Design Notes
July 02, 2015
This Friday: Chaos Queen Beleen Release!
AQWorlds Weekly News for July 3, 2015
Hiya hero! I am SUPER excited to announce this week’s newest release:
Chaos Queen Beleen Art Print Now in HeroMart!
Make your way to, our online, real-life merchandise store to find the new Chaos Queen Beleen Arti Print! Inspired by Beleen, marketing writer for Artix Entertainment, and created by Nulgath, master artist, this 8.5x11" limited edition print will bring chaos and craziness to your room, dorm, office, or castle!

June 26, 2015
NEW Print at Heromart: Chaos Queen Beleen
Embrace the Chaos with Nulgath's New Print
Make your way to, our online, real-life merchandise store to find the new Chaos Queen Beleen Arti Print! Inspired by Beleen, marketing writer for Artix Entertainment, and created by Nulgath, master artist, this 8.5x11" limited edition print will bring chaos and craziness to your room, dorm, office, or castle!
Nulgath the lead designer for Oversoul and long time artist for AdventureQuest Worlds brings his unique art to HeroMart. We appreciate him taking the time between waging wars and gathering minions to create this awesome art piece and the in-game Items!
The Chaos Queen Beleen print comes with the exclusive Chaos Beleen armor! The Locks of Love and Spikes of Love helms pictured above will be available both with the HeroMart print and from this week's story release shop.
Next Friday in AQWorlds: All Hail Chaos Queen Beleen!
Beleen, Artix Entertainment's bubbliest, most positively-pink developer has discovered the sad, abandoned village of Drearia and vows to bring it back to life. But after accidentally stumbling Nulgath the ArchFiend, lord of the Oversoul and former ruler of the Underworld, her powers of randomness and cheer... mutate in the STRANGEST way possible!

February 04, 2015
Valentine’s Day Presents
Fellow AQW Player Submeobi Sends Lots of Love… and Lots of Pink!
Ok ok ok… I know Valentine’s Day is, like, 10 days away… but when I saw THIS

waiting for me when I walked into the Secret Underground Lab this morning, I knew it to be a Submeobi delivery, and had no choice but to open it right then and there =)
But first, let me take a #selfie. Or like 20.

All of these presents are so super sweet—thank you so much Subemobi!
And, since Valentine’s Day is next week, I’m wondering what kind of Seasonal Rare Items that YOU would like to unwrap in AdventureQuest Worlds?
Let me know on my Twitter what items you would like to see during next week’s Valentine’s Day event!
xoxo Beleen =D

December 18, 2014
Unwrapping Holiday Cheer
Fellow AQW player Submeobi sent me pink presents!
Hiya heroes! Today is a very special… and very PINK… day! Our fellow AQW player and dear friend, Submeobi, sent this HUGE PINK BOX to the Secret Underground Lab. Artix fled the scene before I unwrapped all this awesomeness… MEGA PHOTO COLLAGE below!
(click here for an even BIGGER pic omg!)
Oh Submeobi, you always bring me so much joy AND bring me the best gifts ever! You never cease to amaze me, and your sweet birthday card and warm holiday wishes (plus cozy Santa hats) have made this the greatest December to remember! Thank you. Thank you! THANK YOU!!!!
And this is why I love everyone here at Artix Entertainment—and that includes players like you, too! We are all one big happy family, and I couldn’t ask for more love and merriment from the best extended family known to mankind. Thank you Submeobi for showering me with so much pink and making Artix’s eyes bleed rainbows—that is perhaps the greatest gift of all >:D
And thank YOU for being a part of the Artix Entertainment family <3 We could not have achieved all of this without the support from our magnificent Members and devoted AdventureCoins buyers, and everyone here at the Secret Underground Lab is blessed to have you by our side. You guys and gals are amazing. True story.
On behalf of the AdventureQuest Worlds team, we wish you sincere holiday wishes and look forward to battling alongside you into the New Year 2015!
Stay warm. Stay pink. Stay positive. And stay epic, my lovely heroes!
Battle ON!
xoxo Beleen =D

