Design Notes
August 29, 2012
Fixing Power Gems
Power Gems and Newsletters in the Future!
One of the easiest ways to get more AQW newsletters to you all is to send out our newsletter earlier in the week. (That way, we will get them out before so much of our total email allotment is usedup.) Newsletters only go out once a week, so if you don't get one after 2-3 days, you won't get it that week.
If your email address was confirmed, Yorumi and Captain Rhubarb are working on a way to get you your free Power Gem today if you didn't receive it yesterday.
If your email is confirmed and you DIDN'T get your free Power Gem yesterday, you should see it in your inventory now.
Here are some of the things we want to look into:
- Creating a way to for to check whether or not you receive emails after you sign up for the newsletter. (ex - sending a test email to make sure your email is correct)
- Allowing you to re-sign up to receive newsletters after unsubscribing. FIXED!
- Seeing if there is a way to re-send individuals a newsletter if they signed up but didn't receive it. (Not sure how this would work, but we'll investigate it.)
To confirm or re-confirm your email (and to get the newsletter), please follow these steps:
- Head to
- Click on the Newsletter link on the right.
- If your Status reads as "unconfirmed" please click on:
- the Resend Email button
- In a little while, you should have an email in your inbox!
I wanted to get this info out to you all as soon as possible! Check back later today for Design Notes on more Quibble gear previews, news about the Cleric release, and more teasers about Dragon*Con!

August 20, 2012
Gravelyn Grows Impatient
Shadows are stirring inside the Empress' Fortress!
With Chaos on the move and the Alliance not advancing in their crusade to overcome it, Empress Gravelyn is growing impatient. She needs to move, and soon! This Friday, you will be summoned to her throne room in /Shadowfall.
She'll send you on quests into the heart of her Fortess AND through the rest of Lore to prove your allegiance! (... or to see why Good is ineffective! Will you remain true to your King?)
Rob strangers to finance your Empress, save strangers to prove to the Empress that a Good alignment is the right choice... and watch as Gravelyn begins the journey to reclaim her throne in the eyes of ALL Lore!
This week's rewards will come in three styles: Evil, Good, (and for those of you who just HAVE to be different) Chaos!
Quibble Update on Friday!
Time keeps on ticking into the future... and so do your rewards! Quibble's shop will be updated just in the nick of time this Friday with: Time Travel-themed gear! Look for more art previews later this week.
Power Gem Newsletter Info!
It sounds like a lot of you are looking forward to getting all of that shiny Power Gem gear that Twilly has in Battleon!
New features often come with bugs, and not all of them can be caught without a wide pool of testers. (That's you!) Here are some things to be aware of:
If you have a confirmed email but aren't receiving the newsletter:
The issue is most likely that your email provider blocked the individual message. (It might have been flagged as spam accidentally.) You can sign-up with new email and you'll start getting the newsletter again!
To make sure you DO get the newsletters, Captain Rhubarb is going to set up a "Send me a sample newsletter" link to make sure that you receive it. The next week, you'll get an actual newsletter with a Power Gem link!
If you get a message that the Game Database Server is unreachable:
You may be clicking an old link, or your email might not be confirmed. That just means the data you used was invalid. Make sure your email is confirmed and try again when the next newsletter reaches you.
If you get a newsletter which has code instead of a link:
Please post a screenshot on the forum showing that error. In the meantime, Megalops is going to look into what could be causing that.
Current Promotion Reminders!
Artix Gamecards are still in stock at US Target locations! Redeem your card before August 31st, 2012, to unlock the Bullseye Spear bonus item AND Artix Points! They can be used to purchase AQWorlds membership or Adventure Coins!
Our AExtras offer with Matomy is still running! You have until September 2nd to complete at least one offer. The grand prize is a combo pack of the black Artix and Sepulchure action figures! You can also win either 3,000 or 4,500 ACs!
Click here to begin participating in AExtras offers! (Make sure you have a separate email just for doing this.)
Can you get to 100% for the Paragon Set?
Dage the Evil has been persuaded! If you can get his war meter to 100% before the release time on August 31st (while we're at Dragon*Con!), he will offer his Paragon Set for Adventure Coins once the goal is reached! How fast can you battle?!
He sees how hard his followers have battled through this war, and he wants to reward your valiant efforts! But don't think that because he's giving you a gift, that he is any less Evil...
Sword of the Legion Shop News!
The Sword of the Legion, a reward from The Stranger's quest in /evilwardage, will unlock a shop on Dage's NPC in the future! He's not sure what to put in there yet, so let him know on Twitter what you'd like to see!
Artix's Dragon*Con Update!
DragonCon takes place every year in Atlanta, Georgia. It is a weekend long convention (Recommended ages 15+) with 30,000+ attendees... most in amazing costumes. I guess it is really like a weekend long costume party with celebrity guests (walk of fame), panels featuring the casts of your favorite sci-fi/fantasy/etc TV shows, video games, art galleries, table top games, concerts, shopping and... well, check out the schedule on the DragonCon website. As mentioned in our previous post, the Artix Entertainment team will be attending in force again this year. We will be running a panel and a fan table!
Our artist Jemini (pictured above) has like 3 different costumes this year!
Come see us at DragonCon
- Artix Entertainment ALL GAMES Panel: Saturday @ 5:30pm at the Hilton in Grand Salon E!
- Fan Table: We are taking turns running it all weekend. Located... um... wherever all the cool fan tables are.
3rd Birthday Event almost over!
If you haven't played our 3rd birthday extravaganza with guest stars They Might Be Giants yet, then /join collection today! You will only be able to access this event until October 12th, 2012, when we launch our 4th birthday/wedding event!
Play through The Collector event to unlock:
- TWO Character page and Book of Lore achievements!
- Token merge shops!
- Vindicator of They set!
- Super-Fan Swag Merge Shop!
- It Might Be A House Item Shop!
- And TWO ALL-NEW TMBG song written JUST for AQWorlds!