Design Notes
July 29, 2015
Chaos Queen Beleen Shop Leaving
Last Chance to Get Chaos Queen Beleen Rares!
If you haven't played through the Chaos Queen Beleen release, then you are missing out! You can begin your war against the pinkification of Lore when you /join drearia! If you are a FAN of the color pink, adorably fiending things, or fan-favorite artist Nulgath, then you want to make sure you don't miss the Chaos Queen Beleen Rares shop!
The Chaos Queen Beleen shop holds:
- Cutie Makai Bank Pet
- Chibi Nulgath Bank Pet
- Chaos Beleen Sparkles
- Purified Axe of Nulgath
- Purified Blade of Nulgath
- Purified Scythe of Nulgath
- Purified Polearm of Nulgath
- Nulgaleen Horns Morph
- Nulgaleen Locks Morph
- Chibi Nulgath Helm
- Icy Chibi Nulgath Helm
- Pinkitron Armor
- Chibi Head Pilot
- Icy Chibi Nulgath Kitty Helm
The items in the July Holiday Rares shop also leave tomorrow night, so be sure to snag anything you want now, before they are gone until next year!

September 17, 2013
How To Talk Like a Pirate!
Yarr ye ready for Talk Like a Pirate Day?
Ahoy me maties! Glad to see ye made it in one piece (great TV show, me parrot concurs)! This Thursday be International Talk Like A Pirate Day!
Aye yes, and ye best be ready too, ‘cause we don’t take too kindly to lilly livered landlubbers. Har har har! But ye be in luck, that ye be! Me n’ me AQW Crew put together a lil’ lessen for ye. Yaaaar!
Pirate 101: There be Rules, Sailor
Thee first thing ye need to know ‘bout becomin’ a pirate: ye gatta believe yer a pirate! If ye don’t truly believe ye be a Swashbuckler, then aint nobody else ganna be fooled! Best follow these steps below.
- We pirates don’t be good at speakin’. We scowl a lot, and we like to mutter most o’ our words. Best get used to it, matey!
- Ye gatta run yer words together. Ye gatta slur. Don’t use no proper sentences, either!
- If ye still got yer hands, use a motherload o’ gestures. Movin’ yer hands about when ye speak be key to a pirate’s life. It also be good fer ye circulation!
- Pirates be loud n’ lusty. Thee louder ye be, THEE SMART’R YE SOUND!
- Never say “you” or “your” unless ye wishes to walk thee plank. It be “ye” an’ “yer” in the Pirate’s life! Savvy?
- Oh, and it be “me” and not no “I” or “mine”! Fer example, “that be me booty, ye no good two toothed thievin’ scallywag!”
- Drop the “g” after words endin’ in “ing”. There be no need fer that “g” after many words, like goin’, and fightin’, and fishin’, and swimmin’!
- Make up words if ye have to! We pirates don’t be minding a wee bit o’ hornswaggling!
- Never leave port without ye good luck charm, or there be mighty dire consequences! Me never leaves home without me lucky pink skull pendant!
Pirate 101: Swanky Pirate Lingo
Below be a list o’ the best pirate-speak in all thee seven seas! When ye read this, ye be ready fer Talk Like A Pirate Day on September 19!
- All hands on deck! – A cry that calls for immediate action.
- Ahoy! – A general greeting, meaning "Hello!"
- Arrr! – A pirate’s most commonly used word that has no solid definition.
- Avast! – A cry that generally means “Stop and give attention.” Can also mean "Whoa!” or "Check it out" or "No way!"
- Aye! - "Yes!"
- Belay - To immediately cease or stop.
- Booty - Anything of value that a pirate can plunder.
- Cat’o’Nine Tails – A whip made up of nine knotted ropes.
- Crow’s Nest – A lookout point at the top of the tallest mast on a ship.
- Cutlass – A curved sword, favored by many sailors.
- Davy Jones' Locker – Technically means the bottom of the sea. It is also where the souls of drowned pirates go.
- Grog – A pirate’s beverage of choice.
