Design Notes
December 13, 2012
2 Day Rare SponZard Item!
The Halfling's PvP Medal +900!
The SponZard Button strikes again! In honor of the release of the new Hobbit movie, our sponsors have authorized us to release a new NON-MEMBER PvP Amulet... the Halfling's PvP Medal +900.
As the name implies, this non-member PvP amulet will give anyone who wears it an extra 900 HP inside any PvP game or dueling arena. This is also the first PvP amulet to cost 0 ACs which will allow for free storage.
Here's the catch, it's only available for the next 2 days!
The item is a random reward from the SponZard button which appears from time to time in the LOWER RIGHT corner of Battleon. Just watch an ad and claim your reward and if you're lucky then it will be this rare PvP Amulet!
As we've mentioned, it only appears at random intervals so if it shows up for YOU make sure to click it. Remember that this item will only be available for 2 DAYS so don't miss your chance!
The End Of All Things, Part 1!
In case you haven't been able to log on since last night, be sure to log in and play through the first part of this year's two part Frostval release, The End Of All Things.
It was a late release ast night but as soon as the servers opened our Twitter and the AQW forums exploded with excited messages about how cool this release is. High marks on the story, cutscenes, items, and even the reduced lag... but most of the praise came for the new villian, Kezeroth The World Ender.
If you haven't played through this release yet, log in and see what everyone is talking about!
PERSONAL NOTE: This was an insane release. 2 huge maps, 3 unbelievable cutscenes, a handful of really amazing items, and a couple of new features like mini-cutscenes to give some character to the dungeon crawl all between Monday and Wednesday. That's about ten days worth of production crammed into three and we bled to make it happen by 12-12-12 (Server time).
I don't get to write for AQW much anymore so when I get the chance I really want to give you guys something to remember. It was a real win for me to see pages and pages of people having their minds blown by this release. The outpouring of support from the community was really something to behold and I'm just so glad that it went over so well and that so many of you enjoyed it. Your feedback is always appreciated, but it's great (and exceptionally rare) when it's almost all positive.
You'd think that the team could take the win and maybe a well deserved rest but no. We were back here bright and early working, trying to make sure that Part 2 lives up to Part 1, and getting things ready for tomorrow.
Don't forget to check back tomorrow for a new round of Quibble Frostval Rares (Including our first Frostval BattlePet for Members), Beleen's Insane Pinkomancer Birthday Shop (all items pinked by Beleen), The Big Red Member Gift Bag, Tinsel's Present Quests and special side quests in the 12-12-12 event for Chronomancers, Chronocorruptors, TimeKillers and Members!
7 days until Just Another Day

August 19, 2011
In the Land of Dreams and Nightmares...
Everyone wants to hear you scream!
And screams there will be when Stratos wakes in the Land of Dreams and Nightmares to see his worst memory play out before him. So grief-stricken is he that when he wakes again in the real-world, he is completely incapacitated. And it's at THAT moment that Invidia, his recruit assistant, brings word of the SkyPirates massing to invade Lore!
Your journey will start in Twilight's Threshold
Their first strike will be at the SkyGuard High Commanders, who have gathered to plot combat strategies. But they won't attack the Commanders head-on, no! They will strike at them where they have no defenses... in their dreams! That means it's up to you, along with Invidia's aid, to venture into the Land of Dreams and Nightmares to stop them!
Lose Yourself Inside Your Mind
Invidia will have a great deal of information on the Land of Dreams and Nightmares for you, thanks to King Alteon's Royal DreamWeaver (... good thing he had one!), so be sure to read that before venturing into the Maze itself. Once you're there, you'll need to find the Portal:
The Sword of Broken Dreams is a quest reward from the Nightmare Child
And quest to gather the Guide Stones which will unlock it, sending you on to your destination. SkyPirates are swarming around the map, and they'll do anything to stop you from reaching your goal, so you'll need to gather Guide Stone shards from them, find them hidden about the map, and complete puzzles which will reveal safely-hidden Stones.
Remember to investigate everything! Like this stone and that creepy little girl...
Try not to stare at the creatures spying on you from behind the mirrors. They can't hurt you... yet. If puzzles, battles, and side-quests aren't enough to keep you wide awake (and believe me, falling asleep in this Realm is a BAD idea!), then you can also try to crack the code on this puzzle:
You'll want to /goto your friends for help with this battle!
It will unlock a special challenge fight:
Fact: Abominations live inside your head. Sweet Dreams!
There's also a ton of EPICLY dream-y gear, like the Shattered Screams Staff (a reward from the Nightmare Child) and Phloyd the Dream Moglin (drops off of any monster)!
The SkyGuard Rep Shop has received some sweet new gear, too! Like the SkyGuard Gunner Armor pictured above. So equip this awesome armor, strap on your automatic rifle, and prepare to plow through the monsters which will haunt your dreams!
The Land of Dreams and Nightmares will open into a full zone for all players at some point in the future, but only members will ever get this zone-preview and the rockin' rewards that are hidden within!
Suggestion Shop Update coming NEXT week!
Too much to do and not enough time this week, so we're moving the Suggestion Shop update to next Friday! By then we'll have a ton of awesome ideas from you guys already Flashed and ready to go!
Sponzard: Class and Rep Boosts!
Yesterday Cysero announced that Sponzard, the sponsored-item-giveaway zard, has added two AWESOME rewards: Class Point and Reputation Boosts! Right now these 10 minute boosts can ONLY be acquired from the randomly appearing SponZard Button, which rarely appears in Battleon.
Coming next week!
We hope you'll enjoy this week's member-only release! Next week we'll return to Bloodtusk Ravine with more Horcs, more Trolls, and the rise of Chaos!