Design Notes

November 13, 2024

Player Support Reminder

Botting Can Break Your Account... or Get it Banned

Earlier this week, we began getting bug reports about players not able to load when they tried to join a server. Captain Rhubarb found the cause after some digging -- while botting, each of the accounts attempted to save data that the game is not currently set up to accommodate. This broke their characters so completely, they could not join any server. Only about 40 players were affected -- this time -- but this is a good example of why you should not use bots or third party programs.

What is a "Bot"?

Players get banned for botting every week; this tells us a couple of things.

Many players don't know what a bot IS.

  • bot or "third party program" is a program built by someone else that plays the game for you. 
  • ALL massively multiplayer games have a problem with them, and they are, and always have been against the rules. 

Many players don't know that botting is not allowed.

Our goal is to keep the game fair, safe and fun. NOT to ban players. We are all human, we all make mistakes. If you did not know before... that's why I'm posting! If you're not sure why we don't allow them, read on.

  1. It is unfair to other players who put the time and effort into playing the game / achieving goals
  2. It takes time away from building the game to deal with botting/cheating/hacking issues
  3. It can seriously hurt your account -- either because it gets banned... or breaks, like in the example above.

We want you guys to enjoy playing AdventureQuest Worlds. Play right. Play fair. Play the game the way it was intended. Using third party programs is a good way to get your account banned or broken.


December 02, 2015

Player Support Email Issue Resolved

A Note from Neveya, Senior Customer Support Rep

Hello all! Yesterday we had some issues with our email servers. The incredible Captain Rhubarb got them all back up and online early today, but was unable to recover about 100 of the AQWorlds emails. If you emailed the Help Team yesterday and haven't received a reply by Friday, please email us again!

We always answer all of the emails we get in personally (there are no robots in Player Support), and if we've missed yours, we'll get to it as fast as possible.


October 15, 2013

Need Help with your Account?

Make Sure to Use the Help Pages!

Player Support is the first line of defense whenever you have ANY issue, be it payment, account, technical, or game-related, and we personally read EVERY email sent to us. We’re a small team, but we are MIGHTY in our power to help solve your problems and make sure you enjoy our games as much as possible!

The Player Support team is made up of:

  • Nythera, head of Player Support
  • Zazul
  • Neveya
  • and Lady Tomo
  • (Stratos helps too, when he has time)

Where Else to Get Help?

You should only email the Help Pages! For us to help you in the best and fastest way possible, we NEED you to use them, not Twitter, Facebook, or the forum!

If you post on Twitter, Facebook, or the forum, that just means our team members need to redirect you to the Help Pages anyways! (It's also very easy for our team members to miss your important posts on social networking sites, because sometimes they need to sleep.)

 Using the Help Pages right from the start means we can start helping you confidentially and directly as soon as we read your email. (Remember, because real people read each email we get, it may take between 1-3 business days to respond!)

Where ARE the Help Pages?

You can find them linked on each of our game websites!

Account Safety Tips

There’s nothing I enjoy less than a stolen account. I’m sure you feel the same way - who wouldn’t?! So here are some tips to help keep your account safe and out of the hands of thieves.

  • Never share your account with anyone! Not even a friend. Every person who knows your password makes your account less secure.
  • Use a secure password! Use oth letters AND numbers, use both upper and lower case, and make sure your password is at least 8 characters long.
  • Confirm your email with us! This makes sure your email can’t be changed without your permission.
  • Never enter your account name and/or password into any site or email that isn’t owned by Artix Entertainment!

We Don't Want to Ban or Mute You!

We have rules in place to help keep ALL our players safe and having fun in AQWorlds! Make sure you follow the rules so you don't have your account muted, banned, or disabled! Not sure if something's ok to do? Review the rules!


April 06, 2012

We Are Not Ignoring You.

We're Not Ignoring You (unless you're just looking for attention)!

Artix Entertainment tries to set it self apart from other game companies in a lot of ways but one of the most important is how much we interact with you guys. Any of you who follow my Twitter or like our AQW Facebook Fan Page know this to be true.

