Design Notes
February 21, 2013
Become a Deadly Creature
This Week's Gear is Dark... but Beautiful!
Look inside yourself, Hero... are you a creature of the Light? Or of the Dark? This week, we have items that will please both sides of the spectrum!
Dark Phoenix Set
Prepare to battle Challenge bosses or face the crowds in Battleon and Yulgar's Inn, because the DeathBlood Armor set in Quibble's Shop, Beautiful Creatures Limited Time gear, and Shattersword Pickaxes are all worth fighting for!
Quibble Coinbiter's Final Update!
AQW's artists LOVE creating gear for the DarkBlood theme, so we've decided to put one last armor set in Quibble's shop! The DeathBlood armor (and the rest of Quibble's gear) will all leave next Wednesday!
DeathBlood Armor Set!
We've received a lot of positive feedback on this set, so it will be available for both Members AND as an AdventureCoin variant!
Beautiful Creatures Limited Time Shop!
Unleash the animal inside! The Beautiful Creatures limited time shop in Battleon is full of beautiful (but twisted) creatures!
Dark and Light Ailuridae Set
Both Light and Dark Magi have merged with the animal forms they copied, and these lovely - but deadly - casters cannot change back!
Avis Magi Set (Female not shown)
The shop will be available for at least a week, but not much longer, so make sure to stop in Battleon before moving on in your adventures!
Revisit Graveclaw in Shattersword Caverns!
Descend to the bottom of Shattersword Cavern to defeat Graveclaw the Defiler, a ferocious beast King Alteon imprisoned decades ago! It has regained its strength and, if it manages to escape its prison, will be free to play a dark and deadly game with the lives of Swordhaven's villagers!
Can YOU defeat the beast King Alteon imprisoned?
Click the golden King Alteon statue in /battleontown NOW to see the Graveclaw the Defiler cutscenes as originally planned! (The derp cutscenes will return soon as bonus extras!)
Shattersword Challenge Boss Rewards, Part 2!
To celebrate the release of the Graveclaw cutscenes, tomorrow we will be putting the Shattersword Pickaxes (on a number of the hardest bosses in game! They will have a VERY low drop rate (less than 1%) and a high sellback, AND they'll stay in-game permanently! Check tomorrow's Design Notes for the clues!
Each pickaxe will drop off of ONE Challenge Boss!
The original Shattersword Kamas (which were daggers) will not be re-released. These axes are single-wield. We did not have time to put together the all-player DoomKitten Challenge with the skills and animation it should have.* Look for that to come soon, but for now, enjoy hunting and battling for these axes!
* We'd rather do this Challenge fight right, since many of you have such good memories of the original battle!
Carnaval Rares Leave Tomorrow!
The Carnaval Rares shop leaves with tomorrow night's release! It was supposed to leave Wednesday, but was overlooked due to illness. Enjoy the extra time to choose your celebratory souvenirs!