Design Notes

February 04, 2025

Game News: February 3 - 9

Read on for the latest news and information

Stay up to date with details on the new releases, server boosts, daily login gifts, art previews, balance updates, and more in this week's game digest post.

Monday: Double Gold Boost

Get double Gold from battles and quests until Wednesday!

Tuesday: Valencia's New Treasure Hunt

Valencia's tracked down that mysterious portal again, and found a very strange dimension. She forged a "new-old" Blade of Awe there, and she'll trade it to her favorite Hero if you bring back a smashing new artifact in return. Complete her new "Mysterious Blade of Awe" quest to choose one of the classic Blade of Awe designs imported from the original AdventureQuest. 

Wednesday: Double Reputation Boost

Get double Rep from completing quests until Friday!

Thursday: Blood Gems Boost

Get double rewards as you battle to collect Blood Gems of the Archfiend all week long.  

These resources are used in crafting the Void Highlord Class, Ancient Shogun gear, Archfiend Warlord set, and many more items.

Read the full post for more details

Friday Update Details

Read on for news about this weekend's new updates.

Story: Year of the Snake Celebration + Rewards
Upgrade Bonus Pack: ShadowSnake Street Gear
Seasonal Events: all our Hero's Heart Day, Yokai New Year, and Carnaval events

Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts

Server Boost: Get double Class Points until Monday!
Saturday: Oni Capes & Weapons from the Shadow Samurai in /Shogunwar
Sunday: Oni Helms & Weapons from Orochi in /Shogunwar

Stay up to date with new release plans and boosts on the Artix Calendar and see what the latest Bug Fixes and Balance Changes are in their patch notes.

Tags: Alina,

January 31, 2025

Triple Artist Birthday Weekend

Celebrate Birthdays for Hikari, Axeros, Dominik and more!

We've unleashed a host of gear for you this month, but the INVENTORY OVERLOAD isn't done yet! We've got bright and dark new rewards from Axeros, Hikari, and Dominik -- three of the AQWorlds artists celebrating a birthday in January. Plus, find the Fiendish Arachnomancer set from Ferozakh, crafted in honor of Nulgath the ArchFiend.

New game release

  • Hikari's Diabolical Shadow Hunter armor set
  • Axeros' Dark Hand Behemoth armor set
  • Dominik's Astro Seer + Voyager armor sets
  • Ferozakh's tribute: Fiendish + Nation Arachnomancer sets
  • Server Boost: Double Rep, XP, Gold, Class Points boosts

Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts

  • Resource Boost: Essences and Totems of Nulgath
  • Saturday: Oblivion Bane Spear from the Archfiend Oblivion in /obliviontundra
  • Sunday: 3 Fiendish House Guests from the Archfiend Oblivion in /obliviontundra

Axeros the Dark Hand Assassin's Gifts

Axeros, longtime AQWorlds artist, crafted a new set to help you celebrate his birthday! Battle to unlock his gifts in the /LegionArena, but be advised: his DarkHand Assassin shop can only be unlocked if you get the Soul Keeper Blade from his Worthy of the Blade farming quest. 

Dark Hand Behemoth set:

  • Dark Hand Behemoth armor
  • Dark Hand Behemoth Horns 
  • Dark Hand Behemoth Morph + Visage
  • Dark Hand Behemoth Hood
  • Sheathed Dark Hand's Slaughter cape
  • Dark Hand Behemoth Cloak + Battle Cloak
  • Dark Hand's Slaughter (single + dual-wield)
  • Darkblood Ashura (single + dual-wield)
  • Dual Dark Hand's Armaments

Hikari the ShadowHunter's Diabolical Gear

This weekend, /join lostvilla and explore until you encounter the dark but generous ShadowSlayer... Hikari! In the real world, Hikari is one of our wicked-talented team artists, creating reward items, monster art, and more for our releases. Complete his Hit List quest to unlock the 13 new items in his Diabolical Shadow Hunter set.

Diabolical Shadow Hunter set:

  • Diabolical ShadowHunter armor
  • Diabolical Sharpshooter Morph + Visage helms
  • Diabolical ShadowHunter Scarf + Kerchief helms
  • Diabolical Raven + Respirator Masks
  • Diabolical Shadowhunter Muffler
  • Ornate Diabolical Wings
  • Diabolical Burial Spade
  • Diabolical Coffin (single + dual-wield)
  • Diabolical Gatling Gun

Dominik the Astro Seer's Gifts

Dominik is a rising star... literally! He's been crafting in-game items for several years now, and he's got a crisp, clean set of casual gear to help you /relax in after battle. If you've completed the event story in the /Extinction map, you'll see his NPC appear. Complete his quest to unlock his Astro Seer gear, or check out the color-custom items in his Astro Voyager AC shop. 

