Design Notes
July 22, 2012
Nulgath Nation Wins!
This battle goes to Nulgath!
Congratulations, Nulgath Nation! You have won this skirmish in the name of your Commander, the Archfiend Nulgath! And, as promised, the Archfiend has placed a VERY enticing reward in his Diamond shop for you!
His loyal General, Revontheus, REALLY knocked himself out making all of these items. Not only did he make the Neofiend Wings of Revontheus, but ALSO the Wings of Revontheus. The Neofiend Wings of Revontheus are in Nulgath's Diamond shop.* The Wings of Revontheus drop from the Undead Legend.
And talk to Klunk in /evilwarnul to watch the Legion vs Nation cutscene!
* The Neofiend Wings of Revontheus cost 6 Diamonds. 1 Diamond for each of Nulgath's all-seeing eyes.
Coming this week - PTR and Chaos!
Probably both at once!
The member-only Lag-Fix PTR server (the Public Test Realm server) opens tomorrow! All members are invited to join us as we rip the engine apart, tear holes in broken code, and rebuild it better, stronger, and FASTER!
Expect things to break, the server to go up or down and back up again with minimal notice, and at the end... a shiny NEW achievement badge AND a nifty thank-you item as a sign of our appreciation. Also the knowledge that you've worked to help make AQWorlds a much better game for all your fellow players.
This Friday, we'll visit the Library of Time in TheSpan! Learn the REAL reason you are there... and what the Chaos Lord has in mind for you!