Design Notes
August 08, 2013
Quibble Coinbiter Returns
What is a Quibble Coinbiter?
Quibble Coinbiter is everyone’s favorite sales Moglin, who travels far and wide, collecting never-before-seen Items to add to your impressive collection. That's right, his gear has never been seen in the world before, but he sells them used... How is this possible? Quibble has a connection with a slightly corrupt time-travel fairy who supplies him with items that have not even been created yet*.
Well hello there, Hero. Welcome to my treasure shop!
No one knows if—or when—Quibble’s Items will go permanently Rare, so your best bet is to get all the goodies in his shop just in case it’s the latter!
* Thinking about this should hurt your brain. It hurts mine!
When Does Quibble Coinbiter Arrive?
Quibble will be in the town of Battleon this weekend, selling most of his gear for AdventureCoins! He never stays in one place long and we have no idea when (or if) he will be back. Remember, he is not selling rares, he is selling items you are not even supposed to have**!
Honor Alteon, Battlemage and King of Swordhaven!
** I wonder... if the item's used, but never seen before... is the time travel fairy going to the future after you have discarded the weapon, taking it from you, and then coming BACK in time so Quibble to sell it to you before you ever found it***?
*** O_O
What Will Quibble Coinbiter Bring?
If you've seen Quibble appear before, you know that his arrival heralds the beginning of the next Chaos Saga... soTHIS time around, he's bringing gear from crafted in honor of your favorite people: King Alteon and Empress Gravelyn!
Tomorrow night, find the following armors in Quibble's shop:
- Royal Battlemage
- Glorified Spellsword of Light
- Shadowscythe Assassin
- Shadowfall Champion
- Spellsword of Light
- Chaotic Spellsword of Light
The Spellsword of Good, Evil, and Chaos sets!
Tomorrow night, find the following weapons in Quibble's shop:
- Magus Greatsword
- Empowered Magus Greatsword
- Magus Shortsword
- Poignant Blade
- Poignant Daggers
- Chaotic Doomblade
- and more!

Tomorrow night, find the following armors in Quibble's shop:
- Magus Mantle
- Magus Spellcrown
- Magus Battlecrown
- Glorified Spellsword Locks and Helm
- Spellsword Cloak
- Spellsword Locks and Helm
- Chaotic Spellsword Wings
- Chaotic Spellsword Locks and Helm
- Shadowfall Champion Helm

The Chaos War Returns Tomorrow!
Drakath has been patient long enough; starting tomorrow night, the Chaos War returns to Lore! Because we had to remove the war unexpectedly****, the war rares shop also left before we'd promised. The Chaos War rares shop will leave in two weeks, but the Chaorrupter Blade (which does more damage to Chaos monsters) will NOT go rare!
Sir Vant asks you to hurry to Swordhaven!
As Chaos rages across Lore, Drakath's attention is falling on Swordhaven, King Alteon's capital city. Quell the chaorruption wreaking havoc around the land, then hurry to Swordhaven NEXT Friday to begin the 12th Chaos Lord Saga!*****
**** The server hamsters REALLY do not like being watched by Chaos eyes...
***** Note: you will need to have completed ALL of the previous Chaos zones to begin the Swordhaven Chaos Saga.