Quest Rewards

  • Astro Seer armor
  • Astro Seer Flame Morph + Visage helms
  • Astro Seer Morph + Visage helms
  • Stellar Quasar Gauntlet

Astro Voyager Color-Custom AC Shop

  • Astro Voyager armor
  • Astro Voyager Hair + Locks
  • Astro Voyager Flame Morph + Visage helms
  • Astro Voyager Morph + Visage helms
  • Stellar Quasar Gauntlet

Ferozakh's Tribute: Fiendish Arachnomancers

Ferozakh, long-time community artist, has been inspired for years by Nulgath the ArchFiend's art... both the gear and the monsters. He's crafted a set based on one of AQWorlds' earliest enemies: Abaddon the DreadSpider. Battle the DreadSpider in the /marsh or Abaddon in /twilight to collect a host of wicked new spider-themed rewards. Merge select items into even higher-tier versions of the gear in Nulgath's Diamond Merge Shop.

DreadSpider Drops in /Marsh:

  • Nation Arachnomancer armor
  • Fiendish Arachnomancer Hair + Locks helms
  • Fiendish Arachnomancer Abdomen + Tail capes
  • Arachnid Voracity of Nulgath sword
  • Fiendish Aranchnomancer's Sickles daggers
  • Arachnomancer's Horseshoe Defender daggers
  • Fiendish Arachnomancer's Dorsal Whip

Abaddon Drops in /Twilight:

  • Nation Arachnomancer armor
  • Fiendish Arachnomancer Parasite + Minion helms
  • Fiendish Arachnomancer's Tick Ghilly cape
  • Arachnid Voracities of Nulgath daggers
  • Fiendish Arachnomancer's Claws gauntlet
  • Fiendish Arachnomancer's Dorsal Whips

Nulgath's Diamond Merge Shop Gear:

  • Fiendish Arachnomancer Armor
  • Fiendish Arachnomancer Mask
  • Arachnid Gestalt Cloak of Nulgath
  • Balor's Hunger Blade (single + dual-wield)
  • ArchFiend Arachnomancer's Claymore (single + dual-wield)
  • Fiendish Arachnomancer's Whip (single + dual-wield)


  • Item drops from Abaddon in the member-only Twilight map are not member-tagged.
  • A rare color-custom version of the set items are available in Nulgath's Winter Void Collection Chest.

Fiendish HeroMart Reward Coming Soon

The wicked new set Nulgath crafted this year for HeroMart arrives soon in AQWorlds. Planned methods to unlock it include: getting the upcoming Nulgath Nation bundle, in-game via HeroPoints, and we are also looking at a way for you to buy the gear with ACs. \

Keep an eye out for more details from @HeroMart for when the bundle will be available to pre-order.

Event Reminders

Don't miss out on your favorite limited time events, stories, and gear!

  • Saturday, February 1st: February seasonal set returns on Garek in Battleon
  • Friday, February 7th: All our New Year's events, map, and rewards leave
  • Friday, February 14th: Honorable Hero 2024 rewards go out. Much <3 to all you honorable heroes!
  • Friday, February 21st: Nulgath's Winter Void Birthday Shop and Collection leave

PS: the missing House Items for the Frostval 2024 Gifting Reward Tiers 4 and 5 were added this weekend, as well.

Tags: Alina,

January 31, 2025

Nulgath's 2025 Birthday Rares

Unlock 140+ rare items in the Winter Void Collection

Nulgath’s birthday celebration begins this weekend, and we want everyone to get in on the /party! For all you real-life rare hunters, talk to Nubble the Dark Makai in Battleon to find Nulgath's new birthday rares shop. Get the Winter Void Collection Chest to unlock ALL of the event rares and a character page badge for 10,000 AdventureCoins! 

There are two ways to get Nulgath's 2025 birthday rares: 

  • Get the full collection for 10,000 ACs (worth over 25,000 ACs) or
  • Buy individual items from Nubble's Rares shop in Battleon 

Over new 50 new event rares are available this week.

