Design Notes
December 07, 2018
Unlock the Northern Royalty Sets
Upgrade to unlock the December exclusive gear sets!
Unlock the all-new Northern Royallty upgrade bonus gear starting Friday, December 7th at 6 PM EST! Buy any AC or membership package worth $10 USD or more to unlock the color-custom Northland Royalty set or get the bonus color-custom Titanium Royalty armor and accessories with the 12,000 AC or 12 month membership packs!
December 2018 upgrade exclusive: Midnight Royalty armor and accessories.
Pack Details
- The Northlands Royalty gear* will be available as an upgrade bonus set every December when you buy membership or AdventureCoins.
- All packages will also come with the Northern Royalty character page badge and, this year only, the 2018 exclusive character page badge.
- This upgrade bonus gear will be available until 6 PM EST on January 4th, 2019.
*not including the 2018 exclusive gear.
12000 AC or 12 month membership packages: ALL 40+ Northern Royalty Set items
Get more gear and save more of your real-world gold with our largest upgrade packages! Unlock the Titanium, Golden, and Midnight Plates of the North armor sets with our 12000 AdventureCoin or 12 month membership packages, plus all the accessories:
- Titanium and Golden Plates of the North armors (fabric is color-customizable)
- 24 helms
- 8 capes
- 6 swords
- 2 pets
- 7 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts added straight to your inventory
- Plus the Midnight Northlands Royalty exclusive gear
2000 and 5000 AC or 3 and 6 month membership package: Golden Northlands Royalty
Unlock the Golden and Midnight Plates of the North armor sets with the above packages, plus their accessories:
- Golden Plate of the North armor (fabric is color-customizable)
- 12 helms
- 4 capes
- 3 swords
- 1 pet
- 5 Rep/XP/Gold/Class Points boosts added straight to your inventory
- Plus the Midnight Northlands Royalty exclusive gear
December 2018 upgrade exclusive: Midnight Northlands Royalty
- Midnight Northern Royalty armor (fabric is color-customizable)
- Guardian of the North cape
- Guardian's Frozen Great Sword
- Exclusive 2018 Northlands Royalty character page badge
2018 Holiday AC Bonus: Get up to 50% More Free ACs
Get up to 50% more FREE bonus AdventureCoins when you buy any Adventure package until January 2nd! If you're excited about all our 2018 holiday items, new gear in the Wheel of Doom, or our 2019 New Year's rare gear, now's the time to top up your ACs and get even more for free.
The bigger the AC package you buy, the more free AdventureCoins you'll get!
12000 AC pack: 6000 extra ACs (50% more ACs)
5000 AC pack: 2000 extra ACs (40% more ACs)
2000 AC pack: 500 extra ACs (25% more ACs)
900 AC pack: 100 extra ACs (11% more ACs)
* Note: bonus AdventureCoins are only available with AdventureCoin packages. The special bonus offer does not apply to membership packages.