Design Notes
September 02, 2014
Win $100 with Rixty!
Wanna get Rich with Rixty?
This is the September to remember! Rixty has teamed up with AQWorlds, and when you Upgrade and/or buy AdventureCoins using Rixty, you’ll automatically be entered to win $100!
This special Rixty offer begins now until Tuesday, September 30, so find the nearest Rixty retailer to upgrade in AQWorlds AND have a chance to win $100 in Rixty credits =D
Rixty is also tripling your chances to win—because Rixty will choose 3 Artix winners!
What is Rixty?
You can buy a Rixty prepaid card at a nearby convenience store and transfer your cash online with no fees. Rixty currently has over 18,000 convenience store locations nationwide. You can also use MOL Point cards and Green DOT MoneyPak.
How to Upgrade with Rixty
- Click here to find the Rixty prepaid card retailer nearest you, and purchase a Rixty Game Card!
- Visit and login or create an Artix Entertainment account.
- Click Shop from the menu, and choose Buy Points.
- Choose Rixty as your payment option.
- Enter your Rixty Code (or login to your Rixty account) and follow the instructions to complete your Artix Points purchase.
- Click Dashboard, and select the game user account you want to upgrade with your Points (in this case, AQWorlds!)
- Unlock your upgrade for AQWorlds, and you’ll automatically be entered to win $100 from Rixty!
Could it get any better?
Why yes—yes it can! Since Talk Like a Pirate Day is September 19, we want to give you an exclusive pirate weapon when you upgrade with Rixty!
Rixty Render Cutlass
If you purchase a Membership or buy AdventureCoins using Rixty, you will receive the Rixty Render Cutlass automatically. The only way to get the Rixty Render Cutlass is by upgrading via Artix Points bought with Rixty anytime between September 1st and Tuesday, September 30, 2014.
And you just might win the $100 grand prize, too. Yaar, that would be the motherload of all pirate booty!
Set sail to the nearest Rixty location near ye!
Battle on!
xoxo Beleen

December 03, 2010
Nythera Continued
Everyone's Favorite half-Dragon is BACK!
Just about a year ago we introduced Nythera to AQW in her first storyline in the Frozen Northlands! Finally, we return to the frozen north and continue where we left off!
Spoiler: We are ALSO building up her legend before the REAL Nythera gets married next year and we tie her wedding into AQW with a special in-game wedding event.
Man, people around here are getting married like... ducks?
Cause they mate for life, ya see.
.....and we're carrying on.
If you haven't been to the Frozen Northlandss, just look for the snow-covered area on the top of the map and begin your quest! This is the first of a two part quest continuation which picks up where we left off!
Pay special attention to the constantly mutating wolves. Chaos... is there anything it CAN'T DO?!
There are three amazing Cutscenes written by Beleen and animated by Miltonius, and tons of great gear brought to you by Dage, Skyline and yours truly.
This week's item list:
Stark’s Ice
Shimmering Flakes cape
Hearthside Axe
Champion of the North armor
Glacial Guard helm
The Frosted Falchion
Chaorrupted Mountaineer Hood
Chaotic Headsman’s Axe
Chaorrupted Northland Blade
Chaotic Crystal Glaive
Gravitating Chaos Crystal
Cloak of the North Wind
Serrated Chaos Edge
Tannenbaum Trimmings Cape
Chaotic Winterror Sword
Tannenbaum’s Tinder
It should be a pretty awesome pre-holiday haul!
Holiday Cookie Contest!
Since Beleen did such a great job with her post, I'm just going to COPYPASTE it here!
Last year’s winners did SUCH a great job creating totally scrumptious works of art and we cannot wait to see what you come up with this year. Check out last year’s Creative Cookie Contest winners for some delightful inspiration.
Have Your Cake and Eat it Too: The Prizes
Along with an endless amount of internet fame, the Grand Prize Winner(s) will receive 5,000 AdventureCoins AND a one-of-a-kind weapon created by Dage the Evil!
Additional AC prizes will be awarded for other super sweet desserts!
Fun fact: last year, the 6 grand prize winners received the ultra-rare Confectioner’s Slayer sword. When taken into consideration that there are over 20 Million registered users in AdventureQuest Worlds, being one of the verrrrrrry few to have such a one-of-a-kind weapon is truly remarkable.
Will you be a Grand Prize winner this year? One way to find out!
How the Cookie Crumbles: The Rules
This contest will range from NOW until 11:59pm EST on Sunday, December 19th. The winner(s) will be announced on the Design Notes Thursday, December 23rd!
The rules and guidelines are short ‘n sweet but MUST be followed accordingly for your edible entry to be eligible. I repeat, in boldface and in red font, ‘cuz a lot of people miss this: YOU must follow EACH rule if you want your entry to be considered eligible.
The easiest way to make sure your hard work gets judged: Read all of the rules before submitting your entry!
• Your dessert MUST be created by YOU. Do not copy someone else’s hard work. That my friend is called cheating, and you will be disqualified for it.
• Include an index card/piece of paper/ icing signature that says your AQW Character Name alongside your tasty treat. This way we really know it’s made by you! And NO, photoshopping your name onto your picture DOES NOT COUNT, and you will be disqualified if you do.
• Your dessert MUST be created in some sort of Artix Entertainment theme. Create anything you want from AQW, EpicDuel, BladeHaven, DragonFable, MechQuest, AdventureQuest, and WarpForce! If we cannot tell what it is from our games, you will not be qualified.
