Design Notes

August 06, 2014

Chaos Fan Art Winners: Khasaanda

9th Lord of Chaos Fan Art Contest winners announced!

Congratulations! We’ve made it half way through the week! So let’s celebrate by announcing our 9th Lord of Chaos winners =)

Grand Prize Winner: 9th Lord of Chaos 



Who knew chaos could be so beautiful? Our fellow hero gossj10 won the grand prize of: 1,000 AdventureCoins, the exclusive color-custom Chaos Paintbrush + Chaos Artist Palette dual weapon set, the Art of Chaos character page badge, AND your art as an in-game House Item (to be released at a future date)!

8th Lord of Chaos Fan Art Contest winners announced!

Happy Tuesday! Be sure to check out the Fan Art chapter in the Lorepedia to view all our Chaos Fan Art winners to date:

Video Game MMO Fan Art for AdventureQuest Worlds

But before you go, allow me to showcase the grand prize winner of the Chaos Lord Tibicenas category!

Grand Prize Winner: 8th Lord of Chaos

Why so serious, Tibicenas? Fellow player Jokercard53 painted this show-stopping Chaos Lord Tibicenas fan art!



This is truly a blockbuster hit, jokercard53! As the grand prize winner, you’ll receive: 1,000 AdventureCoins, the exclusive color-custom Chaos Paintbrush + Chaos Artist Palette dual weapon set, the Art of Chaos character page badge, AND your art as an in-game House Item (to be released at a future date)! 

All Other Winners

Please click here to see the 2nd Place and 3rd Place winners for the Chaos Lord Khasaanda category. Please click here to see the 2nd Place, 3rd Place, and Runner Ups for the Chaos Lord Tibicenas category. Great job everyone!

Check out the Fan Art chapter in the Lorepedia to view all our Chaos Fan Art winners to date:

Video Game MMO Fan Art for AdventureQuest Worlds

Battle On!

xoxo Beleen =D

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