December 11, 2014
Unwrapping Excitement
Watch Beleen Unwrap Her Birthday Presents
OMG EEEEEE! I AM SOOO HAPPY!!! I just filmed myself unwrapping my in-game birthday presents on YouTube!
Click to watch the full video!
All of these items are arriving this Friday, December 12, at .
Thank you everyone who suggested these items on my Twitter and on the AQW Facebook page – we couldn’t have made sooooo much PINK possible without your genius ideas! Keep up the great work, and stay super pink my loves!
xoxo Beleen the Birthday Girl

December 08, 2014
Browser Based Birthday!
Watch Beleen unwrap her presents this Thursday
Hiya hero! Did you know that my birthday is THIS WEEK!? And you know what that means… a glorious onslaught of PINK ITEMS is headed YOUR way!
The AQW team has done a fabulous job of keeping my presents under wraps. But come this Thursday afternoon, they are letting me unwrap my gifts—on YouTube!
Be sure to subscribe to the Artix Entertainment YouTube channel and be the first to watch my real-life excitement as I showcase all the new pink items arriving Friday, December 12, in Beleen’s Birthday Shop at!
xoxo Beleen =D

July 02, 2014
Dragon Slayer Awards Nominee: Beleen!
I need your help winning the coveted Dragon Slayer Trophy!
Step aside, Galanoth the Dragon Slayer… because I, Beleen, was just nominated in the
3rd Annual Dragon Slayer Awards!
Hosted by Game Skinny and Guild Launch, the Dragon Slayer Awards are 100% gamer nominated and gamer voted, focusing on community managers (like me!!) and community members (like you!!).
Please, won’t you take 5 seconds to nominate me (Beleen) and AdventureQuest Worlds in this year’s Dragon Slayer Awards? Here’s the link:
I need your help slaying more dragons AND getting a real-life Dragon Slayer trophy from the 2014 Dragon Slayer Awards. And if—nay, when!—you help me win the coveted trophy, I will…
evolve into…
Lore’s first ever…
Pink Dragon Slayer!
OMG! Are you serious?!?! Oh yes, I am very serious. Just look at that face. LOOK AT IT. As you can see, we’re talking vry srs. Vry srs indeed.
AND! As Lore’s newest & official Dragon Slayer (did Galanoth ever win a trophy, hrmmm?), I would need to start recruiting fellow Dragon Slayers who follow the path of Pinkness.
Will YOU be one of my super (and sassy) Dragon Slayers? Then we mustn’t waste anymore time... because I’ve already convinced Dage the Evil to create a complete Dragon Slayer Armor Set (for you and me and everyone else to enjoy) IF I win the Dragon Slayer Awards!
Click here to nominate me and show the entire world just how AWESOME Dragon Slayers can be!
You can also nominate yourself and your fellow AQW heroes as the Most Passionate Fan Base here (and we know that's a fact)!
Battle on, my heroes!
xoxo Beleen =D

