Design Notes

September 21, 2018

Talk Like a Pirate Day 2018 is LIVE

Part 1 of the Curse of the Sea King

YARRRR! Talk Like a Pirate Day is one of the most anticipated holiday events of the year. Log in this weekend for the first of our 2-part Curse of the Sea King adventure. Quest for the Heart of the Sea, a priceless gem that will make you LEGENDARY! (Just... try not to get caught. The Sea King is merciless to thieves.)

  • Help Captain Rhubarb and Floyd the trouble-making Trobble on their quest
  • Hunt through an underwater realm and battle through a sunken ship
  • Take on a flotilla of angry mer-draconians guarding the Sea King’s treasure

One word of advice, me hearties... DO NOT -- I REPEAT -- NOT anger the Sea King. He is merciless to those who would steal from him.

Take on the monsters in the Sea King's realm for all-new monster drops, plus find J6's Pirate armor in his Bounty Hunter Shop!

Talk Like a Pirate Day Server Boost

YARRRRR! Make sure to log in and get DOUBLE GOLD on all servers during our Talk Like a Pirate Day server boost. The Sea King's Trident seasonal event item also drops. (The boost runs from September 19 - 23) 

Naval Commander Class is BACK!

Here are a few basic things about the class that you defiitely want to know. Get all the details on the class skills in this Class Skills Guide post

  • This class is available for 2000 ACs OR if you have an upgraded account, you can buy it for gold.
  • This class is only available for a limited time around Talk Like a Pirate Day, but will return each year as a seasonal rare. 

Tags: Alina,
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