Design Notes
March 27, 2020
April 2020 Event Calendar
Month of WAR!
"Shadows run when a good Hero goes to war." If March was the month of Evil, April is the month of... WAR! A new alliance to PREVENT war, that is. But will the evil factions of Lore side WITH Malgor the ShadowLord, or against him? Log in during April as we continue the three part "Shadows of War: Alliances of Evil" storyline!
April 1 April Seasonal Set Returns: Bio-War Cultist
April 3 Going Green: A New Gig for a Mad Weaponsmith
April 10 Shadows of War: Evil Alliance, Part 2
April 17 Grenwog and Earth Day return
April 24 Shadows of War: Evil Alliance, Part 3
Tags: Alina,