Design Notes

September 22, 2014

Talk Like a Pirate Week, Pt 2

Yarrrrrr You Ready for Piratical Plunder?!

Yarrrr! Deep Terror is rising across the world of Lore as Naval Commanders prepare to clash in a seabattle against the Pirates... and they aren’t content to keep the battle abovewater! Defeat the Dread Fleet, or face death from below! And the town of Lolosia is the prize!

Quibble Arrrrrives in Lolosia!

Talk to Quibble Coinbiter in Battleon to access his shop full of piratical plunder from the past, present, and future... then find him in the /pirates map to begin his quests to get the Avast! character page badge!

Some o’ the best booty in all the seven seas can be found in his shop, including:

  • Naval Commander Class
  • DoomKnight Naval Commander Armor set
  • Brilliant Naval Commander Armor sets
  • Void Naval Commander
  • Void Pirate Captain 
  • And more gear (helms, blades, capes, and the Treasure Chest Bank Pet) will arrive this Friday!

Note: the fix to make the skin on the Void Commander's chest/thighs color customizable will go live later this week.

2014 Naval Commander Class

Find the seasonal rare Naval Commander Class from Quibble in Battleon and /Pirates! Everyone can get the Class for 2000 ACs, or Legends can buy a version with gold! Want to find out more info on the Class skills? Check out Zereldo's DNs here

* He has been reading your feedback on the Class skills, and revisions will come later this year to address balance issues.

2014 Naval Commander Raffle

Buy any of the 2014 Naval Commander armors or Class for a chance to win the 2015 Paragon Naval Commander!

Paragon Naval Commander

The Paragon Naval Commander armor is one of NEXT YEAR's Naval Commander armors, but for a full year (until the armor is added to the 2015 TLaPD Quibble shop), 100 lucky heroes will be the ONLY ones battling with gear from the future**! And as an added bonus to our Legends, for each month of membership you have, you'll get another chance to win!

* Example: if you have 12 months of membership left, and you buy the DoomKnight Naval Commander Armor, you'll be entered into the raffle 13 times.
** When next year rolls around, we will change the winners' armor slightly, (gilding? Cutlass cape? We'll preview this art soon) to show that this was a time-traveling armor set.

Brilliant Naval Commander

(Eye)Patch Notes For 9/22/14

  • The Purified Deep Terror Blade has been added to Lucia's quest in /Pirates
  • The Waves of Wrath shop has been added to Thalyssa in /Pirates
  • The Avast quest chain has been added to Quibble in /Pirates
  • The Pirate Class quest chain and shop have been added to Elisa in /Pirates
  • The Ravenloss War meter has been removed
  • The refund for the 800 AC quibble capes has been applied if you bought them on Friday

Still to come

  • Today: Design Notes detailing the super-secret feature release... that SHOULD release Friday if all goes well!
  • This week: the skin on the Void Pirate Captain hands will turn color-custom this week. The "all-black" chest skin on the Void Naval Commander will become CC.
  • Friday: The seasonal rare naval top hats will return later this week. They will not be tagged, and will only be available during the TLAPD event each year.
  • Friday: Memet's Retro Pirate armors will drop from the boss monsters this week!
Tags: Alina,
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