Design Notes
June 27, 2022
May and June Class Updates
Read on to learn more about our recent class changes
Over the last 2 months, several classes have received large buffs and many changes to make them feel better to play.
- Heavy Metal Necro + variants have been modernized and made stronger, for late-game and endgame players
- Pyromancer + variants have been greatly improved and made easier to get, for mid-game players
- Cryomancer + variants have been greatly improved and made easier to get, for mid-game and late-game players
- DragonLord was made smoother and less confusing to play, and buffed so it could keep up with the current meta
- Elemental Warrior variants have been completely revamped and made harder to get to match its new power level, for late-game and end-game players
Read on for more detailed changes.
Tags: Alina,