Design Notes

September 18, 2014

Arr Ye Ready?

How to Talk Like a Pirate

Ahoy me matey! Friday be jus’ over the horizon, ‘nd that means International Talk Like A Pirate Day be here!

Talk Like a Pirate Day video game event MMORPG Adventure Quest Worlds

Aye yes, and ye best be ready too, ‘cause we pirates don’t take too kindly to lilly livered landlubbers. But fret not, sailor—ye be in luck, ‘cause me ‘nd me AQW Crew has a lil’ lessen for ye in the way o' the Pirate. Yaaaar!

There be Rules, Sailor: Pirate 101

Thee first thing ye need to know ‘bout becomin’ a pirate is ye gatta believe yer a pirate! If ye don’t truly believe ye be a Swashbuckler, then aint no one else ganna be bamboozled! Set ye deadlights on these steps:

  1. Brilliant naval commanderPirates don’t be good at speakin’. We be mutterin’ most o’ our words. Best get used to it, matey!
  2. Ye gatta run ye words togeth’r. Ye gatta slur. Don’t be usin’ no proper sentences, either!
  3. If ye still got both ye hands, use a motherload o’ gestures. Movin’ ye hands about when ye speak be key to a pirate’s life. It also be good fer protectin’ against Carpal Tunnel!
  4. Pirates be loud ‘nd lusty ‘nd brash. Thee louder ye be, THEE SMART’R YE SOUND!!!
  5. Never say “you” or “your” unless ye wishes to walk the plank. It be “ye” an’ “yer” in the Pirate’s life! Savvy?
  6. Oh, ‘nd it be “me” and not no “I” or “mine”! Fer example, “that be me booty, ye no good two toothed thievin’ scallywag!”
  7. Drop the “g” after words endin’ in “ing”. There be no need fer that “g” after many words, like goin’, and fightin’, and fishin’, and swimmin’!
  8. Make up words if ye have to! We pirates don’t be mindin’ a wee bit o’ hornswaggling!
  9. Pirates be superstitious folk. Never leave port without ye good luck charm, or there be mighty a dire consequence! Me never leaves me home base without me lucky pink skull pendant!

Swanky Pirate Lingo: Pirate 102

Below be a list o’ the best pirate-speak in all thee seven seas! Best practice these phrases, ‘nd ye then be ready fer Talk Like A Pirate Day on September 19!

  • All hands on deck! – A cry that calls for immediate action.naval commander class
  • Ahoy! – A general greeting, meaning "Hello!"
  • Arrr! – A pirate’s most commonly used word that has no solid definition.
  • Avast! – A cry that generally means “Stop and give attention.” Can also mean "Whoa!” or "Check it out" or "No way!"
  • Aye! - "Yes!"
  • Belay - To immediately cease or stop.
  • Booty - Anything of value that a pirate can plunder.
  • Cat’o’Nine Tails – A whip made up of nine knotted ropes.
  • Crow’s Nest – A lookout point at the top of the tallest mast on a ship.
  • Cutlass – A curved sword, favored by many sailors.
  • Davy Jones' Locker – Technically means the bottom of the sea. It is also where the souls of drowned pirates go. 
  • Grog – A pirate’s beverage of choice. 
  • Hoist the Colors! –To raise the Pirate flag before attacking.
  • Hearties –Shipmates and friends.
  • Hornswaggle—To cheat or to lie.
  • Lad—A name for a young gentleman.
  • Lass - A name for a young woman, usually more polite.
  • Lubber or landlubber—A name give to those who prefer land over the sea.
  • Motherload –A term for a very large amount of booty or treasure. void pirate captain talk like a pirate day
  • Salt or Old Salt—The name given to veteran Sailors. Also used to enhance the flavor of food.
  • Savvy – Meaning to understand or “okay”.
  • Smartly – To do or to perform something quickly.
  • Scurvy –A common condition of sailors who go too long without eating fruits and vegetables.
  • Shiver me timbers! –"Well, I'll be" or "What a surprise!" 
  • Swag—The common term for riches and/or gold.
  • Walk the plank – To be forced to walk the length of a plank that has been placed over the side of a ship. The outcome is not promising.