February 25, 2014
Spoiled Alert!
Pink presents from fellow friends Princess Rissa, Diane Swiftfingers, Jkg082201hero, and Submeobi!
Happy Tuesday! And what a glorious day it is! When I arrived to the Secret Underground Lab, two gift boxes greeted me from our fellow AQW heroes!
Ooooh! How exciting! I quickly opened the smallest present and an explosion of glitz and glamor filled my eyes:
OMG OMG OMG! A Bedazzled Pink Computer Mouse from the 3 sisters, Princess Rissa, Diane Swiftfingers, and Jkg082201hero! Eeeeeee I love it soooo much! Thank you pretty ladies =D
Your kindness (and pinkness!) has touched my heart, and for that, I am creating 2 in-game Sparkling Mouse Pets to show the AQWorld how much you mean to me. Princess Rissa, Diane Swiftfingers, and Jkg082201hero will get these pets free of charge while everyone else can obtain these shimmering squeakies from my shop in Beleen’s Dream Island this Friday =D
Now, on to Submeobi’s gifts!
Oh Submeobi, I love-love-LOVE all my gifts! Thank you so much!!! You really know how to brighten my day everyday…and, consequently, doom Artix and Dage the Evil to a life of pink madness =D
That huggable adorable pink squid plushie totally belongs in game. I’ll get to work making an in-game pet for you and put it in your inventory =) Everyone else can get the Pink Squid Plushie pet from my shop in Beleen’s Dream Island come Friday. Do you like its eyes, or should I make them button eyes? Let me know on my Twitter!
Additionally, I am bestowing a Pink Goblet of Love just for you, Submeobi! It’ll magically appear in your inventory once it has finished being forged =D
Oh happy day! The greatest part about working for Artix Entertainment is having amazing friends like you all. I am so blessed to have such caring friends who bring a smile to my face (and pink things for me to snuggle)!
You guys and girls are the best, and I cannot wait to defeat the forces of Chaos alongside you!
Battle On!
xoxo Beleen

February 11, 2014
Valentine’s Day Wallpaper
Because you can’t have too much pink. Trust me.
Valentine’s Day is this Friday, February 14th! And as you know, I’m like SUPER DUPER busy setting everything up on Beleen’s Dream Island. Luckily, I have the help of my awesome friends, like Randor the Red, who made these awesome Valentine’s Day wallpapers for you!
Click the pic for the full size!
Click the pic for the full size!
Oooo! What do we have here? iPhone 5 wallpapers, too!
Click the pic for the full size!
Click the pic for the full size!
Wowie, thanks so much! *hugs* Make sure you give Randor the Red a shout-out on Twitter!
Now… how do we… um… “convince” Artix to use these wallpapers on his desktop and phone?
xoxo Beleen!

February 06, 2014
Be My Valentine?
New Valentine’s Day release next Friday, February 14!
Hello my loves! I have some super exciting news to announce! Next Friday, February 14th, is the lovey-dovey pink-a-licious holiday known as Valentine’s Day. And guess what… Alina, Memet, and Artix (yes, srsly, even him!) are allowing me to have my own PINK zone in AQWorlds for this special occasion!
Imagine a magical dream island full of EVERYTHING that I cherish: pink sand beaches, Sriracha rivers, chocolate!!!!, balloon animals, heart-shaped landscaping, ADORABLE critters, marshmallows, fortune cookies, and the world’s largest Red Velvet Cake mountain!
So now that I’m getting my own zone-sweet-zone, there’s only 1 thing left missing: a Valentine! All the heroes of AQWorlds have a special place in my heart (I wuv you!), but…. I was wondering… *blush* if YOU would like to be my Valentine?
BUT there’s a catch! With over 50 million AQW heroes, it’s ganna be WAAY too hard to randomly pick one of you guys or gals. So instead, I’m holding a little competition on Valentine’s Day to see who is worthy of being my Valentine!
Behold! The Crystalized Cherry atop the Red Velvet Cake Mountain! Whoever is the first to retrieve this legendary cherry (hehe that’s super fun to say!) will be my Valentine =D
But of course there’s going to be ridiculous quests to prove your worth. Would you expect anything less??!? Hahaha!
To: Beleen, From: Secret Admirer
Ooohh!!! What is THIS?! A present from a Secret Admirer? It’s not from Submeobi… so I wonder who?
The tag says, “Do not open until Valentine’s Day.” *looks left* *looks right* *tears open present*
OMG OMG OMG! It’s a Bull Balloon! A Bulloon! OMG!!! Isn’t he simply adorabull!
I wonder who could have sent him?! Well whoever it is… I hope they reveal themselves on Valentine’s Day!
And I cannot WAIT to see if YOU will be my Valentine!
Totally excited? Me too! Let me hear your thoughts on my Twitter!
xoxo Beleen