- Hoist the Colors! –To raise the Pirate flag before attacking.
- Hearties –Shipmates and friends.
- Hornswaggle—To cheat or to lie.
- Lad—A name for a young gentleman.
- Lass - A name for a young woman, usually more polite.
- Lubber or landlubber—A name give to those who prefer land over the sea.
- Motherload –A term for a very large amount of booty or treasure.
- Salt or Old Salt—The name given to veteran Sailors. Also used to enhance the flavor of food.
- Savvy – Meaning to understand or “okay”.
- Smartly – To do or to perform something quickly.
- Scurvy –A common condition of sailors who go too long without eating fruits and vegetables.
- Shiver me timbers! –"Well, I'll be" or "What a surprise!"
- Swag—The common term for riches and/or gold.
- Walk the plank – To be forced to walk the length of a plank that has been placed over the side of a ship. The outcome is not promising.
Pirate 101: Pirate Booty ‘n Treasures
Pirates be lovin’ some booty! And ye too can plunder yer loot from Quibble’s Treasure Chest makin’ landfall in Battleon come Thursday. Some o’ thee best booty in all the seven seas includes:
- 4 New Naval Commanders:
- Galactic Naval Commander
- ChronoLord Naval Commander
- Legion Naval Commanders:
- Teal Version
- Blue Version
- Flyin’ Cthulhu Pet
- Galactic Cutlass
- Tricorn Hats ‘nd Eyepatches
- Pirate Angler Armor Sets
- And on Friday, 40+ Pirate Top Hats be matchin’ ALL Naval Commanders—past ‘nd present, ‘nd some even got beards for ye hairy hearties!
Pirate 101: PARRRRTY!
On behalf o’ the AQW Crew, ye now be ready fer Talk Like a Pirate Day! Grab ye cutlass and ye captain’s hat, ‘nd don’t be forgettin’ yer lucky charm! At any time ye be needin’ a smartly reminder, come back ‘n get a refresher!
Savvy, pirate?
Skulls and crossbones, Beleen

September 10, 2013
Nautical Naughtiness
Arr ye rrready for Friday the 13th?
Ahoy, matey! Friday the 13th is making landfall THIS Friday in your favorite online adventure game!
A fan favorite since the first Friday the 13th release, the gypsy pirate musician Voltaire sails back to Battleon for this spooky in-game event. Board Voltaire’s pirate ship bound for the mysterious Treasure Island to dig up buried booty. You are setting sail on Friday the 13th… what could POSSIBLY go wrong?
Whoops. Spoke too soon. A conniving crew of bloodthirsty Vampirates, led by the infamous Captain Von Poach, have their sights set on your booty… erm, I mean, treasure. Can you outwit this batty Captain and find the buried treasure before he does? On this Friday the 13th, you’ll have a lot more to worry about than spooky superstitions!
This special in-game event truly is special. Why? Because YOU and your friends are the ones responsible for creating it! That’s right—after reading each and every one of your comments on the AQWorlds Facebook page, we chose our favorite ideas (and the most realistic ones) and included them in Friday’s upcoming event.
So go ahead. Brag and boast to all of your friends that YOU helped Artix, Alina, and the rest of the AQWorlds team create an in-game event. Feels pretty darn good, doesn’t it? =D
Thank you so much for being a part of AdventureQuest Worlds!
xoxo Beleen

September 03, 2013
Monday in Disguise!
It’s Tuesday. Feels like Monday. Excited about Friday!
OH YAY! Thank goodness I found you here. I’ve got a bunch of stuff I want to share with you because this week—and the next few weeks actually—are going to FLY BY sooo fast because…well… just take a look at what’s going on this week aaaaaand I’ll fill you in with more details soon…ish.
Wheel of Doom
Ladies and Gentleman! Berserkers and Guardians! Step right up and take a spin on the Wheel of Doom. Don’t be shy—every spin wins a prize!
