Design Notes

February 26, 2013

Descend into Darkness

Friday: Celebrate Dage the Evil's Birthday!

Dage the Evil is leveling up in real life and celebrating his birthday in game! Delve into the depths of Dage’s Underworld and embark on challenging quests to create brand-new Undead Legion items in the Soul Forge! 

Your wait is finally over! Celebrate Dage the Evil’s birthday with his personal hoard of Undead Legion items. And can you complete Dage’s difficult quests to create Undead Legionitems in the Soul Forge?

  • New Paragon Pet WITH quests!
  • Dark Caster Evolution Armor
  • Ceremonial Blade
  • Dark Caster Ascendant
  • NEW Dark Caster hairstyles
  • And more!

Check back later this week for more details on Dage's dark birthday extravaganza!

Survive the Death Pits This Friday!

Chaos Lord Lionfang, former knight of King Alteon, has just slainthe Darkblood Death Pit guardian, Logash. It was Logash's swornduty to protect the Tears of the Mother from Chaos Lord Lionfang—and a Darkblood oath cannot be broken by something as simple as death.

Logash’s spirit will guide you throughout the remains ofthe Darkblood Slavers' Death Pits in order to reach the Tears ofthe Mother before Liongfang can! Get one step closer to defeatingChaos Lord Lionfang…if you prove victorious!

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