December 14, 2013
It’s My Birthday!
Birthday Rares Shop now open in Frostvale
Yippie! I’m so super happy you came to my birthday in Frostvale!
Since today is my special day, the AQWorlds team said I could release anything I want in my birthday shop.
…anything, you say?! Tehehee… well you know what that means… BRING ON THE PINK RARES, baby!
After asking my friends on Twitter what THEY wanted in my birthday shop, I narrowed down my favorites (and the possible ones) and created an onslaught of pink awesomeness (or madness?)!
All the items in my shop are RARE, and were priced accordingly to the original items so that way it’s fair for everyone. Of course, Dage the Evil and Nulgath aren’t all too happy that I “enhanced” their beloved items PINK, but hey, it’s MY birthday, and I am the Queen of Pink, so…. muahahahaa >:D (Now that’s how you do EVIL the right way, Dage and Nulgath!)
(Alina note: You are an example to all Evil-doers everywhere! #FF5DD9forever!)
Our fellow hero Submeobi mailed me a box of birthday items, too! And OF COURSE it was full of enough pink to melt Artix’s eyes. (Good thing this happened AFTER Artix’s wedding, huh?)
Thank you SO MUCH Submeobi! And thank you to everyone who helped decide which items should be glorious pink in my Birthday Rares Shop!
I am so blessed to have amazing friends like you =D You have really made my special day even more special, and I cannot wait to see you and your friends adorned in pink-a-licious items. Be sure to send me screenshots on my Twitter—I’d love to see them and totally flaunt them!
Have a wonderful day, have a glorious weekend, and as always… battle on, my loves!
xoxo Beleen
PS: The Santa Cutie helms will arrive in Quibble's shop this Friday. We've got to make sure that little guy has some PINK items for Frostval, right?! Right!

June 25, 2013
Today’s Featured “Artist”
See what happens when Artix, Cysero, and Alina give me dibs on the Featured Artist Showcase Shop…!
Happy Tuesday! Today is an extra special day—with a major emphasis on “special.” As many of you know, every Tuesday your favorite online fantasy game features an AQW Artist with a special shop full of special items.
We have seen AMAZING armors, weapons, helms, and more from Tyronius, Jemini, Dage, Memet, Vokun, and others. When Tyronius’ shop leaves later tonight, I will take the stage with my collection of Derp-a-licious and Pink-a-licious items! YIPPEE!
Beleen’s Goodies!
Ohhhh my goodness! There’s just soooo much PINK and soooo much DERP to make you /laugh, /cry, and /facepalm at the same time!
All these items were suggested by my wonderful Twitter friends! Thanks so much =D
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Bubblegum Scallywag - Rare! 1100 AdventureCoins |
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Captain's Bubblegum Hat - Rare! 200 AdventureCoins |
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Lassie's Bubblegum Hat - Rare! |
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Blinding Pink of Destiny! - Rare! |
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Blade of Aww - Rare! 450 AdventureCoins |
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Pink Unicorn Plushie 1337 Gold for Members Only |
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Pink Reaper of Doom 10000 Gold |
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Amaranth Arm Blades 25500 Gold for Members Only |
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Pink Default Dagger 500 Gold |
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Strawberry Frog Cookie 1337 Gold |
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Derpy Daimyo 5000 Gold for Members Only |
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Derp Fish extra Derp 5000 Gold for Members Only |
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Derpy Pineapple 5000 Gold for Members Only |
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Derpy Taco Rules! 5000 Gold for Members Only |
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Derpy Twilly 5000 Gold for Members Only |
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Derpy Zorbak 5000 Gold for Members Only |
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Pink Default Staff 500 Gold |
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Pink Default Sword 500 Gold |
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Pink Phoenix Blade 50000 Gold for Members Only |
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Derpy Kitty 5000 Gold for Members Only |
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Derpy Pink Back Moglin 5000 Gold |
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Pink in Paradise Wings 13250 Gold for Members Only |
Before Artix sees what I have done (especially to his prized battleaxe), you should stock up on AdventureCoins now and get all those RARE pink items!
Who is Beleen?
Hiya! I’m Beleen! I go by many titles, like Pinkomancer, Giggle Guru, and the Scribble Scribe (all of which are true). I joined Artix Entertainment back in May 2009 as the “AQWorlds Content Writer.” I wrote everything from item descriptions, quest text, character dialogue, cutscene scripts, Design Notes, newsletters, press releases, and zomg so much more. I also kinda became the “female voice” of AQW back when Artix and Cysero ran the show. HEY! Girls play video games too, yanno! And thus, the bright pink bubbly Beleen that we all know and love was born!
Speaking of being born… I was born in Los Angeles, California, a long long time ago. I lived in Cali for a few years before moving to Tampa, Florida, where I currently reside with my Mommy and sisters. I attended University of South Florida and got my major in Creative Writing with an emphasis on Marketing.
My first job ever: Balloon Animal Artist.
My second job ever: Artix Entertainment Writer.
My third job ever: Derp Artist!
The Story of the Derp
Back in August 2010, I tried my luck at creating a Pet O’ the Month. Since August is National Catfish Month (lol seriously!), I attempted to draw a catfish.
I begged Cysero to put it in game. Which he immediately shot down. “I mean, look at it. It's got a eye on its forehead.” However, as the requests piled up, and the more Cysero looked at that stupid thing, the more he loved the idea of getting it into game.
And thus, the Derp Fish was born, which opened the doors to a whole WORLD of DERP and HURP and DERPITYDEEERRPS!
Derp Fish with extra Derp
Get your Free Download of the Derp Song on!
DerpQuest Worldz may be my lifelong dream… but in the meantime, you can get your DERP ON with my silly DERPY HURPY items in my Featured Artist Shop!
All the Pink and all the Derp you can handle arrives tonight in Battleon!
Yippie! xoxo!

