Design Notes
January 13, 2015
Best Way to Cure a Cold?
The Kind-Hearted Komarci97 Knows How!
Hiya, heroes! If you’ve been following me on Twitter, you know that I’ve been pretty sick the past few days >…<
Being sick totally sucks, and it’s hard to stay upbeat when you’re feeling under the weather. But when I got into the lab this morning, I found this envelope sitting on my desk. Cue instant smile!
And look what was inside the envelope: a bright shiny pink card, which reads Boldog Születésnapot!
That means “Happy Birthday!” in Hungarian. Fellow AQWorlds player Komarci97, who hails from Hungary, wrote a super sweet letter, too! Awwww <3
And… OMG… there’s earrings in the card! And they’re not just normal earrings—they are decorated with a special Hungarian Kalocsa folk pattern.
Kalocsa is one of the most beautiful Hungarian towns with a great folk art history! And Komarci97 shared its beauty with me!!!
Thank you SO MUCH Komarci97 for making me feel SO MUCH better and feel SO beautiful despite me being SO sick!
And this is why I love being part of AdventureQuest Worlds. Everyone who plays AQWorlds is my family, and no matter where you hail from—be it Hungary like Komarci97, or Brazil like Tendou, or anywhere else in the world—I couldn’t be more happy to call you all my brothers and sisters ^___^
Kindness is the best remedy to quell my cold, and I cannot thank you all enough for being my on-call doctors. And super special thank you to Dr. Komarci97 for mailing me my much needed medicine =)
Stay Healthy my loves, and Battle On!
xoxo Beleen! =D

December 13, 2011
AE gifts players $27 Million worth of ACs!
Happy Frostval!
Here at Artix Entertainment we are getting into the spirit of the holiday season! It's a time for coming together with friends and family, sharing a bit of warmth, for selflessly remembering other people and giving a hand where you can .... and it's a season of giving. So we want to give you one of your Frostval presents early this year.
An early Frostval Present... coming Friday
So, this year we are kicking off Frostval with the biggest present in Artix Entertainment history. Futhermore, we are giving the gift this Friday to EVERY PERSON who comes with us on our weekly adventures and plays through the world of Lore as it grows.
If you shake the box... it sounds like 5.6 Billion AdventureCoins
This Friday, December 16th, we will be gifting every single AdventureQuest Worlds account 200 free AdventureCoins (ACs)! For no reason other than we want you to to kick off your holidays with a smile. 200 FREE ACs isn't a fortune but when you add up ALL the ACs that we will be giving away, it adds up to about 5.6 Billion (roughly 27.8 MILLION DOLLARS worth) of FREE ACs! It will definately allow you to get one of the awesome rare items being released in this weeks new "Frostvale: Song of the Frozen Heart" storyline.
We would like to thank you and all of the other players for adventuring with us this holiday season. If you wanted to get us something, you can always support the game and our weekly releases by getting more ACs through AExtras or purchasing them. But for THESE 200 ACs there are no strings attached. All you need is an account on AQW! As soon as we bring the servers back up for our Friday release, everyone will be 200 ACs richer!
It's just a little gift to all of you from all of your friends here at Artix Entertainment! Happy Holidays!

December 23, 2010
Happy Frostval!
Tis the season for... ADVENTURE
Frostval is finally here friends! ...and you know what that means? Presents! New adventures! DOOOOOM? An infamous super villain has just returned to destroy the spirit of Frostval. Will you draw your weapon and open your spellbook to save this magical season? (What if we told you that your presents were at stake?) To make this adventure unique, you must choose whether to be naughty…. or nice… on your quests. Different “Good” and “Evil” options will present themselves as you help save Frostval from a very, very, very naughty not-so-little boy.
Showing the spirit of Frostval.... literally!
New Quibble Items
Everyone’s favorite traveling sales moglin is in Battleon—and he’s staying put until the new year! He’s got 3 new RARE lunar eclipse-themed weapons in addition to his 27 Frostval goodies. No one knows if Quibble’s items will ever return, so make sure you get his gifts while you can!
Holly Knight? ... where is the Silent Knight?
Gifts in Battleon!
It looks like Santy Claws came early this year! Members: get your 5 wrapped presents from the giant red bag in Battleon! These presents will magically open at the start of the new year… including a CLASS. That’s right—not an armor, but an actual Class! The Frostval seasonal shop has also made its way to town, loaded with 2010 Frostval Seasonal Rares!
Make sure to talk to that little adorable purple Moglin in Battleon too. That’s Tinsel and she has 2 quests you can go on to get 3 additional presents! These too will open at the start of the new year.
Gingerbread House and new House Items
Get your very own seasonal rare Gingerbread house in Blizzy's House Shop after you have saved Frostval! He…she… well I don’t exactly know what gender Blizzy is… but Blizzy also has a few festive house items to decorate your humble abode with.
Don’t forget that there are seven new houses in the Centaur 21 Realty shop, too. Visit Penny the Centaur by joining the buyhouse map. Here is your chance to upgrade your current home to the Skyguard Cruiser, the Volcanic Cave, the Cloister Tree House, and more!
Creative Cookie Winners
Yum! This has been our tastiest contest yet! The winners to the 2nd Annual Creative Dessert Contest have been announced. With so many delectable entries, it was too hard to pick just one winner… so instead we picked A BUNCH. Congratulations and thanks to everyone who participated!
Check out the winners!
Remember guys and gals, this was a contest. We had over 300 entries to go through and we really wish we could have made everyone a winner. But it is a contest afterall! But... you know what? You still won something: you got to eat your own delish creation =D And we look forward to seeing your participation in future contests! There is only one way to win--and that's to keep on tryin'!
HeroSmash: Special Holiday Items
If you are a Member of AQworlds, you can partipate in the Alpha of our new MMO, HeroSmash! While still in testing, the guys working on the new game added new Holiday themed hero-items (rare?) that you should grab while you still can.
Happy Frostval and a Epic New Year!
On behalf of the entire AQWorlds team we would like to wish you and your family a warm, fun and safe holiday. We would also like to thank you for making this, and all of our other weekly releases possible. The team and I are very grateful for the opportunity to pour all of or love and passion into AdventureQuest Worlds. Whether you became member, viewed ads, purchased AdventureCoins, raided HeroMart, or aided other players in-game and on the forums... thank you. If you liked what we did this year, we are taking it to a whole new level next year! (which is just a few short days O_O)