Design Notes

February 05, 2016

Double Festival WEEKEND!

This weekend: Carnaval, Yokai New Year, AND the Superbowl!

Carnaval and Yokai New Year are some of my most favorite events of the year -- I love the colors and how the story releases center around wicked /parties... and THIS year we've got a heaping helping of parties AND problems that only YOU can solve!*

Starting tonight, log in and /join terradefesta to begin the War of the Festivals! Talk to Samba to begin your quests, then get ready to untangle a knot of misdirection, mayhem, and SUPER-DEADLY yokai as Fausto and Lenjing fight to have you help THEIR events reign supreme!

You can also replay our previous Carnaval and Yokai New Year events starting tonight, too, plus get the returning seasonal rare gear from Frevo's shop in /terradefesta or Cysero in /carnaval.

* including a 2-stage boss with fight member-only and free player armor set drops!

Carnaval and Yokai Rewards 

And you know who likes to /party? WE DO! Head to the /parades map to see this year's new reward gear, available from the merge shop or as boss drops! 

Gong Xi Fa Cai -- happy Year of the Monkey! If you celebrate Chinese New Year, we hope your red envelopes are filled with happiness and luck (and some sweet loot, too)!

And don't miss the gear from our February Rares Shop! Get all the details and item previews in this Design Notes post: "February Rares Shop"! 

Also Happening This Weekend: Server Boost and Superbowl!

Like the sub-title said, this weekend we've got a Class Points server boost happening to help you CRUSH the enemy with your new StoneCrusher Class! (And if there's any other classes you've wanted to rank up, now's the time to get in and battle on!)

Starting tonight, the member-only Sir Ver server will have a DOUBLE Class Points Boost! All other servers will get a 15% boost to class points, ending Monday, February 8th.

Make sure you log on this Sunday for the Superbowl Half-time Show, the Punt Twilly Challenge, and all-new rare gear!

Gear Leaving Soon!

  • Friday, February 12: Assassin's Commander Limited Time Shop
  • Friday, February 19: Knight Commander gear from AdventureCoin and Membership packages!
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