June 24, 2013
The Start of the Week…
…is the beginning of many adventures!
Happy Monday! Glad to see you made it out of Grimskull’s Dungeons alive. Or perhaps you didn’t. Thank goodness for Respawn, amirite? =D
We’ve got a whole action-packed week ahead of us in our favorite fantasy MMO. Check out everything in store—and everything that’s leaving the stores, too—in this week’s AdventureQuest Worlds release write-up!
Tyronius’ Shop leaves Tomorrow
The countdown timer is ticking! Adorned with Blood Lord loot, Tyronius’ Featured Artist Showcase Shop in the Battleon Game Manu leaves Tuesday afternoon.
Now is your last chance to get the Blood Lord Plate Set before it goes rare! Blood Majesty Set, and the color-custom Abyssal Darkness Set will return the next time Tyronius has a featured artist shop (but we don't know when that will be)! There’s something for everyone in Tyronius’ shop!
Beleen’s Featured “Artist” Shop on Tuesday
Alright folks. Let’s get something straight: I am, by no means, what you would consider an “artist.” As a writer, my artist expression flourishes with an ink-dipped quill on lined canvas.
But when it comes to straight lines, shading, colors, and animations… I just kinda DERP all over the place. A kindergartener draws better than I. At least THEY understand the fundamentals of painting a picture…
My first attempt at a "catfish." Props for making it uglier than the real thing.
However! For whatever reason, I have been granted with the power of DERP. I make ridiculous monstrosities DERP and HURP all over the place, and tomorrow you too will be blessed (or cursed?!) with my derpy creations.
Oh and don’t worry, it wouldn’t be Beleen’s Shop if there wasn’t any PINK! After hearing your suggestions on my Twitter, I have buffed a bunch of your favorite items with Adorableness (aka lots and lots of pink)!
My shop should have an item that perfect for you! So long as you aren’t Artix. Who is going to have a Chickecow once he sees my shop… ^o^
I’ll post some previews on my Twitter first…and then flood the Design Notes tomorrow morning with ZOMG SO MUCH NONESENSE!!11!1one!!
The Showcase Scoop
Each Tuesday, AQWorlds releases a special “Limited Time Featured Artist Showcase Shop” loaded with items that an Artix Entertainment artist creates using their own style and flair.
The Limited Time Artist Showcase Shop will feature a complete Item Set made by an Artix Entertainment artist, created in any manner they so choose. This shop encourages our wonderful artists to unleash their creativity and make some truly epic Armors, Weapons, Helms, and other Items for AQWorlds.
And because it’s called the Limited Time Artist Showcase Shop, the artist’s items will run for 1 week (Tuesday until Tuesday) with a new artist’s Showcased Items replacing the previous set.
At least one RARE item will be included in each artist’s showcased shop. All other items in the shop may or may not return at a later date—that’s all up to the artist! TheRare Item will always sell for AdventureCoins (free storage woohoo!) and will ONLY be available during that week.
