Design Notes

April 03, 2019

Want to join the AQW Class Tester Team?

Class Tester Team Accepting New Members

Our in-game Class Test and Balance Team is amazing... and more, they all started as members of our player community! They joined our corps of contributors* to make the game better for everyone. We're looking for some fresh new faces to bring new enthusiasm, energy, and awesomeness to the team! And that's why we're here today.


What Do Class Testers Do?

Class Testers / Balancers work with the Lead Class Designer and dev team, giving feedback during the design and balancing of new classes, plus helping as we re-balance existing classes to bring them up to our current power levels. 

Important Information

We love when players ascend, and join the ranks of our community team! We offer challenges, very bad jokes, and some pretty sweet perks. Read on if you think you’re ready to apply.

  • You must be 18 to apply and join the community team. No exceptions.
  • Please do not include attachments.  Emails with attachments will not be actioned.
  • Only send one email application (so make sure it’s accurate before hitting the “send” button!)
  • Your AQW and other AE game account histories will be reviewed, as well as your AE Master and forum accounts, if applicable.
  • Participation in the community team is strictly voluntary, and not a paid position.
  • You may receive memberships, secondary currency, and/or other sweet loot as a “thank you” for your participation and contribution
  • All applications will be read and considered. If you are selected for consideration, we will email you.
  • Deadline for applications is Midnight server time April 10th, 2019!

How to Apply

Please follow the instructions below:

  1. Email your application to [email protected] 
  2. Put AQW CLASS TESTER APPLICATION in the subject line (Note: emails without specific subject lines will not be received.)

Include the following:

  1. Real name
  2. Age (18+ only)
  3. Country of residence
  4. AQW game account
  5. AE Master Account (if you have one)
  6. AE Forum account (if you have one)
  7. Social media accounts (optional)
  8. List any languages other than English you read/write
  9. Include the general days/times you would be available to help test
  10. Answer question 1: "why do you want to join the class tester/balance team?"
  11. Answer question 2: "what in-game stat do you think is the strongest and why? (example: attack power, hit chance, dodge)"

It will take some time for Pisces and the tester team to get through all the applications so please be patient. If we do not respond, we want to thank you for being awesome enough to apply!  

Community Team Member Traits

There are a few things we look for in all our community team members, regardless of whether you want to moderate the game, test it, fix it, build it, or polish the in-game doorknobs. Anyone meeting the criteria below is welcome to apply!

  • Eager to serve and improve the community... while having a lot of fun with your team mates
  • Team players with an enthusiastic, positive attitude towards AQW and its players
  • Responsiblity, maturity, and coolness under pressure
  • Willingness to follow all in-game rules and team guidelines
  • Ability to read and write English at a secondary school level

Good Luck!

* Our class testers (and all our other community team contributors) put in their time and effort to help the community and games... but we always stress that real-life obligations have to come first. That means we occasionally lose some team members to outside responsibilities... but we ALSO get to bring on MORE new team members!

Tags: Alina,
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