Design Notes
November 03, 2011
Trolls and Spitfire and WHOOOPS!
Whoops! 3rd Upholder coming... and, LOL sorry Leon25
Thank you and congratulations to everyone who is getting the 3rd Upholder badge and starsword today! Actually, you should have already received it, except Zhoom accidently wrote his database update query backwards. So instead of giving 100,000 players 1 Starsword, he accidentaly gave.... 1 player (Leon25) 100,000 Starswords. Now that is one heavy and full backpack! All 3rd upholders should have their perks after tonight's release!
Tonight's Bloodtusk Ravine release!
The main storyline continues... and things are about to get crazy. While Cysero and Alina have strictly forbid me from giving away what is about to happen next, I am allowed to tell you there will be hint at the worlds new Chaos Lord tonight. Also, the Treasure Chest is getting an update with new items by Dage.
Level 45 SpitFire Enhancement!
The Spitfire Enhancement goes into your weapon and gives a chance for every attack to hurl a fireball at your enemy. We are adding a level 45 version of it tonight to both of the Collector fights the Enhancement shop in Battleon! Thank you for your understanding as took a lot longer than expected to get it in. For lower level players we are adding a Level 1 Fire Sword (member) tonight that has spitfire built into it. It will be located in the weapons shop where you load in BattleOn and in the newbie zone. Yurami (coder) would like to add more enhancements with special effects... if you have ideas, please let us know! (Freeze? Wind - blow your opponent to the other side of the screen? % chance immunity to stun?)
MOD PACKS & Paladin Slayer Class & Artix T-shirt
Thank you so much for the great reviews and comments on the new cards! Faith has shipping lots of boxes to players all over the world (literally) from HeroMart (now located in a HUGE room here at Secrret Underground Lab #4) A lot of you told us that your local Toys"R"Us did not have them in stock yet... even though they were supposed to as of last Friday. If you U.S. based Toys"R"Us store does not have them out yet, please ask a manager to check to see if they got them but have not put them on the floor yet (this is what we keep finding.) Also if you see the packs or the full card game box hidden in the back of a rack *whispers* it would be super awesome of you to move them to the front. (I always do that at book stores for "Z is for Zombies" which is done by Johnny Atomic, the same guy that helped us make the MechQuest Artbook"
Get the ModPacks and AE shirt at HeroMart
Pumpkin Carving Contest
Everyone did an incredible job this year. The Pumpkin Carving Contest has been judged! Read Samba's post below to see this years' winning pumpkins.
Turning 13
As you know AQworlds is a game for players of all ages. Happy Birthday to AQWorlds player who turned 13 today... and sent me a Tweet on Twitter saying that even though he was 13 he still could not use chat. (Age 13 is our cut-off for chat date) Turns out we were checking the data with a ">" greater than instead of a ">=" greater than or equal to. Zhoom just fixed it... so for all of the players celebrating their 13th birthday today or soon, CHAT ON!
Mogloween & TMBG Items
This weekend is your LAST chance to get the rare and seasonal rare items from the special event shops. By player request we are extending the TMBG item shop until Monday. Be sure to get the ones you once because once they are gone... there is NO WAY to get them again!
TMBG event page
Myterious 11-11-11 Portal
We have no idea what the ominious giant portal is... or what will happen on 11-11-11. Will it open? Will we go into it? Will something... come out of it? There are no legends about this. In fact, nothing like this has ever been seen before in the history of our world. It is a complete mystery. All that we do know, is that 11-11-11 is NEXT FRIDAY!
Lots of things going on... what are you the most excited about? Let us know on the Forums, FaceBook or Twitter!
November 01, 2011
BattleCard Mod Packs
Available NOW in stores and online!
Many cards to choose from like:
- Heart Swap - trade health points with your opponent!
- ... On a Bonemuncer - +1 to damage
- Your Shoe's Untied - Prevent a single Block, Trap, or Counter
- And many more epic and sneaky strategy opportunities
With one MOD PACK you'll be able to buff, debuff, and Trap your opponent into hours more fun. With both of the packs, that could turn into DAYS of card-clashing, damage-dealing, block-bashing, Chaos-causing FUN!
For more information, cool pictures, and rockin' videos, check out this Information Page!
October 28, 2011
BakeShop of Horrors!
Mogloween 2011 is here! With PIE!
Fear, loathing, and sugar craving, all in MystCroft this year! Cysero has baked a devilishly delicious dessert, but it needs one more ingredient! He needs YOU to help him find it and keep all the villagers and monsters from eating it before it's ready! (Don't forget! You'll need to play through all the previous years of Mogloween events!)
Note: Make sure your sound is ON! You'll miss the best, creepiest part of the event if sound if off.
It's nightmare fuel. Becuase food is fuel, ya'know?
