Design Notes
March 11, 2013
StormBringer Set Leaves Friday
Last Chance to get This Exclusive Offer Set!
Call down the Lightning with the electrifying (and color-customizable) StormBringer set before this Friday, when it goes rare forever! Purchase any Membership or AdventureCoin bundle, look in your Book of Lore in the Achievement Badges section, and use the Stormbringer Badge to access these epic items.
If you prefer to command mythical beasts over elemental powers, then read on!
DragonClaw Set Arrives Friday!
Login for this weekend's release and you'll see our NEW special item set! Buy any AdentureCoin package worth $4.95 USD or more to unlock the DragonClaw badge and item set!
Set comes with:
- DragonClaw Guard Armor
- DragonHorn Helm
- DragonTooth Shield Cape
- DragonFang Staff
- and badges in the Character Page and Book of Lore!
AQW Ambassador Applications Closing!
Last week, we aopened applications for the AQW Ambassadors, a new group of mods/players who will help each other in-game! See the Design Notes about this new group for more details, and if you're interested, apply before Wednesday at 6PM server time (EST)!
Special Spring Break Boss Challenge!
Take on the Red Dragon all week long to see if YOU receive the SUPER-ULTRA-MEGA Rare Red Dragon Destroyer Armor set! Each piece of the gear has an incredibly low drop rate! Good luck, Dragon hunters and destroyers!
Head to the /lair map all this week and face down the Red Dragon to collect our challenge boss rewards!
- Red Dragon Destroyer
- Red Dragon Faceplate
- Red Dragonscale Cape

March 05, 2013
Dage Birthday Shop Update
Forging Dark Soul-Weapons This Friday!
Battle your way to the SoulForge, where Dage the Evil waits! Last Friday, we celebrated his birthday with the release of a new map, many quests, and a ton of the darkest, most impressive gear yet!
But so MANY souls have been pouring into the UnderWorld to ally with him, that Dage's power has increased. And this Friday, he will craft deadly new RARE weapons using the SoulForge and offer them... to YOU!
Join the Legion and know victory!
The new Paragon Pet had TWO Legion Token quests added to it earlier today, but you MUST have the Undead Warrior Armor AND the Ascended Paragon Pet in order complete them!
As Dage's birthday gift to you, the Coliseum Combatants quest has a 100% chance to drop 30 Legion Tokens! The Beginning the Final quest has a 100% chance to drop 50 Legion Tokens!
StormBringer Set Still Available!
Upgrade with any membership or purchase any AdventureCoins for a limited-time to unlock the color-custom StormBringer Set! We're celebrating the release of our new in-game payment system by making this incredible set by Tyronius available to any Hero who supports AQWorlds!
If you haven't checked out the new in-game payment feature, it's just a button-click away! It took a large chunk of the AQW team a number of weeks to get this functionality live, but we think it's worth it! (A lot of you are saying it's a much easier, cleaner interface to use, and making that was our goal!)
The "Just For You!" tab appears if you're eligible for a special upgrade offer!
Click any "Get Membership or "Get ACs" button to open this window straight from the game. You'll be auto-logged into the payment site and, if your account is linked and you have Artix Points, you'll automatically be able to use them to pay!
Coming Tomorrow!
- We send out the email to the "Shut Up and Take My Rares" contest winner!
- Applications to become an AQW Ambassador open!
(Due to an AWESOME meeting with next week's guest event, the Design Notes were delayed. More news on the guest tomorrow, too!)

March 01, 2013
Death Pits / Dage's Birthday!
The Death Pits Await You!
Chaos Lord Lionfang is still searching for the one item that might serve as a weapon against Chaos and he's letting nothing stand in his way. He has discovered that the Darkblood relic called the Tears Of The Mother has been hidden at the bottom of the Darkblood Death Pits and now it's a race to reach the relic.
Since the beginning of history the various Darkblood tribes of Thunderforge waged war with each other for the precious Rotstone mines which became known as the Death Pits. They would toss their captives down into the poisonous mines and work them to death.
Once the tribes came together and built Falguard, uniting all the Darkblood under one Primarch, they continued the practice sending out slavers to capture humans, horcs and other creatures to do their mining for them.
Now the Death Pits are haunted by the memories of a thousand, thousand lost souls. The walls and floors are littered with the bones of the dead (and undead). This dark, bleak hole in the earth is where the Primarch has hidden the Tears of the Mother and sent Logash to protect them.
If you survive the journey to the bottm of the Death Pits, great treasures await you un the form of an unlockable shop and several monster drops for Members and non-members alike.
Happy Birthday Dage!
Tomorrow is Dage The Evil's birthday and he has sent a shadow of himself to Battleon with enticing birthday rares to lure fresh souls into his Soul Forge, where there are a number of new Dage items for Legion members to earn!
His Birthday Shop contains 12 AC Rare items, including the DarkCaster Arcanist Ring, the Ascended Paragon Pet with 2 farming quests that provide items for the SoulForge and the new Ascended DarkCaster set. You can also use your gold to purchase Essence Of The Undead Legend which Dage has assured us will return on his Birthday every year (and possibly a few other special events).
Meanwhile, Dage has finally left Shadowfall to set up his new base of power in his SoulForge, where he uses the souls of his Legion to forge new, increasingly diabolical weapons armors and more.
Dage's birthday doesn't last forever so don't miss out.
Happy Deathday Dage!
Stormbringer Set
For a Limited time we are offering EVERYONE who buys ANYTHING from us, the Stormbringer Set!
I mean anything. Any Membership package and any AC bundle. Buy something, relog and look in your Book of Lore in the Achievement Badges section and use the Stormbringer Badge to access the items!
No, You Can't Be A Mod.
The No, You Can't Be A Mod shirt in Heromart is now on sale in Green and Black. It comes with a character page achievement badge, a non-member pet, a tasty muffin AND the NOT A MOD Class!
To read the Skills Breakdown for the class, just click here!
That's all I got. have a great weekend!
You guys are submitting great pics to the Dage the Evil contest, but we've got to keep all comments on the pictures clean. (Family friendly and all, right?) If you're going to submit your pictures on Twitter, please post them there directly, not on Twitpic. Or use any free online photo gallery.
Our volunteer forum moderators thank you.