elemental’s Skills before Dumoose chased me off.
- Elemental Fusion: Strike your opponent with the elements you currently have charged. Different effects based on which elemental magics are combined.
- Blaze: Deals a burst of fire damage and charges your next Elemental Fusion with Fire Magic.
- Stoneskin: Reduces all incoming damage for a duration. Charges your next Elemental Fusion with Earth Magic.
- Chain Lightning: Strike multiple opponents for increasing damage for each jump. Bounces up to 5 times. Charges your next Elemental Fusion with Energy Magic.
- Command of Darkness (passive): Strength increased by 10%
- Command of Light (passive): Intellect Increased by 10%
- Blizzard: All Elemental Fusions have a chance to unleash a fusion of Wind and Ice. The blizzard will lower your opponents haste significantly for 5 seconds.
These skills are subject to change before Friday, so don’t hold everything up there verbatim. I just wanted to share with you what I found because… well… that’s what spoiler alerts are all about!
I know you’re looking forward to mastering the Ultra Elemental Class. So make sure you log in this Friday night to be one of the first Ultra Elementals in Lore!
xoxo Beleen

February 01, 2013
Sneak Peak!
I just HAD to show you these!
Your favorite traveling sales Moglin, Quibble, is making his way back to Battleon tonight. And he’s got some of the most EPIC items I have ever seen!
Don’t believe me? Pppffft. Here’s the proof:
They aren’t even pink, and yet these armors, helms, and weapons are totally awesome still! Make sure you’ve got enough AdventureCoins to score these awesome armor sets (and bragging rights).
But that’s not all!
Feast your eyes on these armor sets arriving tonight during the Graveclaw storyline.
Graveclaw is one bad beast, but the items you can get make up for his ferocity. The set Caffeinator is wearing on the left even has color custom features!
Stay tuned later today for even more previews of the amazing items in store for you and your heroic buddies!
Spoiler Alert On! =D