Design Notes
May 14, 2012
Coming this FRIDAY
DoomWood is turning into... OMG REALLY!?
Thank you to everyone who showered my Twitter wall with compliments, kudos and #$%#^!?'s for the crazy DoomWood II storyline which has been taking place the past two weeks. So many old players have been coming back to play it -- great seeing so many old friends again. There has been only ONE time in the history of our game making that we have recieved THAT much love. If what happens next goes well, it may actually top it. If you completed both parts, then you know what crazy thing is starting to happen in-game on Friday. It was not a joke. I am being "DEAD" serious, it is actually happening. It will be the ultimate "WHAT IF?" -- What if Drakath had never appeared and inturrupted that battle between King Alteon and Sepulchure? Until then... if you are not caught up yet, play the two parts of DoomWood II before Friday! /join Necropolis
Twitter/Forums/FaceBook Question: What NPCs would you like to see featured in what is coming?