Design Notes
May 18, 2015
Friday: Firestorm Saga Finale
Can you Withstand the Wrath of the Flamelord?
The Phedra - a giant phoenix-like titan - has risen, summoned by the might of the an army of fire mages and warriors. The Firestorm Onslaught rules in Embersea now, and after you traded your freedom to save the innocent villagers, there is only one thing left to do - defeat their leader at the Lavarun Altar and take over the entire army!
If you haven't played through the Firestorm Onslaught storyline yet, you're missing out on one of the hottest zones in AQWorlds! Find out what you've missed, and how you begin your adventures to save the people of Embersea from the Queen of Monster's fieriest general in our Saga Summary Design Notes post!
Burning Challenger Rares and Lavarun Rewards
The battle's have gotten heated, but the rewards this week are on FIRE! Laken's Burning challenger armor will arrive in the rares shop this Friday along with weapons, capes, helms, and pets.
If you want to get your gauntlets on the hottest gear, though, you'll have to take on the Phedra, Mega Tyndarius, or Ultra Tyndarius battles!
The drops from Ultra Tyndarius are Legend-only, but all heroes can face off against the Phedra and Mega Tyndarius for a chance to get his gear!

August 25, 2011
The END of DragonFable
5 years in the making... The DragonFable story was crafted by both the team and players. Sepulchure, Drakath, Xan, the Elemental Orbs, the Dragons, the Myserterious Necromancer... now, it is time! Join us this Friday (tomorrow) as we brace for the epic conclusion of DragonFable! This has never happened before in the history of our gaming organization. Be a part of history as the unthinkable happens.
... remember friends; every end, is a new beginning. Join us on the forums and at DragonCon 2011 as we join players in brainstorming and discussing about what will happen DragonFable next! If you upgrade in DragonFable you will also unlock the DragonFable shop in the Guardian Tower in AQWorlds. Read Geo's official DragonFable design notes post.

July 25, 2011
Writing DoomWood!
Will Vordred become the Champion of Darkness?
The final battle with Vordred is coming this Friday... and as of the time I posted this at 7:30pm EST on Monday night... I am still writing the finale. (Only 4 days left!? Plenty of time O_O) Aside from the terrifying looming deadline of Friday this release is both very exciting and a little sad. Because DoomWood has been, according to the playerbase at large, one of, if not the most, popular storylines in AQWorlds thus far. Each week topped the previous. We broke almost every rule in the game during the course of DoomWood... which brings us to the point of this post -- why should we adhere to the rules with the Boss fight? Inspired heavily by the recent Sepulchure vs Drakath boss fight in DragonFable, this week's saga ending duel will be different from the things you have seen before. More coming tomorrow. Oh, and while you wait for tomorrow's post, can you give me a hand writing the finale?
Forums/Twitter Question: What unpredictable things would you like to see happen during the finale?