Design Notes
December 10, 2010
Knight Owl
The Early Bird may Catch the Worm, but the Night Owl Catches the Sneak Peak.
I know it’s late. TRUST ME—it’s Thursday night (well, technically, Friday morning) and it has been a non-stop adventure since Monday. With soooo many exciting things going on, from planning out this week’s release to HeroSmash alpha’ing (is that a word?) to drooling over the cookie contest and preparing for the BattleOn Holiday Sweepstakes, there just hasn’t been enough time for the heavily-caffeined Beleen to make a proper Design Notes post.
So let’s fix that right now =D
BattleOn Holiday Sweepstakes: Winners Picked Tonight!
If you haven’t already entered the BattleOn Holiday Sweepstakes, now is your last chance! On December 10th, 2010 (that’s today!), Artix Entertainment LLC. will randomly select FIVE winners for our Holiday Sweepstakes. Each winner will be contacted via e-mail and be allowed to select ONE item of their choice from our new AE Store, HeroMart.
All you have to do to enter is start a free Battleon Master Account on our portal site! So what are you waiting for? Hurry up and enter the Sweepstakes before it’s too late!
Quibble is Coming to Town!
Your favorite traveling sales Moglin is finally making his way back to Battleon! And what goodies does he have for you in his sleigh treasure chest? It doesn’t really matter if you’ve been naughty or nice this year… Quibble’s got something for everybody!
As usual, most of Quibby’s items cost AdventureCoins, but as an EXTRA SPECIAL BONUS for the holidays, this little guy has a RARE NON-MEMBER PET that will also be selling for ACs. This will be your only chance to get the rare Randolph the Red Nosed Reinzard pet for non-members!
Low on AdventureCoins? Here’s a buncha ways you can stock up for the Holidays:
- Purchase an AC bundle here
- Visit Ballyhoo up to 10 times a day for a chance at winning free ACs
- Earn ACs by completing third-party offers
- Enter (and win!) the Creative Cookie Contest
- Membership packages come with bonus ACs!
What’s really cool about these AC items (besides the fact that they’re Frostval-themed) is that all of them can be stored in your Bank for FREE and FOREVER. This is especially helpful since no one knows if—or when—these Quibble items will ever be offered again!
Enter The Void: Nythera Saga Concludes Tonight!
This is it, guys and gals. We’ve come a long way in the Frozen Northlands. You helped defeat Queen Aisha’s ice army, saved Guwio Village, aided Old King Coal in his time of need, and braved the wintery wilderness in order to find Nythera.
You found her, all right. But she’s found something else… Chaos. And now she’s vanished into The Void.
Adak Amaroq has a theory on how YOU can get to the Void! Talk to him later tonight and see if the two of you can create a portal of some sorts that will take you into The Void.
DragonFable players are going to LOVE this place. Actually, everyone is going to love this place—especially me, since it’s all pretty and pinkish ^_______^
No Artix, I didn’t come up with The Void color scheme—talk to Alina and Geopetal about that.
Anyhoo, back to what I was saying. What was I saying…? …something about something….
Oh yea! The Void in AQWorlds was created entirely from DragonFable’s Void. Map, monster, and weapon art was borrowed from DF in order to recreate the epicness that is The Void with a completely new storyline twist.
You will meet a new friend when you stumble into The Void. Luckily for you, your new pal is incredibly insightful and will enlighten you on everything you need to know about The Void. He even has an impressive Shop stocked with some DF-Classic and New Void Items… if you can afford his high prices.
I really don’t wanna spoil the storyline, so I’ll just give you a teensy teaser: the Great Void Dragon summoned Nythera into The Void because she is willing to lose everything in order to gain anything!
The Great Void Dragon lives in the heart of the Void, protected by a magical door that requires 4 Void Spheres to unlock. But the Great Void Dragon is not foolish; he has hidden the 4 Spheres somewhere in Lore!
And as if THAT’S not a high enough security measure, even if the 4 Void Spheres are found and placed within the door, then the only way to unlock it is by successfully completing a three-round “simon-says” style minigame.
Is Nythera too far gone? Has Chaos chaorrupted her beyond saving? Will you be able to find the 4 Void Spheres? What will happen if you get inside the Void Dragon’s lair? What IS The Void and its connection with Nythera, anyway?
So many questions! And guess what—they will all be answered tonight =D
Oh boy… it’s late. Getting sleepy! Someone once told me that sleeping is the best cure for sleepiness.
I’m going to test this experimental remedy now.
Zzzzzz Zz!

December 06, 2010
Quibble And HeroSmash
Quibble Arrives Friday!
As promised, Quibble Coinbiter the traveling sales moglin will return THIS friday with his chest (or large red bag, in this case) of never-before-seen-slightly-used items and rares!
As usual most to all of his items will cost AdventureCoins, but as an EXTRA SPECIAL BONUS for the holidays Quibble also has a RARE NON-MEMBER PET that will also be selling for ACs. This will be your only chance to get the rare Randolph the Red Nosed Reinzard pet for non-members!