Nulgath's Winter Void Birthday Collection

Get the Winter Void Collection Chest pet to unlock ALL the 0 AC birthday rares

Color-custom sets (armor + accessories)

  • Eternal Contract Enforcer of Nulgath set
  • Void Oni Samurai set 
  • Nightmare Fiend of Nulgath set
  • Nulgath's Winter Void armor set
  • Enhanced Legacy of Nulgath set
  • Enchanted Fiendish Arachnomancer set (new this week!)

Armor sets (armor + accessories)

  • Winter Void set
  • Fiendish Abomination armor set
  • VoidSeeker armor set
  • Fiendish Devourer set
  • Void Angel of Nulgath set (new this week!)
  • Silent Angel of Revontheus set (new this week!)

Color-Custom Pets

  • Enchanted Legacy of Nulgath Sword Pet
  • Enchanted Fiend's Orb Bank Pet
  • Eternal Katana of Renunciation Pet + Battle Pet
  • Thorn of Renunciation Pet + Battle Pet

Ground Runes

  • Contract Enforcer's Domain
  • Silent Angel's Sigil (new this week!)
  • Fiendish Void Pool (new this week!)
  • Voidseeker Fiend Rune

Other Featured Items

  • Fiendish Abomination Doppel guardian
  • Archfiend Nulgath in Attendance
  • Nightmare Fiend Rune Cape
  • Enchanted Contract Enforcer's Claws

Eternal Contract Enforcer of Nulgath

Malakai is known for being the relentless enforcer of the Archfiend's contracts. His service is so valued that it isn't wasted on mere traitorous filth. He waits in Nulgath's shadow for a chance to be unleashed.

  • Eternal Contract Enforcer of Nulgath armor
  • Contract Enforcer Morph & Horns helms
  • Contract Enforcer Wings
  • Contract Enforcer's Domain ground rune
  • Renunciation weapons: 2 swords, 2 daggers
  • Katana of Renunciation pet & battlePet 
  • Thorn of Renunciation pet & pattle pet


  • All set items were crafted by Nulgath, and are color-customizable + rare
  • Pets and Battle pets include 25% EXP + Class Points boosts
  • Member-only Battle Pets are available for gold in Nubble's shop and for 0 AC / non-member in the collection chest. 
  • The Contract Enforcer of Nulgath armor and select accesories are now available. Set items are 0 AC, rare, non color-custom. Quest requirements will include a time-locked quest + various resources. Quests to unlock the items will be available until until January 2026. 

Winter Void Set Details

Cut and carved from the living Fiend Tundra known as the Deleuze, the blades share a mind with the Winter Void. They take pleasure in freezing and shattering foes. 

  • Winter Void armor
  • Winter Void Horns helm
  • Winter Void & Auxiliary Deleuze Ice capes
  • Deleuze Ice Blade pet & Battle Pet
  • Deleuze Ice Spear pet
  • Deleuze Ice weapons: sword, daggers, spear, axes 

This set was crafted by Nulgath the ArchFiend for this year's birthday rares shop.

Just want a couple of the items listed above? Apart from the exclusive pets, all of the gear contained inside the Endless Winter Collection Chest shop will also be available to buy individually in Quibble's Event shop.

Winter Void Collection Notes

Read on for important notes about this year's collection.

  • All of this year's event rare items are available individually from Nubble's Birthday Rares Shop until February 21st.
  • the color-custom Nightmare Fiend of Nulgath set will be available in the Featured Gear Shop until this Summer, when it goes permanently rare.
Tags: Alina, Nulgath,

January 30, 2025

Legends Never Die: A Spotlight on the Imperial Demons Guild

A Legacy Forged in AQW

Happy Throwback Thursday! Today we are honoring a guild that may no longer be active in AQWorlds but their legacy remains — because good memories and true legends never die! The Imperial Demons Guild started all the way back in 2014 under the name Nightvale, founded by the guild leader, aka the Infernal Empress, Pandemonium. What began as a small guild quickly blossomed into a thriving community. At its peak, Nightvale boasted over 500 members across its subguilds—Dawnvale, Duskvale, Bloodvale, and others—creating a network of adventurers united by their love for AQW.

By 2015, Nightvale evolved into Oculus Mortis (Eye of Death) before ultimately becoming Imperial Demons in 2016. This final name marked a new chapter as the guild evolved into a non-OP PvP, social, and events-focused powerhouse. The introduction of Tiger the Destroyer as Co-leader brought even more life to the guild, while a roster of dedicated officers ensured it thrived with engaging events and activities.

