Design Notes
January 20, 2011
Who Cut the Cheese?
Oh wait… we did!
Today we celebrate Cheese Day! Yes, just like Taco Day and TLAPD, this is an actual celebrated holiday. Um…we don’t really know where it’s celebrated… but right now it’s being celebrated in Battleon!
Talk to Khaddar the Black Market Dealer to get your hands on some tasty cheese helms: the Havarti Hero and the Munster Master. Time to look extra sharp on this special day!
These cheesy items will stay in his shop until we release tomorrow night.
Cheese On...your head!

January 19, 2011
Battle On…..der!
Heh, get it, 'cuz ‘Battle Onder’ sounds like Battle Under… It’s a… uhhhhgg…..
Third week of the year. Yes, it’s hard to believe. Just 19 days into 2011 and already I am losing my mind.
And that’s a good thing for YOU!
The AQWorlds team has soooo many new things in store for you that a few lost minds is a necessary sacrifice to achieve our totally epic plans. Wanna see what we’re doing this week? You’ve come to the right place.
Third Level of BattleUnder
It wasn’t too long ago that a series of deep underground tunnels was discovered beneath our hometown of Battleon. A few secret passageways can be found around Battleon that will take you into these dangerous caverns flooded with Undead minions.
Two levels of BattleUnder have already been uncovered. Warlic in the Battleon Magic Shoppe is hard at work figuring out how to activate the Portal in the 2nd level of BattleUnder. From his reports, he should figure out a way come Friday evening. A way that involves a minigame of sorts.
That mage really knows his stuff!
Head to Warlic’s Shop and read some of the books on his shelves. *hint hint wink wink* Maybe you’ll uncover where a path to BattleUnder resides!
Yara the Paladin has informed us that the next level of BattleUnder is unlike any place we’ve ever seen. If you wish to journey there during this week’s release, you had better help her complete all her quests first!
Even though no one has seen what lies beyond the 2nd level of BattleUnder, Yara found this screenshot after it dropped off the Undead Berserker:
Is this what lies beyond BattleUnder’s portal? …Oooohhh, I dunno… I guess we’ll just have to wait until Friday to find out! ^_____^
Say CHEESE…day!
Yes. Yes. I am serious. Tomorrow, January 20th, is Cheese Day. No, I didn’t make it up. I heard about Cheese Day from a very reliable source: the interwebs!
And the internet never lies. So tomorrow, the Black Market Dealer in Battleon will receive a shipment of Cheese Day items to celebrate this delicious holiday!
Uhhmm… what kind of items can you make out of cheese, anyway?
Color Custom Cyber Hunter Armor
Some of you guys who relentlessly stalk my Character Page have been wondering what the Cyber Hunter armor is. Cyber Hunters of Delta V are highly skilled and trained warriors that live for the thrill of battle. Their color-custom robotic armor strikes more than just fear into the eyes of their opponent.
Delta V, huh? As in… the Delta V from EpicDuel?
Yuppers! The Cyber Hunter armor was forged specifically for the soon-to-be-released EpicDuel Tshirt!
In a couple of days, the EpicDuel Tshirts will go on sale at HeroMart. The only way to get the Cyber Hunter armor in AQWorlds is by equipping these epic threads IRL!
Once we receive word from Faith… and receive the shipment of Tshirts… we will announce it on the Design Notes, Homepage, and probably flood our Twitters with OMGOMGOMG EpicDuel Tshirts are IN! Or you can keep checking the HeroMart homepage and see if you can beat us to the punch =D
Fixed Stacking Bug
Zhoom is much more than just a Sandsea Ranger… he’s also an amazing programmer capable of squashing all sorts of bugs. For some strange reason, stackable items (aka items you collect more than 1 of) stopped working today. I had no idea why, and still have no idea why, but this is why I am not a programmer =p
Zhoom has since fixed the issue so you can continue to farm those stackable items… like from Miltonius’ and Dage’s crazy insane quests. That are hidden somewhere in game. If you haven’t found them yet… try asking your fellow players!
Update on Unlimited Item Collections!?!
Zhoom and Minimal have been working nonstop on the unlimited Inventory/Bank Space mission. Nothing is yet set in stone… but I can tell you that things are looking MIGHTY GOOD!
Here is the recap of it in Artix’s DN post.
If (and hopefully when!) we are able to offer a massive increase in Inventory slots and Bank Space, we can begin implementing something known as a Limited Quantity Shop.
(Uh oh… am I allowed to be saying this? Or am I supposed to keep this a secret…?)
Oh well—no use going back now! Like the name suggests, a Limited Quantity Shop only has a limited number of a certain item. So let’s say there are only 50 of an item available. When 50 players get that item… it will vanish from the shop and NEVER be offered again!
This is going to make for some VERY interesting rare-item collections.
…Okeeeey, I’ve said waaaay too much. I better go now before Artix equips his Anti-Pink glasses and reads what I have just said and revokes my coffee privileges!
Toodles! =D