Design Notes
June 17, 2013
Monday Spoiler Alert
This is Madness… this is MONDAY!
Happy Monday everyone! Are you enjoying your summer vacation? Grab your passport for adventure, because the perfect vacation destination is AdventureQuest Worlds! And we’ve got a whole itinerary booked for endless summer fun =D
Happy Father’s Day
Daddies make the best heroes ever! Show your dad how much he’s taught you by celebrating Father’s Day with Seasonal Rare items, arriving later today.
Every father will enjoy the bounty of BBQ grill gear, the up-to-par Golf Suit set, a Gravity Defying Coffee Mug, the paper-cut-inducing Newsparchement, and the good Ol Fishin’ Armor Set.
Sure beats giving your dad a lame tie or macaroni necklace =P
Tuesday’s Artist Showcase Shop
For the past 2 months, every Tuesday has been dedicated to one of our awesome AQW Artists. And they get to showcase their personal stash of never-before-seen (unless-spoiled-on-the-Design-Notes) items in Battleon’s the Featured Artist Showcase Shop.
And tomorrow is Tyronius’ turn! Tyronius has been responsible for absolutely AMAZING armor sets since October of last year, and tomorrow is his chance at infinite stardom!
Visit the Design Notes tomorrow and get the full scoop on Tyronius.
Hero of Steal
Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird… it’s a plane… it’s the Hero of Steal Armor Set!
To celebrate the blockbuster movie release of the most super man the world has ever known, AQWorlds is releasing our own version of the “Hero of Steal.” These super items are some that Clark kent pass up!
Hero of Steal item set is flying on in this Friday!
Future Goals
No one can really predict the future (…and if you CAN, please come work with the AQW team!). But just because our magical crystal ball is broken doesn’t mean we can’t set future goals!
- Grimskull is coming this Friday, June 21
- Members rejoice! Guilds Phase 2 PTR is still scheduled for later this Summer
- Dage the Evil’s Legion Class still scheduled for this Summer
- The Scorn Saga continues next week
Decorate Beleen’s Cubicle!
Wanna help me fill my cubicle with happy pictures, positive messages, and motivational photos? Gimmie some decoration inspiration on my Twitter ^____^

June 15, 2011
The Badlands Bamboozle
The DreamWeaver Plans
On the outermost edge of King Alteon’s kingdom lies a forgotten stretch of land ravaged by heat, winds, and time. Few towns are left inhabited, but enough people remain – and pay allegiance to the King – that the SkyGuard still patrols their skies.
Awake yet inside the Dreamscape, the Dreamweaver walks the streets of Anders’ Loss – the site she has chosen for the coming deception. A ghost-sun shines in the ever-present twilight of this twisted Otherland; in this place, contradictions exist side-by-side, and only the initiated are able to travel there unhindered.
All looks well, and the Dreamweaver smiles cruelly. The next time she sees this place, it will be full day, and she will no longer be in this land of memory-demons and night-terrors, but in the real world. Ready to play her part in a charade starring the Hero. And Stratos. Yes… Stratos. The Master was wise to have selected this course. Everything depends on the Sky-Captain.
But first, she must draw them to Anders’ Loss. The ambush should go smoothly. The Sky Pirates she ensorcelled are working well with the Badland Bandits they recruited. She anticipates the SkyGuard’s response, and is confident that the two airships currently docking at the Base will be kept occupied by the Pirates’ ships.
It is imperative that they be drawn into this battle. The Hoverbase MUST be deserted to allow the Master free access to the resources they need so badly. It will work. The plan will proceed. The Master will be successful. And Granny V shall meet with the Hero and Stratos, helpless and ready to reward them for their heroics. Oh yes. All will go well.
SkyGuard Swag and Seriously Awesome Shops
IF you survive the DreamWeaver's plans for you, Hero, you'll have a LOT of loot to pick up! This week we're stocking the SkyGuard Rep shop with some crazy-cool new accoutrements for Members, like these electrifying ShockSticks and that jaunty SkyGuard-themed fascinator:
We've also got this (sky) high-class axe for you to wield, and Heroes and Heroines alike will look forward to a set of Aviator goggles accompanied by a snazzy scarf! (Don't worry, Heroes, your helm comes with an aviator cap, NOT the Easy-Breezy Goggle-Girl hairstyle!) These items aren't all, though! We'll have the SkyGuard Helmsman Armor and more coming, too!
Members will also have a bevy of impressive Player-Suggested booty to buy, because we're adding to THAT shop, as well! Check out some of the goods that Yulgar's having commissioned:
And to top it all off, we're also releasing the 2011 Father's Day shop on Friday! What better way to show your dad you love him than by buying him a set of virtual golf clubs? But if golfing is too active a sport for your big bad dad, we've got a slew of sweet accessories that'll let him relax - Ol' Fishing Garb, a nice sheet of Newsparchment, or the Gravity Defying Coffee Mug!
There's something for everyone in the Father's Day shop because everyone we know has a Father or a dad-like figure in their lives, and it's always nice to recognize those who mean a lot to you!
We've got a lot of work left to do before Friday, so I'm going to get back to writing (and explaining to Samba just what a "Dravir" is and why it wants to be a bandit...)
See you Friday! (Or sooner if you're on Twitter!)