The rest of his items will also be Frostval themed to help you gear up for our yearly Frostval celebration. Next week we will re-release all of the previous years Frostval adventures, then the following week we will add an ALL NEW Frostval holiday adventure to AQWorlds and adding a load of BRAND NEW HOUSES to AQW!!
This week, you will be following Nythera into the Void. The Chaorruption has reached deep into the core of Nythera and this is your last chance to bring your friend out, if you can. Either way, nobody with her power can be allowed to remain in the clutches of Chaos and you will be dragging Nythera out of the Void... dead or alive.
HeroSmash Alpha Test Begins Tomorrow!
If you missed out on Alpha testing AQW, you DO NOT want to miss out on Alpha testing our newest game!
There are some pretty reasonable limitations to character creation and Alpha Testing as Artix mentioned is his earlier post.
You will need a BattleOn Master Acccount to create your character and/or Alpha Test. Without a Master Account you won't be able to do anything.
You will be able to create your character AND claim your name if you have ever spent a SINGLE DOLLAR on ANY BattleOn game account that you have tied to your Master Account. If you don't have that account tied to your Master Account then you will not be able to create your character.
If, and only if, you have a current, active AQW MEMBERSHIP tied to your Master Account then you will be able to enter HeroSmash and help us Alpha Test.
Please keep in mind that this is just a bare bones version of HeroSmash. We have a long way to go before we event get to Beta Testing and we NEED your feedback to lead us unto Beta phase and make the game great, but keep your expectations reasonable, and above all else have fun.
As Artix mentioned, we will only be Alpha Testing on ONE server which means that only about 1500 people at a time will be able to play. If the server is full, KEEP TRYING! You may be the next to enter the game as soon as someone logs out or lags out.
We have some great and horrible stories from AQW's Alpha Phase. We expect huge disasters in the HS Alpha. HS isn't scheuled for full release until NEXT SUMMER so Alpha Testers will not only be the first ti test HeroSmash, they will be the ONLY people to test it for a long while.
I'm sure there will eventually be treats in HeroSmash for those who help test, but who knows what they will be. Maybe you can tell US what to give to Alpha Testers as soon as we get our HeroSmash Forums up and running!
The BattleOn Holiday Sweepstakes
It ends THIS FRIDAY, and with HeroSmash on the way there is NO REASON to not have a BattleOn Master Account. Get one. Friday we will have the drawing and (if we can) we will announce the winners here on the AQW Design Notes!

November 13, 2010
Battleon Holiday Sweepstakes!
Hey, Free Stuff!
Here's your chance to win a HeroMart item of your choice totally FREE! All you need is a Battleon Master Account!
On December 10th, 2010 Artix Entertainment LLC. will randomly select FIVE winners for our Holiday Sweepstakes. Each winner will be contacted via e-mail and be allowed to select ONE item of their choice from our new AE Store, HeroMart. Since they are nearly all gone, we're even setting aside five AE Year of the Moglin 2011 Calendars just for the sweepstakes.
The item will be sent to the winners anywhere in the world (even if it's not on the HeroMart delivery country list), completely free of charge and shipping.
We will announce the winners here on the AQW Design Notes on December 10th!
Rules and How To Enter:
All you have to do to enter is start a Battleon Master Account on our portal site (Register a Free Account here!). That counts as one entry into the AE Holiday Sweepstakes.
*If you already have an account, see #3. -
For each AE GAME (not game account, but game. i.e. AdventureQuest, AdventureQuest Worlds, EpicDuel, MechQuest, & DragonFable) that you have linked to your Master Account you get ONE additional entry into the sweepstakes, for a grand total of SIX entries!
If you already have a Master Account and/or have already linked your game accounts to it then you are already entered into the sweepstakes, but if you want to increase your chances be sure to link each AE GAME to your account!
You must also have a valid e-mail linked to the Master Account. We will be alerting winners via e-mail, and without a valid e-mail we will not be able to contact you!
The number of game accounts that you have linked to the Master Account and the upgrade status of those game accounts will not be considered in the drawing.
If we get no e-mail response from one of our winners after two weeks, a new winner will be selected.
AE reserves the right to disqualify entries based on a history of hacking, cheating or other violations of our Terms of Service.
Good luck and happy holidays from Artix Entertainment!
Here's a link to everything I just said plus all the legal mumbo jumbo that we are required to post. Be sure to click the SHARE button if you have a Facebook account!
Pay special attnetion to rule number two. It doesn't matter if you link 1 or 6 or 19 or 300 AQW accounts to your master account, it only counts as ONE entry for AQW. Each GAME counts, each ACCOUNT does NOT.
We're starting the holidays a little early but I'm a sucker for this season. We've got more contests, events and surprises headed your way before the end of the year so be sure to check back every day!
Happy Early Holidays from myself and all of the AQW staff!