Design Notes

November 17, 2014

Dragon's Dawn is Almost Here

The Hunt for the Chosen Ones begins this Friday!

It has been foretold: 12 VERY SPECIAL eggs are about to hatch, and one day, the descendants of those dragons will be the most powerful of their kind... but many dangers may befall young creatures in the world of Lore. To the west of the Dragon's Lair lies a cave... and deep inside it lies the hoard of Ektorax the Slime Dragon! 

We do not know if he is friend or foe, but DragonMaster StoneScythe is sure of ONE thing - no one can tame and raise this dragon better than Lore's most-skilled Hero: YOU! This weekend, battle through /ectocave to find the first egg; save it now so that one day its hatchling and his children may work to create a new realm! 

Back to the Dragon's Lair

The Dragon's Dawn: Hunt for the Chosen Ones release takes us back to one of AQWorlds' most well-known and popular maps: the dragon-themed dungeon crawl in /lair... and our release aims to capture that dragonbattle-ready spirit once more! 

You can use this area as a farming zone or, if you're more interested in the story, you can accept DragonMaster StoneScythes quests to hunt for the Egg of Ichorus.

Once you reach the heart of the Ectocave, you'll find:

  • DragonMaster gear
  • Draconians
  • Dracolichs
  • Merge shops FULL of gear to quest for
  • Dragon and Egg pets
  • and more!
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