Pirate Booty ‘n Treasures: Spoils o’ the Scallywag

Pirates be lovin’ some booty! Har har har! And ye too can plunder yer loot from Quibble’s Treasure Chest makin’ landfall in Battleon this Friday, September 19, at twilight. Some o’ thee best booty in all the seven seas includes:

doom knight naval commander talk like a pirate day 2014 mmo
  • Naval Commander Class (ye can read more ‘bout it ‘ere)
  • DoomKnight Naval Commander Armor set
  • Brilliant Naval Commander Armor sets
  • Void Pirate Captain set
  • Undead, Bright, and Fiendish Parrot Pets
  • 13+ Naval Commander bandanas (ALL sailors can get ‘em!)
  • ‘nd more treasures await to be plundered!

Ye be a savvy pirate now, that ye be. On behalf o’ the AQW Crew, ye now be ready fer Talk Like a Pirate Day! Weigh anchor, grab ye cutlass and ye captain’s hat, ‘nd don’t be forgettin’ yer trusty parrot neither! At any time ye be needin’ a smartly reminder, sail back ‘ere ‘nd get a seaworthy refresher!

Savvy, pirate?

Skulls and crossbones, Cap’n Beleen


September 17, 2013

How To Talk Like a Pirate!

Yarr ye ready for Talk Like a Pirate Day?

Ahoy me maties! Glad to see ye made it in one piece (great TV show, me parrot concurs)! This Thursday be International Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Talk Like a Pirate Day in video game AdventureQuest Worlds

Aye yes, and ye best be ready too, ‘cause we don’t take too kindly to lilly livered landlubbers. Har har har! But ye be in luck, that ye be! Me n’ me AQW Crew put together a lil’ lessen for ye. Yaaaar!

Pirate 101: There be Rules, Sailor

Thee first thing ye need to know ‘bout becomin’ a pirate: ye gatta believe yer a pirate! If ye don’t truly believe ye be a Swashbuckler, then aint nobody else ganna be fooled! Best follow these steps below.

  1. We pirates don’t be good at speakin’. We scowl a lot, and we like to mutter most o’ our words. Best get used to it, matey!Galactic Naval Commander Talk Like a Pirate Day 2013
  2. Ye gatta run yer words together. Ye gatta slur. Don’t use no proper sentences, either!
  3. If ye still got yer hands, use a motherload o’ gestures. Movin’ yer hands about when ye speak be key to a pirate’s life. It also be good fer ye circulation!
  4. Pirates be loud n’ lusty. Thee louder ye be, THEE SMART’R YE SOUND! 
  5. Never say “you” or “your” unless ye wishes to walk thee plank. It be “ye” an’ “yer” in the Pirate’s life! Savvy?
  6. Oh, and it be “me” and not no “I” or “mine”! Fer example, “that be me booty, ye no good two toothed thievin’ scallywag!”
  7. Drop the “g” after words endin’ in “ing”. There be no need fer that “g” after many words, like goin’, and fightin’, and fishin’, and swimmin’!
  8. Make up words if ye have to! We pirates don’t be minding a wee bit o’ hornswaggling!
  9. Never leave port without ye good luck charm, or there be mighty dire consequences! Me never leaves home without me lucky pink skull pendant!

Pirate 101: Swanky Pirate Lingo

Below be a list o’ the best pirate-speak in all thee seven seas! When ye read this, ye be ready fer Talk Like A Pirate Day on September 19!