A Guild That Felt Like Home

For 8 incredible years, the Imperial Demons Guild became a family. From hosting PvP tournaments like "Battle of the Noobs" to holding art contests, farming challenges, and even karaoke nights on Discord, there was something for everyone.

Weekly training sessions in PvP built skills and bonds, while creative events like storytelling and AQMV videos captured the spirit of the guild. Guild chat was often filled with humor, memories, and the shared joy of gaming. Over time, Pandemonium collected over 100 screenshots of guild moments, jokes, and PvP videos – wow, talk about a treasure trove of nostalgia!

Guild Stats & Story

Guild Name(s): Nightvale / Oculus Mortis / Imperial Demons Guild
Founded: 2014
Ended: 2021
Guild Leader/Infernal Empress: Pandemonium
Co'leader/Primordial Arch Demon: Tiger the Destroyer
Guild Officers/Shadow Arch Demons: Obs, Ursiopao, Blazing_Assassin, Newce/Sier, Hoshi No, Argeddon, Tiberius Sorren/T The Omega, Idunnou/Shupocalypse, Okami1, GuardianElesis (Before he became a mod) & Juno608.
Guild Story: Imperial Demons was like the family I never had, I grew up leading the guild single-handedly until I met Tiger The Destroyer who became Co'leader in 2016, and the many officers and old friends who would dedicate their time and effort in helping host events and meetings when I wasn't able to make it. We had a few name changes over the 7-8 years that the guild was alive and active. We were first called Nightvale. And at that time gained over 500+ members in our fb group from our Vale subguilds (Dawnvale, Duskvale, Bloodvale, etc).

In 2015 I decided to change the guild name to Oculus Mortis (Eye/s of Death) and then later became Imperial demons in 2016+. We were both an Non-OP PvP, Social, Party and an Events based guild, we held PvP tournaments 3 times a month 'Battle of the noobs', Non OP and OP PvP, PvP weekly training, Farming Challenges, Art/Media Competitions and General Knowledge/Quiz events, Player of the Month & Best Set which people won gift certificates for winning in these events. We also held discord activities like Karaoke, Storytelling & movie night.

I have collected over 100+ images of my guild friends hanging out and funny stuff they'd say in guild chat, a few PvP videos and a AQMV we made back in Oculus Mortis days where a few of my guild friends joined in on the fun. It was sad to see a lot of my friends leave Adventure Quest Worlds. I just hope that our previous members who eventually came back to AQW sees this post and remembers the good times that we all had!!

Honoring the Past, Reviving the Future

Though Imperial Demons disbanded in 2021, its impact remains. For Pandemonium, the guild was much more than just a group of players… it was the family they never had 🥺 Guildmates grew together, supported one another, and created memories that endured in the hearts of those who called it home.

But what if this isn’t the end of the story? With AQW Infinity on the horizon, there’s no better time to reunite and bring the Imperial Demons Guild back to life! Imagine regrouping for a fresh start, reliving the glory days, and making new memories in the next chapter of AQW!

If you’re a former guildmember of Nightvale, Oculus Mortis, or Imperial Demons—or simply inspired by this story—then please share this post with others. Let’s bring back the family for Infinity’s launch and prove that legends never die! 

Don’t forget to wishlist AQW Infinity on Steam and prepare for an adventure like no other!

Battle on,
Beleen and the AQW team (and ofc Pandemonium + Imperial Demons’ guildmates too)


January 28, 2025

Sandsational Spotlight: the Djinn Palace by Enkanomiya

Djinn and Tonic

The Sandsea has always been a realm of wonder and intrigue in AQWorlds, with its alluring stories, breathtaking maps, the beloved Bupers Camel*, and, of course, the enigmatic Djinn. For Enkanomiya, the appeal of the Sandsea storyline and Crulon’s impeccable designs made choosing the floating Djinn Palace as their forever home a no-brainer. Built in 2018, this house isn’t just a place to hang out—it’s a full-blown immersion into a world of desert magic and hospitality.

The Djinn Palace on the Artix Server isn’t just stunning on the outside; the interior design is a testament to creativity and crazy attention to detail. After three days of meticulous decorating—and many hours of “does this look better here or there?”—Enkanomiya crafted a masterpiece featuring:

  • A Shisha Room: Perfect for those chill weekend vibes under the moonlit sky.
  • A Lounge Area: A cozy hangout spot for adventurers needing a breather from their quests.
  • A Yulgar-inspired Inn: Complete with the Apophis Chantress serving up drinks to weary travelers.

