Design Notes
November 07, 2011
The Time has Come…
to master the ChronoCorruptor Class!
They say time flies when you’re having fun… but what happens when time becomes Chaorrupted…?
ChronoCorruptor happens—THAT’S WHAT!
Do you have what it takes to master the ChronoCorruptor Class? ChronoCorruptors corrupt the flow of time to tremendous and random effect in battle, never knowing which time (or with what powers) they will wind up with. ChronoCorruptors regain mana when they attack while under the effect of Chaos Rift.
As a ChronoCorruptor, you are able to master the following abilities:
Chaos Rift Strike
Rank 1
5 mana, 2 second cooldown
Seals light damage to the target and applies Chaos Rift to the caster, a stacking effect (up to 4) that other abilities rely on.
Split Causality
Rank 2
20 mana, 12 second cooldown
Heals you with a HoT for an amount based on the damage you’ve recently taken while under the effects of Chaos Rift (up to 40% of your HP) OR applies Time Bleed effect to the foe (DoT based on stacks of Chaos Rift). Consumes Chaos Rift stacks.
Time Collapse
Rank 3
30 mana, 6 second cooldown
Deals damage based on the damage you’ve recently dealt while under the effects of Chaos Rift. Consumes Chaos Rift stacks.
Chaotic Movement
Rank 4
Passive Ability
Doge chance increased by 10%.
Embrace Chaos
Rank 4
Passive Ability
Damage increased by 10%.
Rank 5
50 mana, 16 second cooldown
Either increases Haste, Damage and Crit for 6 seconds, OR causes one large hit for massive damage and stuns enemy for 6 seconds.
ChronoCorruptors proudly boast their Strength, Intellect, Endurance, and Dexterity stats. Enhancing your gear with a combination of Fighter, Wizard, and Thief enhancements would fare nicely for the intrepid ChronoCorruptor… although some would insist that decking yourself out in all Hybrid enhancements would produce the ultimate ChronoCorruptor …
Nulgath is even working on an optional armor upgrade for the ChronoCorruptor if you would like to warp time with a whole new look!
Now that you know how to master the ChronoCorruptor, the time has come to find out HOW to rock this brand-new class…
2012 “Year of Chaos” Calendar
It’s that time of year again! HeroMart’s shelves are packed with the 2012 Artix Entertainment Calendars—and they are ready for shipment beginning tomorrow, November 8th at!
Last year, The Year of the Moglin Calendars sold out completely… three times over, might I add! So this year, if you hope to get your mits on the 2012 Year of Chaos Calendar, you had better place your order starting tomorrow! There is only a limited supply of 2012 Year of Chaos Calendars, and we will NOT be doing a re-order, so this will be your only chance at obtaining the 2012 AE Calendar.
Each calendar comes with the exclusive ChronoCorruptor Class that is yours to master both in game and in real life! A one-of-a-kind code unlocks the ChronoCorruptor Class in AdventureQuest Worlds and DragonFable, in addition to the RARE ChronoCorruptor Card that can be added to your Battleon Battle Card Game deck.
Say it with me: Battle on into the Year of Chaos!
Speaking of Battle…
The Mod Packs for the Battleon Battle Card Game are on sale at HeroMart!
Unleash the crippling force of Chaos upon your foes with 13 CHAOS cards in the Chaos Mod Pack. Or perhaps you would rather bombard your opponents with devastation, destruction, and doooooooooom with 13 DOOM cards in the DoomWood Mod Pack! A special code is included in each pack of cards that unlocks the exclusive Vordred’s Sword, the Chaos Eye Pet, and half of the PaladinSlayer Class. Grab both Mod Packs to master the full PaladinSlayer Class and bring chaos and destruction to your real-life battles!
Get your Mod Packs now at HeroMart! They make a great stocking stuffer for the upcoming Holiday season, too!
Oooo ooooo ooooo! Do you know what another great stocking stuffer is?
Awwwwh yeeaaah! The Artix Points Electronic Gift Certificate! Give the gift of Artix Entertainment Points to your friend or relative or even yourself! They can use the Points to upgrade in any of the Artix Games like AQWorlds, DragonFable, MechQuest, AdventureQuest, HeroSmash, PonyVsPony, BladeHaven and EpicDuel.
After you purchase the electronic gift certificate, you will receive a unique Gift Code number that you can give to a friend or relative. They can use that code to add Artix Points to their Artix Game accounts from their Artix Master Account!
Battle on the Horizon!
The crazy date of 11-11-11 is arriving this Friday, November 11th. An ominous—and absolutely GIGANTIC!—portal has appeared behind the Guardian Tower in Battleon. O___O
We have no idea what it is... or where it leads to… or what will happen on 11-11-11. Will it open? Will we go into it? Will someone…or something…come out of it?
While on the hunt for some answers (and coffee beans), I stumbled upon this piece of parchment lying at the gate’s threshold:
WOAH!!! What…is….this?!!?!
I have a funny feeling that come Friday, we will all find out…!
…aaaand probably later on in the week when we start giving sneak-peeks on our Twitters =p
Battle on my friends! And I hope I didn’t hurt anyone’s eyes (too much) from all the wonderful BRIGHT PINK text! <3