Design Notes
November 18, 2011
The Face of Chaos
Chaos Lord Revealed!
For K'Thurr! For Arashtii! For BLOOD! Innocent Trolls and Horcs have been Chaorrupted, and the tribes are starting to fall apart from the inside. But when the Chaos Lord reveals their identity, Sokrakiis, Kagg, and all the residents of Bloodtusk see they need to join forces to protect their past... or their future will be consumed by Chaos!
Join /ancienttemple to head straight to this week's release! You'll need to be caught up in the storyline if you want to find out who the Chaos Lord is!
Quibble Coinbiter Returns!
Your favorite time-traveling salesman is back in BattleOn with a backpack FULL of Bloodtusk-themed gear! From the Horc DeathMonger and Trollish High Mage armors to the Horc Jom Dat and Mana Rune Aura, Quibble is bringing you the wickedest Ravine rares, so get them while you still can!
- Horc DeathMonger and Human DeathMonger
- Trollish High Mage and Human High MageĀ
- Mystical Warrior set (member-only)
- Horc Jom Dat (free player gold)
- And so much more!
Undead Legion Update!
The UnderWorld rises! Dage the Evil's Undead Legion surges forth once more! Prepare yourselves for TWO new epically evil armors in the Undead Legion merge shop!
- Undead Assassin Armor - 200,000 gold and 100 Legion Tokens
- Legiom Judge Armor - 300,000 and 200 Legion Tokens
HeroMart - Swag for Heroes AND Villains!
Real-life swag from HeroMart will tell the world that you're a Legend of Lore! Head over to HeroMart to get epic equips to wear, the BattleOn BattleCard Game Mod Packs (additions to our chao-razy card game) to play with your friends, the 2012 AQWorlds Calendar, and much more!*
- BattleOn Battle Card DoomWood and Chaos Mod Packs! (Buy both for PaladinSlayer Class)
- 2012 AQWorlds Calendar! (Comes with the ChronoCorruptor Class)
- Artix Entertainment Logo T-Shirt (Comes with a character page achievement)
- And more swag than you can swing a sword at!
* We apologize, but Paladin Toilet Paper is still sold out.
Pet o' the Month: Harvest Dragon!
Burning leaves, chilly nights, Harvest feasts... and the Harvest Dragon pet! November is the month of the dragon and a time to be thankful, and WE are thankful that all of you keep playing and supporting AQWorlds! So head on over to Aria's Pet Shop to purchase the Harvest Dragon pet!
MystCroft leaves on Monday!
The mists around Mystcroft grow thicker, and this Monday they will consume the town entirely! For a thrilling, chilling, delicous tale of evil and demonic desserts, head to MystCroft now to get your Mogloween 2011 rares!
I Can Has Mod Contest!
Have you heard that YOU can be a (temp) mod AND hang out with one for two hours? Artix is the first mod to volunteer for the "I Can Has Mod" contest, so if you want to talk to Lore's preeminent Paladin, get a sweet custom weapon, and BATTLE ON, check out this page for contest details!