Design Notes
March 25, 2011
Fight Chaos Lord Tibicenas!
The Sandsea Saga comes to a close…ALMOST!
After thousands of years of imprisonment (and after weeks of us hunting him down), Tibicenas the Chaos Djinn is finally FREE! You and Zhoom must follow Tibicenas into the Djinn World and stop him before he takes his vengeance on the King of the Djinn, Efreet... and on the rest of Lore.
LOL! Stratos looks funny! Oh...wait... =(
Thought the other Chaos Lords put up a fight? Had trouble with Wolfwing, did ya? Just wait until you encounter Tibicenas. This Chaos baddie has a new battle mechanic armed with a life-stealing AOE.
But wait—there’ more! Tibicenas has 40,000 HP, a 20% chance to Crit, a 30% chance to Dodge, and goes Berserk once his HP falls low enough. You better have a Healer (or two!) in your group if you hope to defeat this Chaos Lord.
So let’s say you beat Tibicenas. Itchin’ for a tougher fight? Talk to Efreet to try your luck against Ultra- Tibicenas!
Need heals PLOX!
Only the most powerful Members will be able to take on this dangerous foe. Not only does Ultra-Tibi come stacked with a whopping 100,000 HP and an 80% life-stealing AOE, he also has a new ability that will stop you right in your tracks. His Petrify spell cannot be dodged and cannot be undone… and since you can only have 7 heroes in this particular map… you had better hope that your battle-buddies are well-armed and ready for a long ‘n crazy ‘n heated battle against Ultra-Tibicenas!
Both forms of Tibicenas are LOADED with item drops… but the ONLY WAY to get the Color Custom Zhoom Armor, Zhoom’s Dragonbow, and the Efreet Amor, Hair, and Face helms is by being a Member so that YOU can partake in the Ultra-Tibicenas battle!
A Sandstorm of new Sandsea Items
Quibble is staying in Battleon for one more week! And he’s got the new Malani Warrior set in stock!
The Malani Warrior Armor, Malani Warrior Turban, and Malani Scimitar are Completely COLOR CUSTOM! So play around with Base, Trim, Accessory, and Eye Colors to become the most unique Malani Warrior that Lore has EVER seen!
In addition to Quibble’s awesome new swag, the Chaos Sphinx will now drop the Sphinx pet, new items in the Sandsea Rep Shop, the Harpy in the Djinn world will drop her headdress, Tibicenas drops 7 items (including his Djinn armor morph!), and Ultra-Tibicenas has 8 items for you to obtain…if you can defeat him that is!
But there’s more! 13 more items, in fact. In the player suggestion shop! All of the items in this shop were inspired by our fellow players! All of the items here were inspired by your fellow players from our Forums. Wanna submit your weapon or armor ideas, too? Head to the forums with your masterpieces because you never know if – or when -- your idea will make it in game and used by thousands!
Woah. Now that’s a lot going on tonight. We wish you the best of luck in the Chaos Lord showdown and hope your weekend is a great one.
“Or else!” Cysero says.
BATTLE ON and ON and ON and ON until you get those item drops!

March 23, 2011
Bucket Of Stuff
I Tried For 20 Minutes To Come Up With A Better Title
We have a LOT of stuff going on again, so I'm going to tell YOU guys about some of the things you might care about. Keep in mind that for everything we TELL you that we are working on there are abiut 5 other things that can't tell you about.
A Call For Moderators!
Want to be a mod? Want to spend hours a day not getting paid while helping your fellow players, catching cheaters, hackers, scammers and muting people who use abusive language?
If you answered YES to either of these questions, then you should probably check yourself into the nearest psychiatric hospital as soon as you can, but I also have exciting news for you.
Reens and Stratos (the Lead Moderator and her Moderater Majordomo) are looking for new mods for AQWorlds (and HeroSmash), and now is your chance to apply! One thing Reens needs to stress - you MUST be over 18 year old. If you are under 18, if you don't include your age, or if you start with "I'm not 18 yet, but..." the application will not be considered.
What they need you to included in your email is:
1. Your real name, age, and country of residence.
2. AQW Game account name and email address
3. Master Account name and email address
4. Forum account name and email address if one is entered. (not required to have one)
5. Languages you speak/read
6. C.V. (Resume) *please note we'd like the CV in English.
Please send your COMPLETE application to [email protected] . If the application is not complete, they toss it out. And please - one application per person.
Reens and Stratos will read all the applications. If you are chosen to go through a further interview, they will contact you. Unfortunately, they cannot reply to everyone. If you do not hear from us, sorry.
The Next Limited Quantity Shop
Announcing the NEXT Limited Quantity Shop featuring Dage's Prometheus Set!
The next LQS opens at 1:00 PM EST (GMT -4 now thanks to Daylight Savings Time) on April 1st (As much as I love messing with people, this is not an April Fools Joke). The Shop Will Include 5000 of the Prometheus Armor, 5000 of the Prometheus Helm, 5000 of the Prometheus Back Item, 5000 of the Prometheus Sword (shown above). Each of the items listed above will cost AdventureCoins. It will also include a few extra items of various prices and quantities (some AC some not) and the rest of the unsold Scythes from the last LQS.
There will be a female version of the armor. It is NOT color custom. Prices will be higher than Quibble's (as one would expect from a Black Market vendor) but may or may not be announced ahead of time.
You may be asking yourself why we're opening the shop at 1:00 PM when a lot of you are still in school or work or doing something else. I told you that I would roll a random time EACH TIME we opened the LQS to give everyone a fair shot of being first to get the items.
I rolled my dice and the dice do not lie.
I rolled a 13 on my beloved D20. That means 13:00 hours or 1:00 EST. If I rolled a 20 (CRIT) I would roll my D4, if I get a 4, we stick with 20:00 hours. If i get a 1-3 it means I roll again and add the D4 to the D20 for 21:00 - 00:00 (that's 24) hours.
I could have just written a random number generator to pick the hour but dice are more fun. There is a reason I wanted to be the Luck enhancement vendor.
with 5000 rather pricey AC items they will probably last more than 24 hours, but if they do not... maybe next time I will randomly roll the perfect for YOU!
Quibble Is Staying
For another week after this Friday. Little guy has to rest his feet.
HeroSmash Alpha Phase 3 TONIGHT!
If you haven't been following Artix's Play-By-Play on over at HeroSmash, tonight we open our newest game to anyone who has EVER upgraded in any of our games (even EXPIRED AQw upgrades), Anyone who has ever purcahsed AdventureCoins (AExtras are not purchases), anyone who has ever purchased Battleon Points for their Master Account, or anyone who has ever purchased Varium for EpicDuel.
You will also that account attached to your Master Account.
If you meet these requirements then you WILL be able to play HeroSmash Alpha Phase 3 starting tonight at 6:30 EST and experience level 10, try out the new mix-n-match powers system that lets you pick and equip your own powers to customize your hero (or villain's) abilities!
Come log in and help us try and smash our HeroSmash servers!
Sandsea Finale Coming Friday!
After thousands of years, Tibicenas the Chaos Djinn is FREE and seeking revenge for his millenia spent as an outcast.
Follow Zhoom to the Djinn World, Pit your friendly Djinn, Saahir against Tibicenas to save The Efreet... and all of Lore from the insane corruption of Chaos.
There will be FOUR new armors in this release including a Chaos Lord Tibicenas Armor and Zhoom's Sandsea Ranger outfit! Remember that if you haven't completed all of the Sandsea Quests then you WON'T BE ABLE TO BATTLE THE CHAOS LORD!
See ya then! :)