Design Notes
August 06, 2013
Today’s Featured Artist Shop
Ven du Violetmist in the Limelight!
What a glorious Tuesday it is! The sun is shining bright in Battleon, ready to welcome the brand-new Featured Artist Showcase Shop!
Later this afternoon, the Game Menu will be updated with epic items specially crafted by Ven du Violetmist. Feast your eyes on these Leviasea-exclusive items that will aid you in your upcoming adventures!
Knight of the Leviasea Armor—Rare!
Capes and Back Items
Leviasean Weave Cape—Rare!
The Gift (Sheathed) Cape—Legends Only
The Gift (Vertical Sheath) Cape
Helms and Hairstyles
Bedhead Hairstyle
Bedhead Gasmask—Legends Only
Tress and Gasmask—Legends Only
Leviasean Tresses
Dyed Bedhead Hairstyle
Leviasea Hood—Rare!
Leviasea Hood and Gas Mask—Rare!
Covered Leviasean Tresses—Legends Only
Covered Leviasean Bedhead—Legends Only
Weapons and sharp things
Leviasean Rapier—Rare!
Leviasean Pike—Legends Only
The Gift sword
The Story of Ven du Violetmist
Back when you were a little Level 0, do you remember the timeless story “The Hero and the Health Potions”? It’s a story about a young adventurer who drank too many HP Potions—some from Swordhaven and others from Shadowfall—and was equally consumed by the forces of Good and Evil. The moral of the story was to teach the dangers of gluttony…and the main character of “The Hero and the Health Potions” was Ven du Violetmist!
Despite a children’s book being written about Ven, little is known about her factual history. Ancient books in the Arcangrove Tower speak of a hidden plane inside other planes of existence, characterized by "what exists," "doesn't exist," and what "never existed"… a mysterious place known as Leviasea. Leviasea history recounts a human-like figure called Ven du Violetmist, who was imprisoned for eons due to her “unpredictable” and “immortal” magic prowess.
The lack of knowledge about Ven du Violetmist, paired with her unknown intentions and indestructible nature, makes her an uneasy foe to both Good and Evil alignments. Often accompanied by her Leviasea Knights, Ven du Violetmist emerges into Lore for the first time… or at least, the first known time.
In the real world, Ven hails from the magical realm of Lisbon, Portugal, and currently resides in a small peaceful town. Ven started making cartoon shorts for the original AdventureQuest and created suggestion items for AdventureQuest and DragonFable. With each new art submission, Ven got more and more inspired—and excited!—and began chasing something even more awesome: AdventureQuest Worlds art! Ven has been a volunteer artist since 2010 and is currently pursuing their real-life adventures.
Thanks Ven du Violetmist for sharing your story with us! And every hero in AdventureQuest Worlds cannot wait to become one of your faithful Leviasea Knights.
Onward into battle, my heroes!
xoxo Beleen