But something about this pie is just not right. And when Baron Luca, MystCroft's resident Vampire Lord, finds out about the pie... there is going to be trouble! What's he got against delicious, peachy pastries? Why do they make him go berserk? You'll need to find out! (And you will. Just wait for the boss fight and his transforming blood-rage!)
Baron Luca is hungry. And so is his servant!
The madness, the horror, and the sweet, sweet fear in this Mogloween's release reminds us of The Simpson's Treehouse of Horrors Halloween Specials. So we felt it was appropriate to call this release: "Bakeshop of Horrors!" After all, when Cysero bakes, who knows WHAT will come out of the oven?!
Trick or Treating is here!
Are you ready to goin /house to /house in AQWorlds to battle monsters and claim your copious candy rewards? You'd better be, because it's time to trick or treat! After you've run through our deviliciously scary storyline, /party up with your friends, head to their /houses and take down those monsters! Then grab their tasty loot and run to the nearest Molgoween merge shop!
Trick or treat, the monsters are beat, now you've got sweet treats to eat!
Sweet Rewards for Mogloween!
Deliciously appetizing treats all for you this Mogloween, whether you shop, merge or get them as drops!
Dark Vampire Armor, Zombie Whackers, and Jack O Blade!
CandyCaster Armor/Helms with Hanging Lantern Staff, Hallowed Blade!
- Glutton Armor
- Anti-Glutton Helm
- Mennacing Set (going rare after this year!)
- Gummi Were-Bear and Lolly Armaments
- Masquerade Armor and Masks
- And much, much more!
Organ Harvester Limited Time Shop!
Hold on to your hearts! Lock down your livers! And grab ahold of your gallbladders! Because the Organ Harvester Limited Time Shop is here! This shop, made by Dage for Mogloween, will be available until the midnight between November 1st and 2nd!
A scythe for sore eyes!
New Wallpaper at Artix Wallpaper!
This deliciously frightening wallpaper was made by Randor the Red using art from Dage, Mennace, and J6! It is absolutely the sweetest, peachiest wallpaper we've put out in a long time! To get yours, click on the picture or go here!
TMBG Rares Leaving Soon!
AQWorlds' 3rd birthday was GIGANTIC! But sadly, the Collector enforces a very strict rares policy. The AC Event rares (but NOT the Vindicator of They Class) will be leaving November 4th! So unless you can convince him (through us) to keep them around longer, they'll be gone in 1 week!
He'll take your rares if you don't want'em!
BattleOn Battlecard Mod Packs!
The BattleOn BattleCard Mod Packs are in Toys R Us stores NOW! Head to your nearest Toys R Us emporium, battle your way through crowds of toy-crazed customers, and claim your very own Chaos and Doomwood Mods packs!
Get your very own PaladinSlayer Class when you buy both packs!
For more information, check out these Design Notes!
Ballyhoo Battles Zombies!
Head to Ballyhoo! She's got an EPICLY deadly zombie-bashing Bat of Doom geared to smack the brains out of those living dead! All you need to do is watch her ad and you'll have a chance at the reward! This offer is for EVERYONE, so if you live to take down the living dead, you'll definitely want this wicked weapon!
Other HeroMart News!
Be sure to check out HeroMart this Monday for the all-new Artix Logo shirt (on sale November 1st) and the 2012 Calendar (on sale November 7th), too!
Have an excellent Mogloween everyone! If you're trick-or-treating in the real world, stay safe and go in a group! Be prepared to claim your candy, but check it before eating (or throwing it at people). I'm going to go home and carve a pumpkin or three.
October 25, 2011
BattleCard Mod Packs this FRIDAY!
Get yours at any USA Toys R Us!
Chaos! DoomWood! Complete battlecard craziness in TWO mod packs! This Friday, October 28th, you can get YOUR BattleOn Battlecard Mod Packs at any Toys R Us in the USA!
Each pack contains all of the cards in it's expansion (no buying endless booster packs!) We are pricing them as cheap as possible and each comes with an exclusive in-game item.
- IN TOYS R US STORES Friday, October 28th!
- DoomWood Mod Pack comes with Vordred's Sword!
- Chaos Mod Pack comes with the Chaos Eye pet!
- Each Pack comes with HALF of the PaladinSlayer Class!
(Combine the two packs to form it!) - Both Mod Packs will come to HeroMart in the future!
If YOU want to be the first one in your town to /equip the EPIC PaladinSlayer class, control the creepy Chaos Eye pet, and wield the very devastating Vordred's sword, then head to Toys R Us THIS Friday!*
And once you've GOT your Mod Packs, head here to redeem your code for all the RARE LOOT that comes with them!
* Cutting in line means you'll be able to cut the deck faster! (Kidding, kidding...)