We love talking to you and even when we don't love what we hear, we love that you care enough to tell us what you don't like and we try and fix it. Unfortunately, we are not always logged in to Twitter (we do sleep on occasion) and when we are, we all have a LOT of people talking to us (at this time I have 31,035 Twitter followers and Artix has nearly 47,000!) so If we don't reply to you it's probably because we either missed your Tweet or because we can't reply to every single Tweet.

Please try and understand that there is no way that we can answer every tweet, much less meet up with every single person who asks to meet us in-game. We would never have time for anything else.

Another thing to mention is that it is mostly the Devs who are on Twitter. Devs (or Game Developers) are the people who spend all week building each new release for you to play, and fixing the bugs that you have reported on the BUG FORUMS. We also have a lot of other jobs dealing with game development and community outreach. All that stuff takes up the entire week (which is why some releases come to you a little later than others) and our jobs don't leave time for much else. In the rare cases when we DO find ourselves with extra time, we make a Mid-Week release or work ahead on new functionality!

So you can see that we Developers keep pretty busy with our own stuff. That's why we have Moderators to help you and protect you in-game and Player Support to help you outside the game with account and payment issues.

Nythera, Zazul, Memet, Neveya & Lady Tomo make up the Player Support team. Their primary job is taking care of you and your account issues. They do a fantastic job and are often overlooked for all the effort that they put into making AE function.

These are the brave and tireless people who read all of your HELP MAIL so you should always GO HERE if you've been hacked or find yourself with a payment issue.

The Player Support team receives THOUSANDS of e-mails EVERY DAY and they read every single one of them, but with so much to do, they can get a little behind sometimes and can't reply to you instantly so if you have a problem, please be patient.

Reens, Stratos and their team of Moderators handle a lot of in-game issues. Everytime someone is using foul language or trying to scam or trade accounts, it is THESE heroes to quietly step in and take action to try and keep the game as fun as safe as they can, and many of these mods are volunteers. They are giving their own time to sort through reports for no reason other than they really CARE about making AQW a safe and fun place for everyone, but they need YOUR help. 

If you see someone that they shouldn't be, click on their portrait and use the REPORT function to bring them to the attention of the Mods!

Let's Review:

  • A Dev's Job is making the games.
  • Player Support's job is taking care of account and payment issues.
  • Moderators handle mutes and bans of in-game rule breakers.

Each team has their hands full. That is why we Dev's can't help you with your account or payment issues when you ask for help over Twitter. It's not because we don't want to, it's because it's not what we do and we literally CAN'T help you in most cases.

Telling the us DEV's over Twitter about your account issues is just about as useful as telling a bowl of soup to fix your broken TV.

It's the same reason that Doctors don't put out fires, Firefighters don't pick up your garbage and Waste Workers don't do open heart surgery. They each have their own job that keeps them quite busy.

If you are having account or payment issues the best thing you can do is head to the HELP PAGE and if you ask us for help over Twitter, that is why we direct you there instead of fixing your account.

Please understand that we really do want to help you (of COURSE we do... we WANT you to play AQW!) and we all do our very best to point you in the right direction to get you back on your feet as quickly as possible. :)


If you don't want to lose your account there are 5 simple things that you should do.

  1. Pick a VERY GOOD PASSWORD. Make it hard to guess, use letters AND numbers. Avoid simple or passwords like AAAAAAA, qwerty, asdasdasd, 12345, 54321, or your character's name.

  2. Never share your account with anyone (even your siblings or best friend).

  3. Never tell anyone your password, no matter who they say they are or what they promise you. There are TONS of fake Cyseros, Alinas, Artixs and other AE fake AE staff ALL OVER Facebook and Twitter. AE STAFF WILL NEVER ASK FOR YOUR PASSWORD.

    We don't need your password. We have access to all of your accounts right now.

  4. Hook your AQW account up to your BATTLEON PORTAL account! If something ever does happen, it's an extra level of security and helps Player Support fix your up faster.

  5. Never use Hacks, Cheats or Bots. Many of these programs will secretly install a trojan virus called a KEYSTROKE LOGGER on your computer. This virus records everything that you type (passwords, credit card info, which websites you visit) and sends the information back to the creators.
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