Design Notes
December 19, 2012
New Look for AQWorlds
All-New Art for a New Year!
Prepare yourselves, because AQWorlds is getting a new look... and it's starting with our base class art! Over the last few weeks, we've mentioned the re-design of AQW's in-game interface and character creation screen, we're working on its website appearance, and the re-design of our base classes is almost done!
We leveled up our art skills!
But What About the Old Art?
If you love the current art for the base classes (the ones you choose while creating characters), never fear! We will be changing all of the base class art in-game to the new versions automatically, but if you can't do without your original gear (OGear?), you'll be able to buy it back for gold!
The Class skills themselves will not change, but the quality of the new art will reflect how far AQW has come since 2008! Especially when we finish re-designing the town of Battleon, the first map you join when you log in!
Battleon Re-design... WHAT?!
We're going all-out to make AQW look as good in its starting town as it does in the newer zones... and that means Battleon needs a makeover! Artix sketched out his plan for the town, Cysero and I reviewed it today, and we REALLY want to release this in early 2013!
This time, the pencil is mightier than the sword!
With NPC all-new quests that will send you exploring across Lore, dynamic shops, exclusive member-only content, a library, forge, and more... Battleon will be THE place to be for all Heroes in 2013!
Sketch On!
With all of the changes we're planning, AQW is going to become even MORE awesomely fun than it already is!
But ...
We Face a HUGE Battle, and We've Got to Win!
Because this Friday at sundown, we face the Beast Quetzal AND Kezeroth in our 12-21-12 event, and we won't be able to do ANY of these plans if Lore is destroyed!
The Beast Quetzal is awake... and waiting!
We need you and all your friends to log in and defeat Kezeroth during our End of All Things Frostval event! Slay the Beast Quetzal to thwart the World Ender's plot and make sure that there will be a Lore to battle in next year... and for many years to come!