And don’t forget the hidden surprises! 

  • If you go in through one of the golden doors, there just might be a giant sandsea dwelling crocodile waiting for you.
  • Did you know that the moon changes phases within each room you enter of the Djinn Palace?

Oh wow, it’s these small, mystical touches that make this house feel—and look!—magical!

A Genie-us Touch

Enkanomiya’s Djinn Palace is a testament to the magic of the Sandsea and the endless creativity of our players. Whether you’re lounging under the stars, dodging crocodile encounters, or marveling at the shifting moon phases, the Djinn Palace is an oasis of imagination that never ceases to inspire!

So the next time you’re on the Artix server, swing on by this sandsational spot. Just don’t get lost in the sands of time 🕌🧞‍♀️🌙

Battle on!
Beleen, Enkanomiya, and the AQW team

* Do you know the story of the Bupers Camel? Here’s the DN post about it from 2011!


January 24, 2025

Descent into Oblivion

Nulgath's Birthday Event Continues this Weekend

Survive this weekend's update, and a sinister truth will be revealed! Login now as we continue celebrating Nulgath the ArchFiend's birthday with Part 2 of "Nulgath's Nation: Descent into Oblivions"! Unlock wicked rewards, begin your quest to craft the Contract Enforcer of Nulgath set, and check out the evil and epic new rare items in his birthday collection. 

New game release

  • Story: Nulgath's Birthday Event, Part 2
  • Rewards: Contract Enforcer of Nulgath gear, color-custom Nation base classes, new boss drops
  • Collection Chest: the second shipment of Nubble's new Nulgath birthday rare items
  • Server Boost: Get double Reputation until Monday!

Weekend Daily Gifts & Boosts

  • Resource Boost: Unidentified 34 + 35
  • Saturday: 0 AC rare Wise King Zedek and Pleione General Visage Witcher-inspired helm drops
  • Sunday: 0 AC rare Oblivion Fang sword + daggers

Login in this weekend and /join ObvlivionTundra to begin your adventure!

Wicked New Reward Gear

Battle the event boss in /ObvlivionTundra for dark new rewards, and collect resources to craft even more dark and deadly gear. 

Contract Enforcer of Nulgath set:

Talk to Enn'tröpy in the Event Hub. Get Malakai's Katana pet from the Diamond Merge Shop to begin your quest to craft the Contract Enforcer of Nulgath set!

Get the pet to unlock 3 new quests. Complete them to farm Pearls of Nulgath and to get pieces of the set.  You'll need to unlock all of the set items before you can begin farming for the armor. 

  • Contract Enforcer of Nulgath armor
  • Contract Enforcer Horns
  • Contract Enforcer Wings
  • Katana of Renunciation Sword + Daggers

Oblivion Tundra Merge Shop:

  • Fiend Void's Hunger blade
  • Fiend Void's Desire polearm
  • Envenomed Spear of Nulgath
  • color-custom versions of Nulgath Nation base class items

Boss Drops:

  • Fiendish Darkness armor + helms
  • Wanted Poster wall item
  • Deleuze Tundra Fang floor item

Monster Drops:

  • Black Snow and Bones floor item
  • Grey Ribs and Sticks floor item
  • Grey Bones and Stones floor item
  • VoidSeeker Tail

Nulgath's Birthday Events 

We've been celebrating Nulgath's birthday for many years now, and over time, you've battled through countless lands and defeated hordes of enemies... unless you're just joining us. And in that case, prepare for a host of dark adventures as you battle to earn the respect of Nulgath the ArchFiend... and the dark rewards he gives to those who serve him well!

Nulgath the ArchFiend, lord of the OverSoul, has gathered around him many followers, creatures, and allies over the centuries. This weekend, as we celebrate Nulgath’s birthday once more, log in and battle to uncover more information about one of his mysteriously silently minions, the sentient Rock Beast known only as… Crag.

Not sure who Nulgath is? Read on!

Nulgath the ArchFiend is the in-game persona for Nulgath-the-team-member, one of AQWorlds' original artists. He's currently hard at work animating AdventureQuest Worlds: Infinity, but he took time out of his schedule to craft two new sets of gear for everyone this week! 

His art style helped define AdventureQuest Worlds, and the character itself remains hugely popular with many of our long-time heroes. To recognize their dedication and the love they feel for his Nation, we hold an event in-game each year to celebrate

Tags: Alina,
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