Design Notes

February 26, 2013

AQWorlds of Fun

One-a-Day Winner Starts Today!

Who loves fun surprises? We do, and we hope you do, too! That's why once a day, we'll randomly select ONE player who has logged into AQW in the last 24 hours and award them a random prize! It might be a new item, it might be AdventureCoins, it might be an existing item they don't have in their inventory. It could be ANYTHING! 

We'll leave a note in the winner's inventory explaining that they've won! You've just got to log in to win!

AQWorlds Ambassador Program!

Do YOU know a lot about AQWorlds? Want to help other AQWorlds players by answering their questions and helping them battle? Then it sounds like YOU could be a great AQWorlds Ambassador! 

The AQW Ambassadors Guild is a new group we're getting together. We are thinking of creating a new single-frame map where Ambassadors would hang out while they're in-game. New players or those looking for help can go to our Ambassadors!

The plan so far:

  • Ambassadors will have their Guild name displayed
  • Purpose is to help other players get answers, win battles
  • CAN join if you're under 18, and open to non-staff members
  • Receive the Ambassador Cape 
    (Has shop on it which all players can click IF they talk to an Ambassador!) 

We still need to work out the details of HOW we select our Ambassadors, and these plans aren't final yet, but we're really excited about this idea. We already have a great Head Ambassador in place, and we're building a core of positive, helpful Ambassadors like Serenity Okami and Lycus. 

Would YOU like to be an AQWorlds Ambassador, and what else would you like to see our Ambassadors do?

Not a Mod Shirt at HeroMart Tomorrow!

You have always wanted to be a Mod in AdventureQuest Worlds. And no you can’t be a Mod—but you can sport this snazzy new shirt! Equip this mod-ified cotton shirt and strut your stuff as Moderator of the real world.* But be prepared for the endless onslaught of “Can I be a Mod?!?” questions throughout your real-life adventures!


Get these great Mod Shirt items in AQWorlds:

  • Not a Mod Class
  • Li’l Cysero Non-Member Pet
  • Tasty Muffin (lol wat? - Beleen)

With such great Mod power comes great responsibility… and even greater resPUNsibility!
Note: Mod T-Shirt does not convey real-world Mod authority. /Ban and /Mute commands do not work in the real world.

Gear Going Rare!

It's been fun, but sometimes we need to make room for new gear! The following event, shops, and promos are leaving soon!

  • Tomorrow: Heroes Heart Day event leaves for another year!
  • Tomorrow: Tournament Rares Shop leaves forever!
    (But the Coliseum, cutscenes, and quests will stay!)  
  • Monday: Beautiful Creatures Shop leaves forever!
  • Monday: TrophyHunter Set leaves!

Tags: Alina,
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