Design Notes

August 03, 2013

ArchFiend: Dark Power Waits

Rule the Underworld with the ArchFiend Class!

Follow Nulgath, Ruler of the Underworld and Oversoul! He is granting you a portion of his skill, IF you choose to accept it! Fight for him as an ArchFiend of the darkest realm and know power!

Undead Battle fiend gameDark power can be yours!

Talk to Nulgath in Battleon tonight to get:

  • Color-custom ArchFiend Class for 2,000 Adventure Coins 
  • VoidFace of Nulgath Helm
  • ArchFiend Wings of Nulgath +5
    (5% more damage against humans and dragons, plus a little extra rep boost)

Legends can talk to Nulgath in Battleon to begin the "Feed the Fiend" quest, which rewards Fiend Tokens. Collect 30 Fiend Tokens and merge them to create the 0 AC ArchFiend Class!

Get the full scoop on how the Class works in the skills breakdown from Memet!

Rare NightStalker Set Available in Treasure Chests!

Battle any monster in Lore for a chance to get a Treasure Chest! Then talk to Twilly and use the magic keys to open them! Each chest contains one of over 125 epic items you can't get anywhere else; the new NightStalker set is in the Treasure Chest through the end of August! Legends can talk to Twilly at the beginning of each month to get two FREE Magic Treasure Chest keys!

Stalk the Night and slay the monstersRule the night as you stalk the shadows!

Master the Power of Magic at DragonRune Hall!

Mana manipulation mastery can be yours! Journey to Dragonrune Hall this weekend to begin learning the ancient and arcane skills of the Spellcrafters! No creature can withstand the power you can wield... IF you learn all the professors of the Academy have to teach you!

Fantasy game magic schoolThe scroll can be mightier than the sword!

/Join DragonRune and talk to HeadMistress Sora to Hoshi to begin the fascinating journey towards being a Master SpellCrafter! Neveya, Professor of the school of Craft Magic, will send you on quests to create your spellbook.


July 31, 2013

Nulgath Strikes Back!

Brand New Archfiend Class arrives Friday

When anyone whispers the name “Nulgath,” shivers run down my spine, my hair stands on end, and ermahgerd goose bumps consume my body.

So you can only image how terrified I was when the AQWorlds team told me that we’re releasing a Nulgath Class on Friday: the color custom Archfiend Class!

Archfiend Class

One can always tell when an Archfiend has dominated the battlefield. A wake of devastation and destruction follows the Archfiend, as if it personally signed its name on every fallen victim!

Drawing its vicious power from the Abyss, every spell the Archfiend casts has a chance to leech life from his opponent. The Archfiend has no compassion for those weaker than him—and, in this case, encompasses just about everyone and everything.

Due to his ruthless tactics and thirst for war, Nulgath was exiled into the OverSoul Abyss last year…but from the looks of things, Nulgath has returned once more to Lore. When the sun sets this Friday evening, the Archfiend will rise, engulfing all who wish to deliver massive damage to the battlefield!

Archfiend takes flight

Rumor has it that anyone can become an Archfiend Class with a 2,000 AdventureCoins donation. Upgraded Legends always have the upper hand, though; Nulgath will make Legends an Archfiend in exchange for his Fiend Tokens. How many? …Nulgath hasn’t told us yet, because he is pure Evil and wants to keep us all in suspense!   

Speaking of suspense…

Nulgath is keeping the Archfiend’s Class Skills and Abilities a secret… for now. Our magnificent potions master, Alina, is currently concocting a truth serum to put in Nulgath’s goblet. If successful, Alina will retrieve the list of attacks from the head Archfiend himself.

Alina and her potions

We wish you the best of luck, Alina!

And I wish all of you the best of luck in your ongoing adventures… even if you DO become an Archfiend on Friday evening… *shiver*

xoxo Beleen

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