• Your canvas must be a cookie, cake, pie, or any other form of holiday dessert. Mmmm, get creative!
• The photo of your dessert should be of the Highest Quality. The more clear the picture, the better and tastier it will look, upping your chance at the Grand Prize!
• Remember to post a VALID link to your dessert photo! Uploading your photo to your Facebook does not allow us to see the photos via the Forums. Also, if you upload your photo to your LOCKED photobucket account, we cannot see it either. So make sure your link is valid and isn’t locked to the public!
Preheating The Oven: Enter the Contest!
Now that you are ready for the 2010 Creative Cookie Contest, it’s probably a good idea to know WHERE to post your delectable desserts!
Submit your yummy creations on the official Creative Cookie Crafting Competition twitter account or AQW Facebook post.
The team is really looking forward to seeing all of your wonderful ideas and delicious cookie creations! There is only one way to win—and it starts by entering this contest!
Best of luck to you all =D Eeeeeeeep
What Else Is Going On?
- HeroMart is getting the 2017 Calendars in the lab today! We began shipping them out this week.
- Beleen's birthday is next week! Even though our favorite, pinkest Loremaster has gone on to new adventures, we'll still celebrate her day with a few pinkified items to show her we care!

November 29, 2010
The Big Red Button!
Who Could Resist Its Call?
We have finally returned from our glorious Thanksgiving Holiday Break, which really wasn't much of a break. As some of you pointeds out on my Twitter, it's been a few days since we've done a Design Notes and some of you were downright HOWLING for a few DNs post but I don't have anything in-particular to tell you about so I guess I'll just humiliate myself for your enjoyment.
If you were playing Weds then you know that we suffered from a horrible bug that was making it unable to get ANYTHING from most of the Cornycopia shops. At one point we shut down the servers.
That server lock-out was my bad.
See, we have a little dashboard that lists a bunch of commands for the controlling the game. It has commands just about everything that you'd need to control AQW. It also has a button that SHUTS ALL THE SERVERS DOWN AT ONCE. In my haste to solve the shop bug I accidentally hit that button.
No sweat, just turn them back on, right? WRONG! Here lies the problem... if the servers are off then the dashboard can't control the servers. Zhoom or Minimal has to remote in and turn them back on and both of our codemeisters were gone.
Something is wrong with my head and instead of panicing when anyone SHOULD panic, I start laughing uncontrolably instead. So there I was, ROFLing my face off having just accidentally turned off AQ Worlds leaving literally thousands of your fellow players stranded outside the game and every single person who could turn on the servers was either flying to their home state for Thanksgiving or driving back to their house.
I did what any great leader in my position would have done: I started messing with people on Twitter and waiting for someone else to fix it. About 15 minutes later Zhoom arrived home and turned the game back on for me. Thanks Zhoom.
I stayed until I figured out what was wrong with all of the shops and finally went home.
Every release we need to shut the servers down to add the new content to the game. There's no way around that, but this was the first time that anyone has accidentally hit the OFF switch and hopefully it will be the last
Other than that, I had a great Thanksgiving and thanks to everyone who wished me Happy Thanksgiving via Twitter. I hope all of you had a good one too. Even those of you who live in Sweden where, I am told, there is no American Thanksgiving. Which makes sense.
Things To Come
Artix and I are hacking away at our Frostval event which will feature some musical and acting talent that LOTS AND LOTS of people have heard of. I don't want to jinks it and I legally can't say more than that bit if it works it will be HUGE for AQW! Even if that doesn't work out we have a lot of Frostval Fun planned, the return of our Cookie and Cake Contest from last year...
and the holiday appearance of Quibble planned as we bring this year of AQW to a close.
This week, we are continuing the Frozen Northlands quest chain as chaotically charged Nythera leads you through the frozen wastes of the north.
It's been a year since we began her storyline and now the calendar was come full circle. It's time for a little Dragony Goodness!
Calendar Update
You may have heard but the AE 2011 Year of The Moglin Calendars hit a little snag. They were coming from the printers over-seas when they got held up in the Customs office in Los Angeles. Finally they have begun to move toward us again and are scheduled to arrive at the lab tomorrow sometime.
That means that the FIRST 1000 Calendars should start getting shipped out by the end of the week. Sorry for the hold up, guys, but it was WAY beyond our control.
If haven't been to HeroMart in a little while you might have missed that we now have Battleon Point Printable Gift Certificates just in time for the holidays.
Print them out and give them to your best friends!
Actually, you can give them to whomever you like. We don't really keep track of stuff like that. Maybe you want to give one to that one guy that you kind of know, or maybe your worst enemy.
$10 Worth of Battleon Points FREE!
Biggest RIXTY Promotion of the Year!
Get $10 FREE!
Feeling the need for some bonus game currency? From now until December 31st, you’ll earn $10 FREE when you deposit $40 or more into your Rixty account using Coinstar machines or Rixty prepaid cards.
Here's how to apply your Rixty Points to your Battleon Master Account!
Coming To A Close
The Toilet Set leaves Ballyhoo THIS FRIDAY so you only have a few days left, and remember that the Battleon Holiday Sweepstakes is still going on. The Drawing isn't until December 10th and all you need to do is create a Battleon Master Account! Good Luck.
Hmmm. I guess I did have some stuff to talk about.