When you /join doom, enter Swaggy’s friendly-looking tent and give the Wheel of Doom a spin. Want to find out more? Click this link here and Alina will explain everything to you. For wheel =D
Siege the Day
Despite your best efforts, Swordhaven continues to be consumed by Chaos! We cannot let Chaos win, Hero!
Looks like we need to take a different approach to defeating Chaos… so how about a minigame?! This Friday evening, defend the kingdom of Swordhaven in a ‘Castle-Defense’ style minigame. I just hope you can save the city from the Chaotic Siege!
Happy Birthday Aranx!
Everyone’s favorite Archangel Aranx is ascending into another year older! In order to celebrate, Aranx wishes to share with YOU his glorious Fallen Amadis Armor Set.
On Friday evening, you can become one of Aranx’s Fallen Amadis—who fights for Good or Evil, your choice!—and test your angelic aptitude against the forces of Chaos.
A Pirate’s Sneak Peak
Talk Like a Pirate Day only be a few short weeks away, but Solrac wants t’give all ye landlubbers ‘nd scallywags a sneak-peek at…
Galactic Naval Commander Armor Set!
Avast! This Naval Commander be out of this world, matey. Ye might be able to plunder s’more pirate spoilers on Solrac’s Twitter… if me doesn’t steal them for the Design Notes first!
xoxo (skulls and crossbones?) Beleen

July 23, 2013
So much Solrac!
Today’s Featured Artist Shop
It’s Tuesday! And that means another Featured Artist Showcase Shop will arrive later this afternoon!
Last week, millions of players in your favorite online adventure game ascended into the Archangel tier with Aranx’s angelic items. Today is your last chance at getting the Rare Plate of Hope Armor, the Spear of Ador, and the Wings of Faith. Other items in this shop will return at a later date—but why wait THAT LONG when you can harness celestial power right now?
Awesome shot, Dominic1023 and Friends!!
Log into Battleon, click the “Featured Artist Shop” button in the game menu that pops up, and embrace the divinity of Aranx!
Solrac Spoilers!
Later this afternoon, Solrac’s Shop will replace Aranx’s. Feast your eyes on the sweet Solrac spoilers arriving this afternoon!
- Solrac V2 Armor—Rare!
- Solrac’ Staff—Rare!
- Lil Solrac Pet — Legends
- Singularity TechCannon—Rare!
- V2 Cowl—Rare!
- V2 Swoop Cowl—Rare!
- V2 Visor—Rare!
- V2 Visor—Rare!
- Solrac Devoid Armor — Legends
- Devoid TechCannon
- Devoid Swoop Magitech Visor — Legends
- Solrac’s Devoid Magitech Visor — Legends
- Devoid Magitech Staff — Legends
- Bunny Bonnet Color Custom
- Pink Bunny Ears Bonnet
- Keytar — Legends
- Rainbow Lollipop
Give a shout-out to Solrac on his Twitter!
The Solrac Scoop
Solrac is a hero at heart, relentlessly attempting to defeat forces of evil—most of which are far too strong from him to handle. One such attempt left him mortally wounded, but with the divine healing powers of Aranx, Solrac was given a second chance at life. Solrac was also granted the gift of restoration, allowing him to partially recover from injuries. Turning to technology, he began repairing himself, improving himself, and making himself stronger—but these alterations come at a hefty price: with each new modification, a part of his sanity is stripped away. One of Solrac’s injuries left him mute, although he can still communicate via scroll scribing using his magical abilities.
In the real world, Solrac was born on February 28, 1902 (yeah, he looks dang good for his age) in the fabled lands of Chicago, Illinois. Solrac’s artistic inspiration comes from Hip-Hop and Comic Books, and has always dreamed of being able to pay his bills with his art. In March 2011, Solrac’s dream became his reality once he became AQWorlds’ ‘Maker of Random Stuffs’. Impressive job title, I must say! Solrac also loves Gummi Bears and Candy, and the sugary sweetness of treats fuels Solrac’s equally sweet artistic talents!
Sweet! I can't wait!
xoxo Beleen!