Design Notes

November 27, 2014

Double Boost Power Weekend

Happy Thanksgiving from the AQWorlds Team!

Happy Thanksgiving! We are so grateful to have you battling alongside us; without you, we could not make AQWorlds! Have a happy and safe holiday, everyone!  (Or a wonderful regular Thursday, if you aren't in the US.)

As our way of saying thanks and wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday, the DOUBLE REP, CLASS POINTS, GOLD and EXP BOOST for for our Snowy Thanksgiving Power Weekend has been activated!

Feast of Souls War Update!

Zorbak just sent out a message to all servers... and it sounds like HE is having a happy ThanksTAKING!

Zorbak: Mehehehe! Since I stole a huge chunk of your armies for MY undead legion to feast on, I give you DOUBLE XP and REP! Mehehe

Black Friday Begins Tomorrow!

Log in tomorrow morning for the Black Friday shop, and tomorrow night for the Feast of Souls War Boss battles!

Tags: Alina,
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