  • All hands on deck! – A cry that calls for immediate action.
  • Ahoy! – A general greeting, meaning "Hello!" Legion Naval Commander Blue Talk Like a Pirate Day 2013
  • Arrr! – A pirate’s most commonly used word that has no solid definition.
  • Avast! – A cry that generally means “Stop and give attention.” Can also mean "Whoa!” or "Check it out" or "No way!"
  • Aye! - "Yes!"
  • Belay - To immediately cease or stop.
  • Booty - Anything of value that a pirate can plunder.
  • Cat’o’Nine Tails – A whip made up of nine knotted ropes.
  • Crow’s Nest – A lookout point at the top of the tallest mast on a ship.
  • Cutlass – A curved sword, favored by many sailors.
  • Davy Jones' Locker – Technically means the bottom of the sea. It is also where the souls of drowned pirates go. 
  • Grog – A pirate’s beverage of choice. 
  • Hoist the Colors! –To raise the Pirate flag before attacking.
  • Hearties –Shipmates and friends. ChronoLord Naval Commander video game Talk Like a Pirate Day 2013
  • Hornswaggle—To cheat or to lie.
  • Lad—A name for a young gentleman.
  • Lass - A name for a young woman, usually more polite.
  • Lubber or landlubber—A name give to those who prefer land over the sea.
  • Motherload –A term for a very large amount of booty or treasure.
  • Salt or Old Salt—The name given to veteran Sailors. Also used to enhance the flavor of food.
  • Savvy – Meaning to understand or “okay”.
  • Smartly – To do or to perform something quickly.
  • Scurvy –A common condition of sailors who go too long without eating fruits and vegetables.
  • Shiver me timbers! –"Well, I'll be" or "What a surprise!" 
  • Swag—The common term for riches and/or gold.
  • Walk the plank – To be forced to walk the length of a plank that has been placed over the side of a ship. The outcome is not promising.

Pirate 101: Pirate Booty ‘n Treasures

Pirates be lovin’ some booty! And ye too can plunder yer loot from Quibble’s Treasure Chest makin’ landfall in Battleon come Thursday. Some o’ thee best booty in all the seven seas includes:Legion Naval Commander Teal video game Talk Like a Pirate Day 2013

  • 4 New Naval Commanders:
  • Galactic Naval Commander
  • ChronoLord Naval Commander
  • Legion Naval Commanders:
    • Teal Version
    • Blue Version
  • Flyin’ Cthulhu Pet
  • Galactic Cutlass
  • Tricorn Hats ‘nd Eyepatches
  • Pirate Angler Armor Sets
  • And on Friday, 40+ Pirate Top Hats be matchin’ ALL Naval Commanders—past ‘nd present, ‘nd some even got beards for ye hairy hearties!

Pirate 101: PARRRRTY!

Party like a Pirate on Talk Like A Pirate Day

On behalf o’ the AQW Crew, ye now be ready fer Talk Like a Pirate Day! Grab ye cutlass and ye captain’s hat, ‘nd don’t be forgettin’ yer lucky charm! At any time ye be needin’ a smartly reminder, come back ‘n get a refresher!

Savvy, pirate?

Skulls and crossbones, Beleen


September 16, 2013

Surviving Friday the 13th

You Got Lucky on this Unlucky Day!

If you’re reading these Design Notes… then congratulations! You survived the Curse of the Vampirates Friday the 13th Event!

Friday the 13th and Talk Like a Pirate Day in online adventure game AdventureQuest Worlds

Amongst the heated battles and hilarious puns, your fellow heroes snapped photos of their adventures during this special event.

Battle Kraken in online adventure game

Takao No Kami’s crew harpooning the Kraken!

Plundering pirates in online adventure game

Rexobrother and his mates plundering Captain Von Poach.

Pirate plunder in online adventure game

Ramu6262 soloing the dreaded Vampirate Captain.

Silly Infinity Tricorn pirate hats

Hats off to DNA94 and their hearties with their Infinity Tricorn hats!

Think ye captured epic screenshots too? Prove it by showing me on my Twitter!

Ye now be ready for Talk Like a Pirate Day, making landfall this Thursday, September 19. Spoilers be over the horizon… so stay tuned, matey!

xoxo Beleen 

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