Design Notes
February 08, 2013
Treasure Map: Shop Hunt
Decipher the Clue to Find the Shop!
TreasureHunters, assemble! We've been including new ways for you to explore the game, hunts and wars to get you back to maps you have never seen, or haven't been to in a long time. Tonight we are releasing an all-new way to do just that: the Treasure Map!
Talk to Cleric Joy in Battleon or Valencia in BattleonTown to buy the Treasure Map for a one-time cost of 2000 AventureCoins, then use the clue it gives in the item description to find a shop hidden in-game full of 0 AC gear only YOU can access!
We've been getting many questions about this new feature, so read on to get the news on what you really need to know!
- You cannot open the Treasure Map Shop unless you have purchased the Treasure Map.
- Purchasing the Treasure Map unlocks the shop forever (as long as you have it in your inventory), and the shop will be updated regularly!
- The gear in the shop costs 0 AdventureCoins so you can take advantage of the free storage!
- You only need to buy the map once (and then keep it) to access all future shop updates!
- The clue will change each time the shop updates! (It wouldn't be a very good treasure hunt if it didn't!)
Shadow Commander and Unidentified Warrior!
Once you have the Treasure Map item, read the clue in its item description, then locate the map and start clicking around! You'll see your cursor change (like when it hovers over a button), and that's the sign you've found the shop!
With the Treasure Map, you're buying access to the shop full of exclusive gear AND access to any of the FUTURE gear that gets put into it!
ChickenCow T-Shirt Bock Two... Engage!
Chicks and dudes alike look great in our newest t-shirt, now available at HeroMart! We brought back the ChickenCow T-Shirt with a 2.0 version! You'll unlock a character page badge, the Golden ChickCalf in DragonFable, and a Confused Chickcalf in AdventureQuest Worlds!
ChickenCow Daze!
Quibble Coinbiter Shop Update!
Talk to Quibble Coinbiter in Battleon to get your own Minotaur Slayer armor! This bad boss-basher will go perma-rare once Quibble leaves Battleon!
Defeat the Beast!
And speaking of shops leaving, remember that the Half-Time Punt and Groundhog's Day shops leave Monday night!