Design Notes
May 06, 2015
AQWeekly Newsletter: May 8 2015
Dare you enter Dage's forgotten tombs?
New items, new adventures, new friends and new foes await you this weekend. We hope you enjoy playing AdventureQuest Worlds as much as we enjoy making the game for you!
Alina, Beleen, Cysero, and the AQWorlds Team

January 07, 2015
New Game Updates on Jan. 9
New Zone: Eagle’s Reach Battlegrounds
Battle bosses @ Eagle’s Reach Keep, learn arctic monster slaying skills, and earn LOTS of Rep, XP & Class Points! Members can battle through the Hall of Honors for even greater rewards!
Golden Gladiator Tier Package
All that glitters is… Golden Gladiator! On Jan 9, get your gauntlets on the 12 Month Upgrade and unlock ALL 16 ITEMS in the Golden Gladiator set! Read more about it here.
Next Week: King of the Nerds star Zack Storch
Prepare for the Za’nar Invasion on Jan. 16! A special event based off the new book by Zack Storch features Chaos, a new Planet, & Void Dragons!
Get 10% More AdventureCoins / Artix Points
Use Paypal, a Credit Card, or Amazon to get 10% MORE AdventureCoins or Artix Points! Only available for a limited time. Read more about it here.

December 10, 2014
New Game Updates for Dec. 12
New Release: Hunt for the Winter's Heart Hoard
Rumor has it that a treasure trove of unfathomable riches awaits brave heroes, but no one has ever returned... Can YOU claim ALL the glory?
Bonebreaker Adventure Map Updates
AQW’s first ever Adventure Pack, Bonebreak Berserker, receives its highly anticipated full update: new map, new battles, Armor sets, & much more!
Limited Time Shop: Tundra Stalker Armor Set
Listen up Rare Item Hunters! The rare Tundra Stalker arrives this Friday in the Limited Time Shop. Claim these Rare Items until Thurs. Dec. 18!
Next Week: AQW’s NEW Main Storyline
The 13 Lords of Chaos were ONLY the beginning! When the WorldBreaker rises, the fabled Ancients will return to power & forever change the world!

November 04, 2014
Best RPG Armor Set Going Rare
Last Chance to become the Warlock Grand Master!
On the fateful day of Friday, November 7, 2014, the exclusive Warlock Grand Master set will go permanently rare from everyone’s favorite adventure MMO, AdventureQuest Worlds!
Click the pic above to watch the video where I show all the awesomeness that this Rare set contains, and—most importantly—how to become the Warlock Grand Master!
Here’s the direct link too: .
For all those Warlocks out there—thank you SO MUCH for supporting AQ Worlds! All your friends here take so much pride in creating the best online MMORPG for you, and without your kind donations, we could never have accomplished any of this. Thanks again for supporting AdventureQuest Worlds! xoxoxoxooxooxoxo!!
Want to become the Warlock Grand Master? Click here and Upgrade with the 12 Month Membership Package!
xoxo Beleen =D

August 07, 2014
GameSkinny Exclusive Article
From Tragedy to Victory: How an In-Game NPC Transformed a Gamer Girl IRL
Hello my loves! featured my very personal, and very real, article today. It’s a story I’ve kept secret for the past 7 years, but since you guys and gals are my family, I finally mustered up the strength to reveal my tragic tale.
I want you all to know how a positive attitude can get you through the toughest of times. I hope my story offers you real-world inspiration and courage, because you are my friends and family, and I want you all to succeed as I have!
xoxo Beleen! =D

July 01, 2014
Red, Fight, and Blue!
All the new NEW happening this 4th of July!
Want a sneak-peek at all the fun taking place this Friday, July 4th?
Uhh... DUH! They say a picture is worth a thousand words… so here’s 4,000 more to feast your eyes on!
Behold: Legendary Dungeons!
Calling all Legends! 3 new Legend-only Dungeons have just opened up!
- Pyramid of Pain
- Killer Katacombs
- Dungeon of Deadly Doom
Can you reach the end of each dungeon and claim the legendary prize within?
- Call of Hope cape
- Gilded Blade of Eternity
- Staff of Mayhem
In addition to looking AWESOME, these items will give you a boost during the Chaos finale too.
New: Limited Quantity Sets
Arriving Friday, July 4, at 12:30pm server time:
- Chaos Paragon Set: 1 armor, 1 helm, 1 cape
- Eternal Warrior Set: 1 armor, 4 helms, 1 cape, 2 weapons
- Chaos Conqueror Set: 1 armor, 1 helm, 1 cape, 1 weapon
- Blazing Chaos Pet; only 15,000 created
- Nine Tentails Set: 1 pet, 1 cape
Check out Alina’s post here for more info—and more photos!
Special Offer @ HeroMart knows how to put the FREE in freedom, and during this holiday weekend at HeroMart…
- Orders over $100 get a free $10 Artix Gift Certificate
- Orders over $200 get a free $25 Artix Gift Certificate
- Going Rare: Captain America T-Shirt and in-game items
When you celebrate Freedom Day with red, white, and blue… you’ll save green at!
Red, FIGHT, and Blue Seasonal Rares!
Attention Chaos Lords: let’s put aside our differences and celebrate Freedom Day the right way—with Seasonal Rare items OMG yes way!
- Liberty Blade; 4 animated versions
- Explosive Rocket Backpack
- Iron Maple Leaf Axe
- Cannon of Chaos: 2014 RARE
- and of course there's more =)
Find the Freedom Day Shop in Battleon on this 4th of July, and then battle on all holiday weekend long!
Beleen Nominated @ Dragon Slayer Awards
Hey… that’s ME! Please help me win the legendary Dragon Slayer Awards Trophy by nominating me at the 3rd Annual Dragon Slayer Awards, presented by Guild Launch and hosted on GameSkinny!
Nominate Beleen and AdventureQuest Worlds at
xoxo Beleen! =D