Design Notes
June 21, 2019
The Summer Shop Heats Up
The Heat is ON!
Log in this weekend to find our new 2019 Summer Surf items. Get the Waterpolo armors, all-new surfboards, the Summer Rave set, and more! The surfboards will be available all summer.... and new for 2019, by popular request, next week we'll add more SKATEBOARDS!
Find the new 2019 surfboards in the Summer Shop, right inside your game menu.
- Elemental Orb surfboards
- Chaos Surfboard
- Color custom Surfin' Skull board
- Color custom Surfin' Rose board
- Color custom Surfin' Dragon board
And our seasonal surfboards:
- Artix Dragon surfboard
- Treasure Map surfboard
- Surfboard of the Nation
- Surfboard of the Legion
- Surfboard of Destiny
- and more!
Summer is here, and so is the hottest gear of the year!
Log in and find all the returning seasonal items you guys love to battle in, plus Aranx's Summer Style and Summer Rave sets.
Find the Summer Shop in your game menu, containing:
- Summer Style armor
- Summer Rave armor
- Prismatic Summer Rave armor
- Summer Rave accessories
- Victory and Battle Swimwear armors
- Robes of Knowledge
- Class of 2019 banner cape
Tags: Alina,