*We say every Tuesday… and we mean it! We’re ganna keep on releasing new Artist Showcase Shops every Tuesday until we run out of artists… or run out of coffee.
DragonClaw Armor Set leaves Thursday
All good things must come to an end. Including the special offer DragonClaw Armor Set when you purchase any AdventureCoins package worth $4.95 USD or more!
DragonClaw set bids its farewell on Thursday, June 27, at 6pm EST. If you wanna taste the power of the Dragon, get your DragonClaw Set now AND get more AdventureCoins that you crave!
Color-Custom Shadowfire replaces DragonClaw
Do we have a deal for you! The Color-Custom Shadowfire Armor Set will become available after 6pm EST on Thursday, June 27, when you purchase 900 AdventureCoins or more!
The Shadowfire Armor Set includes:
- Shadowfire Emperor Armor
- Shadowfire Skull
- Oppression Katana
- Shadow Katana cape
- Character Page Badge
Scorn Saga Continues Friday evening
Descend into Dage’s Underworld this Friday night! Now that the Volcano on the Isle of Fotia has frozen over, a path leading deep into the Underworld has opened.
The entrance to the Underworld harbors Underworld Souls and the monstrous personifications of Guilty Joys: Anxiety, Old Age, Fear, Hunger, Death, Disease, Sleep, Agony, and Grief. With the guidance of Aeneas the Warrior and Sibyl the Prophetess, you must find the Golden Boughs, defeat each Guilty Joy, and make your way past the Elm of False Hopes to reach the river Acheron!
Dage's Legion Champion Armor and Class!
To prepare for the coming Legion Champion Class, we are releasing the Legion Champion armor this week! It is only available to Legion Members, but as long as you ARE in the Legion, you can purchase the armor for AdventureCoins OR farm Legion Tokens to create it!
Rule the darkness!
Even MORE for you this week!
- Summer Token Shop! (Previews go live today)
- World War AQZ shop!
- Treasure Chest update! (Members get two FREE keys to unlock them!)
- Maya's Bestiary Writing/Drawing Contest!

January 14, 2012
PINK Robot Unicorns!
Prancing With Heroes!
Did we really NOT release PINK versions of the Unicorn pets with last night's release?! An oversight that MUST be rectified! I couldn't go into the Lab on Monday, sit across from Beleen, and tell her we DIDN'T put PINK unicorns in! (Please don't tell Artix. SHHHHHH!)
To that end, I give you:
- Pink Flame Unicorn Pet - 150 AC/member
- Pink Robot Unicorn Pet - 25,000 gold member-only
They are both in the Event Rare shop and will disappear forever once the shop leaves!
But remember, you can see Voltaire, Deady, and Andrew rockin' the unicorn vibe under the shadow of Mount Etherstorm whenever you want, because the story is permanent in-game content! And speaking of Andrew's Pink Fluffy Unicorn song...
I can't stop singing it!
I'm going to talk to Warlic and Andrew and see about recording a "Pink Robot Unicorns Prancing with Heroes" cover! See you all Monday!
PS - Don't forget, the next I Can Has Mod contest will be starting soon! Which mod is it this time, you ask? WE DON'T KNOW! Whoever wins the contest will get to pick which mod gets to grant their wish!